Doggie Style – Chapter Two

#Teen #Virgin #Zoophilia 35 seconds ago

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By Claire Davis. “David! You have to do something about this damn dog!” mom shouted. Am in my bedroom, I heard my mom yelling from the other side of the house. “What’s Duke done now?” Dad asked, walking into the living room and finding his lovely wife Jessie and the family dog, Duke. Duke “tried to hump my leg again!” mom said, shaking a finger at their handsome Doberman, Duke, who looked sad and chastised.

“I won’t have him displaying his obscene dog cock anytime he feels frisky! For god’s sake, he tried to hump my friend Tiffany the other day – he got his dick slime all over her new outfit! And when he’s not trying to hump my leg, he’s got his nose in my crotch!” “Aw, honey, he’s just being friendly, “Dad teased, trying to appease his wife. He scratched Duke’s head and noticed Duke’s aroused condition.

“I won’t stand for it David. Not one minute more! Either get laid, cut off his balls, or keep him outside in a cage!” Jessie said, her voice rising even higher. “Aww, you know I can’t cage an animal! Duke’s part of the family! He can’t help himself. And I have two bitches lined up for Duke, but they haven’t come in heat yet.” “David, if you don’t do something right now, I’ll cut off his balls mom said. “Cut off whose’s balls?” I asked, walking into the room.

“Duke’s!” my mom exclaimed. Mom said he’s trying to hump everything in sight!” “Oh,” I said. I knew Duke had been trying to hump a lot of things around the house since I began teasing him. I once let him hump me on my leg a few times, just to laugh at him, until Duke slimed all over my leg, grossing mom out. ” Well. I think it’s funny!” I giggled. So what if Duke was a little randy? I was randy too.

I knew his recent behavior was because of me. I had been teasing Duke all week, using my juicy teenage pussy to lead him about the house until the both of us were very, very aroused. Then I would let Duke lick me to orgasm, slurping at my pussy until I came. I liked to look at his hard doggy-cock, knowing my sweet pussy had made him hard abd so excited. I wished the boys at my high school would get worked up over my pussy like Duke.

“Has he tried to hump you too?” my mom asked. “Well…. a little…. once or twice…. but Iike I said, he’s just being a big goofy…. I began. David, he’s trying to hump your own daughter!!” mom seethed. “That settles it! I’m not going to stand for it any longer! I’m calling the vet right now!” My mom picked up the phone. Jessie, I paid a lot of money for Duke!” Said dad. “Mom! You can’t hurt Duke!” I said. Besides, if my mom followed through with her threat.

Duke probably wouldn’t want to play with me anymore, or lick my pussy, or get boners, or…. “Ok, Ok, I’ll see about getting some training for Duke, and I’ll call the other owners again.” Dad said, realizing his dog was going to be costing him even more dollars. “When do you have any time for training?” Mom asked dad. “You work all day, and most of the weekend. Why not give himaway to someone or just have him castrated?”

“Well….” Dad said.Seeing my dad began to waver, I spoke up quickly. We can’t give away Duke!” I protested. “And we can’t cut off his balls! That would be cruel!” I ran to Duke and held him tight. ” I, it doesn’t hurt him…. for long anyway. He’ll be asleep for the whole operation,” my mom said. “And when he wakes up, he won’t be so…. aggressive, and it will get rid of that thing….” Mom pointed her finger and twirled it in small circles towards Duke’s under-belly.

I looked wheremy mom was pointing. Duke’s cock had slid outof his sheath ever further. It was red and growing larger. I stood up quickly, knowing smelling my pussy or expecting me to play their new, sexy game. Oh no! What had I done? I had trained Duke to get aroused by human pussy instead of dog pussy! “I’ll train him! I said quickly. After all, I had taught him his bad habits, so should be able to un-teach him. “Pleasemom? Please dad?”

“Well…. My mom began. “Great!” my dad said quickly. “I’ll call that kennel just outside of town, They offer abeddience classes. I hear they are pretty good too.” I and Duke had their first training class that Saturday. The class was taught by the owner, Mrs. Hill, a stocky older woman with greying hair. She lectured the group on general dog training concepts and then taught them how to control their dogs on a leash, making them walk around the yard.

Mrs. Hill then taught the class a few basic commands, like ‘sit,’ lay down,’ and stay.’ I was proud of Duke, he did very well. After class, I waited until the other dog owners had left. I wanted to ask Mrs. Hill about Duke’s problem. “Uh, Mrs.Hill?” I began, and then delicately explained my situation, why I and Duke were there, and my mom threats. I found a sympathetic listener. So your dad never bred dogs before?” Mrs. Hill asked.

