Edward Pembroke – Slave Procurement Part 3

#Abuse #Group #Rape #Teen 30 seconds ago

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By Edward Pembroke Two new captures, and training continues for the slaves

Dmitri Voskov was no-ones idea of a decent human being. Born from an alcoholic, heroin addicted mother in 1980s Moscow, he had been a petty criminal and orphan by the time he was drafted into the Russian army. He suffered a gunshot wound to the leg, not from the Chechen militias he was supposed to be fighting, but from his superior, disgusted at the fact he had been caught raping the daughter of a couple held for questioning. Discharged, he tried to fit into the Moscow underworld but the hardened Russian criminals found the slimy greasy low IQ Dmitri good for little but scaring small businessmen as a henchmen.

He had a fondness for girls which was never reciprocated. Missing several teeth, scarred from several knife fights and with a foetal alcoholic face, the short squat Dmitri was eternally frustrated. Eventually, he found himself more effective as an informer by threatening the businessmen’s young daughters, but this only worked for a while. Even the Russia mafia had limits and he had his nose almost sliced off as a punishment and kicked out of the organisation. From then he became a travelling hobo until one night he spotted two young schoolgirls while drunk, and raped both of them. After nearly being lynched by the local townfolk, he was arrested and found to be the suspect in a series of rapes and murders across Russia and was sentenced to life in prison.

After 12 years in a brutal prison where, as a rapist, he was subject to the harshest conditions and punishments from other inmates, he was offered a lifeline. Vladmir Putin’s war was going badly in Ukraine, and he volunteered for the front lines and a pardon for his terrible crimes. Having a keen instinct for survival, he played dead in an offensive and surrendered himself to the other side. The Ukrainians released him and let him wander into Europe as a refugee and he ended up living in Germany where his impulses got him in trouble again with young women late at night. He was in prison awaiting deportation when Edward Pembroke read the story in the media. Unlike others who were furious at the scum allowed to stay in Germany, Pembroke spotted potential.

Sabine Muller was just 21, newly graduated in law from Ludwig Maximilian University. She scorned offers from major law firms. Instead, all she cared for were the rights of asylum seekers and refugees. She threw herself into applying for law firms holding up the human rights of the most marginalised, after all, first they came for the refugees, those most demonised, then they came for the rest of humanity!

When she first faced Dmitri, she had to force herself to face her own demons. Dmitri, ugly, a toothless smile, an ugly, scarred face, was everything she found disgusting. He had looked at Sabine with a lecherous grin, but Sabine had stopped herself from hating him. Poor Dmitri, he had been a victim, of the Russian penal system, the war in Ukraine, and was likely framed in the first place.

She hated the right wing elements in Germany making unfortunate people like Dmitri into scapegoats. If only he had been given the chances she had, loving parents, a stable upbringing and good education.

Against the advice of the lawyers at the firm she was starting out in, she had connected with a journalist, Philippe Papin. His Linked and twitter profile showed a forty something Frenchman, about fifty, who was passionate about refugee rights and stopping the rise of right wing parties.

Sabine’s instagram, linkedin, facebook and twitter profiles showed her as a passionate young woman, full of hope, vigour and passion. Dark brown hair, bright blue eyes, tall at 5 feet 9, a natural rebel.

Sabine was working on Dmitri’s release, and on securing an interview between Philippe Papin and Dmitri. She had to play hardball with the German authorities, and also Philippe’s schedule which was full of busy commitments.

Sabine did allow one interlude into her professional commitments. The love of her young life. Anna Gao, whom she had met last year while skiing in St Moritz. What began as a casual conversation over coffee in a cozy lodge soon blossomed into a profound bond. Both were the children of high achievers, of wealth, and both wanted to give something back to society, world they soared high above.

Sabine admired Anna’s beauty and her skiing prowess, and her smarts. Anna had loved Sabine’s passion and intellect. Anna would soon go to Stanford, and the two wondered how they would cope being so far apart. Their parents had been supportive, they did not mind that they were both girls, they were in love, and they were both decent, good people.

Sabine was intrigued with the meeting with Philippe Papin that morning. He appeared as a messy, laid back French left wing activist. “Forgive me, Sabine, so much to do. Germany is so much more advanced than France!” His German was broken and Sabine smiled at his efforts. “It’s OK Philippe, I love your articles! I hope you can help poor Dmitri!”

Sabine, Philippe and Dmitri got together in an interview room in the prison. Sabine smiled at the Russian man while Dmitri smiled back at the only female who had smiled at him in years. “Hello Dmitri” said Philippe “Can we talk in Russian?”

Sabine sat back while Philippe conversed with the prisoner in Russian, understanding nothing. She was just happy that Dmitri could converse in his own language, feeling safe, and hoped that this would help him in his bid to seek release next week.

“OK, Mr Vostov, let’s cut the crap. The girl cannot understand, OK?” Philippe asked. Dmitri’s eyes darted to the older man with the fluent Russian. This man, unlike Sabine, was not a do-gooding idiot. Sabine went to her phone and messaged Anna, texting her and sending likes to her recent photos on Instagram, both of her skiing, and in her underwear, after workouts.

“Dmitri, in Russia, you were a scumbag. A rapist, a deserter, a criminal. And now in Germany, you are a rapist again. You are 40 years old, what do you think is going to happen in the next 30 years? Are things going to get better?”

Dmitri was taken aback. He looked at Sabine, in her trouser suit, her shirt clinging to her chest, smiling in her own little world at her phone.

