Amish fruit stand delights

#PreTeen #Virgin 4 seconds ago

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By popcorn’s boss The market was a family run business … staffed by mostly the three young daughters of the family … and not all of them followed the rules

behind the fruit stand

I had been stopping at a little Amish food stand for years and had become friends with the family that ran it over the years. Dad and the older boys were always away doing construction … that left the women to run the market… mom and her four girls… The girls ran in age from 13 to 10 years old

Lately the mother had been gone and just the girls were at the stand when I would stop…. There was something appealing about their simply beauty …. no make up … clean smiling faces greeting everyone in a friendly manner. If you were a regular they learned you name and would greet you by it …. I in turn learned theirs … the oldest Beth at just over 5 feet tall hid a budding youthful body under her plain dress, the 12 year old was Jennifer and following her sister in her natural beauty and grace … at 11 Esther was always trying to be the rebel… while she wore the traditional plain Amish dress she would try to lighten it up with colored ribbons , when mom or dad were not around. Where the other girls always had their hair up in buns under their white bonnets If Esther were alone at the stand she would discard her bonnet and tie her hair to the side with a bright ribbon … she would try to make her dress less plain too, or at least what lay under it. She would unpin a few buttons and turn the collar under to allow her neck and part of her pail chest exposed … never too much but enough to show that she was beginning to develop a little cleavage.

Her slender figure even draped in a plain dress showed a developing figure … widening hips .. they call them child bearing hips .. down to her cute bare feet.

And 10 year old Anna … she was a mixture of the other two … full of energy yet held in check by her Amish upbringing… she did were her bonnet but as much as she ran around it was always off her head and her long shiny brown hair flowed down her back … she was a happy gigglier … at least when I was around. She wasn’t the rebel like Ester but as busy as she was her dress was always opened at the collar … her pale skin shined .. but as soon as she realized she was being watched she would cover up. She showed very little development in her figure .. no breasts showing under her cloths … but when she ran she hiked her skirt a little and showed her slim muscular legs.

All three girls were always happy to see me and always wanted to talk about my life and the car, a cherry red convertible, I drove. … one day when she worked alone Esther even asked to sit in my car. After that day she would always ask if I would give her a ride sometime. She was a cute kid and I would always say yes, when her father said it was OK that always made her pout as she knew that would never happen. One particular day she began flirting more than usual … leaning over her produce counter , holding melons up in front of her chest ..”How about these .. are they big enough” she said then giggled and put them down … before i left that day her older sister came and took over the market … Ester left and began walking home…

When I left I turned and drove in the direction I saw her walk off … a short way down the road I saw her along side the road … I slowed along side her … “How far is your home?” I asked her … “Oh, it’s back the other way … I’m headed over to the school house to clean… it’s just a couple miles” “Would you like a lift?” I offered … She looked both directions down the road … “Really … yes!” she hopped in and we took off … “Turn left up ahead ..” she directed … “I want to go the long way and feel the wind in my hair” so we did … I picked up speed and she let her hair free and it blew behind her … she was excited and held her hands above her in the wind … this had the effect of pulling her dress up her legs … and she enjoyed the feeling of the wind … her top pins pulled loose in the breeze and now I was shown even more of her lovely chest … and surprisingly I saw a bright red lace bra

She caught me looking and smiled … “You like?” “I thought you ..ah .. wore plain” she laughed even more … “That is only for other people … you’d be surprised at what some of the older women wear for their husbands” “Oh, just for their husbands?” I asked “Well yes, silly but …” she slyly moved to open her top more and I enjoyed the look of a preteen Amish girls breasts … “Plus” and she pulled her skirt higher ” the bottoms match the top” and her dress lifted to her waste and I was treated to a view of her lace thong covering her young pussy. I almost lost control of the car looking at her …

She laughed and dropped her skirt and closed her top … “See the next drive by the creek…. turn off there” on auto pilot I followed her directions and brought us to a secluded grove by the stream … “follow me” as we stopped she hopped out and headed to the stream … Just where was this going I wondered … a preteen girl teasing a 30 something Englisher as they called the non Amish people … I intended to find out

