Anna’s Saturday fun

#Exhibitionist #Teen #Zoophilia 3 hours ago

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By Knoxboy4u After a hot walk in the morning Anna gets an evening alone. Things get even hotter online than they had last time.

Howdy everyone, been a little bit but I wrote out another one. Its going to be a long one so strap yourself in and enjoy. Ladies if you want to chat i have session and kik. Add 92 to find my user on kik. My session is below the story, read your way to it :p

Saturday morning started with a knock on Anna’s door. Her mother cracked it open and peeked inside to see she was still asleep. The covers pushed down slightly to see her daughter in a tank top that shifted allowing a young budding breast to peak free. This was why she often roused Anna from slumber as her father felt it was time to give her privacy from male sight. She was starting to be a young woman after all and should remain pure, was what he said.

With a nudge Anna woke up, “sweetie time to get up. Your dad and I are going out, your aunt needs some help. Take Walter out for his walk while we are away and we should be back in an hour or so. Call us though and we can come back sooner if needed. “ Her mother kissed against her forehead as Anna muttered some affirmation slowly waking up with a stretch. The door was closed once more as her mother left and minutes later as she was sitting in bed scrolling through her phone, she heard the front door close as her parents left. As soon as the car started outside Anna was shedding the clothes she slept in and started to play with her clit. The prospect of being alone for the next hour was too tempting a thing not to use for masturbating.

It only took a moment for her pussy to respond. It quickly roused to the occasion, getting wet with just a few rubs of her clit. Starting with fingers she increased the pleasure sinking two down into the tight wet hole. The other hand groped blindly for her vibrator as she planned to mount, grind, and fuck it till her body grew sore. Pulling out her yellow friend she had just managed to thumb the power button and bring it to her body when a paw scratched against her door. It was time for walter’s walk and he knew it. Mom had mentioned it and often walked him throughout the day as she worked from home.

Trying to ignore the beast Anna sat on her toy letting it hum deep into her cunt, moaning a second scratch, then a third, and fourth. He would not let her walk later and was starting to whine at the door demanding to be let in and taken out towards the park. With a long groan Anna pulled the wet vibrator out and climbed out of bed to open the door. The frustration killing her mood she planned to just walk him and then come back for fun. Walter jumped up on her bed and started sniffing at the toy as she dug around for clothes. Settling aside a cute black skirt and light flowery blouse to go with it she turned around to see Walter licking her toy.

“No Walter! That’s mine. Bad dog!” Tucking it away she scolded him, thankfully he only licked it and didn’t chew her only sex toy up. She finished slipping into the blouse, adjusted the skirt and dug into her drawer for panties and socks. As she snagged a sock bundle her hand hesitated about panties. The horny part of her said she didn’t need them while the cautious side said it’s best to wear them. In the end horny won out like it often did as she closed the drawer. Sitting on her bed she slipped on socks and shoes, then got Walter ready for a walk and headed out the door with her phone and keys.

All set and ready she headed out into the warm morning air. The sun beaming down brightly from above, the sky cloudless and warm as a breeze rolled by. Blowing into her skirt the hot air licked her wet lips making her shiver. The sexual tension it created, the elation at being so naughty without anyone knowing, it was a sexual high she expected. Heart racing Walter trotted in front of her leading the way to the dog park down the street. The wind kept tugging at her skirt but it wasn’t strong enough to possibly blow it upward to flash any one. Instead it was like having fingers barely brush against her clit over and over again. Her pussy was drooling from the excitement and stimulation, her thighs catching the brunt of the continuous out pour. The wind licking against those same thighs helped dry any drool that dripped its way down so that it may become noticeable. By the time the pair reached the park she was so thoroughly turned on making plans to touch herself somewhere immediately.

As badly as she wanted to rub her clit she also didn’t want to get caught more. Remaining aware enough to look for a secluded spot, continuously day dreaming about two fingers deep inside her wet pussy. It probably wouldn’t take long to cum, already teetered on the edge from the exciting walk here. Approaching the fenced in area of the off leash zone Anna could feel the excitement pounding through her body. Heart racing faster with anticipation, her eyes scanned over the park making note of one couple taking their dog through the obstacle course. There was a trail that led deeper into the park that would allow her to be tucked in among the trees providing shade. Walter was trotting beside her tongue lolled out to one side. He wandered off the path to sniff and wizz on a tree at one point before coming back. Deeper among the trees was a bench set up as a good place to relax in the shade.

