(Chapter 3) Jacking Off For My Step Daughter

#Incest #PreTeen #Virgin 2 mins ago

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By 69themyoung11 Having seen Helena use the faucet threw my peep hole has me desiring to touch her pussy more then I can control.I have to sneak and feel her at night.

It’s been a few days since I watched Helena use the tub spicket to get herself off.All I can think of is the orgasm she had,how perfect her little bald pussy looked,and those forming golf ball size puffy nipple breast quivering as she came in the tub.Ive jacked off more in the last 3 days then I have ever before.Becky knows I like jacking off and being caught she walks in on me doing it all the time.She will stop smile ,cock her hips sideways ,do you need help,I’ll reply , watch me cum.Its always erotic and feels so good Becky is tiny quite sexy and I love fucking her.

For about 2 years Becky and I have had some really kinky awesome sex.I groomed her into pretending she’s a little girl,she picks the age , and I’m fucking her.Our sex life has gotten so much better , she cums harder and more then just once I cum harder and more then once as well.

Everytime we have sex she picks the age she is and she seems to stick with what ever age Helena is.I fantasize about eating Helena out as I fuck Becky.Ive planted seeds in Becky mind about father daughter sex asking her if I was her Dad licking her pussy would you cum for me?As I lick Becky and suck her clit I pull away would you cum baby answer me ,im your Dad your 10 yrs old would you cum as I take your clit in my mouth.Becky arch’s her back she begins to squirt massive squirts of cum in my mouth and say , yes I would cum for my Dad.Aaaahhhhoohhhhh. mmmaaaahhhhh baby Iiimmmm cummming so hard her pussy is humping so hard I can’t keep her clit in my mouth.She had never cum that hard when i ate her out.This was telling me Becky has kinky feelings of Daddy & daughter sex.

Grooming my wife at the same time I am my 10yr old step daughter is by far the best sex I had had up until this point in my life.My work was great I had a small business roofing houses in my area my cousin did the work I got the jobs.Mostly I worked at home scheduling, ordering material and doing payroll for our small crew.It worked out great I was home everyday when Helena arrived home from school and I could stay up as late as I wanted to do as I wished because Becky worked 6 nights a week.

My desire to touch Helena has taken over my life.Every chance I get to see her naked I take it.Peeping in her window at night after her shower to watch her get dressed for bed,my peep hole just anytime I think she may be naked I peek.The night I started sneaking and touching her was one my most erotic nights of my life I will never forget it.

I’m in my basement sitting at my work bench I had just jacked off while Helena sat on my old couch I have and she watched and went up to bed.I packed myself a bowl and was enjoying the buzz I’m getting and having my 10th beer for the evening.Jacking off in front of a 10yr old girl to this day gets me hard and I still do it,just with different little girls now.

As I smoke the last hit my mind is racing,is Helena masturbating ?Does she touch herself a lot?What does her cum taste like?I’m driving myself mad with desire.Its decided I’m waiting a hour or so I’ll peek threw her window if she’s sleeping I’m going to try and touch her pussy while she’s sleeping.

Helena don’t wear nighties, she has always just wore panties and a t-shirt to bed for as long as I can remember. Knowing this I plan on just pulling her panties to the side get a good look,feel her clit and jackoff and leave.Thats my plan nothing more I don’t want to mess up her watching me jackoff.

Loaded a bowl,grabbed another beer and headed up to Helenas bedroom window and peeked in.Helena has a night light in her overhead light she always uses it has since I got with them when she was 5.The night light gives off plenty of light to see once your eyes adjust to the dark.Peeking in I see Helena laying on her stomach , one leg straight the other bent at the knee pulled up spreading her legs open.The blanket is off to the side she’s always kicked her covers off at night which now I see is a great advantage to access her pussy.

Sitting in my chair on our porch finishing off my bowl of smoke taking my last drink of beer it’s been almost 2 hours since Helena went to bed.Going in being perfectly quiet it’s just me and Helena Becky is working and won’t be home till early morning.Helenas door is just barley open,enough I can peek in she’s still laying in the same position.The excitement of what I’m about to do has me so excited. My hands are trembling I feel anxious and aroused all in one.Big open leg basketball shorts on so it’s easy to get access to my throbbing cock which I’ve done since I started jacking off in front of Helena.

