A government run breeding program to restore falling male population caused by consuming soy foods

#Abuse #Pregnancy #Rape #Virgin 3 hours ago

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By Britney 98% of all American males are sterile from consuming soy based foods, the government introduced hybrid breeding bulls to breed females to repopulate.

Ever since the introduction of all soy food products and genetically engineered foods, the population of the United States has been decimated and because of that 98% all the males are now sterile and weak from no muscle growth or sperm production brought on by the soy products. the 1% hybrids are created by biological engineering techniques. The new alpha/ hybrid male is strictly used for breeding purposes only, and they are very dangerous and aggressive. My name is Britney and I’m the head doctor for reproduction team and the implication of this new Government program. here is my daily routine of bringing fertile women to be bred by these breeding bulls to bring back the population, so the human race doesn’t go extinct.

I am wearing a dark blue knee length business skirt with a white blouse and suntan pantyhose with 3-inch heel pumps and my white doctor’s coat over myself and I’m with one of my breeding girls getting her ready to be bred.

I adjusted the restraining straps over Courtney while the 35 year old mother of five is beneath me spread out whimpering and crying. She was fully naked except the pair of dark black thigh high stay-up stockings that she is wearing to keep her legs warm,. She was so petrified she didn’t move, and she knew the law. Then I whispered, “Hush ! Little dove ! I don’t want you to move while he’s in a frenzy ! It will only end with you being ripped apart by him ! I’ll be with you just before he’s brought in honey and You can call me Doctor Britney”!! Immediately Courtney cried out to me, “Please Doctor Britney !! Can I have a hug”??? “Of course you can my little dove”!!! I comforted Courtey the best that I could knowing what’s going to happen to her.

I try to comfort them all and when I was having small talk with her, she told me her name is Courtney, and I knew this would be a very painful and scary experience for her, but it was necessary. With the human race dwindling and as the birth rates fell it had been found that only a few numbers of males were able to reproduce.

The males that could impregnate had taken on a different form because of the biological engineering process, they became larger and rougher almost feral. They had been simply named “bulls”. A side affect of the biological engineering process I suppose.

A federal law had been passed that all females 16 to 35 years old would be mated every two years to ensure the continuation of the human race. These women will be mated multiple times in their breeding year until they become pregnant.

The women that got pregnant would be well taken care of within the government system, and could choose at the end to raise the child up themselves or place it within the communal nursery.

The birth rates had risen but there were often protests about the forced breeding program, usually from those who hadn’t quickly fallen pregnant and had been brought to the breeding room again and again in their two-week ovulation window.

Those women were often barely able to walk, their pussies were bright red, bruised and swollen. If a woman got to nine months without getting pregnant my medical reproducing assistants would start bringing her four times a day to be bred by different breeding bulls regardless of their race.

My 3-inch heel pumps clacked on the white tile floor as I moved Courtney’s black nylon clad legs and pushed them up to her chest and out into the leg stirrups and locking and securing them into place on the breeding chair. It was Courtney’s first time in the breeding chair, and she was shaking and trembling in fear.

The lips of her pussy were slightly spread apart and the pink, red coloring peaked through. Her strong scent of her re-ovulation fluid drifted towards me. It’s strange, ever since I’ve been working in the breeding center, I was now able to smell when women are approaching their ovulation period.

I retrieved a razor and lathered Courtney’s pussy up with soap, I then slid the blade along her pussy lips and asshole, leaving a nice clean smooth bare skin. This will help the male to enter into her, and it will also help us to more easily view if the mating process had been successful. I wiped the lather and hair away with a towel parting her pussy lips and exposing her soft and freshly naked pussy to the cool air.

“Please stop”? Courtney whispered to me.

I took a speculum and I spread her pussy lips apart again placing the cold metal instrument at her entrance. She shuddered as I slid it into her, opening it wide and working the screw so that it remained open allowing me an unobstructive view of her cervix.

Some women tried to block their cervix with homemade birth control in the hope that we wouldn’t check. But I always checked my little doves like Courtney. I took a thin metal rod and placed it at the entrance of her cervix and pushed it inside making sure there was nothing blocking what I was unable to see.

