Being caught and going round Roger and pennies out

#Abuse #Group #Zoophilia 30 seconds ago

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By Richard and Pat Went for a weekend I had friends over and pat made friends with the dogs

Pat my sister had got up early at and got me up at 8 .Friday night she had told out mum she was going round her mates and was taking me so I could play with her brother on the computer games as he had no to play the games with we were having dinner there and probably won’t be home to about ten mum ok with that .
I was in the bath room Pat came in said that Penny had called on Friday and asked if we would like to come over earlier in the morning and to remember to bring our swimwear Pat had agreed so she told me hurry up and have breakfast we left the house at 930 we got to Penny’s and Rogers at 1025 they both greeted us at the door .
They asked if we had breakfast yes we said they said they need to go shopping to get Penny a new swimming costume if that was ok yes Penny took Pat upstairs when they came down pat was all smiles when we were alone she said penny was going to buy her a new swim costume
So off we went in the range rover. It took us about 25 minutes then we stop there was a little Parade of shops the one at the end how do its Windows blacked out and no signs up
Roger got on his phone and spoke to someone the we all walked up to the door Roger pushed it open a lady greeted us Penny said we need two swimming costume they followed the lady to the back Roger told me to sit on the seat he was going to look for somethings so I sat there after about 25 minutes Roger came back holding a big bag then pat and Penny arrived back holding bags we then left
We got back to the house as soon as we were in Penny said let’s go swimming they went upstairs pat throw my costume down I got changed in the toilet me and Roger were in the pool when the girls come down both had white bikinis on there tops just covered there nipples and the bottom had a triangle peace in the front strings at the back I got a Hard one just looking when they got in the water you could through the material so you could actually see their tips and their comes Roger just laughed at me and said put your eyes back in your sockets we was in the swimming pool for a good hour and a half I had been touching between the legs and she been touching me Penny asked if we ever had a massage and we both did no they said they were both qualified masseurs and would we like one I looked at packed up took me and said yeah so we got this swimming pool got ourselves dried and they took us into his Room which had two tables there they ask us to lay on the tables face down they put a towel over my bum and did the same to Pat .
Roger put some oil on he’s hands and started to rub it into my shoulders I looked over a pat Penny had removed her bikini top saying she did not went to get oil over it I closed my eyes it felt lovely Roger moved to my legs but when I opened my eyes it was Penny rubbing oil into them Roger was doing the same to Pat she looked at me and smiled I had a raging hard on the Penny and Roger told us to turn on yo our back we both helped our towels in place When we turned over Penny was doing my legs then she said I don’t want to get oil over your shorts and pulled them off Roger did the same to Pat
One of Penny hands went under yhe towel and took my hard cock and started masturbating me I look at Pat Roger had removed her towel Pat’s legs were open and Roger was finger fucking her Penny asked me if I would like to fuck Pat yes
Roger pulled his fingers out of Pat took her hand a lead her into another room there was a some thought of table bed in the middle he told Pat to get on it and they on her back there was a table with a pot on it the under the lead put his fingers in on pulled out a cream he rubbed it on her nipples then on her clit then between the legs penny put someone on her hand and rub some in my cock it tingled my cock seem to get harder then penny said we’re leaving you to enjoy yourself I walked over to pet and we were talking and Pat’s hands went to her cunt she said she was so horny I said to say I got on her and we started tracking I came quite quickly so did Pat but I did not lose my hard on you must have been fucking for a good hour we were both exhausted pet had multiple orgasms I’d come three times then Roger and penny come in penny said you look exhausted garm have a shower both of you we’ve got something to eat outside Rodger was on the barbecue cooking and Penny was sitting there with a drink she asked us did we enjoy it we said yes thank you we had something to eat and then Penny asks pay it what was her favorite film she said Greece so she said come on then let’s go and watch crease we did afterwards he was getting like so we had to go Roger and Penny said we’ll do this again our phone you and we left
It was 4 weeks until Pat said she had a phone call from Penn asking us to go o er Saturday she agreed Pat said she was going shopping I said go out with my mats Pat pick me up round the corner we got to Roger and Penny’s
Roger took me to his games room there was the telly ttwo top of the range Xboxes at pool table full size snooker table a dart board so we spent most of their day in there only coming out for food pet had lovely day with Penny roundabout 7:00 we left penny said come on Wednesday we said okay
Wednesday arrived and we went off to see Roger and Penny we all had a swim Mam Roger went to the game drone pack was with Penny we was having a great time both of us this went on for about six weeks sometimes penny would take Pat out just leaving me and Roger in claiming games and games women
On Saturday we had gone over penny said the girls were going out me and just started playing their games Rodger when I got us a drink and said shall we go to the cinema on watch a couple of tvds I said yeah he asked me what would I like to watch I just shugged much elders what you said would you like to watch some poem he see my eyes light up he put a porn video on not much of a story I just feeding very relaxed I had a hard on and I was feeling horny budget loot you’ve got a rage in hard on their son why don’t you do something about it I just sat there I looked at Roger look down he’s cock was sticking up like a tent then stood up and pulled his shorts down sucked back in the chair the started driving his cock I stood up and did the same I came within five minutes Rodger was just stroking his cock then he took my hand and put it on these cock and moved it up and down then he’s took his hand away and I carried on I was watching the screen and then looking back at hudges cock Roger then said here it comes and shot these load onto these chest oh my hand my cock it’s hard Roger put his hand on it and started masturbating me it felt so good I said Roger I was about to come and he got faster and I shot again Roger said go to the show and get cleaned up and he did the same when the girls come back I did not say anything to plat we had something to eat stayed another hour and then left

