Fantasizing about fucking my mixed-race daughter

#Incest #PreTeen #Virgin 3 seconds ago

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By huitlacoche A Mexican fantasizing about having sex with his 11-year-old mixed-race daughter he had with his Chinese girlfriend

I can still recall vividly the day Valeria was born as if it was yesterday. Born a month premature, she was a tiny, fragile thing, her skin the color of porcelain and her hair a perfect mix of black and red, like the threads of a crimson tapestry. Her mother Linda, a Chinese American beauty with fiery spirit, lay in the hospital bed, her own strength depleted but her eyes alight with joy. As I held my daughter for the first time, I felt an overwhelming love, a bond so strong it seemed to resonate in every cell of my being.

To say my relationship with Linda was tumultuous would be an understatement. Hailing from a family of stereotypical Asian overachievers, her parents never forgave her for bearing a child out of wedlock with a high school dropout Mexican wetback like me. Even Linda herself would unwittingly make remarks about how Valeria would’ve been better off with a more stable father. It cut me deep, but I tried not to let it show.

Their misgiving was understandable though. Even before Valeria was born, I had been cheating on Linda with a series of women. I knew from day one I couldn’t stay with one woman, and knocking up Linda despite having no intention of long-term commitment was a selfish act of the worst kind. It was a mistake I had regretted ever since. I tried my best to be a good father to Valeria, but it was clear Linda resented my presence in their life.

SUMMARY^1: (1) Valeria, a mix of Chinese and Mexican heritage, was born prematurely, weighing just 4 pounds. Her mother Linda was ecstatic but exhausted from the birth. Valeria’s skin was pale and her hair a unique mixture of black and red. The relationship between Valeria’s parents was strained due to their unconventional relationship and cultural differences. Linda’s family disapproved of Valeria’s father, a high school dropout and Mexican immigrant. Despite this, he tried to be a good father to Valeria. However, he had been unfaithful to Linda before her pregnancy.

Easily the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, Valeria looked like a character straight out of fantasy novel, a blend of her mother’s delicate features and my own darker complexion. Her almond-shaped eyes, a perfect blend of brown and green, sparkled with the innocence of youth. Her nose, a soft slope that met perfectly with her high cheekbones, was the envy of every woman who laid eyes on her. And her smile, oh her smile, it could melt the coldest of hearts.

Such racial admixture was uncommon even in the progressive society we lived in, and I couldn’t stop gawking at her with infinite fascination. Sometimes, I wondered if I could ever find another mixed-Mexican-Chinese girl as stunning as Valeria in my life. But these thoughts grew increasingly disturbing as she grew older. As she hit puberty, her body blossomed into something truly remarkable. At 11-year-old, she already had a body that rivaled some top models. Her once tiny frame was now curvy and voluptuous, with hips that swayed hypnotically with every step. Her breasts, full and round, threatened to spill out of her school uniform, drawing the attention of every boy in class. Even I, her father, found myself unable to resist stealing glances at her whenever she wasn’t looking.

SUMMARY^1: (1) Valeria, a mixed-Mexican-Chinese girl, was strikingly beautiful. Her features were a mix of her parents’ appearances, with almond-shaped eyes, a high nose, and high cheekbones. As she grew older, her body developed into something exceptional for her age, drawing attention from everyone around her. Her father found himself unable to resist looking at her despite the taboo nature of their relationship.

SUMMARY^2: Valeria, born prematurely to a strained interracial relationship, is a stunning mix of her parents’ appearances. As she grows older, her body develops into something extraordinary for her age, captivating everyone around her, including her father, who finds himself unable to resist looking at her despite their taboo relationship.

I tried to convince myself that my fascination with her was nothing more than a father’s natural affection for his daughter. But deep down, I knew that it was something else entirely. I had begun to fantasize about her in a way that made me feel ashamed and disgusted with myself. In these dark, twisted fantasies, I would imagine myself touching her in places that a father shouldn’t touch his daughter. I would picture her lips on mine, her body pressed against mine, as I lost control and gave in to the desire that threatened to consume me.

Still, I couldn’t shake her off my dreams, her image constantly swirling in my mind, invading my every thought. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn’t help myself. It was like an addiction, a sickness that had taken hold of me, corrupting my every impulse.

One night, as I lay in bed, the moon cast a soft, eerie glow through the window, painting everything in a silver hue. I closed my eyes, trying to banish the images of Valeria from my mind, but they refused to leave. Her curves, her soft skin, the way her breasts heaved with every breath she took. I imagined her in my arms, her body pressed against mine, her lips parted in a sigh. I could almost taste her, feel her. It was as if she were right there in the room with me.