“Don’t worry, Dmitri, this stupid bitch does not understand anything. But she can get you out of here!” Philippe grinned at Dmitri, recognising a kindred spirit. “What do you want?” asked Dmitri, with suspicion at this urbane educated multilingual man.

“Listen Dmitri, I am a daring man. I go out and I take what I want. I use people, I use this stupid German bitch sitting beside me! What I want is to create a harem of pretty young cunts, just like the young bitch sitting beside me. You are a fucking scumbag, unlike this gullible idiot, I know what you are. Tell me, come on, what do you want to do to this cute German girl, just tell me, promise I will not say!”

Dmitiri laughed, and stole a glance at Sabine. “Look, OK, I would fuck that bitch, she is so hot, you should have seen the skirt she wore a few days ago! I saw right up inside her … but yeah. If I ever see her on the street outside, I would rape her but … she is nice … she is trying to get me out of here…”

Papin, aka Edward Pembroke, smiled at Sabine, who grinned back, and then went back to her phone. “Listen Dmitri, this is between you and me. I know you are a hopeless criminal. You cannot go back to Russia or you will be killed, if you stay here you will spend years more in prison. What if I told you, there is a place where I can find work for you, where your talents “can be recognised? Where you can oversee beautiful females, unwilling, like Sabine here?”

Dmitri found it hard to believe this Frenchman. “Dmitri, you have no future outside of prison. I am here to offer you help. Not take help like these refugee people. Real help. You can come disappear, and work for me. Looking after young woman that are held against their will, as slaves. Girls like Sabine here, what do you think?”

Sabine sat back and smiled at Dmitri. She did not understand the Russian language but wanted Dmitri to feel safe.

“Look, Mr Pembroke, I think you are talking nonsense, so please just leave me alone…” Dmitri thought this all sounded too good to be true.

Edward Pembroke insisted. “Listen, why do you think someone like me would be here? I have an opportunity for you. If you don’t want it, that is fine. Tell Sabine here that you find me a little strange and don’t want to see me again. You are happy to happy to be sent back to Russia, or Ukraine, or to to end up here again. Or if you want to work for me, to have girls like Sabine here, suck your cock every day, then listen to what I have to say!”

Dmitri looked again at Sabine, who was oblivious to the friendly seeming Papin, now talking about her as if she was a sexual object. “See, Dmitri? That stupid cunt, she thinks she is someone. She has no idea how I am. I am a seller of women. I came for her, and I come for you! Listen, I tell you what. You can do one of three things. You can tell this pretty little girl everything, and nothing will happen, I will disappear, and I probably will still take her anyway. You can say nothing, and I will take her, but you will remain in prison or go to Russia. Or you can co-operate with me, and I can take you and this girl to my base in the middle east, and I promise you, you will get to fuck her, as much as you want, what do you think of that?”

Dmitri smiled. He was so instinctive he barely registered that this was such a strange situation. He just decided. “Sir, I come with you, and with the girl, if you can get us both away from here!”

Pembroke grinned. “Good man!” He recognised the man. A degenerate, happy to live simply in a compound with alcohol and women. A natural order follower.

“Sir, that girl, next to you, every time she opens her mouth … I imagine her cunt looks like just like it, I want to lick it…”

Pembroke grinned. “Dmitri, be patient, trust me, and this girl next to me, I promise you, you will fuck her, all the time you want.”

The two exchanged a look. Dmitri sensed something, from this man, something he sensed from the roughest gangsters he had known. This man was definitely not a journalist.

Pembroke broke off and spoke to Sabine in broken German.”Oh Sabine, the gentleman is truly troubled, well done for looking out for him!”

Sabine smiled. “That’s OK. Poor Dmitri, he cannot control himself, he has such a hard life, we have to help him. He just has not had the chances that I had. I owe it to men like him, to give him some opportunity, to make things right.”

Papin smiled. “Sabine, I feel like throwing myself over you to protect you! You are so kind, the world would be perfect if everyone was like you. Oh, I think Dmitri is an angry man, but there is a kindness there, somewhere…”

“Really?” asked Sabine “What did you guys talk about?”

Papin frowned. “He was mistreated. In Russia, he should never have been in prison. It really messed him up. And then the frontline Ukraine…” Papin shook his head. “I am sorry Sabine, he broke the law here in Germany, but Russia broke him.”

Sabine shook her head, “I hate that. And we have to pick up the pieces! The broken people left behind, and we have to fix them, its so awful, Philippe!”

Pembroke smiled as he watched young Sabine, nearly as tall as he, walking in her skin tight trousers, her breasts filling out her shirt. He hoped Dmitri took up his offer. He would be a great henchman, a great disciplinarian of young women … like Sabine.

As they left the courtroom, they had to take their metallic objects off. Sabine saw him look at her taking off her pedant around her neck. She smiled. “My grandmother gave me this. When I am nervous or stressed, or think that evil is nearby, I touch this and it calms me.”

Pembroke smiled at the girl, who was already smiling and asking the security guard about his day, making him feel at ease. While she chatted with him about his family, nodding sympathetically, Pembroke moved ahead, and in the space of a thirty seconds, had lifted her pedant out from the plastic box beyond the metal detector, quickly screwed it open and inserted a tracking tag inside, then tossed it back into the box.

They walked away from the court. “Oh Philippe, what is it like in France, are people like Dmitri mistreated there too? What could we do to make sure people like him get the help he needs?”

