Housewife Diaries

<p>I’m starting this diary today, of all days…<br />because I’ve just found out that my husband<br />is cheating on me. As you can imagine, <br />I was a bit shocked but really- do I care?<br /><br />He has left me alone for months at a time,<br />traveling about to sell steel engine parts for<br />automobiles to all of the major car production<br />plants around the nation. <br /><br />I have had to keep myself entertained in whatever<br />way was available.<br />Now, for some perverse reason, the exposure<br />of his affair inspires me to document the things<br />I have done to find comfort in this small town, <br />in and out of my lonely bed.<br /><br /><br />First, Dear Diary, allow me to formally introduce myself.<br /><br /><br />I am Rena Denton. Wife of Howard Denton (afore mentioned geek).<br />No children, no pets, no heart. Well, if I had a heart it broke<br />so long ago that I can no longer remember it. <br /><br />I am beautiful, self proclaimed of course. <br />Men whisper it as they cum in me, but I don’t always<br />believe that. I wasn’t always a whore, you know. But<br />of course, you don’t believe that, do you?<br /><br />&nbsp;My body is one that has always <br />attracted attention, from the time I turned 12.<br />My features ensure that once they get done looking<br />at my full breasts and tight ass, that they can’t help<br />but stare into my icy blue eyes, or at my plump red<br />lips, or at my firecracker red hair. <br /><br />But, that is enough about me, let us get down to the <br />reason why we’re both here. For fucking. Plain and simple.</p><p>In April, the bathroom faucet broke. Hot water poured like a river down the drain. <br />When I phoned Howard, he told me to call a plumber, <br />that he couldn’t do anything for me while he was in Wyoming. <br /><br /><br />A knock sounded at the door, opening it, <br />I was surprised to find a young man in tattered jeans<br />on my porch. I smiled, &quot; Hi. Can I help you?&quot;<br /><br />&quot;Uhh yea, I’m Joshua Grant, from Grant’s Plumbing.<br />You called about a leaky pipe?&quot; his eyes roved down to my slightly sheer bathrobe. <br /><br />I’d taken the chance that I would get a semi-sexy plumber and <br />not a fat dump of a man with too little belt and too much ass crack to share.<br /><br />&quot;Well, I’m surprised, you seem awful young to own your own plumbing business.&quot;<br />&nbsp;I grinned, spinning my long red hair back over one shoulder to allow <br />Joshua the full view.<br /><br />&quot;Nah, I’m the owner’s son. Well, let’s see what you’ve got going on,<br />&nbsp;and see if we can get it fixed up.&quot; <br />He stepped into the house, I turned and followed watching the jeans<br />&nbsp;stretch across a beautifully sculpted ass. The tear in his jeans on the upper <br />thigh gaped with each step,<br />&nbsp;I could see a feathering of blonde hair against tan skin.<br />&nbsp;The back of his head had a jagged scar running through <br />the dirty blonde hair. <br /><br />&quot;See, leaking like Niagra! &quot; I laughed, tilting my head back to look into the <br />extraordinarily green eyes the beautiful man child had.<br /><br />&quot;Yeah, I see. It’ll just be a few minutes, looks like your wall pipe has probably<br />&nbsp;just been stripped out and needs to be replaced.&quot; <br />That smile again. He was truly tempting me.<br /><br />&quot;Ok, if you’ll excuse me, I have to change and then I’ll be right back.&quot; <br />I smiled over one shoulder, watching him watching my ass sway. <br /><br />The bedroom was just behind the bathroom, so I pushed the door closed, <br />leaving it open just an inch or two, <br />should Joshua be tempted to peek. <br /><br />I hurriedly undid my robe, hanging it on the hook beside the closet door.<br />&nbsp;I peeled off the thin nightie I was wearing, <br />and tossed it into the clothes hamper. <br /><br />&quot;Uh, ma’am, I have to run to the truck and get a bigger wrench, <br />I’ll be right back!