Anna sat on the shaded metal grate, its cool surface digging into bare flesh as her weight bared down. The hem of her skirt kept her hips and backside hidden from view as a hand snaked up the front. Wasting no time a middle finger plunged into her wet depths making her legs quiver in satisfied anticipation. A small orgasm already quaking the instant her fine digit bumped into her soft button, the pleasure nearly overwhelming. The tip of two fingers now sought out her special place, grinding themselves as she had one goal, to cum hard. She didn’t waste time teasing her clit, or building up anticipation, instead she full sent two fingers hard and deep into her cunt. They wiggled, wormed, and fucked her till eyes started to flutter. Leaning back the massive orgasm she wanted started to release itself. Pussy gushing juices through the grated metal bench it was almost as if she had sat there to pee for a moment. Unable to stand the touch of her fingers against her clit she pulled them away. Instead she relaxed on the bench, cumming for a solid minute as the sun broke through the canopy bathing her light.

The thin blouse turned a little transparent in the sun, hard nipples noticeable as they stood proud. The floral pattern hugged against the hard buds, the shape of her young breasts pressing into the shirt as she relaxed into the bench. She heard the rustling of leaves under the bench accompanied by the deep huffs of Walter sniffing into the ground. With the sexual high dwindling the feeling of her juices drying in the wind gave her a small chill. Standing up Walter happily padded out from under the bench. Clipping the leash on his harness she led him towards the exit. Planning to Walk him back home, his soft pants seemed satisfied with their adventure. As they returned from the trees to the main clearing there were now a couple more dogs all running about. Some were bigger than Walter, others about his small size.

One of the bigger dogs dashed up sniffing at Walter before his nose turned up towards Anna. Nostrils wildly flared out huff in her scent before ducking into her skirt and lapping a thick tongue on a wet thigh. While she didn’t mind the hound interacting with Walter this level of intrusion was too much. Anna pushed the dog back even though she normally wouldn’t consider touching a stranger’s dog without permission. An older gentleman called the dog away from her waving an apology as she tugged a leash getting Walter back towards home. Her cheeks flush from a mix of emotions from having the dog nearly lick her exposed clit. Its tongue lapped quickly and hard at her thighs getting closer to her precious area before she managed to push it away.

The dog’s actions were living rent free in Anna’s thoughts the rest of her way home. Things like would the dog have licked there? How would it have felt? Are dogs interested in pussy like men? Casting aside each question or idea as quickly as they appeared she didn’t want to go down what felt like such a forbidden path. After the walk they wouldn’t have an exorbitant amount of time before her parents arrived home. A lingering lust urged her to ride the secret toy calling from its pillowed prison. With the thick yellow body stuck to her desk chair as she mounted it. Bucking hips till a new orgasm racked her body from the groaning toy under her. After the second round of fun for the day she cleaned the toy and slipped on a pair of panties with minutes to spare before her parents returned home.

The rest of the afternoon passed with a bland blur of time spent with family or finishing school work due monday. Minutes after dinner Anna heard her mother’s phone ringing as it danced across the counter. She only heard part of the conversation as mother asked for more information walking out back to where her father was getting the grill put away. When they entered she saw father head towards their room. Mother sat besides Anna as she watched tv and checked her makeup using a compact from her purse left by the couch.

“Be a good girl tonight, we are going out and I’m not sure when we will be back. You’re old enough to not need a babysitter, call us if anything happens. Don’t invite over any boys, we won’t be out all night and heavens knows what your father would do if he caught you with a boy wrapped up in your arms.” With a smile her mother was satisfied with the way she looked and father came out changed from the smoky attire of working a charcoal grill. Without questioning what was happening Anna watched as they left to go to some last minute party, for the first time she was left alone for longer than a quick errand. Her parents could be gone till well after midnight and it was only 8pm. With her heart racing excited to have this night alone she thought about what to do. While the thought of a boy sneaking over and making out or more was certainly enticing it required having a boy that would sneak over. Being single with no one she was even talking with that idea was certainly a no go. Instead the thought of watching trashy tv her parents never approve of sounded much more like a plan of action she could do.

Humming a soft song Anna looked up the show, while it began she got up and threw a bag of popcorn in the microwave. As the first kernels started to pop Anna was stripping off her clothes. Letting out a soft satisfied sigh as she stood naked she hadn’t ever gone naked at home alone like this. Excited by the prospect of laying out on the couch with nothing on, eating popcorn and watching trashy tv. With a warm bowl of popcorn dusted with cheddar flavoring its heat nestled between her thighs Anna got comfortable on the couch. Walter greedily eyed the bowl, patiently sitting and waiting for a morsel of the buttery delight to be dropped for his own enjoyment. Knowing her own mother would spoil the dog with popcorn to no end a few pieces were dropped. Right hand butter soaked and caked with cheddar flavoring she used her left to scroll social media as a commercial aired. The feed popped a clip of some guy trolling people on random video chats reminding her of the fun she had not long ago. The wicked seed became firmly planted and slowly grew till she was across the house grabbing her laptop and earbuds.