Pembroke smiled to himself. “Dmitri may be released, he could have a new life! I fancy he has a secret intellectual side, an unpolished diamond!”

“Oh, that would be wonderful” Sabine grinned happily. “I would love to see someone like Dmitri thrive! It would show those right wing bastards, a refugee who overcomes adversity!” She suddenly gripped Pembroke’s arm. “Oh Philippe, it would make so happy if Dmitri became a good German citizen!”

“Oh, Sabine … soon men like Dmitri will be making new lives, starting new sagas … all over the world!” He smiled paternally at the young woman, stroking her arm.

That evening, Pembroke reflected on his progress. He now had four slave girls, two of whom were part of the seven planned for the Crown Prince of Azmaria. Soon that number would grow. He knew there must be a huge demand, not just from the Crown Prince, but others, and he made it a point to keep an eye out for other pretty young girls who might seem suitable to be adopted into a new life as a sex slave.

He needed Anna Gao, and by a happy coincidence, Sabine Muller had become a perfect conduit. Anna’s girlfriend, Sabine represented another girl, who could be sold on. Dmitri Voskov seemed perfect as a potential henchman. Two birds could kill one stone!

Anna Gao had been a little disappointed in her performance at the Winter Olympics but had her High School Finals to look forward to. She just had to pass to get into Stanford, but was scared to be apart from her partner, Sabine Muller. They were both determined to keep their relationship strong, and so had arranged a little getaway, just the two of them, in a mountain range in southern Germany. It was too late in the year for skiing, so this would be just hiking for a few days.

A few days later, Sabine arrived to meet her love, Anna, at the foothills of the Alps outside Munich. She was in a good mood. Dmitri had been released, and she had cried as she hugged him, urging him to make the best of the rest of his life. Dmitri had tried to hide his erection as the girl embraced him, as he could not help but breathe in her scent and feel her body all over him. As Sabine surveyed the vista of the Alps, she prayed that Dmitri would come good, she could not bear the alternative, that some people were innately evil. She had shown him kindness, something the surly ugly little scarred Russian had been deprived of all his life.

Sabine’s Nordic features creased into a smile as she saw the figure of Anna approaching. Anna was wearing shorts, hiking boots, a jacket, and a backpack, looking every bit the adventurous spirit Sabine adored. Sabine had just parked her car at the trailhead and was ready to spend the next few days on foot, immersed in nature with her love. These moments were precious, too few and far between, especially with Anna’s impending departure to Stanford…

Their eyes met, and they screamed with happiness, rushing into each other’s arms. Their reunion was marked by a passionate kiss, a testament to the depth of their affection and the intensity of their longing during times apart. As they held each other, some older passersby muttered disapprovingly at the open display of same-sex love. However, many others smiled warmly, touched by the visible joy and connection between the two gorgeous brunettes.

“I missed you,” Sabine murmured softly into Anna’s ear, breathing in her scent.

“Oh, you too, Sabine. No more skiing. I can’t wait to spend the next few days with you. Just us!” Anna replied, her voice filled with excitement and love.

Hand in hand, they began their hike, the rhythmic crunch of their boots on the trail a soothing backdrop to their conversation. Towering trees, blooming wildflowers, and the distant sound of rushing water washed over them as they talked and laughed, sharing stories and dreams. Anna spoke excitedly about the Olympics, while Sabine spoke about her cases and her career.

Fellow hikers could not help but steal glances at the toned legs and pretty faces of the two girls as they hiked, permanently smiling at each other or at the nature. They giggled and teased each other as they pitched their tent for the night, eventually getting it right.

They listened to the sounds of the night as they lay in their one sleeping bag, holding their hands tight, and gazed into each other’s eyes. Sabine could feel the warmth of Anna’s body pressed against hers, the rise and fall of her breathing in perfect harmony with her own.

“These moments with you are everything,” Sabine whispered, her voice barely audible.

“Oh, Sabine” Anna stroked her perfect cheekbones, and brushed away her brown hair, admiring the blue of her eyes, a contrast to the honey of her own Asiatic eyes. “I have a feeling, something telling me, that in months or years to come, we will look back on this time, and will regret not staying here, that the future will never be as good as this.”

“Oh Anna” giggled Sabine. “Your future is going to be great, whether I am in it or not, let’s just enjoy there here and now OK?” She pressed her lips against Anna’s and the two girls kissed slowly, their tongues probing each other’s mouths, their hands moving from their lover’s faces down their bodies, feeling each other’s firm breasts, smooth stoned stomachs and hips.

Anna kissed Sabine’s neck, and moved to lick her nipples as the German girl moaned, her own fingers in her pussy. Anna giggled as Sabine’s pedant got in her mouth. She ran her fingers along it, admiring it against the white skin of it’s wearer.

“It’s my good luck charm, Anna, remember?” Sabine giggled and held Anna’s eyes as she bit her lip and grinned, and moved down into the sleeping bag, planting kisses along Anna’s torso, along her nipples, and down her concave stomach. Both giggled as they had to open out the sleeping bag to allow the German girl to move further south and pull down Anna’s shorts and her black panties. “Hmmm you shaved, like you were expecting someone”. Sabine giggled and flashed her eyes up again at the adoring face of Anna, who bit her lip as she saw Sabine stick her tongue out, and probe between her lips. As she felt the hot muscle flicker between her legs, she sighed and moaned. “Sssshhh” Sabine chuckled and Anna put her hand to her mouth. “Haha, oh Sabine that is your fault, the forest wolves might be listening to us.!”