At the stream she found a swing and was swinging as I came up behind her … “Push me” and I grabbed the swing and lightly pushed … after a couple swings I moved and grabbed her hips as I pushed …. at first she got quite and stiffened but soon relaxed … “Tom” she asked … “Do you have a wife” “No I’ve never found the right person”

“Oh, okay” she said and then she stopped the swing and went a sat along the stream …. I sat next to her “I know you English are different in many ways… have you been with a woman yet?” “Kind of personal question for someone so young” I looked her over … this could be interesting … “Yes, but have you? the young men of our community usually do during their rumspringer and their much younger” she kept probing … so I probed back … “Just the young men?” …. “Well the girls usually do not do it all but they learn other ways to please … sometimes we talk about it when there are no men around”

“Oh, so you know these things too … your kinda young aren’t you?” “I’ll be marrying when I am 15 … that’s only two years. And all I know is what the older women talk about …. but I’d never had any experience yet … but I want to” as she said this she turned and looked up at me with a smile. I studied her closely, she didn’t seem to be flinching in her comments … of show any fear as we sat close. Her eyes were deep blue and her lovely face framed by her shiny brown hair that cascaded down her shoulders and back… her cheeks and lips were flushed … her dress was still open at her collar and she still showed her red lace bra that held what promised to be a lovely hand full if available and I intended to see if they were…

I continued to look her in her eyes as I leaned in and gave her a kiss. She didn’t pull away but her eyes got big in suprise…. the next kiss she closed her eyes and gave a slight moan as I brought a hand up to hold her cheek while my lips lingered longer against hers. As I pulled back the preteen looked up to me with soft eyes .. “Are we going to … you know … are we going to … do it?”

“Esther, … your only 11 … I am willing to do what you want but the choice is yours … you know that no one can know what we do and that what you are thinking about doing is something special. I am friends with your family and I care for each of you girls but not in that way” “Oh, so you don’t want to .. ” she sounded dejected … “Oh, dear I really do want to DO IT but be sure that you want to… once we do this there is no going back to being a virgin”

“Tom, I do not want to do that, but I want to try other things … the women talk about being with a man in their backside and mouth and still be a pure virgin for the community…. do you know these things?” almost too eager I responded.. “Yes, I know these things and would enjoy to share them with you …. but … tell me do you need to be anywhere soon?” she had forgotten she was to meet others at their school … in surprise she realized she had to go soon or be caught … dejected again she said .. “yes, I must meet others.. could we do things at another time …. “

We discussed another meeting as we walked back to my car … when she began to put herself back to proper dress I stopped her … “Wait please” and I put my hands on her slim hips and leaned down for another kiss and while kissing her I slid my hands to her small butt and caressed her firm tiny ass. Releasing her lips I moved down and planed a kiss on her neck and down further and kissed her between her breasts … then a peck on her nose … “Now you may dress” she was very flushed and had to steady herself against the car as she almost swooned I saw her press her hands down and against her crotch

“I will be alone at the market tomorrow from 8 to 1 … please stop by” she begged “I will” I drove her to near her school and as she left she came around and kissed me again then ran bare foot down the road. At this point I knew I should not follow up on our meeting but since our first kiss my dick knew just what I was going to do to this curious little girl.

Early the next day I pulled in to the market at 8:15 … no other customers were there .. as I walked in the little bell on the door rang to let them know someone had entered … I saw Esther come from the back room … when she saw me her eyes lit up and she quickly moved to me and past me to the door … I watched as she locked the door and put a sign up saying she would return in 30 minutes… as she came back to me she took my hand and let me to the back room. “I talked to Mary last night and she told me of something she learned from the English … she’s married to the Bishop now and can’t do it any more … but she told me to have fun” she no sooner shut the storeroom door then she turned to me … then without hesitating began to fiddle with my pants … “AH, wait … who’s Mary and why did you tell her about us?” “Mary is my older married sister … we talk about everything … but don’t worry she thinks I an interested in Jacob from the next farm” I held her hands still “Come on we will not have much time … I want to try this .. show me your thing .. your penis” I let go of her hands and she resumed trying to open my pants … zippers, snaps and buttons were not on their cloths so she was fumbling until I helped her. As soon as my pants were open they fell to my feet and she hesitated before putting her hands on my boxers ….