I’ve always been attracted to little girls since I started molesting my step sisters when I was 14.Now in my early 30’s my attraction has become an obsession I can’t control.Ive jacked off next to school buses knowing a 3rd grade girl is watching me and came all over my self and my car.Ive jacked off in front of little girls walking our local nature trail.Ive jacked off in front of a Mother an teen daughter at the rest stop on the interstate that’s close to our house and all of them gave me excitement, but at this moment I’m more excited then ever before.

Slipping in so quietly pushing the door back where Helena had it and I just stand there letting my eyes adjust to the dimly lit room.My cock is in my hand I was already precuming with the thoughts of feeling her little plump mound.Time stood still,I can not wait I can see I have to touch her.Getting to her bed I know she sleeps sound I’ve carried her to bed several times and she seldom woke up.Reaching down lightly touching her calf gently slide my fingers towards her little round butt cheeks.Nothing no reaction no movement.Laying my palm on her butt giving a firm but gentle squeeze, it feels so soft.She continues sleeping soundly.Tonight she has on lose panties I can almost see her pussy threw a raised area in the crotch of her panties.

Helenas not laying flat her right side is raised up I can see her breast and want a feel.Gently I lay my palm on her small 10yr old breast and give a gentle squeeze.Oh my god I almost came it’s so small yet so soft.Feeling her puffy nipple threw the fabric I swirl my finger around her nipple and watch it begin to appear as it gets hard and stiff.Slow stroking my cock I slide my hand in the arm hole of her big t-shirt and cup her breast feeling it skin on skin for the first time.I begin to cum spurt after spurt of cum streamd across Helenas legs and onto her bed.I can hear the cum making a splat sound as each squirt fires out of my throbbing cock soaking her and the bed in my cum.

Helena still continuing to sleep soundly I milk my cock onto her tiny toes coating them in my cum.Im quivering and have the after shakes of cuming Helenas hard nipple is piercing the palm of my hand.Im still turned on I want more.Her legs covered in cum Helena begins to move , I quickly move my hand from her breast and hold my breath.Oh my god is she waking up.I didn’t want to mess up creep her out and she stops watching me jackoff.

Helena stretchs her arms over her head legs out straight and she rolls towards me.As she settles into another position my fears are settled she just changed positions and is still sleeping.Her right leg is now fully bent at the knee spread open the the left is straight giving me a perfect view between her legs.The panties she’s wearing look 2 sizes to big.Bescky was big on baggie clothes at night she said is helps keep arms and legs circulated and not have that tingly feeling when you wake up.So I can’t see Helenas pussy split but the him right beside her pussy is raised up I can see puffiness of her pussy’s bare skin.

Slowly I slip one finger under the him of her panty.Pushing in to where her little cunt is and gently wiggle my finger between her pussy folds for the first time I feel her vagina opening, it’s a little wet and hot feeling.My cock is hard and throbbing again I have to see her pussy
spread open.Pushing I slip just the tip of my finger inside my 10yr old step daughters pussy.Wanting so badly to thrust my finger deep inside her I gently push deeper in her.Half way now the warmth and the slippery feeling she must have masturbated before she went to sleep.The ribbed feeling inside her pussy is driving me mad.I can feel her every breath as her body allows me to penetrate her little cunt.Pushing almost almost the length of my finger I feel her cervix.Circling my finger around her cervix it begins to pulsate, she has fresh pussy juices seeping from within her tiny vagina leaking into my palm.Slowly I pull her panties to the side with my other hand and now I see my finger fully enveloped by my daughters small pussy.

Holding perfectly still with my finger all the way inside my daughters vagina I feel for movement.Is she having any reaction to my finger being buried deep inside her little vagina.Its so tight I can feel every breath she takes, it’s so hot her cervix has hardened and seems more attentive to the touchs of my finger.Slowly I spread her pussy folds open exposing her clit.She has pretty small heart shaped pussy lips about a 1/4 wide.Her pussy split is about 2 inch’s long full length of her bubble C shaped pussy mound.

Gently I pull my finger out it makes a sticky sound as it slips out.Sucking my finger and tasting her juices so sweet a little salty but so good and erotic.I want her spread open so I take the left leg push it back bending her knee laying it down.Now she’s laying in a position as if I’m about to mount her and slide my cock deep inside her.Not able to resist I lay between her legs take in the aroma of her 10yr old pussy.Spreading her open able to see inside her vagina I insert my finger and slip in gentle but fast.Her hips hump up ever so slightly. Back out and slide in again and again her pussy raises pushing her mound up as if it’s wanting to get fucked.In and out now steady speed as not not to wake her.The sounds are intoxicating I’m precuming all over her bed sheets.In and out her hips now matching the speed I’m fucking her with my finger.Her legs jerk up like she wanted to close her legs but they slammed right back down only to jerk again over and over.Her vagina is so wet hot and pulsating I want to taste her.