Courtney shuddered again and yelped out as it slid into her, I kept it in for a moment and watched it move as she yelped in pain, I slid it out again.

“Good girl my little dove !! I’m glad you haven’t tried anything foolish”!! I told her.

I looked up and saw tears streaming down her face as she sadly nodded.

“It will be okay little dove !! About 15 minutes and it’s done ! plus we’re here to help if he gets out of hand”!!

I slowly withdrew the speculum watching as her lips slid back around her pink flesh, I selected a metal anal plug from the tray and added lube to it. I placed the pointed end on Courtney’s asshole and firmly pushed it in, she let out a shriek as it popped inside her ass, while the base is sitting snugly against her ass cheeks. I can see Courtney clenching and unclenching her Sphincter, trying to adjust to the intrusion.

“That’s just for a precaution little dove ! to stop him from going into the wrong hole ! You wouldn’t want him fucking you like crazy there, he would fucking hurt you there and we would still have to mate you properly with him again !! now would you like me to stimulate you, or would you like to just get on with this”?

“S….stimulate me Doctor Britney”? Courtney whispered With her brown eyes wide open with fear.

“Yes honey ! I have to touch you ! It helps to prepare you for the mating, you don’t have to, but it may help loosen you up and make it less painful”!!

Courtney nodded quickly once so I placed my hand over her pussy warming it with in my palm. It was so soft from the recent shave, I slowly began to move my fingers in a circle and pressing it lightly warming her and watching her lips move under my touch. I saw her legs relax a little and slowly rubbing her closed lips over the spot her pussy was hiding. I stayed for a moment finger fucking her really good, and she started to moan louder as her hips were trying to move up to meet my hand. She was fully engorged now with a bright pink slick wetness coming out of her pussy.

I slipped my thumb into her entrance stretching her while I used my other hand to stimulate her pussy.

Courtney (my little dove) was now open and ready for breeding. I pressed one of the hidden buttons on my console, and it let the bull handlers know to be prepared to bring out the bull. There was a second button on the table which could open the bull’s door, but it was rarely used mostly the handlers stayed in the observation room while the bulls were in.

“I’ll be back in a minute little dove”!! I said as my fingers were still teasing and playing with her pussy.

Courtney moaned out in agreement as I walked swiftly with my 3-inch heel pumps clicking to a hidden door and secured myself inside the observation chamber so the bull wouldn’t smell my scent.

As a female I was unable to be in the same room because the bull will attack and mount and breed me, I clicked the next button located in the observation chamber and a door slid open on the opposite side of the exam room.

The human breeding bull stood in the doorway, physically intimidating with a fully erected and very thick and large 12-inch cock, he has broad shoulders and well-muscled, it was hard not to wonder what it might feel like to be penetrated by him. He sniffed deeply and quickly and found the scent of the ovulating Courtney strapped and presented in the breeding chair like a gift.

He quickly ran towards her growling and screaming as his 12-inch cock is swinging and swaying at each step he takes. Courtney’s head snapped up in complete fear, he was very fast, and she couldn’t get out a word before he was standing between her legs.

His 12-inch erect cock is positioned at her pussy entrance, I switched to the observation cameras, they were positioned so that the handler can see the mating process happening, a close up view from just behind the bull and the t.v. screen is full of pussy and large cock.

The only thing on his mind was breeding and impregnating Courtney with his sperm and ensuring his bloodline. With a firm deep thrust he plunged into Courtney with his overly large thick cock burying it deep inside her. And boy did I hear her scream out in pain, “AAAAARRRRGGG !!!!! AAAAAARRRRG”!!!!!

I could see her pussy being stretched out, almost beyond what she could handle. The screen showed him deep inside her, her pussy is now widely spread wide, and her pussy lips were tight around his thick cock shaft as the human breeding male was hunched over Courtney, thrusting relentlessly into her pussy.

With each thrust I can see her shudder, her arms and legs straining against the straps trying to protect herself fruitlessly from his breeding attack. On the screen her pussy lips tightly dragged on his cock each time he pulled out of her and relentlessly thrusted it back into her.