“All right, this is it … go ahead” I told her she took a deep breath then pulled my boxers down and slid to her knees as she did. My dick throbbed and bounced in front of her face … So, I in the back room of the family fruit market , my pants around my ankle my dick bobbing in the face of a 10 year old Amish girl dressed in her bonnet, plain cloths, bare feet … and I doubt I could have been harder.

“Wow, it’s bigger than I thought it would be” but she didn’t hesitate as she wrapped her small hands around my dick … she grasped my shaft tight … too tight and tried to stroke her hands quickly … I put my hand on top of hers and stopped her … “First … don’t hold it so tight … allow it to slide in your hands… that stuff dripping from it … use it to make it slide easier” “Is this the stuff that makes babies?” she held one hand up sticky with my precum… holding it in front of her eyes. Then slowly tasted it … “mmm, not bad … let’s see”

For a 10 year old seeing a dick for the first time Esther didn’t hesitate as she leaned forward and ran her tongue around the crown of my dick then opening her tiny mouth she pushed her way onto my dick … and she pushed until she gagged and pulled off … coughing she still did not let go of my dick and when she got her breath she again started to put my dick back into her mouth…. I put my hands on her head and held her in place… “try not to go so deep right away … suck on the top .. lick it lick a lolipop.”

She pulled my dick out and looked up at me ..“Mary didn’t say how long I had to do this until the baby stuff came out…” putting a hand on her bonnet covered head I pushed her back down… “at this rate it will not be long … keep doing what you are doing…” she eagerly sucked my dick … what she couldn’t fit into her mouth she expertly stroked with her tiny hands … hard to believe she had never done this before … the thrill of what she was doing to me combined with the excitement of having a preteen Amish girl doing it in her bonnet and plain cloths … had me quickly reaching my peak …

I put my hand on both sides of her head and fucked her small face … “Esther … uh .. mmm … I’m … gonna .. cum .. soon ..” she didn’t understand what was about to happen or didn’t care as she kept her lips sealed around me … “I’m gonna … shoot ..” I tried to pull away but her hands moved to hold my ass … as she grabbed me she pulled me tight … and I felt my ball clinch up and begin pushing my cum out into the mouth of the little Amish virgin …

She may have wanted me to cum in her mouth but she had no idea what to do from there … her mouth quickly filled and my cum came out around her lips … “Swallow … swallow ..” I pleaded with her She must have heard and understood as I felt her quickly begin working to swallow my cum … but I was filling her mouth faster than she was able to swallow and I saw more cum leak out and drip onto her dress. As my cum reduced to just drips she licked off what she could and sat back on her heels .. she wiped her mouth on the sleeve of her dress and got her breath … “Mary was right … that was fun … and tastes good … I know why it’s a sin now”

At that time we heard someone knocking on the front door of the market … we looked at each other .. I pulled up my pants and helped Esther stand up … her face and dress covered with cum … she was terrified … glancing around I grabbed a cloth and handed it to Esther … clean your self off .. your dress and face … is there a back way out?”

While cleaning up my mess she pointed to the back … “around that shelf ” I started to move that way … “wait” she called … she pulled me down and gave me a kiss … I could taste my cum on her lips … “will you be back?”
“I promise little one … I will be back” another quick kiss and I headed for the back door … as she moved to the front of the store. As I rounded the shelf I saw the back door … standing open

I saw no one inside and checked outside seeing the coast clear I made my way around to the front of the store … I paused at the side to see a couple customers going in then made my way to my car and left quickly. The next couple days I replayed that blow job over in my mind again and again … filling several tissues. There was no doubt that I was going to return and see just how far this little girl was willing to go …. although I kept wondering about that open back door…

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By popcorn’s boss #PreTeen #Virgin