Cheating on my husband part 8

#Cheating #Cuckold #Lesbian 2 mins ago

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By Nikol So it had been a few days. Where the women made me give her a good seen to. Since then I have been dressed like a baby. Having to wear diaper having someone to feed me and a sex toy up my pussy that can’t control and it can go off any time in the day.
I hated every minute of it. So I thought peeing anywhere I liked and been cared so it was morning and I was in my cot with three other adult baby’s mummy She always greeted me with a smile and ready for the day. In the play room where kids could be kids. We was not allowed to talk. it was so embarrassing. playing with teddy’s and drawing. But a took a shine to a boy he was giving me the eye. It was very mind numbing boring.

Just then mommy walked in with a bottles for each of us. I started to drink it and it was not very nice. To mommy goes baby now liking her milk? You follow mommy on my hands and knees curled behind I have a view of her round behind and the bright red thong up her butt crack as she walk to the sofa in the playroom. Mom sat down and told me to get on I was the special girl today mom told me to lay down and she lifted her bra up and her tit fell out.

Now baby suck mommy’s nipple so sucked she must have been bursting to be milked the aww…aww and moans from mommy. I was getting turned on and so was she. Till she stopped suddenly and push me on the floor I want with a bump. She says shit I forgot to put your bib on milk is everywhere. Come here I will clean us up grabbing wipes and wipe me down and took off my wet diaper of milk and pee she made sure all my areas was clean then told me to sit on the sofa and waited it’s about as free as I have been in days. The other three appear to be asleep mom come back and put the bib around my neck and we get back to where we left off. I feel her hand rub past my belly her hands was warm as still moving her hand lower then I heard the noise of elastic pop her was in her panties I could feel moving around and the fabric touch my skin.

I wanted to touch my self. Was lost in a moment of sexual aerosol I felt my pussy leak just then I felt hands on my thighs and a face appear. It was making its way to my pussy as he put his face right in deep as he licked me out. I grabbed the back of his head I stop sucking on mommy nipple. But she was shock to see him she said you mentioned to be asleep. Not been able to move she started to squeeze my nipples I was so turned on
AH….ah….ahh….agh…… AH….ah….ahh….agh

Owwww…..ow….ow Owwww…..ow….ow

I jumped up to return the pleasure but was shocked in what see his cock locked away in a little pink cage. Not been shy I tried to act like a baby and get my mouth on it but quickly pulled away. Mommy said that enough for today as she walked him away as me and the other girls sat and waited are turns.

After sat there for what seen like ages as I was the last one then mommy come back and put a collar on me and a lead she lead me down the hallways to the shower room where I was blasted with cold water I fell over but the water kept coming. I was just crying in a mess on the floor. The the water mommy then walked away and I was left on the floor cold wet.

Then the door opens and a young women walks in she looked stunning her hair done nice. Would say the day age maybe a bit older dressed smart school girl look going on. She says what you doing down there? Not speaking you can talk she says with a smile on her face passing me towel come on let get you clothed and dyed you hungry??. Come on as she took the collar from around my neck. She patted me on the bottom and we walk the stairs to the bedroom.

In the room was beds and girl my ages sat on there beds they then jumped at the chance to talk to me and do my make up and dry and straight my hair.

When that was done i was shown to my bed where there was match bra panties White shirt tie and black tights skirt and black high heels expensive you know you know. but then I got told to hurry and get dressed Connie said as she stood at the end of here bed along with the other.

A woman come in the room screaming inspection lady’s. Putting my hands beside my back the women went to Connie unbuttoned her shirt pulled her bra cups up touched her breasts. Looked at her then lifted her skirt and put her and panties.

Then she when to Michaela unbuttoned her shirt pulled her bra cups up touched her breasts. Looked at her then lifted her skirt and put her and panties

Then she when to sarah unbuttoned her shirt pulled her bra cups up touched her breasts. Looked at her then lifted her skirt and put her and panties

Then she did the same to me. Once she had finished she told us to get ready for bed and put are nighties on. But I was so uncomfortable I had been used to sleeping naked. So am later the lights had been out for half an hour

I took my nightie off and masturbate. It was the first time I was watch over. I thought I was been noisy so I I had to take myself to the toilets to relieve myself during the night as well as I was horny a lot. So it seems.
As the new girl I was missing my family. Even my dad. I went over to Connie I was half asleep and when i got out of bed i kissed her cheek and wished her good night

The nexted morning we had lessons to kill the time we had food and showered and get ready for bed.
That night she got in with me I kissed her on the cheek too and she looked at me and smiled, but said nothing. Shortly after that she rolled toward me and she kissed me on the lips and we hugged and kissed for a while. It was the tenth time I had kissed another girl and it was nice. I was horny and I took my nightie off and she did the same – neither of us spoke but we got close to each other and the feeling of our naked bodies touching was wonderful. We kissed some more and I felt for her tiny nipples and played with them – she did the same to me. It was getting late and I had the feeling one or more of the other girls were aware we were in bed together so we just lay still and hugged each other. After I though everybody was asleep she went to get back into her own bed and we kissed on the lips and I deliberately touched her on the cunt. She let me feel her for a minute or two and didn’t pull away. I think I had found a new sex partner.

The next day we met in the classroom and had a talk and we decided to be best friends – if we weren’t already. I did not know how long we would be with each other but. After lessons for the past two days we would try and get to secluded places instead of playing games like the others did and kiss and feel each other up.

We were fingering each other and we both worked each other up to orgasms. But trying to stay out of the way of the teachers.

At night we would get into bed together and feel and touch each other as we kissed. A couple of the girls soon realised what we were doing and dobbed us in.
A day or so later were caught in bed together by one of the teachers then two girls was jealous of what I had with the head girl We knew then we had been dobbed in. We were severely punished and our sleeping arrangements were separated. I was put into another room and slept in the bed next to the teachers room.
This didn’t stop us getting together whenever we could and enjoying our sexual escapades We got a reputation as lesbians as many of the girls realised we had a different sort of friendship to the other girls. But we broke the rules. We never disguised the fact we would talk together and hold hands. I was here because I was a slut and got used by men. But

One night my new teacher toni called me into her room. She has her own room at the end of the hallway My bed is right next to her door. She talked to me about my friendship with Connie. She was also in a baby doll nightie – I had never seen her in that before and when ever she was in the room she always wore a gown. I had this funny feeling she was testing me as she was being more than friendly and she frequently bent over and I could see right down her front.but I really want Connie the new teacher told me I was good at breaking rules she told me to have sex with her and she would turn the other way and I could spend the night with Connie as I was leaving for home.

I Agreed and I went down on her and give her the tim of her life as I finger fucked her kissed her and fell in a pile on the bed I washed myself in her private shower as she went to get Connie. Ten minutes later I had Connie in my harms. And I was happy

Hope you enjoyed part 9 and please leave a comment

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By Nikol #Cheating #Cuckold #Lesbian