Still naked she returned to the couch with her tech of deviant desires. It took a moment to set up the laptop, it was propped open on her left side. The camera built into the frame stared at her getting from the bottom of her ribs up to the hair cascading down over bare breasts. The long curly hair wasn’t a perfect cover for the small buds. She adjusted things till it was only showing, she was happy with that as her hair could be covering straps to a tank top. No one would know right away she was completely naked and that turned her on. She had grabbed the wireless web camera her parents got for when she was taking classes online. It had far better quality too so with it set up across from her on the coffee table it looked up towards her, breasts clearly naked, bowl blocking any view of her pussy. Shifting from growing arousal the warm bowl pressed into her private area as the right hand dove for a handful to dump into her mouth.

With wireless earbuds in, laptop on her left she started loading into a chat. The first few people all skipped her quickly or she skipped them. The sight of a fat and hairy man was a no go as it only made her think of her father. She was even matched with a group of girls that just said nah, as they skipped on by. She was starting to doubt whether this had been a good idea at all until a guy finally stuck around for longer than a second. He was cute in some ways, lounged back at a computer in a black cut off shirt. A band she couldn’t recognize printed on the beat up fabric a font nearly unreadable, his dark hair seemed to be straightened as his entire vibe was some kind of alt rocker or emo. Going with what the fates of random chats dealt she smiled.

“Hi! Nice to see someone stick around for longer than an instant. “ Her words flowed quickly before an awkward silence would start to form between them. She could only see from the waist up, left hand on his mouse right arm resting on the chair with the hand out of view below the desk. She couldn’t tell if the warmth she felt between her legs was from the popcorn or the desire growing deep inside her.

“I know right? I keep getting matched with guys and they bolt once they notice it isn’t a girl on the other end. Sounds and looks like you are relaxing in front of the tv though. End up with the house all to yourself and boredom brought you here?” He was mostly right with that guess, but the growing heat and intense desire to touch herself spoke of other reasons to be here. As he was speaking Anna was busy dropping a handful of popcorn into her mouth, several kernels bounced off her chin and sank down between her crotch and the bowl.

“Yup, Mom said not to have any guys over but if one isn’t physically here then I haven’t broken the rule right? What about you?” Her left hand shifted her hair, the brown curls tried to hide the hard pink buds but only worked to obscure more than completely hide. Her right hand sank down to fetch the dropped snack. Fingers brushed against her clit sending an unnoticeable shiver down one leg, toes curling. The buttery hand pushed the middle finger down into her warm slit, unable to resist the call for pleasure.

“Skirting the rule, I can dig it. How old are you anyway?” He leaned back both hands behind his head, she could see some muscle definition in his arms with the way he stretched. Middle finger rubbed slightly harder as a pang of lust shot through her. The heat and desire to push two digits into her young slit grew.

“14…” as soon as the word was out of her mouth he sat up and skipped away. Whatever he was looking for it certainly wasn’t her in the end. A disappointed sigh filled her mouth as she plucked the dropped popcorn from her crotch and tossed it to Walter. His tail wagging happily as his tongue snapped out like a frog’s lapping up the treat given. The lust was starting to cloud her judgment as a finger swapped over to the other camera. Without a second thought she quickly clicked the button to find another person. She had time to reach down and toss another round of placation to Walter and nibble on some herself before the site connected her for another round of potential fun.

“Oh hot damn! See! I told you there are hot girls here. “ The sounds of enthusiastic excitement filled her ears. Looking at her screen there were two boys each sitting in a computer chair shoulder to shoulder looking at what must have been a small screen given their need to hover closer. The boy to her left was the cuter of the two, shirtless with an athletic physique. His exuberant partner in crime was more average to heavy set if she had to describe him. Both no older than 18 if forced to give some sort of age by the looks of things.

“Hi! I take it you haven’t found many girls tonight?” Tilting her head back for another handful of popcorn that grew cold she didn’t notice her hair split around erect nipples. The pink buds peaking free of brown strands sent pure elation through the pair.

“Ah yo! Are you serious topless? No wait a moment… what’s behind that bowl girl? Come on lift it up and let us!” The two talked back and forth saying what the other thought, double takes at the screen as there was disbelief in what they saw. Anna, smiling, pussy getting soaked from the attention, lift the bowl for only a moment giving them a peak that would be missed from a blink. Right hand grabbing a scoop of popcorn some of which rained down into her crotch, this time it was a little intentional. Left hand fiddled with her hair exposing an entire breast for their enjoyment.

“Holy…” the left boy muttered at a loss for words at this point. “Dude… no panties. She is just sitting naked on the couch watching tv and eating popcorn. Fuck I wish I was at her house instead. “ Apparently the kid on the right went to stay at the left’s. Grinning she uncovered the other breast for the nest of hair letting them enjoy the full glory of her nude tits. The dark pink areolas marked with subtle hard bumps along with the hard tip begging for attention. The clean left hand rubbed against and groped the recently exposed breast.