Pulling my finger out as it slips out her hips continue to gently thrust up and down. I get in close use the tip of my tongue , spread her pussy fully open and lick from her ass hole slowly up to the hard clit.Her legs quiver as I lick her hips wiggle up and down.Taking her clit into my mouth and begin to circle her hard clit with my tongue I give a hard suck.Her hips thrust up and hold and go into little quick humping motions legs laying flat holding her butt up off the bed.I hear a gasp of air and aaaahhhhh oohhbb aaahhh moan coming from her.Both nipples look rock hard and are jiggling under her baggy shirt from her quivers and shakes.

Her clit is so hard and pulsating , fluids flow from her pee hole and her vagina.Im pushing my lips deep into her pussy sucking her clit like it’s a starving baby sucking it’s Mommas breast.

She’s about to climax I feel it.I hold my arms under her hips keeping her butt raised up so I can keep her convulsing clit in my mouth.Her legs raise up trying to close but slam right back open as she pushed her pussy up and into my mouth she’s fucking my mouth.Her hips thrust up and down so fast her clit slips out of my mouth every other thrust.The sucking sounds fill the room moans of pleasure escaping her faster and faster she bucks against my face.

Locked onto her entire pussy I match her thrust and then one final hard thrust up she let’s out a loud aaaahhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhbaahhh ooohhhbbb arching her back pushing her little breast tight into the fabric exposing how hard her 10yr old nipples are.The hard thrust up she held position and began to tiny quick wiggles up and down knees quivering she’s cuming harder then she ever has.Her back lays flat her head raises up she opens her eyes and sees me with her little pussy in my mouth.Daddy daddy daddy oh my god Daddy it feels so good she dsyd and continues to buck and wiggle fucking my mouth.

For a good 25 seconds Helena came in my mouth so hard I shot cum all over her bed and didn’t even know it.Cum was all over my cock and her sheets.As her orgasm slips away she begs me please stop with those after sex sensation we all have .I suck her clit one last time watch her body convulse and I sit up smiling. Did you like that Sissy?Helena just laid there slow humps I can see her stream of cum a slow trickle now the bed is soaked under her.Helena is tiny barley 4 feet tall and maybe 45lbs and she just had a woman size orgasm.

Say something am I in trouble baby girl.Helena shakes her head no.Oh my god I’m in heaven I want to eat her out again right now.Do you want to feel that again?She nods yes.

That night I ate Helena out up until about 15min before my wife was to be home.Her room smelled like we had fucked all night.Her sheet and blanket was covered in loads of cum.Helena was wore out she had so many orgasm I couldnt count them all.Sex with my 10yr old step daughter was hands down the best sex I ever had.

Quickly stripping Helenas bed and putting a clean sheet and blanket fresh panties and shirt on Helena downstairs I fly to was our sex covered bed clothes.Once I’m back upstairs I look into Helenas room she’s out.I ate her out and finger fucked her 6 hours straight she’s wore out and sore I’m sure The finger fucking is another story in itself .I didn’t fuck her yet but I do in just a few weeks I fuck her and my wife watchs read on you will see.

5 chapters and a bonus chapter all true happened back in the late 90’s .My wife and I separated when Helena was 14 she was jealous I was fucking Helena more then her so she packed up moved back to our home state and I never seen them again.

I hope you enjoy reading this and you were able to cum as hard as I did writing it.I had to jackoff 3 times re writing this chapter For some reason chapter 3 disappeared so here it is enjoy.

Remember little girls don’t act like sluts.When you read these stories the guy says his 10yr old daughter told him to fuck her hard it’s fake.Little girls say what you teach them.My wife when I fucked her and she was pretending to be a little girl she would say yes fuck me Daddy.Helena watched me and her mother fuck hundreds of times over a 4 year period and Helena picked up on saying what her mom said when I fucked her.Little girls are niave and shy when your in the grooming stage.When they feel a tingle they don’t say yeah fuck me, they giggle and quiver and have no idea why but they like it and 99% of the time they come back for more.Go slow don’t rush and great orgasms will happen and remember

69themyoung11. Eating out a little girl is an open door of erotic fantasy come true.

Let me know if you jacked off or masturbated reading my true story

Until next time happy cuming

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By 69themyoung11 #Incest #PreTeen #Virgin