“Well, they should not be so nosy, relax, it’s the wilderness, you can scream if you want to” Sabine grinned and laughed as she forced her tongue inside Anna’s pussy as the Swiss girl bit into sleeping bag to stifle her moans and giggles. Outside the tent, there was just darkness, and the sounds of the forest night.

A few miles away, Philippe Papin aka Edward Pembroke sat in a van with his new recruit, Dmitri Voskov. Dmitri marvelled at how this man worked. He was showing him a small screen on his phone, displaying the exact location of Sabine Muller. They had glimpsed her with another girl, marching off into the forest, dizzy with happiness and ignorant that they were being trailed by predators far more dangerous in the mountains.

“So this Sabine, she has a girlfriend? I don’t understand women” Dmitri rubbed his chin and spoke in Russian. “She offers herself to me, wearing all those sexy clothes like a whore!”

“Don’t worry, Dmitri. Sabine is a silly little woman, thinking she can control things. She and her unnatural relationship with Anna Gao, well it needs to be punished. It is only to be expected that if you go against nature, you will be punished.”

“Indeed” Dmitri smiled. “But also, I always wanted to fuck her, from the moment I laid eyes on her.”

Pembroke smiled. “Yes, Sabine and Anna have only themselves to blame. Two pretty girls alone at night in the forest. Asking to be kidnapped! Dmitri, as a new employee present, I promise you will have Sabine, as will I. She will undergo a major adjustment soon!”

The following morning, Anna and Sabine woke up at the same time, kissing and cuddling. “Oh Anna we have to get up, we cannot spend all our vacation in a tent!” Sabine laughed, but she would never get tired of running her fingers all over Anna’s perfect body, enjoying the softness of her skin and her smooth fine hair, such a contrast to her tangled curls. They had made each other cum several times just in the morning, but both agreed that it was too beautiful a day to waste.

They walked for a few more miles meeting plenty of fellow hikers who smiled and greeted them. It was a beautiful day. “I want to show you a secret place” Anna said “It’s where I’ve been many times, it is beautiful…”

Sabine was intrigued but felt a twinge of alarm when she saw warning signs ahead. The path led to an old quarry, with prominent “Keep Out” signs posted along the way. “Anna, isn’t this dangerous?” Sabine asked, her concern evident.

“No!” Anna replied confidently. “Trust me, you’ll be safe with me!” She took Sabine’s hand, and they skipped along the path, their laughter mingling with the sounds of nature around them.

“When they finally emerged from the dense trees, Sabine was stunned by the sight before her. A small, serene lake lay nestled in the heart of the quarry, its surface reflecting the sky like a mirror. The area was completely deserted, the tranquillity undisturbed by human presence.

“Sabine, you have to agree, it is beautiful. I’ve been coming here for years,” Anna said, her voice filled with affection for this hidden gem. She glanced at Sabine, and felt vindicated when she saw her blue eyes shine as she took in the gorgeous surroundings,.

Anna led Sabine to a smooth rock near the water’s edge, and they sat down, their feet dangling above the cool water. “I used to come here to think, to escape, and to find peace,” Anna said softly. “And now, I wanted to share it with you.”

Sabine smiled, her earlier apprehensions fading away. “It’s perfect, Anna. Thank you for bringing me here.”

The two girls kissed again, running their hands through each other’s hair. “You know, Sabine,” Anna said coyly, a mischievous glint in her eyes, “there is no one around. We can swim, and we don’t need to wear anything.”

Sabine looked around, taking in the quiet, deserted surroundings. The sense of adventure and freedom in Anna’s proposal was irresistible. “Anna, let’s do it!” she replied, her eyes flashing with daring excitement.

They stood up and began to undress, their laughter mingling with the sounds of nature. As their clothes fell to the ground, they felt a thrilling sense of liberation. Anna held her breath as she took in Sabine’s tall, athletic body— her well sculpted hips and abdomen, her tapered legs, and her curvaceous, pneumatic breasts.

Sabine’s eyes were equally captivated by Anna’s slender yet toned frame, her delicate curves, and the way her skin glowed in the fading light. The sight of each other, free and unembarrassed, led to further kisses and the roaming of hands all over. “Come on, beautiful” said Anna, dreamily, “let’s get in!”

Hand in hand, they ran towards the lake, their bare feet splashing into the shallow water. With joyful whoops, they dove in, the refreshing embrace of the lake enveloping them. They swam and splashed around, the lake becoming their private playground. The absence of any onlookers gave them a sense of unrestrained freedom, and they floated face to face, their hard nipples touching, their lips meeting, their hands softly running all over their bodies as they gently kicked to stay afloat.

Pembroke was intrigued. Sabine was now at a little lake in a restricted area. Perhaps there would be no one else there? “Naughty girls” he smiled. They drove the van on a dirt track trying to get as close to the lake as possible, hoping they would stay there a while. Pembroke could not drive any further, but saw Sabine was now just 1 kilometre away.

Pembroke took another look at the strong figure of Dmitri. “Dmitri, here, take a backpack.” It was large, but empty. It could hold a female if she was bound and tied up in an awkward position. Each girl might weight up to 60kg. He was hoping they could both carry them the kilometre back to the van.

The girls floated on their backs, side by side, their fingers intertwined. The sky above was a vast expanse of blue, slowly deepening as the day turned to dusk.