He bit into Courney’s neck like wild male dogs do to their bitches when they are in heat to show their dominance and make the female bitch submit, as he held Courtney down with his weight and teeth as he plunged his stiff cock into her.

Each thrust stretched her hole wider, coming really close to ripping and tearing her, as she cried out in overwhelming pain and intrusion, “Ohhhhharrrgh !!!!!!! OhhhhhUuugghhhaarrr !!!! Ohhhh !!! My Godd !!! Help Me”!!!!!!! were

Her pussy is dripping creamy white gruel as her body was responded to the vicious onslaught and it attempted to reduce the friction and bruising that was happening to her. The human bull’s pace picked up with the increased scent of Courtney’s pheromones in the air. He stood up and as he’s towering over her, he grabbed onto her hips for more leverage, I could see that he was desperate to inseminate her. I could see he was close to ejaculating as sweat streamed from his toned tight muscles, each time he rammed into her pussy her tummy bulged out and she cried out in pain.

Courtney’s pussy became very swollen as she began rocking her hips up to meet his, while small moans escaped her lips, “Ohhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh”!!!!!!!!!!!!

I smirked to myself as I’m watching her ability to enjoy any of this. His balls were slapping against her ass with each thrust, the base of his cock was buried firmly into her. He finally managed to fit his entire 12-inch cock into her. He bottomed out into her cervix, it was agony for her, but it was the sweetest feeling for him. The sounds of his balls slapping on her ass cheeks echoed out in the sterile room mixed with her cries of pain, “Ohh !! god nooo !!! Uunngh !!! Aaaarggh !!!! Ohh !! godd !! helpp !! me”!!!!

As each thrust sent sharp spasms of agony through her cervix, he rammed into her again, holding himself deep inside her and growled, “Grrrrrrrrrrrraaaalll”!!!!!!!!!!!

His cock was burrowed deep into her, from the bulge of her tummy the head of his cock was clearly nestled in at the entrance of her cervix. I could even see at this distance his balls and throbbing cock are pumping sperm into Courtney.

When I checked the camera the throbbing and pulsation of his balls dumping spurts of hot white thick sperm inside her was even more evident. He slightly pulled out and rammed into her again while grunting and hunkering over her while biting down on her neck.

He would not release his Courtney for anything at this stage of the mating and breeding process, with one last thrust his balls pulsated and the last of his semen left his body and forced its way into her. His cock filled Courtney so completely tight that not one drop dribbled out.

He collapsed on top of her, all sweaty and spent but the handlers would need to move quickly he would pause for only a brief period before beginning to mate again and Courtney was unlikely to survive a second time.

She collapsed beneath him, her eyes are closed, and her breathing was short and ragged. The handlers ran in and pulled him off Courtney and hustled him back into the breeding bull quarters, they reattached the chains, one set around his wrists and the other clamped around his balls to make sure he complied while he’s being transported.

His semi-hard cock glistened with Courtney’s juices and his sperm, but it was still big enough to swing between his legs when he walked away. As soon as the door closed, I ran into the room grabbing a small silicone cup as I went in. I got in between Courtney’s legs and I put the cup at the entrance of her pussy to gather the sperm that had already leaked out. I pushed it fully into her, the bull had stretched her so wide she barely knew my forearm slid inside her.

I positioned the cup to ensure as much sperm was kept nestled in at her cervix as possible. Her pussy was so swollen, red and tender from the brutal intense pounding she received from the bull.

I slowly removed my arm, slick with the bull’s sperm and Courtney’s juices and I began cleaning myself and her up, I saw her pussy gaped open from the stretching and continues orgasms. I pulled the warm anal plug from her and watched her asshole puckered back to itself. I saw the aftermath of her orgasm working through her and watched as her asshole and pussy occasionally spasmed.

I grabbed a warm wet cloth and wiped down her pussy lips and her pussy, I called for another handler to bring her back to her room and gave strict instructions that Courtney was not to be left alone and not to remove the cup that’s still nestled in at her cervix. The handler nodded and helped Courtney stand up and wrapping a warm blanket around her bruised naked body. She could barely walk as her legs shook and with each step she took her bruised pussy was in agony.