SUMMARY^1: (1) The narrator was increasingly consumed by fantasies about Valeria, his daughter. He tried to convince himself that they were harmless fatherly affection, but deep down he knew they were wrong. He couldn’t help but picture her in intimate situations, often losing control in his thoughts. (2) One night, he became so overwhelmed by these fantasies that he couldn’t sleep. The moonlight in the room only made the images of Valeria more vivid. He imagined her body against his, her lips parted, and her breasts heaving. The sensations were so intense that he could almost taste her.

Then, as I opened my eyes, there she was. Valeria, standing at the foot of my bed, her delicate features illuminated by the moonlight streaming through the window. She was wearing her favorite nightgown, a thin cotton shift that clung to her curves like a second skin. Her long hair flowed down her back in a cascade of black silk. Slowly, she crawled into bed beside me, her back pressed against my chest, her body curled into mine.

I had always liked to cuddle up with Valeria as we drifted off to sleep, her small frame perfectly fitting against mine. It was a comforting feeling, like nothing else in the world. But tonight, as she spooned me as she had so many times before, something felt different. Her movements were more deliberate, her breathing heavier. And when she guided my hand into her shirt, letting me touch her bare skin for the first time, my heart skipped a beat.

My fingers traced circles around her soft, perky breasts, feeling the warmth of her skin against my fingertips. She arched her back, pressing herself closer to me, her hips grinding against my hand. My heart hammered in my chest, blood rushing through my veins as I lost all sense of reason. This was wrong, so very wrong, but it felt so right.

“Daddy, would you love me as much as you love those big girls if I have tits like them?” Valeria whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of my racing heart. My fingers tightened on her breast, feeling the softness and warmth of her skin beneath my touch.

SUMMARY^1: (1) The narrator’s daughter, Valeria, climbed into bed with him in the middle of the night. As they cuddled, he felt her body pressing against his, her movements more deliberate and breathing heavier. When she guided his hand to touch her bare skin, he couldn’t resist exploring her body further. His fingers traced circles around her breasts, feeling their warmth and softness. (2) She arched her back, pressing herself closer to him, her hips grinding against his hand. He knew this was wrong, but the sensation was overwhelming. She whispered a question, asking if he would love her as much if she had big breasts like other girls. His fingers tightened on her breast, unable to deny the attraction he felt.

“Of course, sweetheart,” I managed to croak, my voice thick with desire. “You are my little girl, and I will always love you.” But as I spoke the words, my mind reeled with confusion and shame. I couldn’t believe I was allowing this to happen, much less encouraging it.

Her body arched further into mine, pressing against my hand, her hips grinding against my fingertips. I could feel her nipple harden beneath my touch, and I knew I was losing control. “Then please,” she whispered, her breath hot against my neck, “love me as you love them.”

“But how?” I tried to act dumb, to pretend this was some innocent game. Valeria turned her head to look at me over her shoulder, her eyes narrowed. She knew I was lying. “I’ve seen you and mom together, Daddy. I know what it’s like.” Her hand moved against mine, showing me how to touch her, how to make her feel good.

I closed my eyes, trying to steady my breath as her hand found its way to my erection. It was no longer something I could ignore or deny, no longer something that could be hidden away. It was there, hard and throbbing in her tiny palm, and I felt a wave of shame wash over me as she stroked it. But at the same time, her touch was so soft, so gentle, that it sent a surge of pleasure coursing through my veins.

“See, Daddy?” she whispered, her breath hot against my ear. “It’s not so bad, is it? I’m not that different from mommy after all. I’m just a little less experience, but at the same time more curious… and willing to learn. So please, Daddy… show me what it’s like.” Her words sent a shiver down my spine as she continued to stroke my throbbing length.

Her small hand felt so good against my skin, so soft and warm. It was as if she were made for this, as if she had been created specifically to bring me pleasure. I couldn’t believe how wrong it felt to be right, how wrong it felt to want this so much. But as she leaned forward, pressing her small breasts against my chest, I couldn’t help but surrender to the feeling, to the desire that coursed through my veins.

“I want to taste you, Daddy,” Valeria whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of her own breath. She gently pushed my legs apart, revealing my throbbing erection. With a hungry look in her eyes, she lowered her head and engulfed my shaft, taking as much of me into her mouth as she could. Her warm, wet tongue danced across the sensitive skin, teasing and tormenting me as she bobbed her head up and down.

I closed my eyes, feeling the pleasure wash over me in waves. Her small hands gripped my hips, guiding her movements as she took me deeper and deeper into her mouth. I couldn’t believe this was really happening, that my own daughter was pleasuring me like this. At this point, any vestige of shame or guilt had been replaced by pure, unadulterated desire.