“I said no never.” I said. “Amateurs,” Mrs. Hill scoffed under her breath. “First of all, if you don’t get them fixed, male dogs are going to get aroused. It’s a fact of life. Your mom needs to understand this or your dad needs to get out of the breeding business.” “But,” I said. “Can I train him to not get…. erections…., all the time?” I turned red from embarrassment. Can it be done Mrs.Hill.

“You can teach him not to hump your moms leg and how to behave around people, but he’s still going to get erections. The only way to minimize his erections and keep him from being a pest is to…. Mrs. Hill stopped abruptly. “How old are you anyway, honey?” Mrs.Hill asked. “Sixteen,” I said, straightening my body and pushing my breasts out, trying to look older and more mature than I.

“Hmm, you look a lot youger, but guess you’re old enough, especially if your dad is serious about dog breeding,” Mrs. Hill decided . “Listen honey, dogs are like men. They have certain needs, and besides being more obvious, a man’s needs are more urgent than a woman’s. You know what I’m saying?” “I think so. You mean sex right?” I replied. “Exactly. So if you want your dog to, lets say.., be a little calmer?”

An experience dog breeder knows you have to relieve his pressure once in a while. Understand?” “You mean….” “Yes. That’s what I mean. It’s part of the job. Ever watch the Westminster dog show? Those show dogs aren’t castrated because the winners have white-gold in their balls. So, the owners have to keep them happy. So, sometimes they have to take matters into their own hands, understand?”

“Can you…, maybe…, show me?” I asked. This would solve all of my problems! I could play still play with Duke and my mom wouldn’t be upset any longer! “Honey…,” Mrs.Hill began. “What’s your name again?” Mrs. Hill asked. ” “Claire,” I said. “Claire, there’s no way I’m going to teach a sixteen year-old girl how to jerk off a dog. You can search the internet or find a book, but I’m not risking my business for you.

Now, if you want a part-time job this summer, came fill out an application, OK? You might learn something.” OK!” I love dogs. This would be the perfect summer job! “I think you have a real affinity for dog training. I’ve watched you, and I’ve seen how your dog responds to you. He likes you. He really likes you…, but, you have to learn to control him and definitely keep his nose out of your crotch, at least in front of people, sweetheart.”

I turned red from my head to my toes, ‘OMG! She saw Duke sniffing my pussy! I didn’t think anyone saw it! OMG! OMG! Does she know? I bet she does! OMG! I bet she knows I let Duke eat my pussy too! I was ready to turn and run away. “You don’t have to say anything Claire, and you don’t have to be embarrassed. I’ve beenin this business a long time and I’ve seen a lot of things.” Mrs.Hill continued. “People love their dogs…, I love dogs too.” My expression was blank, not giving anything away.

She continued, “You have to encourage good behavior and correct bad behavior – teach him there’s a time and place for everything. And, you can train your dog to do other things besides the normal commands we went over today, you can also teach your dog…, what’s his name again?” Mrs.Hill asked.” Duke,” I said. “You can also teach Duke some ‘special’ commands,” she said, reaching down to scratch Duke behind the ears.

“Just pick some obscure trigger-word you wouldn’t typically say in normal conversations, like ‘Beetlejuice’ or ‘Rin-Tin-Tin.’ Than, it’s like teaching any other command; praise him when he does well, and correct him when he doesn’t.” “Gee, thanks, Mrs. Hill.” I said. “You’re welcome, Claire,” Mrs. Hill said. “I have to get back to work, I’ll see you next week. I expect you to practice with Duke every day, until then.”

“Oh, I will!” I said. “I have no doubt,” Mrs. Hill replied. I quickly returned home and proudly showed my mom and dad how much Duke had learned during his first training session. I made himsit, lat down, and heel, all to my parents’s amazement. Then, I proceeded to share some of what Mrs. Hill hed told me about Duke’s erections. “Well, he is a very big dog,” My mom said when I was finished.

“I guess I can live with his little doggy-dick sticking out once in a while as long as he stops sniffing and humping everything in sight.” “I’ll teach him real good, mom!” I said. I quickly explained to her mom howto properly correct his bad behavior and then took him outside for more training. “Come on, boy, let’s go outside!” We trained for a couple of hours, mom and dad said to each other now Claire has something she enjoys doing.

Duke heard me coming home from school Monday afternoon. He was waiting for me by thr front door, with his cock already out of his sheath. He knew when Claire came home from school it was time to sniff and lick my sweet-smelling pussy. Even though his bitch didn’t let him mate with her, he still loved my feminine taste and odors. Duke knew someday soon, he would breed with her and fill her with his seed.

I walked in the house and greeted Duke. Duke tried to greet me py putting his nose up my skirt. But oddly, his master scolded him. Puzzed, he tried again, only to be chastised. Duke was confused. Whenever claire came home at this time, day after day, five-days a week and sometimes on weekends when her parents were out, Claire let him smell and lick her sent. “No, Duke,” I said, quickly stopping his naughty behavior once again.