“I’d rather have her over as well…” the left one muttered watching with complete enraptured attention. Anna just giggled, right hand sinking behind the bowl fingers touching herself gently, the cheesy middle finger of her right hand sliding down clit to hole. Pinching a single dropped piece between index and middle finger, her ring finger now rubbing her slit as it returned upward.

“So what should I call you two?” Anna’s question broke the stunned silence between the two boys. The one on the left had leaned back enough that she could notice a bulge had grown in his loose shorts. The tent not so subtly draped over his excitement. The right boy was still leaning forward drinking in how she looked as the retrieved kernel popped into her mouth. There were still several kernels to retrieve and she planned to grab each one slowly like the first.

“I’m Max.” The left one piped up first, “I’m Tommy… you should really move the bowl.” The right one blurted out, intently staring not wanting to miss a thing. Anna was smiling but didn’t move the bowl, Walter gave a soft growl begging for popcorn as she had been distracted. She tossed him a handful as he sat waiting between her legs. His fuzzy head just in frame under her knees.

“You’re both overdressed for something like that to happen. Though since Max is on the right path I moved my hair.“ Teasing she rocked the bowl back and forth. The two looked at each other silently for a moment. A hushed word and finally an agreement not to look at each other and only look at the girl. Max needed little encouragement and was quickly shoving down shorts, exposing his full excitement to her lustful gaze. Tommy was taking longer, his shirt stripped off first then draped over the armrest facing his friend. It was like that shirt would be the perfect wall between them before he stripped off his shorts. Tommy appeared to have the bigger of the two cocks as one hand gripped it and coaxed it into full attention. With their part of the deal done Anna sat forward pushing the bowl down to gentle rest on the floor. With a foot she pushed it down under the coffee table for Walter to pounce upon. Back pressed into the couch, right leg spread open, left outstretched her pussy now exposed to the pair. Right hand still had lingering traces of popcorn consumption as index and ring finger opened her pale lips to reveal glistening pink desire. The soft orange hue of the cheese dust clung to fingers and damp slit.

“Better boys?” The words snapped them from the staring stupor as they watched her middle finger still swirl against her clit. A nod from Tommy was all he could muster as a response.

“I would love a closer look, any chance you can move the camera?” A soft moan crept past her lips as her clit sent a shiver of pleasure up her back. Nodding, she drew her right hand up to her lips, kneeling down in front of the camera she let the watch as middle and ring finger dove to the back of her throat with no reaction. Her body didn’t gag on the salty appendages while lapping the last crumbs of flavoring from their tips. The two boys loved the show even if she wasn’t looking at the laptop screen now. Their eyes watching softly stroking hard cocks, dreams of her running through their hearts.

“Damn… have you been practicing that?” Tommy spoke up the thought shared by both, “if so how?” Max added curiosity urging for answers. Sitting back on her heels knelt down before the couch Anna grabbed her laptop and set it on the table in front of her. Walter was still snout deep, licking the bowl clean, the popcorn completely devoured.

“I have been practicing, and I have my ways. Ones that would allow me to swallow either of your cocks. If the two of you would like one could use my lips and the other could grab my hips. Make the night double the fun.“ The small fingers of her left hand ran over her upper lip as the right hand rubbed against her clit sitting up high enough for her entire body to be in view. She was channeling her best porn star impression however clumsy the movements may have looked compared to a professional these boys were loving the performance. Left hand glided down to grope at her breast while the right spread and rubbed at her southern lips.

“You would have a threesome with us?” Tommy’s shocked expression mixed with the glee filled tone of his voice made Anna bite her lip in order to stifle an urge to giggle. She playfully nodded while taking a moment to sit back on her heels, grabbing her water to take a sip.

“oh wow… Where are you from? Maybe we could make it a reality. You should add me.” Max leaned forward and typed something into the text chat. It was his snap information, Anna had only recently gotten an account after much begging to her parents for approval. Her phone was behind her on the couch but she wasn’t concerned with that at the moment. Tommy threw his information in quickly after not wanting to be left out of any possible fun.

“Mmm I don’t want to say, however if you tell me where you are from I’ll let you know if we are possibly close together. “ Smiling, she set the drink cup in front of her on the table. Then started to spin around lifting her ass and pussy up in front of the camera giving them the closest clearest view of her body. Two orange streaks from buttery cheese fingers marked her otherwise pale lips.

“Oh Jesus, that looks like it would feel so good.” Max muttered, stroking himself a little harder for a moment as she looked back with a grin. He rattled off their approximate location, it surprised her that they were in fact a bit close. She recognized the general area as a 30 minute drive from her home when her school played against one in their area. With a giggle she wiggled her ass moving thr laptop to the couch, grabbing her phone she started to add their snap. Letting the pair stare at her backside it wagged left and right.

“Well boys I have some good news for you. I am like 30 minutes away from the middle school in your town. Isn’t that a funny coincidence? Also now that I’m thinking about it, doesn’t your high school play LC next week?” As she spoke nonchalantly her fingers tapped in the information as the two boys looked at each other and nodded.