The weekend I was off pack had a phone call from Penny asking us if we would like to stay the weekend Pat immediately suggests then she told me I said how we can do this Pat spoke to Mum then came back to me and said it’s all done Saturday arrived we both got up early and left we arrived at Roger and pennies about half past ten Rodger when in the Game Room went off when I ask Roger he said Penny’s treating Pat to a spa afternoons they got back about 4:35 we were sitting in the garden and Roger said they had a couple coming over Steve and may so he got up and started the barbecue
When they arrived they was around Rogers and pennies age in the garden having something to eat Pat was given a drink so was I we were all talking and laughing about different things pennies brought out some chocolates and ask if we would like one we said yes penny handed us one each Roger said let’s go back indoors so we all went in penny showed us into a room there was a screen a sofa and two chairs penny sat me Pat on the sofa i
I was getting very hot I spoke to Pat she said she was Penny said it is hot in here I had a hard on pat had her hands between her legs.
Steve spoke to Roger the said to penny and May let’s put some porn on ok with everyone the two wife’s said ok what about you two we both said we’re fine with it
The screen lit up it showed a women sucking a cock Pat bent over to speak to me are you light headed I said yes and so horny we were in the middle of the second video I was sweating I looked at pat she was as well penny whispered something into pat ear
Said said would it be OK yes Penny said Pat took of her dress all she had on was her nickers penny said if you are so hot take your clothes off then she said we are all hot so we are and they all strip off .
Some were in the video Pat had removed her nickers the video stop Roger said let’s go into the games when me and Pat tried to stand up we found it hard Steve helped me May helped Pat room when we got there it was not the games room I had been in .there was two tables Patt was layed on one me the other our hands were strapped down our legs were pulled open and strapped down May wad sucking my cock Steve was between Pat legs she was saying omg yes
Penny was by Pat’s head she told Pat to open her mouth she did penny sprayed something into mouth then she did the same to me .
My mouth felt funny but having my cock suck took my mind off it.
I said I was coming May swallow all I was still hard I looked over to Pat the top of the table had bent down so her head hangover the side Roger was standing by her head Penny said you can go straight to the back of her throat her throat numb now.
Just then my head went back look and Steve was there I turned to look at Pat as Roger pushed his 10 inch cock right into Pat mouth all the way to her throat you could see it in her neck
Steve took my head in his hand someone grabbed my cock I opened my mouth then Steve pushed his cock right into my throat and started fucking me Penny call out breath through your nose Steve come first and pulled out I looked at Pat Roger was just coming..
Our head were put back up May had put a large Dido on it was very thick the table that Pat was on Roger had open the both haft so you could walk between Pat’s legs May was there she put something on Pat’s cuntsteve rub it I Pat was saying yes yes then may pushed the Dido into Pat and started really fucking her some poles were put at the bottom of my table and my legs were put in some straps then the bottom of the table was dropped so my bum exposed Penny got on the table and put her cunt over my mouth and told me to suck her clit I did someone was between my legs something cold was rub into my bum a something push into it it was vibrating my cock was being sucked the the thing was pulled out of my bum then there was pain I could not cry out as I was sucking penny cunt after a bit the pain went penny got off my face it was Roger fucking me May had finished fucking Pat all the straps were removed Steve got on Pat table it was lowered Pat was put onto Steve cock and was fucking him Roger pulled out of my bum u was taken over to Pat her bum was there in front of me Penny rub cream into her bum and on my cock the Penny pull me to Pat bum Roger was behind me a push me forward my cock went up Pat’s bum Roger said fuck her so I did Roger got behind me told me to stop then he pushed his cock up my bum then said fuck her I was that hard penny said to pat do you like having two cock in you yes so many orgasms I come in Pat bum Roger came up me .
We were shown to our bed room I asked Pat how she felt great near had so many orgasms and you it was a bit strange having a cock up my bum it hurt so Pat said it did with her but once she got used to it it felt great mine to we kiss then went to sleep.
Next morning I woke up Pat was not in bed her robe was gone I got up put my robe on then went down stairs there was no one in the kitchen I had a drink May came in she was in a night dress that you could see throw I got hard May said I can see that woke you up and looked down my cock was sticking out of the robe covered it up
Where Pat I asked May said she with the other showing her the breeding kennels I had for that Roger had a dog May said come on I take you there I said about getting dress you can do that when we get back OK I said .
