Dad and boys part one

#Pregnancy #PreTeen 4 hours ago

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By Rose I was at a very young age when I found out that boys liked looking up girls skirts ,I would say I was about ten years old,me and my friend Tracy were in the playground at school and were doing handstands up against the wall, after a little while some boys from our class came over ,we stopped what we were doing one of the boys said let’s see you do that again so me and Tracy did another handstand ,your very good at it the boy said as we came back down again and stood up,can you do more for us , “why ” I asked, the boys laughed, then one shouted “we like to see your knickers” and they all kept laughing , Tracy said ” that’s naughty let’s go ” and she tugged on my arm but i did not move ,i had always liked the fact my skirt would fall down around my waist when i did handstands against the wall and show all my knickers I did not know why i just liked it and now knowing these boys liked seeing my knickers I said to Tracy ” i’m going to do some more handstands for them” ,with that Tracy walked away, so with all the boys standing round me I felt very excited as i then did another handstand and felt my skirt fall around my waist as my knickers were now in fall view for the boys to see, I did not know why but i loved them all looking and seeing my knickers I knew it was really naughty and i knew if my mother was to find out she would say I was a very rude little girl and she would get my Dad to tan my bare backside ,this was something that would happen every time i was bad, depending on how bad i was would determine if i was spanked by Dad with my knickers on or off, when he got home Mum would tell him I need spanking, he always looked disappointed if i was no bad enough to have my knickers pulled down for the spanking Dad really liked spanking my bare bum,and the thing was so did I I loved him pulling my knickers down and then putting me across his lap, the first two or three spanks on my bare bum really hurt but then my bum cheeks would feel hot as if they were on fire as he would continue to really give my bum a really good seeing to,and even at the tender age of ten the beating my bare bum was having an effect between my legs it made it feel good down there, Dad would give my bum fifteen good hard slaps with his hand and then he would give my bum a rub with his hand before beating my bum some more, all the time my Mum would be watching him and telling him to beat my bum more , she enjoyed seeing me get a beating, but never watched when i had my knickers on for being bad a little ,about four months after this beating my Mum died from a heart,attack,from then on the spankings i got from Dad changed,he told me i would be spanked at the least twice a week no matter if I had been bad or not and from now on the spankings would always be on my bare bum, but from the word go I was never spanked just twice a week it was always four or five times a week, as soon as Dad got in from work i only had to look at his face to know he was going to spank me, i would be watching tv and he would pull me up on my feet his hands would go up my skirt and he would pull my knickers down and he he would sit down and drag me across his lap he would push my skirt right up and then began to spank my bottom hard after fifteen hard slaps he would rub my bum but now instead of just rubbing my bum cheeks he would let his hand slip between the top of my legs and his fingers would rub on my young fanny which intensified the feeling between my legs that the spanking was giving me,so there was a lot going on in my life at that time with boys wanting to look at my knickers and my Dad spanking me and touching me as much as he could, the strange thing is I loved all of it,I loved going to school and showing the boys my knickers and I loved going home to have my Dad pull my knickers off and spank and feel me,play time at school I would have loads of boys round me while i did handstands to show them my knickers I would now also show boys my knickers while in class by pulling the front of my skirt up while sitting at my desk, then one day on the way to school it suddenly crossed my mind i wondered if the boys would like to see me without my knickers on like myy Dad does, so before going into class i went to the toilets and took my knickers off and put them in my bag and then went to class , there was always pushing and shaving from the boys to which two BB oys would sit opposite my desk I could feel the two boys staring at me so I slowly pulled the front of my skirt up until it was up on my waist and even though I did not do it on purpose my legs opened on their own,the boys faces were a picture as the could not tare there eyes away from the view they had so i was pretty sure that like my Dad the boys liked to see me without knickers i managed to sit like that almost all the way through two lessons,then it was play time and i went to the toilets and put my knickers back on before going in the playground i went to the wall i always did handstands to and there was lots of boys waiting for me to do handstands i did a handstand and i heard a boy say she had got knickers on you said she hadn’t,the boy said ” i swear she didn’t have any on” ,i got down from my handstand and said ” it’s true I did not have knickers on in class, “take them off now so we can see” the boy said , ” there are to many people about “I said ” but i will do handstands for you” and did just that as i was on my hands the boy grabbed my knickers and pulled them up my legs and off in a flash, i tried to get down but two boys held my legs up as this group of boys had a good look at my fanny, just then the bell rang for end of play time and they let me down but they did not give me my knickers back , over the next few days this happened alot i would lose my knickers to the boys, so in the end i would stop wearing any at school only taking some when i had PE, when i was almost eleven years old the boys were not just wanting to just look they were now touching as well, and I loved all these boys hands all over my fanny and my bum,it seems just like my Dad they enjoyed touching me ,but it was something about boys of that age ten almost eleven that stuck with me through out my school days and right through my adult life, i would sort out boys of this age to flash to and to get to play with me.
My Dad continued to spank me at every opportunity he got but it became more and more sexul , he told me I was not aloud to wear knickers at home anymore so that I would be ready for my discipline as he liked to call it, and as he spanked my bare bottom he would start calling me names telling me I was a little slut for having a bum like I had which is why it needs spanking, and the rubbing of my fanny changed as well he would rub it and then slip a finger up it he would push his finger in and out of my fanny hard and fast while continuing to spank my bum with his other hand, it felt amazing and I could not help but push back on his finger as he fingered my fanny hard and he gave me many many many many orgasms , part two to come
Rose xxx

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By Rose #Pregnancy #PreTeen