“Yeah we both planned to go to that game, think you will be there? We wouldn’t mind showing you a good time.” Max was grinning like a fool as he put out an emphasis on good time in a not so subtle hint at what was on his mind. Her face was watching the laptop so they couldn’t see the excited smile.

“Sounds like a plan then. I’m sure I can sneak away to be entertained. Just make sure you are both prepared. Think you want to make it a 2 on 1 defensive play or will it be 1 on 1 with a switch?” she didn’t know a lot about sports except from the babbling her father did in their direction, she did however know enough to make dirty puns. By the looks on their face their excitement and shock were mixing into some kind of disbelief. The one punched the other and vice versa before claiming they weren’t in fact dreaming. They started to talk amongst themselves about how they wanted to handle things next week and if they could really both go at the same time and who would start. Anna was intently listening while getting them added on snap. As they talked it through she sent them both a group message on snap with a picture of her tits looking down her flat belly to bare pussy as she sat on her heels a moment. Back on her knees leaned against the couch ass wiggling playfully they turned their attention back to her.

“Um… we will let you decide…” Tommy muttered shyly, apparently an agreement hadn’t been reached so they both shoved that responsibility on to her. She didn’t say anything to that as she watched them still holding hard cocks, their lust not giving out to any sort of anxiety or embarrassment. Anna was checking her snap quick as a few friends sent her some messages. Her attention was split between listening for the boys to say something and her eyes on the phone. She hadn’t noticed that Walter’s fuzzy head was poking up in front of the camera eyes watching her body sway. She became acutely aware of him when his hot breath rolled against her, a big huff from exhaled after followed by the allure of popcorn. She didn’t think much of it at first, it wasn’t the first time he sniffed her body after all. Setting the phone aside she didn’t want to lose their interest.

“I guess I will decide in the moment at the game. “ leaning her ass closer to the camera, knees bending, pussy sank to hover just above where Walter was laying down. Right hand slid down her belly reaching back to spread open her tight lips.

“I just wish I had one of you boys here to lick my pussy. I have been wanting to know what that feels like for a while. “ Her index and middle finger were hugging the outside edges of her lips as the middle finger rubbed up and down. Rising like a caterpillar never moving forward as the center knuckle bent and sank. The orange cheese stains hovered near the fingers gripping her body. Moments after the plea for someone to lick her, hushed moans filled the mic as the two boys watched, mesmerized and lusting for more. Walter took her actions as some sort of invitation. Without warning his head rose up deeper into frame till tongue flicked out seeking the flavoring from her popcorn still rubbed against her body.

“Oh Walter… no, you shouldn’t do that. “ The words mixed with moans but his tongue was relentless. Rising back up from the doggy style position she had herself in her finally stopped attacking her tight lips because they moved from reach. His tongue flicking repeatedly as the buttery goodness was lapped from his muzzle.

“Okay… that was kind of hot how he did exactly what you wanted. Was that intentional?” Tommy seemed to be into, Max was still hard though stopped stroking himself. Walter started to step forward and licked a spot on her ass where she sat on a piece of popcorn earlier.

“Not intentional. He seems to be after the popcorn flavoring that’s rubbed off my hands. “ she held the right hand out and sure enough he greedily lapped at the fingers and areas that had popcorn residue.

“Would you actually let him lick it?” Max was the one speaking up, the thought hadn’t crossed her mind till now. The fog of arousal was a driving force of bad decisions.

“Want to see that?” It was a serious question she put out to them as she stood up to avoid Walter from sneaking in between her legs. His tongue had lapped all the flavor from her hands and seeked it from which it still remained, her clit. She saw both boys nod before happy affirmatives were given as well. She sank back down sitting on the floor, legs open Walter walked up wasting no time before diving in for a taste. Anna moaned hard as his slipper tongue grinded into her clit. She leaned forward and grabbed the webcam giving them a better view. The angle was more from her perspective, pussy lips spread apart as his tongue licked at her clit slowly sinking lower.

“Oh shit… how does it feel?” The loud lapping from his tongue was heard through the mic when she wasn’t moaning.

“It feels really good…. “ Another moan as her right hand, still covered in his saliva, opened her body for him. Knees rose up and legs spread open as the pleasure increased. His tongue sank straight to her dripping cunt, the tension in her body screaming as it yearned for that slipping hound to snake its tongue in deep. However that didn’t happen as he pulled away tongue slapped against muzzle, his bread wet with a mix of drool and pussy. A soft dissatisfied moan left Anna as she watched Walter strut away for some water.

“Well boys looks like its just you and me now. “ She plopped the camera back where it had been but angled to look down so her pussy could be seen down against the rug. Stretching both legs out she pulled the laptop around wanting to see them again.

“Wow that was really hot. “ Max chimed in first hand no long on his cock as he let it stand alone and erect as if waiting for Anna to be touching herself before continuing.