“This is perfect,” Sabine murmured, turning her head to look at Anna.

Anna smiled, her face glowing with happiness. “It is. I’m so glad we’re here together, sharing this moment.”

“I think, though, we should get out soon. There might be a park patrol coming,” Sabine suggested, a hint of concern in her voice.

Anna grinned. “I doubt it. We can camp here tonight if you want, right on the shore.”

“Good, but I am still cold,” Sabine laughed. The girls agreed and decided to swim back. They got out of the water, naked, wringing the water out of their hair, giggling and laughing as they ran back to their things, gathered under a tree.

Sabine got there first, shivering and tiptoeing across the rocks, her focus solely on the large pink towel that was the center of her attention. She bent down to pick it up, her mind already anticipating the warmth and comfort it would bring. Suddenly, she felt a sharp, electric jolt in the back of her right butt cheek. She gasped in shock and pain, her legs buckling beneath her. She had barely registered the arm that had come around the tree, holding the taser that had brought her down.

Anna was also carefully tiptoeing on the rocks and did not register the arm and taser appearing from behind the tree. She only saw with shock the figure of Sabine collapsing onto their things, apparently unconscious. “Oh, Sabine, what happened!” She rushed forward, her eyes solely focused on the prone naked figure of Sabine sprawled on the rocks, her legs spread and her buttocks upturned to the sky. She leaned down and tried to turn her over to get to her face.

“Sabine! Sabine! What happened?” Anna’s voice was filled with panic and confusion.

Sabine came to slowly, looking into the eyes of her lover, trying to register what had happened. Then, she saw with horror a figure over Anna’s shoulder, threatening and looming. She tried to scream to warn her.

“Anna, look out!” Sabine’s voice was weak but urgent.

Anna turned to follow the path of Sabine’s frightened gaze. She saw a familiar figure but before she could open her mouth to scream, the taser struck her on her side. Anna gasped in shock and pain, her body convulsing before she collapsed next to Sabine, her eyes wide with terror and confusion.

Pembroke shocked the girls again, watching with pleasure as their bodies shook, their breasts jiggling from the shock, their eyes bulging out of the sockets. They stayed still, unable to speak or move.

Dmitri emerged from some bushes, carrying two empty backpacks, cuffs, ropes and gags. “Oh … Sabine, naked!” Pembroke was concerned Dmitri would want to rape Sabine right there and then. But they had to get them away as quickly as possible.

“Have you a few gropes Dmitri but remember the benefits of delayed gratification! Lets truss these girls up, and then the hard stuff begins. We are both old soldiers, so hopefully we can carry these bitches in our backpacks.”

Sabine faded in and out of consciousness, thinking she was in a dream, but the pain made her realise this was real. But she saw the figure of Dmitri Voskov, tying her up, gagging her, running his hands all over and … inside her. Surely this was a nightmare, or was this hell?

Anna felt pain like never before in her life. She felt her insides creaking from the shocks, finding it hard to breathe. Her eyes just about focused on the man tying her up, folding her thighs up against her breasts, and tying her into a cube like shape, gagging and blindfolding her. She thought of random memories, of her parents, a skiing restaurant and a sports marketing agent. Was this real, was this a dream?

Pembroke and Dmitri took half an hour to travel the 900 metres or so to where the land rover van had parked. When they got there, both men were sore and exhausted. “We did it!” Dmitri sat down, sweating.

“Not just yet, Dmitri. We have two high value females, and we need to get them as far away from her as possible. With any luck they will not be reported missing until tomorrow, but by then, we need to be out of Germany at least.

Sabine and Anna were both tied up naked, their bodies contorted into cube shapes, their thighs pressed against their breasts, and their shins tied back against their thighs. They lay on their backs, bound tightly and gagged, unable to move or call for help. The gag in her mouth made it impossible to speak, but Anna tried to make soothing noises to calm Sabine, whose head was turned towards her. Both had tears of fear and desperation.

Pembroke idly ran his finger along Anna’s exposed buttocks, glaringly open, revealing Anna’s pussy and asshole for the world to see. “Such beautiful soft pink skin” he rubbed his index finger along the fissures of her puckered anus, then up to her slit, and pushed into her pussy, raising squeaks and moans from the poor girl. He raised his hand and swatted her ass cheek with a loud crack, making birds fly out from a nearby tree.

“Enough! Girls like you are such a tease. There will be time for play later! For now, Dmitri, let’s put them on their side, in the backpacks, and drive away. I hope you have been to the toilets ladies, because we won’t be stopping for several hours!”

Dmitri found it hard to draw his gaze from the treasure in between Sabine’s spread buttocks. He took a last look at her white terrified face as she zipped the backpack over her, looking forward to getting into each and every one of her holes.

Sabine had seen both Phillipe Papin and Dmitri Voskov. How on earth had these two got together and kidnapped her? Nothing made sense. But it was them. She felt horror for poor Anna, had she dragged her into some sick game?

Anna knew this man as Clemence Carnot, but why, how? What was going on? But the fingers that had touched her made her realise one horrible undeniable fact. These men were perverts, they were sick and meant to to do them harm. This perfect day had turned into a nightmare, she only prayed she and Sabine could get out alive.

“No … Mrs. Parker … please, no…” Charlotte’s voice trembled with fear … and disgust.