May went out into the garden I followed right down the back of the garden there was a building dog were baking May opened the door we went in Roger was there morning he said did you sleep well yes thank you .
Where Pat she with Penny and Steve in the breeding room Roger said pointed to a door at the back of the building.
There was five dog 2 Alsatians a Doberman the other two I didn’t recognise but they was quite big all males all in separate pens
I could hear a noise coming from the room like a dog whining and Barking.
Roger said that rover getting excited he’s about some mate.
Roger was telling me all about the dog May spoke to Roger saying the lights on Roger looked at me said Rover has successfully mated we can go in now .
As we got to the door penny opened it she told Roger the knot has just gone it and quickly moved out the way
May push me passed Roger and in to the room saying you want to see this Roger and penny was right behind us.
Want I saw was Pat bent over a table and the dog behind her moving his behind very quickly and Pat say omg I’m having another orgasms I just stood there Roger pulled me so that I was behind her said look his cock and knot are fully in her I was dunfounded I move round to the front of Pat and asked her if she was ok she looked at me and smiled it fills great my cock was so hard Penny got my robe off I was standing naked cock sticking out
she got hold of my cock pulled me forward told Pat to sock my cock she opened her mouth and I pushed it in May told me to hold her head and face fuck her I was pushing my cock right down her throat.
She pulled off my cock I can fill him shooting then went back to sucking me Steve and Roger was either side of me penny and May was massaging them Roger let him know just before I came then told me as soon as you come pull out
Pat was told to keep her mouth open after Richard pulls out she was nodded .
After a few minutes the dog turned so that he was now bum to bim with Pat he had stopped moving.
I said I was coming Pat was told to suck hard I was told to push my cock right into her throat I did and shot my load and pulled out and moved out of the way Steve put his cock into her mouth face fuck her for a minute pushed his cock right into her throat and you could tell he a shot his load Roger did the same the dog had pulled out of Pat she was just laying there Penny took rover out Roger was talking to me I did not notice they had bought the Great Dane in Roger made sure I had my back to Pat I heard a noise i turned round penny was with the grant dame cock it was so big penny got the dog to get on to Pat’s back May said to Pat you are really going to enjoy this one he was trying to get in Pat’s cunt but kept missing
Penny got hold of his cock line it up then it went it Pat cried out omg it’s to big I was standing there rubbing my cock May put her hand between Pat legs and was rubbing her clit steve was behind me he bent me forward pulled open my bum and pushed his cock into my ass it hurt a little but once he was in it felt great he put his hand on my cock he was rubbing my cock at the time time as he was fucking me
May ask Pat how did it fill ok his hitting my cervix May said its about to get better his knot not in you jet.
Pat cryed omg I can’t take any more penny said once his knot in his cock will be in your womb Roger got behind the bog a d push the dog bum Pat cried out Roger said the knots in Pat said it’s swelling up it so big omg I’m coming he’s in my womb.
The dog stopped fucking Pat said his shooting he’s come I can fill it .
I shot my load onto the floor steve come up me .
Penny brought in the other Alsatian walk it round to Pat’s face Pat’s had her eyes close she suck it then put his cock between his rear legs Roger helped the dog penny got under the dog and started to play with his balls his cock came out penny told her to keep her eyes closed and open her mouth I just look on Pat opened her mouth penny put the dog cock in and said to pat suck it but keep your eyes closed Pat did as she was told
The great dame had pulled out the other one was brought in Pat was being fucked again by a dog and sucking one May told Pat to open her eyes when see did her eyes widened and she tried to pull of the cock up penny helded her head and the dog cock in her mouth are a bit Pat just suck the cock penny got hold of his knot it was swelling up penny call me over told me to knee down she showed me how to hold the know which I did she said he is going to shoot his doggy come into pat mouth soon someone was behind me Steve had taken over holding the dog Roger was now pushing his cock up me the dog started to come penny told Pat to swallow it the other dog had not got his knot into pat but just come up her .
After all the fucking was done we all shower and got dressed Pat said we should go penny May took Pat into a room after 10 minutes they came out and we left .
That night Pat asked me to go to her room after everyone was asleep I did I asked me how I felt about what had gone on let’s say it was good I was sitting on the bed she could see I had her hard on he said if required you can fuck me with your did then we talked she said that penny may wanted us to go back how did I feel about it do they want you fuck the dogs said she wants to okay then arrange you that’s another story

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By Richard and Pat #Abuse #Group #Zoophilia