I let him outside and watched him mark his territory. Duke hiked his leg over a flower bush and glanced back at me. I inspected his fur-covered cock, contemplating my next actions. After letting him back in, I took Duke into my room. “OK,” boy,” I said, lets teach you how to behave.” I took off my panties . Duke became excited. But every time he tried to get his snout into my crotch, I corrected him.

When Duke tried to climb onto me, I scolded him and made him sit down. I waited. Duke waited. “Good boy!” I praised. It was time to teach him the proper time and place to play with my pussy, like Mrs.Hill said. Then, when he was ready, I would try to ‘relieve his pressure,’ I had spent the entire weekend searching the internet. I had learned how to properly ‘extract’ dog semen. I also learned a few very naughty things girls sometimes did with their dogs.

I had thought quite a lot about his ‘special’ commands over the weekend at first, I was going to use the word ‘pussy,’ as in ‘Lick-My-Pussy,’ since he was alreadyuse to hearing it, but I decided it was probably better to start fresh. I knew what my special commands would be. “Duke,” I said, getting Duke’s attention. Duke cocked his head and looked at me. Do you want to play our special game, Duke?

Do you want to play ‘sniff-the-bitch’ boy?” I knew a female dog was called a bitch, and since Duke thought I was a femaledog, it made perfect sense. I put my cunt in front of his face. “Sniff-the-bitch! Duke!” Duke did want to play the sniff-the-bitch game. He sniffed my pussy and tried to put his nose up into my sweet teenage cunt. “Good boy!” I praised. “Sniff it, Duke! Sniff-the-bitch!” I loved leading Duke around the house, teasing him with my feminine odor.

I also loved getting my pussy licked, and wanted him to know the difference between the two. I finally led him into my bedroom and began to teach him his second command. I pulled up my skirt and put my wet cunt in front of him. “Good boy, now lick-the-bitch, Duke!” I let Duke lap at my steaming cunt. “Ohhh! Mmmm-mmmm! Good boy Duke! Lick-the-bitch!” Duke licked atmy sweet, young pussy like he was starving. Feeling her knees weaken.

I climbed onto my bed and called for Duke, patting the space next to me. “Up Duke. Up boy!” Duke jumped on the bed. He was excited. This was different! Usually I made him lick my pussy on the floor. I looked at Duke’s engorged cock. He was ready. “Lay down, Duke.” Duke complied and then licked his exposed cock. I decided I wanted to inspect his doggy-cock before attempting to jack him off. “Hold still, Duke,” I said, noticing Duke’s excitement.

I petted his head with one hand while the other rubbed his bully. I slowly inched my hand towards his cock. I ran my fingers along his hairy sheath. Duke flinched. “Stay!” I commanded. “Let me play with your cock, Duke,” I said and then realied he didn’t understand me. “Hmmm,” I thought, I needed another simple command. Since I was teaching him to sniff-the-bitch, maybe I could teach him more’ words? “Your bitch wants to play with your cock and give you a hand-job, Duke.” I said softly. I touched his sheath again.”

Maybe a bitch-hand-job?’ Would you like that?” I prompted, while gently rubbing his sheath some more. Duke liked it. “Mmmm, you like bitch-hand-job, too.” I realized by practicing sex with my horny dog I was gainning experience for when I had sex with a horny boy or girl. I wanted to get really, really good at it. I stroked Duke’s cock softly. Duke whined. His cock grew longer and fatter until it was fully hard.

I slid my hand up and down his shaft, mesmerized by his obscene cock. It was so hard, purple, and pointed. Duke’s huge knot was fully exposed now and his sheath was pulled back behindit. Intrgued, I came closer, wanting to get a better look. Duke’s knot was at least two to four inches in diameter. My internet studies taught me what the knot what the know was for. I tried to imagine what it would be like to get tried to a dog with, his knot locked up tightly inside of my small cunt.

I was getting hornier. So was Duke. Then, a thin stream of pre-cum squirted from the head of Duke’s cock. It splashed onto my face. “Ewww! Duke!” I exclaimed. I knew about doggy-pre-cum, having seen it often while relentlessly teasing him. I had a towel with me, but it still caught me by surprise. When I sat up, some of the slippery stuff dripped down my cheek and onto my opened lips. I licked it automatically.

“Oh, gross Duke!” I said, “I got your dog cum in my mouth!” Duke thought he was being punished and put his head down. I noticed it and petted Duke affectionately. “It’s not your fault you squired your doggy-stuff on me Duke, it’s OK,” I said, still tasting the slimy discharge on my tongue. I stripped off the rest of my clothes, realizing things were soon going to get messy. I spread out on the towel on my bed and sat on the far end of it.