“I’m sorry, Charlotte. It is for your own good. Master Pembroke will be back soon, and when he is here, there will be a lot less tolerance for disobedience. You are a nice girl, Charlotte. You probably think things cannot get any worse, but…” Mrs. Parker sighed heavily, the weight of her own helplessness evident. “They can, and they will.”

Charlotte sat on the edge of the bed, her shoulders hunched, her face hidden by her hair as she sobbed. The tears fell freely, a mix of fear, frustration, and hopelessness.

“Why do you do this, Mrs. Parker?” Charlotte looked up, her eyes red and accusing. “Why?”

“Charlotte, I am just as much a prisoner as you,” Mrs. Parker replied, her voice tinged with sorrow and frustration. “Unlike you, I have responsibilities here. This is not for me; this is for you. Here, Master Pembroke is like a god. Jamal and Kwame will hurt you, as will Mrs. Al-Haraz. If there was another way, I would not only tell you, I would have taken it.”

Mrs. Parker knelt beside Charlotte, her face softening with genuine concern. “I know this is hard to understand, but Master Pembroke’s wrath is far greater than what you can imagine.”

Charlotte was naked in Mrs Parker’s cell, on her bed. Mrs Parker was a in a black negligee with nothing underneath.

Charlotte wiped her eyes, her breath coming in shuddering gasps. “What do I do then? How do I survive this? How do I get out of here?”

Mrs. Parker placed a hand on Charlotte’s shoulder. “You comply, for now. You follow the rules, keep your head down, and do everything you are told. You stay alive, and hope that one day you will get back to your family.”

Charlotte shuddered at the woman’s touch. She knew what ‘comply’ meant. “What if he kills me. He will probably do it anyway. I cannot do this, I am not gay, I cannot stand those men. If I have to live this life without my family, there is no point in me staying alive.”

Mrs Parker grimaced. “Charlotte, do you have friends and family that you love?”

“Yes, of course! I don’t want to have to forget them to live this life!”

“Charlotte…” Mrs. Parker stroked her hair gently. “Master Pembroke will hurt not just you. If you do anything to yourself, he will come after your family. That is the kind of men we are dealing with. It is not just him. The man who bought you is much more powerful than Master Pembroke.”

“This thing cannot be happening. They cannot get away with it.”

Mrs. Parker sighed, her face etched with sorrow and resignation. “I know it seems impossible, but they have been getting away with it for a long time. They have power, influence, and connections that make them nearly untouchable. Me, I’m older and, and…”

“Master Pembroke told us about you!” Charlotte suddenly grew angry. “Fuck you! Trying to make me feel sorry for you. You are a disgusting animal, abusing your own children. But me, I don’t belong here! You do!”

Mrs Parker blanched. It wasn’t fair. She did not deserve to be here. This little bitch had no idea what it was like. She was pretty and rich, and even now she would be sold to some rich man who might treat her well. But life with Master Pembroke would be, for Rebecca, nasty brutish and short. She could feel it.

“Charlotte…” Mrs Parker’s tone changed. “I did not choose to be brought here. But I have a job, and my life and my family’s life depends on me doing my job, and that is to train you.”

“Just fucking stay away from me. I’ll wait for Jamal…” Charlotte looked at the older woman with revulsion.

Mrs Parker considered her options. If she failed to force Charlotte into lesbian sex, it would be known. Jamal was watching now on video, and would punish her now and Master Pembroke would be furious on his return. She looked up at the evil video camera in the top corner of the cell, knowing she had to always perform.

Mrs. Parker used her bodyweight and slapped the young girl across the face, then pulled her hair, eliciting a scream from Charlotte. She wrestled her onto the bed and pinned her to her back as Charlotte tried to wave her arms. Charlotte screamed, but no one was going to intervene.

“Stop fighting, Charlotte!” Mrs. Parker shouted, her voice a mix of desperation and frustration. “I’m trying to help you!” The older larger woman’s breasts hung down and dangled on Charlotte’s face, the hard nipples brushing against her cheeks as she turned away from them in horror.

Charlotte’s screams turned to sobs, her strength ebbing away as she realized the futility of her struggle.

Mrs. Parker’s grip loosened slightly, her own eyes filling with tears. “I’m sorry, Charlotte. I hate this as much as you do, but you have to understand—this is the only way.”

Mrs Parker leaned down, and Charlotte shut her eyes tight, feeling her lips against her own. She kept them shut as she felt the older woman’s tongue trace along them and slip inside.

“Open your mouth darling, let my tongue inside you. It’s the only way.”

Charlotte kept he mouth and eyes shut. Mrs Parker gripped her lower face, and squeezed her mouth open and stuck her tongue inside roughly.

“Ugghh … aaa” Charlotte tried to spit out at her, but Mrs Parker persisted. She then moved down, her breasts rubbing along her torso as she admired the girl’s stretched taut tits, and sucked on her nipples. Charlotte felt no pleasure, just utter nausea.

Mrs Parker moved lower, and tried to force the girl’s legs apart. “Nooooo … please … enough … I need a break” Charlotte was covering her face with her hands, trying to blot out what was happening to her.

“Now Charlotte, come on, open those legs for me.”

Charlotte allowed her legs to be prised open as Mrs Parker looked at the slim film of pink flesh open up for her. The skin around it was red from the electrolysis and not a hair was in sight. Mrs Parker dove in, and sucked licked and nibbled on her pussy. Charlotte squirmed and whimpered, it felt so strange, having a woman down there, with her tongue! Mrs Parker knew the rule, nothing bigger than a finger was to go inside Charlotte and Camille, and put her index finger inside, as she sought out the girl’s clit. As she heard the girl breathing heavily amidst the sucking and squelching sounds, she hoped she might enjoy some part of this.

