Behind the fruit stand chap 2

#PreTeen #Virgin 2 mins ago

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By popcorn’s boss My 10 year old Amish beauty wants to continue learning the English style of sex

It had been a week since I last stopped at the market partly because I knew just how wrong what I was doing was and partly because I knew just how much I wanted the innocence of that 10 year old Amish beauty. I finally gave in to my temptations and stopped by one afternoon. The market was not very busy with only a few customers when I walked in. Glancing around I at first didn’t see any of the girls but then saw the youngest 10 year old Rachel seated by the check out, she saw me and smiled … she looked around and then came over to me … “Hi Mr Tom, Beth and I are watching the store today …. Esther is with mother at Mary’s …”

“That’s ok Rachel, I just need to get a few things” I quickly grabbed some odd items and gave them to Rachel to check out … As she gave me my change she glanced around and seeing we were alone she leaned to me and whispered “Esther will be here tomorrow with me all day … will you be back?” I was kinda taken back by her whispering… “Ah … I … I may stop by … do you think I should?” “Esther will be glad … it’s quiet in the morning” still speaking softly “Ok, well maybe I’ll be back … bye” and I quickly left the store and drove off.

I wondered about Rachel’s reaction and how she seemed to know something about Esther and I … I hoped that was not the case but she seemed to be in on a secret and I prayed she was gonna keep it a secret. Bright and early the next day I drove to the market … I drove by early … about 7:30 .. they didn’t open until 8 … I parked down the lane and watched until I saw the two girls walking up the road and go into the store. I drove up and parked around the side of the market at around 7:45 … they still were not open yet but when I knocked on the door Rachel ran and opened the door for me … then as soon as I was in she re-locked the door. “Good morning Mr Tom” she gave me a quick hug then “Esther is in the back … she doesn’t know you are here … go back” and she pointed me to the back room and went to ready the store for opening…

As soon as I opened the door to the back room I heard Esther call out … “Was someone in a hurry?” then she turned and saw me … with a surprised look she ran and hugged me. “Esther” I pulled away from her grip … “what does Rachel know about us?” “I’m sorry, she thinks you are my English boy friend … she saw us last week..” “She’s only 9! she’s gonna tell someone!” “She wont, we’re not like that we keep private things private” taking my hand she pulled me deeper into the backroom.

Esther sat up on a table and pulled me to her… her slim legs spread around my waist … causing her dress to raise above her knees … my hands slid slowly up her legs as I leaned in and we exchanged a kiss …. “your sure she will not tell anyone?” “I promise” she responded. I kissed her neck and she titled her head giving me better access. I brushed her hair away from her neck and kissed down to her chest … while my hands slid under her dress and cupped her tiny ass.

Esther reached to unpin the front of her dress but I stopped her once her lace bra was exposed .. I kissed the top of each small breast as she began to moan and lean back. I surprised her when I knelt down and began kissing the insides of her legs … slowly moving up each leg…. “What .. what are you ..” she sounded unsure of what was happening. The last time she pleased me … I intended to please her this time … “Shhh … quiet”

Softly and gently I fondled her little ass beneath her dress working my hands and fingers under her panties until I held her naked butt in my grip. …. my kisses had worked up to her crotch … still hidden by her bunched up skirt. With one hand I lifted the skirt and viewed her bald slit hidden under her lace panties which I slipped aside and kissed her lips … then slipped my tongue smoothly between them to taste her sweetness … when she felt my tongue slide along her pussy she moaned loudly … “Oh, mmmm …. Mary never .. mmmm”

Apparently her older sister had not told her about receiving oral sex from her partner …. I continued to caress her preteen pussy with my tongue and lips … as I touched her clit with my tongue her body went ridged and her small hands grasped my head … her thighs closed around my head and held me tight ….. I continued my attention to her clit and her moans increased louder … until at last she screamed …. grasped me tightly as her body shook and spasm in my hands …

“Esther ! I can hear … Esther what !!” little Rachel stood at the door watching her sister having her first orgasm while an older man had his face pressed into her crotch … “Go away !” Esther screamed to her sister “I’m ok … go … go away !” I stood and moved away … Esther brought her hands down and covered her pussy and held herself as she rocked in post climax … her moans continued Her little sister poked her head in again … “we have customers .. hush !” and then she left again … Rachel sat up allowing her dress to drop and cover her crotch … her face and cheeks flushed and droplets of sweat shined on her upper lips and forehead … I pulled a handkerchief from my pocket and wiped her face and cheeks dry … then leaned in and gave her a kiss …

“What was that … what did you do to me … ?” she asked … “Ask your sister Mary to explain it…” “Can we do it again?” “Not now … but soon and more … remember … our secret … well ours and Rachel’s” another kiss and a hug …. “Next time can we meet away from here … maybe the stream again” “Yes … yes please”

Again Rachel poked her head in … “I need help” I chuckled “She will be right out … and Rachel … our secret?” “Yes Mr Tom … I promised Esther only the three of us” “Thank you” “But …. sometime … can I … can I watch?” I just chuckled “We’ll see” then I slipped out the back door and quickly drove away ..

Two weeks later I’m sitting around watching TV when I hear a soft knock at my door …. looking out the window before I get to the door I see an Amish horse and buggy parked out front …. I considered not answering the door expecting to see an upset father … I stood out of sight of the door when another soft knock comes followed by a soft voice … “Mr Tom, it’s Mary … Esther’s sister please open up” well not a pissed off dad but a pissed off sister could be as bad so I still hesitated then I hear Esther’s voice “Tom, please let us “

I opened the door but blocked them from entering … play innocent I thought to myself … “Good morning ladies …” I glanced around to be sure they were alone “How can I help you?” Mary looked me in the eyes … “You do not want to have this discussion on the porch, believe me you want us to come inside” I looked to Esther … she would not make eye contact with me and kept her head down “This sounds serious” still trying to pretend innocence … “Please, come in” I stepped aside and directed them to the living room where I had them sit and offered them a drink

Mary stood … “Sit down TOM ” she stood over me looking from me to her little sister looking at Esther but talking to me she said … “I should have known better from her wild streak ….” turning to me “You know she is only 10 years old … ” I hung my head knowing it was out … “Father will never know …. You are fortunate that she came to me … I at least understand … a little … I spoke to her sisters it will go no further … that said I know that she will not stop seeing you for now …. it will not happen at the market again … you know that she must remain a virgin until marriage … if that changes … I will see that father knows … do you understand?” I just nodded

“She” looking back to Esther “knows about my rumspringer and I have told her a few thing …. many I have given up and returned to the order … only to be married to a man older than my father …. I do not want that for my sisters” looking back to me “If … IF … this continues I will see that she is safe and will help her to learn other ways for her and you to continue your activities” Esther looked up at her almost excited then to me “I will be there …. with you both while she learns and to be sure you are gentle and patient as she learns”

Did this 20 year old Amish woman just say she was going to help me have sex with her little sister and be with us during it … Looking closely at her now … I realized just how attractive she was .. even in her plain dress it was obvious that she had a full figure … nice size breasts, slim waist full hips … I wondered if she might consider not just helping us but maybe even joining us … Mary saw me looking her over and paused … flushed and had a small smile on her face.

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By popcorn’s boss #PreTeen #Virgin