Courtney would be on complete bedrest until her pussy heals up from the extreme and brutal breeding fuck that she received from the human bull.

I placed the tools that I had used on the cleaning tray and set it to the side, and I began to prepare the space for the next breeding pair of women. As I set the new tray down on the console, the speculum tool slid from the tray and crashed against the door button for the breeding bull’s door.

“OH GOD !!!!!! NOO”!!!!!!!!!!! I shrieked out. I quickly ran to the door, but I was too late, the door was opening, and a new male breeding bull was already waiting. I tried to run for the observation room, but I knew I wasn’t fast enough running in my 3-inch heels.

I felt a hand grab onto my ponytail at the back of my head and yanked me down to the floor. The side of my face was pressed hard against the cold sterile floor, and I can feel a bruise starting to form from the blunt force.

The male bull growled at me because I wasn’t naked or prepared for him. My pussy was covered by my dark blue skirt and suntan pantyhose and my white lace panty’s, and this enraged him.

He was ready to mate with me, but my skirt and pantyhose was in his way, I felt his hands trying to remove my skirt as I’m screaming and struggling to keep my skirt on and trying to escape his clutches, I felt him put his face in between my pantyhose encased legs underneath my skirt and heard him sniffing my nylon covered pussy.

He loudly snarled out and bit down on my pantyhose covered pussy lips, I screamed out in agony,
“Owwwaarrghh”!!!!!!!! As he was trying to tear the nylon fabric of my pantyhose with his teeth, but he had caught the flesh of my pussy lips on doing so. He pulled away and I could feel the seams of my panty’s, and pantyhose had begun to rip and tear, he pushed his fingers between the rip in both seams of my panty’s, and pantyhose and with one hard tug, he completely tore off my white lace panty’s and tore a large hole in my pantyhose as I yelped out, “Ohhhhhhhhhhh”!!!!!!!!!!!!

I could now feel the cold air on my exposed pussy and ass, the bull repositioned himself while still holding me, so my face was pressed to the cold sterile floor and my ass was presented to him up in the air.

I can feel his dick lightly touch the cheeks of my ass and my pussy lips, I braced for him to enter my pussy, there was nothing that I could do to stop this as he ripped my skirt. I was just a female with a pussy for him to fuck and impregnate that’s all.

The bull had the tip of his dick positioned at my asshole and I had no butt plug in, and this bull was going to fuck my ass, I tried to move and reposition myself, but it was too late. He was pressing his dick into my unprepared ass, I screamed, “Owwwaarrghh !!!! Uunngh !!!! Ohh !!! godd !!!! noo”!!!!!!!
as he entered into me. Excruciating pains spasmed inside my ass as his cock stretched my asshole and violated me.

I could feel myself being ripped and torn and he hasn’t even begun fully mating me yet. If he continued fucking my ass raw, he will kill me, I needed to stop him, but as my hands grappled helplessly against his muscled arms he held me by my hips fucking and ramming his big, hard dick into my ass.

I braced myself as he began to pull out, Quickly I let my pantyhose covered ass drop down in the opposite direction, finally dislodging his dick out of my ass. I can feel the raw stinging pain as my widely gaped asshole closed, he wasn’t happy at all that I dislodged his dick out of my ass, as I heard him growling at me. He grabbed onto my nylon covered ass and bit down onto my shoulder so that I would not move again. I knew I had one chance to get his dick into my pussy instead of my ass so I angled myself the best that I could, feeling my pussy spread open as I tilted my asshole away from him.

This time his dick rested against my pussy, as I breathed a sigh of relief while I felt the tip of his cock press into my pussy, The feeling was short lived though, I had made him mad at me and he thought I was going to resist him. So, he wasn’t going to be gentle with me.

My shoulder throbbed in pain where his teeth bit into my skin and increased his biting pressure as he thrusted his cock into me, it was thick very thick, and I could feel myself being stretch way too far. My pussy resisted as I could feel the skin between my pussy and ass being agonizingly stretched as I whimpered in pain.

“Ohhhhhhhhh !!!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhh”!!!!!!!!! tears ran down my face as he kept thrusting his dick inch by inch into my pussy, and he wasn’t stopping. How fucking big is this bull’s cock ?