Meanwhile, Mrs Al-Haraz was on top and enjoying a 69 with Camille. Camille was not enjoying it at all. She had no interest in women, and certainly no interest in the scarred burnt face of the Yemeni woman. She kept her eyes shut as the older woman kissed her. Opening them, her left eye looked right into the seared flesh surrounding the open eye of her tormentor and she broke away screaming, thus earning herself a beating.

Now, Mrs Al-Haraz was hungrily supping on the young girl’s pussy, running her hands up and down her toned smooth white thighs. These white European bitches had long been a fantasy for her. Every now and then, she dug her fingers into the girl’s flesh, to warn her to get her tongue moving. Camille again kept her eyes shut in revulsion at the sight of the dark vagina lips in front of her, and dark anus radiating out onto her honey brown buttocks. The more her tongue touched the hot lips, the more they grew and glistened, leaking an acrid juice into Camille’s mouth. Even despite her disgust, Camille found it hard to avoid cumming to Mrs Al-Haraz’s expert tongue.

Jamal was naked lying in bed, watching the screens of the cells of Mrs Parker and Mrs Al-Haraz. He didn’t mind that his lack of any other language and his noticeable deformity made it wiser to sit out the adventures the others had in kidnapping girls throughout Europe. His intimidating presence on its own was enough to frighten the girls into submission.

He ran his huge hands over the slim buttocks of Zara, as she lay on top of him in a 69. She was sucking on his huge cock, not wanting to be beaten again. She was happier looking at his cock than his hideous face. She had vomited when forced to kiss him, and been slapped so hard she had banged her head against the wall, and Jamal had made her lick her own blood stains from the floor and the rough stitches on the gash on her head had been very painfully and clumsily put in.

Just his finger felt like a cock inside her, as she worked on his cock, a part of the male anatomy that she had not seen until her kidnapping. Now the male phallus invaded her nightmares. Her dreams of a marriage to a good man, children, they would be forever tainted if she ever got out of here. Below her, Fatima was licking the man’s huge hairy sweaty balls. She closed her eyes, not just to avoid the sight of the disgusting things, but her own cousin’s eyes and concentrated face. Making eye contact in this situation was a grim experience.

She hoped her cousin would make the monster cum soon. She need to have words with Zara, she was disobedient and was getting them both in trouble. She needed to live, for her daughter. That said, she could not fault Zara for vomiting at having to kiss his mouth. His jaw was half gone, his breath stank and his eye was just a scarred mess under his eye patch. His cruel blow to her head had terrified her, she had though he had killed her!

For now, she just suckled gently on the testicles, trying not to look at his asshole below, another area she had been forced to put her tongue into. These perverts were relentless, and to make mattes worse, the three men would soon be back, perhaps with more helpless female victims.

No one really minded that Sabina Muller and Anna Gao did not make contact with anyone that night. Both their parents were happy with their choice of companion and knew they would want alone time without phone calls and messages.

It rained the following morning, putting off anyone from wanting to venture to the little lake. It was later in the day that a local ranger visited the cordoned off lake and saw belongings still on the shore. Not seeing who owned the phones, and clothes and the backpacks, he called for help.

The girls’ parents were called after IDs had been found in the backpacks, and they rushed to the lake where they found extensive rescue efforts going on, although both were warned that at this stage they had to expect the worst.

Word got out on social media about the tragedy, that the two must have got into difficulty in the lake and drowned. Tributes flooded in from friends and family who all loved the popular girls. But days later, divers had still not found any bodies. Some police thought there might have been foul play, while others believed the girls might have swam into a cave network along the bottom of the lake. Either way, it was unexpected that both bodies could not be found, but there was no reason to suspect they had been kidnapped and taken away.

By the time suspicions had been raised that divers still could not find any bodies, Kwame, Dmitri and Pembroke were enjoying the breeze of the Mediterranean on the Zephyr. All three were having beers and reminiscing about various criminal exploits. Pembroke smiled at the easy going camaraderie developing between Dmitri and Kwame. Helped, no doubt, by both having enjoyed the female company onboard.

36 hours after having taken the girls from the lake in the Alps, Dmitri and Pembroke had arrived in Marseille in the van and smuggled the girls on board the waiting yacht and the hidden compartment and were out to sea. Kwame had enjoyed Marseille by himself, sending money to his family and enjoying some prostitutes. Women were an addiction, the more you got, the more you wanted.

The girls had barely communicated with each other despite being held together in the van and now bound together in the small compartment, ankles tied to the rock, above the window opening out to the depths of the ocean. Gagged and bound, they could only butt heads together, and stare into each other’s despairing eyes, and try and comfort each other.

Sabine could not believe that Philippe Papin was not some activist or journalist, but he was Edward Pembroke a disgusting kidnapper and rapist. But above all she was horrified that Dmitri, whom she had helped, shown kindness to, had repaid her by conspiring to kidnap her.

