Choose a chapter Part 2

#Mature #PreTeen #Teen 1 hour ago

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By Ox Option C was choosen so becomming a man with Lilly sounds like a plan. Vote on the next chapter too!

Chapter 2

I watch Lilly’s 10 year old body walk into the kitchen and sit at the table. She looks so innocent and small. Her long hair waving behind her as she bounces into the chair. As she grabs the cereal off the table and pours some into the bowl I walk up behind her and give her a kiss on the cheek leaning over the back of the chair. What was that for? She looks up confused. I was just happy to see you! She kisses my cheek back. Happy birthday! Are you excited about your party? She asks as she brings a spoon full of cereal into her mouth. Of course I am! It sounds exciting to become a man today!

My mom turns around and smiles at me and Lilly. Awww…brother and sister getting along. I guess it only took 10 years. And happy birthday! I have an early present for you after school. Also I hate to do it to you on your birthday but I have to work a little late so you are going to have to keep an eye on Lilly until your sister gets home.

I think to myself that sounds like the perfect opportunity. Okay mom. I’ll keep an eye on her! She kisses my forehead. Thanks bud. All day at school I begin daydreaming about Lilly. I want her badly. I try to figure out a good way to seduce her. She is only 10 so she is pretty naive…and not the brightest bulb.

School seems a blur considering I spent all day distracted. I barely remember changing classes. I walk home loke usual. It’s faster than the bus because we live right arounf the corner. I rush home to get there before Lilly. When she finally arrives I have almost an hour before Becky comes home. (Thats my older sister.)

Hey Lilly, do you want to wanna play a game? Sure! What kind of game? A secret game that someone at school told me about. But it has to be a secret or I will get in trouble. (Lilly always wants to do things with me and my older friends. Since I rearly let her, this is an opportunity I think to myself.) Okay hiw do we play?

Okay well…what happens is a boy makes a girl feel really good and if thye play the game the right way they both win if they don’t play right they both lose.

Oh okay…so we should try really hard to do it right! I like winning!
Yeah…so for the game we need to take our clothes off.

She looks at me weirdly. But then we will see each other’s privates!? Yes, thats why I said it has to be a secret. I don’t want to be in trouble. Do you trust me? Well yes. She thinks about. Okay, she says hesitantly. She starts taking off her clothes and I take off mine. My cock is already hard. She giggles when she sees it as I take my shirt off. She takes her finger and pushes down on it causing it to spring up and smack my pelvis. Your thingy is doing something weird. Why is it like that? It’s something that happens when I am really excited about seeing a sexy girl.

You think I’m sexy?

Absolutely! Your body is tight and your booty is round. You are super sexy! She blushes.

So how do we play this game? Okay well first to get started lay on the bed and close your eyes. She does this and I stop for a moment to take in the sight of her whole body, paying special attention to the folds of her little cunny. She is hairless. Her skin is smooth and silky. Her pussy lips are small and close tightly hiding her little slit. I have watched porn on the basement computer many times so I know some porn things. I have also jacked off many times starting to masterbate over a year ago. Her little slit looks so different then the ones from the videos. Okay keep your eyes closed until I say open them okay? Okay!

I climb onto the bed and slide between her legs and bring my face down close to her slit.

That tickles! What tickles? I ask. Your blowing on my little cunny! She did not realize I was so close that it was just my breathing on her little lips. I stick my tongue out and snake it between her tiny lips. She giggles. What are you doing? Hey no peeking! Close your eyes and don’t open them! She does and I don’t waist any more time and plant my full mouth over her pussy and start licking from bottow to top of her whole slit. Oh my! What is happening!? That feels weird! She gets a little squirmy. Hold still or we will lose the game! She tries to hold still. I keep licking and I start getting the taste of salty sweetness. Her pussy starts getting a little wetter. Not from me licking but slippery …

She starts breathing different now. She isn’t squirming her hips start moving up to meet my mouth. Oh…I think we are winning! It’s feeling really good! Oh my! I double my efforts and push my tongue into her hole and then I find the little hood at the top of the slit. I use my fingers to manipulate her lips out of the way and when I do I see a little piece of skin appear. In the videos that lick that a lot so I put it between my lips a d flick my tongue on it. Oh goodness…something is happening…I don’t know what to do! Her hands hold me by my head and she pushes my head into her cunny instinctually trying to feel more pleasure. Then she freezes up. Her hips push up off the bed. Her ass tightens into a bridge position and I keep my mouth locked in place. Her whole body shudders and tenses up. OHHHHHHHHH…..she finally breaths out.

I look up at her and she is staring down at me. My face is completely wet with her juices. I think we won! She says. Well close.

Close!? Yeah, now you have to make me feel the same way and then we will have won! Okay how do I do it? Well. I sit up and grab ahold of my cock. You have to suck on this the same way I licked your cunny. You win when it shoots liquid into your mouth.

She looks lustfully at my cock. So if I do it right…it will squirt liquid in my mouth? Yep!

I take her spot where she was laying on my bed. My cock stands strait up nearly 5 inches. She gets on all fours and her face it hovering over my pelvis. Thats when the fireworks begin. Her mouth opens and she slides her lips half way down my dick. When I feel her tongue licking the bottom of my shaft I tell her to suck and move up and down. She does. She is struggling to bob her head up and down so she natually grabs the base of my shaft and uses it for leverage to insert more of my cock into the back of her throat. Oh yes Lilly…you are winning. Keep going just like that! She seems proud of herself as she gives a little smile out of the corners of her mouth and then starts bobbing up and down faster. She is sucking so hard it feels 10 times better then my hand. I think to myself she is going to make me cum really fast. This is so much better then watching porn.

I grab her head the same way she grabbed mine. I start encouraging her to go deeper into her throat. She tries bit her inexperience makes her gag a little. Before she stops I tell her I’m almost there. Its close to shooting! She gets excited and starts gripping my cock will trying to swallow my dick. She is accidently jerking my cock at the same time with the bouncing motion of the bed. In a matter of moments I feel it cumming. Oohhhh. Hereee it……issssssssss! I blast my seed into her mouth. She does her best to catch the whole load. She puts her hand under her chin as she tries to catch some cum dripping down. With a mouth full of cum she yells…..I WIN!!!! Okay now you have to swallow the cum to finish the game!

She closes her mouth and makes a big gulp. That tasted weird! I give her a kiss right to her lips. She is completely surprised and kisses my lips back. Thank you Lilly. When can we play this game again? She asks innocently. Soon. I know another way we can play too and we might be able to do the advanced version if you think you can handle it. Oh I can handle it! She says confidently. Well how about at my party this week end. We can find a spot and play in secret. Rememer this has to be a secret!

I know!

A. Wait until the party and take it up a notch
B. Move on to Becky, see what older sister knows
C. Make some moves on mom

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By Ox #Mature #PreTeen #Teen