“Bitch-hand-jod,” I said again while playing with his still hard cock. I continued to play with Duke’s cock and balls. Duke stood up on all four legs as I began to stroke his huge doggy-cock rhythmically. The pre-cum shot from his cock and onto the towel, with someof it landing on me naked body. I caught the next squirt in my hand and used itto get Duke’s cock even more slippery. “This is called a hand-job, Duke.

Understand?” I said. Duke didn’t understand, but still loved his master’s hand on his cock. “Bitch-hand-job, Duke,” I said, then repeated it as I stroked him. Duke began to make humping motions, silding his hard cock back and forth in my hands. His motions brought him closer to me until his face was resting on my shoulders. I then used both of my hands to jerk-off my dog, feeling his hard cock sliding between my fingers and palms.

Duke was squirting a lot now, his warm pre-cum splashed onto my naked body, my hands, and the towel. Duke whined and began to hump faster. “You like your bitch-hand-job. don’t you boy?” I liked it too. I felt very sexy, jacking off her dog. Duke loved it too. He had waited far too long. He whined again. He licked my neck affectionately. Duke humped faster, his body curling and his tail held still.

“Do it, Duke!” I encouraged, ” Shoot your doggy-juice! You love my bitch-hand-job, don’t you boy!” Duke gave out a loud whine. I felt his cock expanding in my hands. Duke came, ejecting his pent-up, potent dog semen forcefully. I felt the warm, wet semen splash against my body. “Ooooh, Duke! You’re, doing it! You’re shooting your semen! It’s so hot! I was so turned on! I spread my legs on either side of Duke as his cock continued to erupt.

My stomach was soon drenched with his semen. I aimed his squrting cock onto my breasts, first one and then the other. Then, feeling very wicked, I aimed his cock at my cunt. I felt the warm semen land on my pussy lips, crotch and thighs.”Oh, Duke! You have so much cum!” I couldn’t believe how much ejaculate was exploding from Duke’s cock. Squirt after squirt covered my body until I was soaked! I felt Duke get restless and noticed his cum-squirts slowing and stop.

I felt his rigid cock in my hands. I ran my hands over his swollen knot, amazed at how large it had grown. I was so turned on! I fell back ontomy bed and began to rub his semen all over my breasts, stomach and cunt. I plunged my semen covered fingers onto my cunt over and over. Duke stopped licking his spent cock and walked over to me . He smelled his cum and begain to clean his master.

He licked at my body with his big wet tongue. He liked my stomach, then my breasts and finally, he licked my face. I kissed him back. I was so hot, I had to cum – now! ” Lick-the-bitch, Duke!” I cried. “Oh, lick your fucking bitch, you wonderful dog!” I writhed on the bed, humping my fingers into my cunt. Duke either understood his master, or was ready to lick My pussy again anyway. Duke positioned himself between my legs.

Duke began to slide his fat tongue up and down my cunt, tasting his own cum along with my juices. I bent my knees and spread my legs wide, giving Duke full access to my juicy slit. He drove his tongue deep inside of me as I groped myself in wild, sexual abandon. I ran my hands over my body, spreading Duke’s semen and paintingher body with his semen. Remembering the taste of his pre-cum on my lips.

I impulsively plunged my slimy fingers into my mouth, sucking his dog semen and my own pussy juice from them, I felt so dirty and depraved; jacking off a dog and eating his cum! I did it again, and again, wiping up his semen with my fingers and sucking the semen into my mouth. It was all too much for me. I came. “Oh Duke! Yes! “Lick-your-bitch lover!” I cried as my body exploded in orgasm.

“Nnnnnnggghhh!” I grunted as I came again. “Lick your fucking bitch!” I screamed as another glorious wave washed over me. Then another! “Oh, I’m cumming Duke! you’re making me cum! Ahhhhhhhh!” Duke continued to slurp at my slit, massage my clit, and worked his tongue deeply into my pussy. I pinched my cum covered nipples and felt a few final orgasmic tingles wash over me, living me drained.

Duke kept lapping at my cunt until I had to clamp my legs together. Duke then licked my cum soaked body, first starting at my thighs and then working his way up to my torso and tender breasts. He finally smelled his own semen upon his master’s lips, I felt his prodding tongue and opened my mouth. I ran my tongue over Duke’s, French-kissing his lover. I gave Duke a big hug and laid down next to Duke for a while.

Duke curled up to me as I caught my breath. I petted him lovingly for a long time, and then forced myself out of bed to clean my bedroom and take a long deserved hot shower before my mom and dad come home from work. And before my brother and sister came home from college. But first I had to give Duke something special to eat for being so very good boy for his mommy.

The End.

Thanks for reading my story xo

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By Claire Davis. #Teen #Virgin #Zoophilia