“I wouldn’t mind watching that some more if you really enjoyed it. ” Tommy was in a likewise relaxed and aroused position. “If he doesn’t want to do it on his own I have read people use peanut butter to encourage licking. “ Tommy was on his phone and most likely googled that but from her experience Walter did love peanut butter. Her parents used it to make him eat pills often enough.

“Do it! Go get some if you have it. I want to see if he really goes for it. “ Max was really encouraging it with Tommy in agreement. She heard some hushed words while walking around the kitchen eventually finding the peanut butter. Coming back to the couch she started to sit down with the jar.

“You should try laying on your stomach with your ass angled up at him. “ Max suggested quickly as she was opening the jar.

“Yeah kind of doggy style but at his head height, then you can put your camera under you and we can see everything from below. “ Tommy was quick to add more details. She thought about it for a moment then shrugged thinking it wouldn’t be a bad way to do things. Getting into position didn’t take long, Walter’s head when she was sitting came up to her tits so getting into a position for him to easily be able to eat out her pussy wasn’t hard. Her short petite frame had legs just past shoulder width knees with a bit of bend, face down against a couch pillow on the floor. The camera was set up and had a nice view of her soaked clit and even her up towards her chest as it glared up from the floor. Her laptop glowing in front of her as she was resting on one arm to look up at it.

With the peanut butter open she called Walter over while applying a liberal coating of the brown substance into her slit. She heard his paws padding from his place near the back door. His squat frame popped onto view as she slapped a nut covered finger to her cunt, “go ahead boy.” Horny, heart bursting with excitement he wasted no time lapping into her cunt. She didn’t feel it much at first probably because it was too thickly coated but once her ate past the most of it her toes curled forcing a moan.

“Good boy…” she muttered as his nose pressed against her dripping cunt. The long slimy tongue hit just below her entrance and rubbed down to her clit before flicking it and rolling back up.

“Damn he really is going for it.” Tommy muttered but all she really heard was heart racing, and his tongue slapping into her. When his muzzle pulled away chops getting licked, peanut removed from the roof of his mouth Anna applied some to her tight cunt. The bead of that creamy brown butter mixed with her pussy juices as it scraped off her finger with a satisfied quiver. Walter regained his interest in her with the renewed application of the creamy treat. His tongue pushed against it, the tip sinking into her cunt a little before his muzzle pressed in closer. The hard edge of his teether rubbed against her now slipper lips. His long tongue uncoiled slithering deep into her pussy seeking out his desires. Anna groaned for a moment, holding her breath till the slippery eel like appendage retreated from the cave of pleasure.

“Fuck his tongue was just so deep…” panting a little Anna felt his tongue going back in for more. Her breaths growing faster as more moans left her freely. His muscular tongue flicked against parts of her pussy as his head twisted one way then the other.

“Jesus, look at him go. He really must like the way you taste now.” Max’s words brought her attention to the camera. Looking at the laptop she saw they could really see his tongue snaking in and out of her cunt.

“Damn i bet that feels good…” Tommy added as she saw they were both stroking at the same speed as Walters tongue. The thought of them both cumming at the same time as they water her body get tongue fucked made her first orgasm all that more potent. Gripping the pillow under her she moaned out, back arching like a wolf howling at the moon.

“Oh fuck walter don’t stop now I’m cumming…” she groaned as he paused until encouraged by the finger with remnants of peanut butter sank in and out of her hungry cunt. That smell spurred a renewed effort as her cunt contracted on his tongue. Each deep dive left with a creamy white film as she felt her body just exploded with pleasure. She wasn’t sure how long he had been licking but she started to realize the peanut butter had long been gone and he was still going crazy on her cunt.

“Looks like you cumming made him really want you.” Propping up with a curved back she looked at the screen to see the two boys must have cummed to this. Max had a towel wiping at his hand and cock, Tommy had his shirt. She watched through her view as Walter was tilting one way and then another slapping his tongue in, teeth slightly biting her as he was voraciously going into her cunt. After what felt like an eternity but was only another minute Walter stopped and backed out of frame to lick himself before trotting to his water bowl.

“I don’t think I ever had such a good orgasm… thanks for the suggestion boys. “ Anna was smiling at her laptop face out of view as she tilted her quivering cunt down towards her camera. Her used hole winking at them as she felt it clench and release as the last throes of her orgasm slipped away. She sealed the peanut butter up and set it on the coffee table while sitting up.

“I’m glad we got to watch. Planning to leave or are you looking for more fun?” Max was grinning cock still stiff, or was it stiff again? Anna couldn’t be sure of what happened on their end. During her passion she wasn’t watching the screen too intently. They clearly didn’t want her to leave just yet and she had no pressing desire to do so.

“Was that your first time having him do that?” Tommy asked, his man hood seemed to only be up to half mast. Max was fully ready to go again which filled Anna with satisfaction that they wanted her so deeply.