I can feel it pressing hard against my cervix, I felt shooting pains spasmed deep inside me as my body tried to protect itself. Finally, I felt his balls pressing hard against my pantyhose encased ass, fucking and ramming my pussy hard as I’m whimpering out, “Ohhhhh !!!!!! Ohhhhhhh !!!!!!! Ohhhhhh”!!!!!

The fullness was both painful and satisfying while he pulled back and thrusted into me again, the head of his stiff cock is ramming non-stop against my cervix, I could no longer stop myself as I cried out at each thrust his dick speared my pussy with, “OH GOD !! OH GOD !! OH GOD !! OH MY GOD”!!!!!!!

I felt the bull’s hands gripping into my pantyhose covered ass cheeks and roughly pulling my nipples beneath my torn white blouse as he plunged again and again while I could feel my pussy being stretched wide as his balls are slapping against my pussy.

My pussy was becoming slick with my juices and the pain began to ease up a little while I’m overtaken by a warm tingling need.


I heard someone cry out behind me, “QUICK !! HELP ME !! HELP ME GET HER OUT OF HERE”!!!! someone said.

I can see the handler’s feet as they tried to remove the breeding bull from on top of me, but I knew it was too late, he had entered the second stage of a breeding frenzy with me and will protect and die for me before ever releasing me at this point.

So, the handlers won’t take him off me, the breeding bull was much more precious as a breeding male to them than I was. I felt his hand wrap around my throat and felt his weight hunch protectively over me.

“I’m so sorry !! We’re going to have to let him finish breeding you Doctor Britney”!!!! A voice said .

I let out a whimper, “Ohhhhhhhh !!!!! God no”!!!!!!!!!!

I hoped they couldn’t tell how aroused I was being mated and bred by this alpha breeding bull.

The breeding bull thrusted deeply into my pussy, as I felt the head of his dick ram against my cervix, I suddenly felt a forceful jet of hot, thick white, creamy sperm shoot deep into my uterus as I felt his dick throb while another huge spurt flooded my womb.

I couldn’t stop myself from orgasming, my pussy spasmed and tightly constricted around the bull’s thick 12-inch cock. Then I orgasmed and came all over his cock squealing out,

“Oh God !! Oh God !! Oh God !! Oh God Yes !!! Yes !! Yes !!! Yess”!!!!!!!

My pussy throbbed around his big thick cock as he collapsed on top of me, I was unable to hold his weight as I slid on my 3-inch heels to the floor, I felt my entire body aching with sharp spasms of pain coming from both my asshole and pussy. My pantyhose encased legs were twitching with pain.

I saw woman’s heels walk behind me with a couple of more handlers and felt her bend down and inspect the tight coupling of his large cock locked deep into my pussy, I felt her fingers inspecting around my pussy, where my pussy and his cock were tightly joined together.

While I was crying, I felt his swollen cock becoming loose and slipped out of me, my pussy lips were gaped and spread wide apart, confirming that he had fully bred and ejaculated into my pussy.

“A successful breeding”!!!! The government woman confirmed.

Four handlers pulled the big breeding bull off me as I lay still, unable and unwilling to move with no more energy or fight left in me.

“I’m so sorry Doctor Britney !! but we have to preserve the breeding fluids”!!!! The woman said to me.

I felt a cup being placed at the entrance of my ripped pantyhose and into my pussy, then I felt my pussy lips being moved aside. While she had the cup in her hand and pushed it all the way up to my cervix, I felt the bull’s hot semen being captured into the cup. After she was done with me one of the men handlers picked me up with my arms wrapped around his neck and with my 3-inch heels dangling off my feet as I put my face under his neck, and he carried me to the recovery room where Courtney is.

I was totally humiliated, being raped and bred in front of the medical staff like that, as tears slid down my face, knowing that my accidental breeding by a breeding bull was totally my fault, and yet me being pregnant will help increase the population of the United States. Five weeks later I have to stay in this government breeding facility with Courtney until both our babies are born, and we just found out that the both of us are pregnant with twins.


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By Britney #Abuse #Pregnancy #Rape #Virgin