As her tongue flicked against the sensitive head of my cock, I felt my control slipping away. I wanted to touch her, to feel her body against mine, but I didn’t want to interrupt her. So instead, I let myself sink into the sensation, letting her lead the way. Her warm breath against my skin, the wet sucking sound she made as she moved up and down on my shaft, it was all so intoxicating.

Valeria looked up at me, her eyes meeting mine, and I could see the desire in them, the same desire that I felt coursing through my veins. Without saying a word, she leaned forward and wrapped her lips around my balls, sucking on them gently before taking one into her mouth and rolling it around with her tongue. My hips bucked involuntarily, and I let out a moan that was somewhere between pleasure and disbelief.

I could feel myself getting close, the pressure building inside me. I wanted this to go on forever, but I knew it couldn’t. I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself, before reaching down and gently guiding her head upwards. Her lips parted, and I felt the head of my cock press against her tongue.

“Valeria,” I managed to croak, my voice hoarse with desire. “I’m going to… I’m going to…” But before I could finish, she looked up at me with those big, innocent eyes, and said simply, “I want to feel it, Daddy. I want to feel you inside me.” And with that, she straddled my hips, positioning herself over my erection. She lowered herself down slowly, guiding me into her tight, wet warmth. The sensation was unlike anything I had ever felt before, and as she began to move up and down, the feeling only intensified.

Her budding breasts swayed gently with each thrust, brushing against my chest, and her smooth, silky skin felt like liquid against my own. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close as she rode me, lost in the rhythm. The sounds of our bodies moving together filled the room, drowning out everything else. It felt like we were the only two people in the world, existing in this moment, this perfect union of flesh and desire.

As Valeria continued to ride me, her breath grew shorter, her movements more urgent. I could feel the build-up in both of us, the approaching climax that would change everything. And then, with a cry that was somewhere between pleasure and surrender, she arched her back and threw her head back, her body tense and shuddering as she came. Her muscles clenched around me, sending wave after wave of pleasure through my own body, until finally, I could hold back no longer. With a groan that seemed to come from deep within me, I thrust upward, feeling myself release into her, my seed spilling deep inside her.

We collapsed onto the bed together, panting heavily, our bodies still entwined. For a moment, there was silence, as if the world outside had faded away, leaving only the two of us in this intimate, intense bubble of desire. I closed my eyes, savoring the feeling of Valeria’s soft, warm skin pressed against mine. Her breath ghosted over my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

Then, just as I drifted back into sleep once again, I opened my eyes to take in the sight of Valeria’s naked form one more time, only to find that she was gone. The silver moonlight played tricks on my eyes, and for a moment, I thought I saw a shadowy figure slip out the door, but I couldn’t be sure. The bed was cold where she had been, the sheets unruffled. Had it all been a dream? A sick, twisted fantasy conjured up by my own perverted mind?

I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, and glanced around the room. There was no sign of her anywhere. She must have snuck out while I was asleep. A pang of guilt stabbed at my heart. I should have been more vigilant. Should have kept her safe. But even as the thought crossed my mind, another, darker emotion began to stir within me. An unfamiliar thrill, tinged with desire and fear.

I got out of bed, my heart racing, and walked over to her bedroom door. As I gently pushed it open, I was met with the soft glow of moonlight streaming through the window. Valeria lay there, her features peaceful in sleep, her clothes still on. It was as if she were a fragile doll, abandoned in the midst of a dream world.

A wave of relief washed over me as I realized she was safe, but it was short-lived. Doubts lingered in the back of my mind, nagging at me. What if it wasn’t a dream? What if we just did the unthinkable? I closed my eyes, trying to banish the thoughts, but they persisted.

With sleepiness finally overwhelming me, I climbed back into bed; perhaps it’s better this way. If it was a dream, it felt so real if might as well have been real. If it wasn’t, then it felt so surreal I could deny it. I closed my eyes, trying to push aside the thoughts that nagged at the back of my mind.

But as I drifted off again, I found myself reliving the moments we shared, feeling her body move in sync with mine. The memory was so vivid, so real, that it was as if I could still feel her skin against my own. It sent a shiver down my spine, and for a fleeting moment, I considered getting up and seeking her out.

Before I could fully form the thought, however, I’ve finally lost the battle trying to stay awake, a rush of exhaustion swept over me. My eyes grew heavy, and without any further resistance, they closed. My body relaxed, and I felt myself drifting into a deep, dreamless sleep.

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By huitlacoche #Incest #PreTeen #Virgin