Co-Winner Forum Annonymous Story Contest Oct. 2007

<p>Sister / Daughter <br />&nbsp;<br />Brother – </p><p><br />Mom was away for the night. </p><p><br />His eyes were shivering in fear, or was it anticipation.&nbsp; He was nervous and for whatever reason, I had little care.&nbsp; He was a boy, a thirteen year old boy.&nbsp; You can&rsquo;t break one of those. </p><p><br />It was dark in his bedroom.&nbsp; I was sure it was warm but my skin still crawled with millions of shivering bugs.&nbsp; All I wore was two thin pieces of cloth, one draping down from my shoulders to the second one hugging my hips and looping between my legs.&nbsp; I was sixteen, but still so vulnerable to my little brother in just those two cutlets of fabric; in the dark, walking slowly to his bed. </p><p><br />His eyes were shivering. </p><p><br />Reaching the mattress he laid so soundless on, I ran my bare fingers over the sheets I helped mom pick out to fit his new queen sized birthday bed.&nbsp; My fingertips coiled under the rims of them and lifted back. </p><p><br />Father – </p><p><br />He was sound asleep.&nbsp; The pill I slipped him made sure of that; or at least made sure that if he woke up, he wouldn&rsquo;t remember in the morning. </p><p><br />I stared at his massive masculine body under the sheets.&nbsp; </p><p><br />&ldquo;Daddy,&rdquo; I whispered in a cooing voice.&nbsp; No reply. </p><p><br />Standing by his bed in my thin panties and nightgown, I pulled back the sheets.&nbsp; His naked body stared aggressively at me from its side.&nbsp; I breathed in and pulled my hands back to myself to undress. </p><p><br />Brother – </p><p><br />I ran my hand up under his shirt.&nbsp; His body was delicate and young; so little experience.&nbsp; My lips lightly tapped the side of his cheek as I gently released my warm humid breadth onto him.&nbsp; His undefined nipple slid into my hand.&nbsp; He remained motionless. </p><p><br />My panties increasingly felt tighter and tighter.&nbsp; My body instinctively pulled itself onto the one next to me. </p><p><br />&ldquo;Brendan,&rdquo; I moaned with more air than sound as I pushed my lips to his.&nbsp; His shirt returned flat as my hand pulled out to throw the sheets from us.&nbsp; His half limp penis twitched under my skin tight underwear.&nbsp; They grew even smaller.&nbsp; I began shifting over his pelvis hoping to loosen them. </p><p><br />His lips were so small and soft. The arms attached to his torso lifted as my muscles easily overpowered his.&nbsp; He was a doll to be used at my leisure.&nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p><br />Father – </p><p><br />On my knees, completely naked, I pushed my mouth around one of my dad&rsquo;s testicles.&nbsp; It was so big and warm.&nbsp; My tongue danced in the wrinkles as my nose breathed in the base of his cock.&nbsp; He was intoxicating.&nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p><br />Quickly enough, I found my body naturally pulling off his testicle and my lips tracing up his shaft for entry.&nbsp; The faint liquid accumulating between my legs chilled my pelvis as it evaporated.&nbsp; </p><p><br />As my mouth broke apart to inhale the soft head of my father&rsquo;s cock, I ran my hand down my spine to my bare butt sticking out into the open air.&nbsp; I could almost fit four inches of his huge member into my mouth.&nbsp; At least two or three more remained untouched.&nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p><br />I sucked in around it as my fingers rode down my butt crack and dipped into my vagina. </p><p><br />Brother – </p><p><br />My lips broke contact with his only to tug the shirt from his tiny chest.&nbsp; As that one interference dropped from my hands to the floor, my soft wet lips pushed back into his.&nbsp; In a slow slice, I cut his mouth open with my tongue and gently dropped it into his face.&nbsp; Pulling his jaw open with my hand, I savored the feeling of my saliva dripping into his throat.&nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p><br />His glossy eyes were trembling.&nbsp; I stared into them knowing deep down inside him, he was truly loving this.&nbsp; Someday when I was out in college, he would only be able to masturbate to my memories.&nbsp; As his friends wallowed in his relations to me hoping just to see me up close, his head would be filled with these many nights. </p><p><br />He could take no more and I heard in the deep silence the sound of his throat open and close to suck down a pouchful of my salivation.&nbsp; I twisted my head and pushed my lips to interlock his.&nbsp; Leaving no airway to breath from our mouths, I could feel him pulsing his life into my face through his nose as he could feel mine.&nbsp; My tongue pole danced on his. </p><p><br />I moaned into his throat not being able to take my increasingly shrinking underwear.&nbsp; I was swollen and wet; my hips were boiling.&nbsp; Releasing the grip from his jaw, I reached down to my legs.&nbsp; The fabric scrunched and bunched down my sides.&nbsp; I broke our kiss and pulled back leaving a trail of my untamed saliva dripping down his chin and chest. </p><p><br />Father – </p><p><br />My body climbed up over his as my bottom lip dragged up his hard chest.&nbsp; That tiny glaze of euphoric sweat I just sucked from my dad&rsquo;s sex organ was driving me mad.&nbsp; I coated it with my saliva and now I wanted my insides coated with it as well. </p><p><br />Our lips met and I moaned over and over into his mouth my position under him. </p><p><br />&ldquo;Dad, no dad.&nbsp; Don&rsquo;t put it in me.&nbsp; Please dad stop.&rdquo; </p><p><br />My hand struggled to grip his soaking penis as I attempted to press it tightly into my slit.&nbsp; My breathless cries for him to not rape me fell to his unconscious body.