“Yeah… never done or thought of that before to be honest. I have a fun yellow toy I usually get off on so I never needed to use Walter like that before. “ Anna was clicking on the webcam options about to swap to her laptop’s camera so they could see her face when she found a setting that allowed both views to be seen. One would just be a smaller feed in the bottom left corner, she let that angle be from the laptop.

“Well maybe you should try to play with him more often. Any chance that yellow friend will make an appearance tonight?“ Max was certainly encouraging as Tommy wordlessly nodded along. Anna nodded asking for a moment as she got up to go rescue the toy from its hiding place. As she came back to the living room Walter was sniffing at different spots of the rug and licking the floor, probably scrounging for the last traces of the popcorn hiding in the rug. As soon as the boys saw her off in the distance they were already putting in a request to watch how she would suck one of them off. Walter looked up at her as she came back to kneel down in front of her laptop where she was before. His tail thumped against the couch as Anna scratched his head for a moment.

“Alright so can we watch what it would be like if you were sucking one of us off doggy style. Yeah this way we can really see what it’s like if we go at the same time with a front and back view.” Max started and Tommy finished the sentence, both of them eager for a show. Anna’s cunt was still wet and wanting even after such a strong orgasm, as time passed the urge for another increased. She was still petting Walter hand scratching down his back making a leg twitch before he rolled to show his belly. The red tip of his doggy cock poked out in its usual fashion when excited and receiving belly rubs.

“So you want me to act out blowing one of you as the other would be getting me from behind? I guess it’s a good thing I have the two views now.” Anna got comfortable on her knees, made adjustments to both cameras before stretching out into a downward dog pose. Vibrator in her left hand, right hand rubbing her clit as she sank into the position of their hearts desire.

“Yes just like that fuck you are so hot.” Max was already stroking himself and Tommy was urging his manhood to give her all its attention. Anna’s curved back and low position with lips wrapping around the yellow tip had her ass poke up behind her. The other camera was still the largest view for them as it captured her slender fingers opening her hungry slit two fingers sliding up into her pussy. Walter had been laying on the floor but as her fingers sloshed in her wet body he seemed interested in what she was doing. Her focus was on entertaining the boys, her mouth working the tip to her toy as if she was teasing one of them.

“Is this what you wanted max? To see me drooling on a hard cock?” Grinning playful she hung her tongue out letting a large drop of spit sink down onto the toy. Before it could drip down its shaft she brought her lips back to it and started to swallow. Bobbing up and down slowly working it deeper and deeper. Drool glistened on its yellow surface till lips met the base and her eyes fluttered.

“Holy fuck yes…” Max was loving it even if she couldn’t see his reaction while trying not to gag. Her fingers started to pump faster into her gushing pussy, the wet juices running down her slit then drying in a trial against her pubic area as it rolled down the slope of body. Walter was now behind her again and felt his quick huffs and sniffs against her body.

“Move your out and slap your pussy. See if he licks it again.” Tommy shot out the command and she listened, her sexual appetite dragging her along into obedience. The wet fingers from her cunt slapped twice against her entrance, her mouth still busy with the dildo. Walter seemed to understand the invitation as his nose twitched at the scent of her body then tongue rough and slick with saliva worked against her clit. Her moans were muffled by the vibrator as she bobbed up and down on its shaft.

“Fuck that is so hot. Really wish we were there. “ Max muttered as he just watched for a moment, not even stroking himself due to the captivating performance. Pushing the fake cock in deep, her eyes rolled up to see the laptop. Walter paused his oral assault as she rose up to take a good breath.

“Oh fuck me… this feels so good and it will be great practice for the two of you next week. One of you can eat me out as the other gets sucked off.” moaning after the words finished Walter was diving into her pussy and not just licking her clit. His renewed vigor for her pussy sent overloading pleasure through her body. Toes curling out of frame as she started to lick the fake cock before her before the joy of his tongue lapping at her deepest parts distracted her.

“Slap your ass.” Again without a second thought to the command given she reached a hand back and gave her ass a hard smack. The sound spooked Walter as he back peddled a step. He licked his muzzle staring at her ass then himself for a moment.

“love that jiggle, do it again.” Another hard clap of hand against ass. Her mouth bobbing on the saliva drenched toy. More affirmations of joy were sung as a third clap happened. Her pussy practically drooled as an intense lust took root in her body.

“Alright let’s move you a little. Push your hips down and angle your pussy up like if i put my hands on your hips to move your body that way I could sink my cock down in. “ She started to sink her hips down, knees wiggling backwards. They kept telling her more and to spread her legs till she was finally how they imagined. Her belly was barely off the floor now as her back arched to sit up and suck her dildo. The camera was not just full of her close up pussy, the lights made the juices on her slit shine. Wet hole was pointed up as if waiting for one of them to step up and drill down into her body.