As Dmitri had raped her he had bellowed profanities at her, calling her a whore, a stupid fucking cunt, telling he about he had masturbated to her since he had met her. The words cut through Sabine just as harshly as his cock into her vagina. So her good works were for nothing, she was still just meat to this evil man, she had been just an idiot. This evil man had just seen her as pretty collection of holes, no amount of kindness would have changed that. And Pembroke, that monster. The causal cruelty, he disgusting acts, the pain. Kwame’s massive cock in her asshole, in her mouth, all three relishing in frightening her by holding her over the edge.

Anna did not know why she had been spared rape, but had been forced to suck their cocks. Watching her lover be pummelled mercilessly by these animals had hurt her, she had wanted to scream at them to take her instead.

Pembroke was enjoying himself. He now had three male employees who could be trusted not just for security, but for complex kidnappings. In the complex, he was getting reports that Zara was playing up but otherwise the other girls were progressing. He had three beautiful girls, Sabine, Zara and Fatima, that he could sell for his own profit. He had Camille, Charlotte and Anna for the Crown Prince. He smiled at how easy it had been to collect girls on the side! After completing the order for the Crown Prince, there would be dozens, hundreds of girls that could be kidnapped and sold.

The world was changing. Security was breaking down. Girls had spent decades living in a fairytale world where they could go anywhere and do anything. Soon, that old world would vanish with wars and societal breakdown. But there would be a brief window where innovators like he could exploit all those lovely women, and pick them like wild flowers as the world burned.

Most men would not have stomach for it, or the talent. But he was born for it. Feeling horny again, he walked to the compartment and opened it up. Two heads of dark hair craned back and two pairs of frightened eyes looked up at him, brown and blue. He would choose blue on this occasion.

“Up you come Sabine. Time to take that gag out of your mouth. I am going to put my cock into it, and your other holes. You need to get used to your new life!”

Mrs. Parker scrutinized herself in the mirror. Her wardrobe options were limited, but she was now trying on a short leopard-print dress made of flimsy material. Adjusting the dress, she pushed her breasts together, aware that her cleavage was something she had over the other girls. Examining her face, she noticed the lines and sags, checking that her makeup had done all it could to conceal them. Her blonde hair was tied back, and the dark makeup on her face resembled war paint—because she felt like she was going into battle now.

Mrs. Parker waited anxiously on her bed for several minutes until she spotted Mrs. Al-Harax approaching from outside the clear glass walls of the cell. In her hand, Mrs. Al-Harax held the keys to the cell, a clear symbol of her superiority over Mrs. Parker and the other girls.

“Time to go, Mrs. Parker. I hope you’re ready. I know I am!” Mrs. Al-Haraz’s voice echoed through the room. She stood before Mrs. Parker in a short tan dress, open at the back, with the hem riding high on her thighs. Her feet were clad in high-heeled boots, a stark contrast to the smaller red pumps of the taller white woman beside her. Despite her heavy makeup, nothing could conceal the scarred, seared flesh on the side of her face. Even the black-painted eyebrow over the reddened scar tissue looked somewhat unnatural.

The two women walked in silence, swaying their hips in their obscenely short skirts. They were at least dressed, the girls in the cell in the inner hangar were naked, as always.

“All right, bitches!” The Yemeni began in Arabic. “Listen up, Mrs Parker will address you!”

“Thank you Mrs Al-Haraz” Mrs Parker composed herself and looked into the eyes of the girls, reading all their confusion and hatred of her. Charlotte soured her lips in disgust at her, but Mrs Parker had to go on.

“Girls, the Master will return soon. The good news is that he has successfully capture more girls. That means more success for the enterprise, more girls for the Master to train, and you will be expected to set an example for the new girls. Remember, here we obey our masters. And you will obey me and Mrs Al-Haraz.”

Mrs Al-Harz understood the basics of what the blonde woman was saying and gave her grudging respect for being her growing authoritarianism.

“There will be a spectacle for the Master and the men, and for the new girls. It is important to show that we are obedient and display our bodies for their benefit. Mrs Al-Haraz will pick two teams of girls to compete against each other. I will pick first.”

Mrs Parker licked her lips and looked pointedly at Charlotte. “Charlotte, you will be on my team.” Charlotte shuddered visibly and looked away in disgust.

“Fatima, I want you on my team.” Mrs Al-Haraz piped up.

“Zara, you will be on my team.” Mrs Parker continued.

“So, Camille you are on mine” smiled Mrs Al-Haraz.

“OK, girls we are going to let you out, and in our teams we shall both discuss the game. This will involve a lot of practice. You must know” Mrs Parker paused for effect “that failure to embrace this game, failure to entertain the Master, will result in severe punishment. We must practice, any reluctance will be punished by me and Mrs Al-Haraz now but will be doubly punished by the Master when he gets home!

As Zara and Charlotte trotted out in front of Mrs Parker to a corner of the hangar for their “team talk” Mrs Parker patted Charlotte on her bottom to establish dominance. “Charlotte, remember who is in charge here. It is me. Zara, you too. Any foolishness or disobedience and I will beat both of you, OK?”

Mrs. Al-Haraz didn’t need to exert herself to dominate her two girls. She scrunched her face, bared her teeth, and dragged her nails slowly down Fatima’s back as they walked. ‘Nice,’ she remarked, with a hint of satisfaction in her tone. She continued to leer at the two cute swaying bottoms in front of her until they got to the edge of the hangar.

Both teams had sheets of paper outlining tasks they had to prepare for. Each set of girls felt their skin crawl as they listened to their captain and overseer set out what they would have to learn and play out for the Master over the coming days.

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By Edward Pembroke #Abuse #Group #Rape #Teen