&nbsp; I brought my eyes up from my night clothes draped onto the floor to my father&rsquo;s face.&nbsp; His cock squeezed into a halt between the tender inflamed lips inset beneath my ovaries. </p><p><br />&ldquo;No dad.&nbsp; Please, I&rsquo;ll do anything, just don&rsquo;t&hellip;&nbsp; Oooooooooooooooh!&rdquo; I moaned as quietly as possible while I pushed my body back into a solid steaming pipe.&nbsp; My eyes closed, I felt my father&rsquo;s body below mine, so strong and commanding.&nbsp; &ldquo;Daddy,&rdquo; I cooed. </p><p><br />Brother – </p><p><br />My panties left my feet as I pressed my mouth into the springy trampoline just above his boxers.&nbsp; Just inches below laid his sex organ.&nbsp; Just seconds before I uncovered it into the open air. </p><p><br />As I pulled his underwear down his pelvis, I dragged my lips down as well.&nbsp; Through the light new grown pubic hair and onto his penis, my mouth traveled before stopping.&nbsp; His boxers though didn&rsquo;t.&nbsp; </p><p><br />He was hard, but not as hard as I knew he could get.&nbsp; He held too much resistance in his mind.&nbsp; My lips broke open and my head fell down onto his shaft.&nbsp; He was in a catacomb of hot, humid, oh-so-soft tissue sucking and licking at his most sensitive body part.&nbsp; It was one of the happiest times for me when I heard him give out that audible moan. </p><p><br />His little penis was in my mouth.&nbsp; I loved how compact it was because I could fit the whole thing in.&nbsp; Twirling my neck left to right, my tongue spiraled around the shaft with increased focus on the head.&nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p><br />Brendan couldn&rsquo;t stop moaning.&nbsp; His hips involuntarily shivered and tensed.&nbsp; I was making him so happy.&nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p><br />And then he released that groan that was almost a cry.&nbsp; That male reproductive organ in my mouth grew just a tiny bit more and I felt my brother pump his hips into my face once.&nbsp; His thick hot semen shot into my welcoming mouth.&nbsp; I knew it wouldn&rsquo;t be much so I sucked at him extra hard to get every bit of it to funnel down my throat.&nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p><br />Father – </p><p><br />My body thrust up and down onto the massive object penetrating me.&nbsp; I was naked.&nbsp; Dad was naked.&nbsp; We were having sex.&nbsp; We were fucking.&nbsp; Daddy and daughter.&nbsp; I would feel that same juice inside me that mom felt when she and he conceived me sixteen years ago.&nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p><br />&ldquo;Dad.&nbsp; Please, at least don&rsquo;t cum inside me.&nbsp; Please stop.&rdquo;&nbsp; It was the same stuff that made me.&nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p><br />My fingers pads pressed hard into his chest as my eyes squeezed tighter and tighter shut.&nbsp; I repeated those words inside my head over and over, &lsquo;Dad, don&rsquo;t cum in me.&rsquo;&nbsp; My body pumped harder and harder into his stiff frame.&nbsp; I was naked.&nbsp; He was naked.&nbsp; My dad and me. </p><p><br />I was seconds away from losing control.&nbsp; I moved faster and harder.&nbsp; I wanted him to cum deep into me so bad. &lsquo;Dad, don&rsquo;t cum in me.&rsquo;&nbsp; My face inhaled his chest.&nbsp; Pound, pound, pound.&nbsp; That was it. </p><p><br />My body thrust into orgasm; my vagina squeezed and convulsed onto my dad&rsquo;s cock.&nbsp; Seconds passed before I felt a hot stream of liquid splash into my cervix which blew me immediately into another orgasm.&nbsp; Dad was cumming in me. </p><p><br />Squirt after squirt of his hot milk splattered into my ending wall.&nbsp; The layers and walls of my tissues, muscles, and organs, all convulsed and ripped at the external object casting them aside. </p><p><br />&ldquo;Daddy, daddy, daddy,&rdquo; I cried breathlessly into his pecks as my breasts smeared themselves below.&nbsp; It was minutes before my body broke the gyrations into my father&rsquo;s hips and my mind broke the repetitive words of my father&rsquo;s title over me. </p><p><br />— </p><p><br />In the silence of the room I heard someone shift their bare foot over the carpet.&nbsp; With fear, I instantly looked back to see who must have walked in while I was in my high. </p><p><br />&ldquo;Looks like things got a little out of hand,&rdquo; Amy said. </p><p><br />&ldquo;Sorry, I couldn&rsquo;t control myself,&rdquo; I replied caught in the act. </p><p><br />&ldquo;It&rsquo;s okay.&nbsp; I got a little carried away too and accidently ate Brendan to completion.&rdquo; </p><p><br />&ldquo;Must be the twin thing; both losing control at the same time.&rdquo;&nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p><br />Amy smiled to me.&nbsp; &ldquo;Well, I think we effectively mastered that over years of practice more than us being twins.&rdquo; </p><p><br />&ldquo;Either way,&rdquo; I grinned back, &ldquo;I could use a little brother to just cuddle anyways after what dad and I just did.&nbsp; I won&rsquo;t force him to push out another one.&rdquo; </p><p><br />&ldquo;Yeah, well if I can&rsquo;t squeeze another one from dad, than you still owe me one back in our room.&rdquo; </p><p><br />&ldquo;Well in that case,&rdquo; I teased, &ldquo;don&rsquo;t try too hard.&rdquo; </p><p><br />I slowly pulled my body off the pipe impaling me leaving a line of cum connecting me to my father.&nbsp; I cut it with my fingers and crawled from the bed to put my panties back on.&nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p><br />&ldquo;I&rsquo;ll let you clean that up.&nbsp; And see you in an hour.&rdquo; </p><p><br />I smirked as I walked past her staring at the reflection of my breasts on her body.</p><p>[B]Thanks for entering. [/B]</p>