“Good girl, now tap your pussy to get your dog’s attention. “ Obediently, right hand tapped three times and waited. Walter had been sitting out of frame licking himself for a time and then just watching her as if waiting for permission to join in. The second round of louder wet claps of hand to clit was answered with a lick. She moaned on the throat deep cock before his tongue ventured around her ass cheeks then back to clit.

“Grab your ass, then gently smack it. “ Her mouth bobbing, slurping and fuckin her toy were the loudest noises over her mic. A soft echo of the sounds rang back making her feel hotter and sluttier than she already was. Left hand reached over her back, grabbing a firm cheek and gripping it. She spread her body open and Walter paused his tongue lashing to her clit. Hand patted as directed, she couldn’t see how Walter was staring, tongue flicked out against muzzle. Another command to tap her ass and suck the cock in deep. Another round of compliance eyes down cast towards the floor as she hammered the entire length into her throat.

She felt a warm breath against her slit, Walter was standing closer now back starting to curl before front paws lept upwards. Before she had a chance to protest or spit out the vibrator the boys had a clear view of his growing red tip poking at her slippery slit.

“I told you, the dog wants to fuck as bad as we do…” Tommy’s words were clear in her ears as she rose up off the vibrator. While Walter wasn’t a large dog he was still stout. With 30lbs of fluff gripping her petite hips and the fog of arousal clouding common sense she didn’t just stand up to stop him. She moaned as his thick rocket slipped up and brushed against her open hole.

“God you should let it happen…” Max was giving more words of encouragement to her to try it along with Tommy as Walter quickly adjusted his back paws. His next thrust found her cunt and his cock felt bigger than she expected. Given his small stout nature she didn’t expect his cock to be at least six inches long. His fuzzy balls patting with wet claps on her clit as he furiously fucked her.

“Oh fuck!!” Her toes curled, fingers gripping the rug as his relentless pounding assailed her pussy. “Oh….oh god…. Yes….” She moaned, finding pleasure in this quickly. The boys commanded her to resume sucking the vibrator and she listened. Muffling the sounds of Walter’s panting and fuckin with slobber moans. When Walter dismounted moments later his red rocket hanging in frame dripped with cum and wet from her pussy. She was close to another orgasm and hadn’t wanted him to stop.

“Tap your ass again slut.” The commanding tone made her shudder as left hand reached back beckoning Walter to remount. He must not have been done as he quickly jumped up. This time Anna guided him down into her body. Groaning as soon as it stretched her body open and slammed down in. Each thrust was a jackhammer to her body, a half minute later and he dismounted again, then remounted. His cock pulled out oozed cum and she felt it running down her body.

“God this is so hot.” She had been so enraptured with what was happening on her end she wasn’t even watching them anymore. With mouth and pussy stuffed her mind was going blank from overwhelming pleasure. She felt Walter’s front paws really dig into her hips as he shifted, cock still inside her. She felt he had more cock to give, a bulging area opening her hole wider than before. There was an instant relief when that thick bulge pushed in. Pussy gripping it tight, locking him into her body, the tip of his cock was pressed against her body. The swelling from that bulge increased filling her in a way that was growing painful. Walter stopped thrusting as she felt drool drip on her bare back.

“That seriously just fit?!” Both boys were shocked by how her body just opened up and swallowed the knot. “How does that big knot feel?” She spit out the vibrator cumming hard as she moved to look at the laptop. His cock twitched the spurt cum hard.

“We are cumming….” She groaned burying her face down into a pillow. She moaned as Walter wiggled, his cock pumping hot sperm constantly sprayed, triggering wave after wave of pleasure. She hadn’t realized when her body was acting on its own. Right hand rubbed circles against the damp swollen clit. A whimpering moan mixed with rolling eyes as the pleasure was crippling. Legs wiggled from the ecstasy, her body unable to fully comprehend the torrent of sensations within.

“Fuck dude shut it off! Mom is back and she will kill us for this!” Max leapt up scrambling to shut off the site. She didn’t see anything else as the site waited for her input to search again. In her cock drunk haze she had the mental capacity to close the site. She was done with it for the night after this. Walter was still cumming inside her and any time her tried to pull away it felt like a filled balloon was trying to pull her pussy out. They stayed locked together for some time till she felt his bulge deflated enough to pull out and not hurt. The deluge of cum that followed dripped on the floor or down her belly. She felt used and dirty, but also satisfied and thinking about doing it again someday. She went to the bathroom to clean up, then cleaned up the living room. As she knelt down to grab her things Walter nosed her pussy. She wasn’t sure what he really wanted until he pawed her leg flashing a growing red cock.

“One more time and we are done for the night… It’s getting late. Come on.” Following with happy tail wags the pair slipped back into get room to go another round before Anna would need to shower and make sure no evidence was left behind.


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By Knoxboy4u #Exhibitionist #Teen #Zoophilia