&quot; <br /><br />I heard his boots clunk out of the house. <br />I snuck back to the door and opened it a few more inches, <br />Joshua would be walking straight towards my room when he came back. <br /><br />I stood in front of the mirror, my curling,<br />&nbsp;copper hair pulled to the side, brushing it slowly.<br />My naked body gleamed white in the mirror, my upthrust nipples hard and aching. <br />The blush spreading from around them onto my chest <br />and up my neck. Curse of the redhead.<br /><br />The curve of my abdomen and hips giving me a <br />woodland nymph’s physicque. I smiled, he was mine.<br /><br />I heard him come back inside then, heard his steps in the hall.<br />&nbsp;Closer. Closer. Three more steps.<br /><br />I heard his sharp intake of breath. <br />I turned, dropping the hair brush to the plush baby blue rug. <br /><br />&quot;I’m, I umm sorry.&quot; He turned his head to the side, but I moved forward, <br />I could see the bulge in his jeans, the flush on his cheek bones.<br /><br />I leaned against the door frame, pulling the door wide so that he<br />&nbsp;could see all of me. His eyes raced from my nipples to the thin fiery <br />red path of curls leading down to the juncture of my thighs.<br /><br />He looked at my face, his look one of panicked surprise. <br /><br />&quot;How old are you Josh?&quot; I whispered, my voice already husky <br />from desire.<br /><br />&quot;Um, I’m 20, ma’am.&quot; His eyes were now riveted to my breasts, <br />bouncing from tip to tip, his pupils dialated. <br /><br />That little obstacle cleared, I leaned forward tracing my fingers <br />down his cheek, to grasp his chin, firmly. <br />I pulled until his gaze met mine, stepped forward to press against<br />&nbsp;his tense frame. His hands shook as they came to my sides, <br />his palms were so hot they scalded my cool skin. <br /><br />I licked his lips lightly, pressing my tongue against <br />the seam until he opened. Flicking my tongue inside <br />I could taste the Big Red he’d been chewing earlier. <br />His lips were soft, moving slowly against mine, his tongue twisting,<br />&nbsp;tasting me as I tasted him. <br /><br />&quot;Touch me Josh.&quot; I whispered it softly against his mouth. <br />I placed my hands over one of his and slid it up to cup my breast,<br />&nbsp;the tips of his fingers rough against my sensitive nipple.<br /><br />&quot;I’ve never…umm&quot; He stuttered into silence as he stared at his<br />&nbsp;hand on my breast.<br /><br />&quot;I know, it’s ok. Come on.&quot; I gave his arm a little tug and <br />pulled him toward the big canopy bed in the center of the room. <br /><br />My knees hit the back of the mattress, I relaxed letting myself fall back. <br />I held onto Josh’s arm and he fell with me, landing with his knees on either<br />&nbsp;side of my thighs. His face was so close I could see the blonde whiskers <br />lining his jaw. <br /><br />I arched my back, pressing my breasts against the slightly rough t-shirt he<br />&nbsp;wore. I could feel some sort of spackling on it, scraping my soft skin. I slid <br />my hands between us, and he inhaled sharply. I traced my fingers down his <br />sides to tug at the hem of his shirt. Josh raised his body so that I could pull <br />the shirt off, and over his head. I threw it at the wall and heard it slide to <br />the floor. <br /><br />A giggle escaped me at the sheer terror on the boy’s face. <br /><br /><br />&quot;Relax, baby. Get up and take your pants off so I can feel all of you.&quot; <br />I rubbed slowly against his swollen groin, could feel the shaft pressing <br />through the denim of his jeans.<br /><br />Poor Josh, his mind must have shut down, because he still didn’t move, <br />so I wiggled up and began unbuttoning his jeans. It must have triggered <br />some thought in his brain because he jolted back off of the bed and bent<br />&nbsp;to tug at his boots hurriedly. He jerked off his socks and threw them at <br />the boots, then practically ripped his jeans off. When he got to his boxers he<br />&nbsp;stopped and looked at me, the question still present in his eyes.<br /><br /><br />&quot;These too?&quot; he croaked.<br /><br /><br />&nbsp;I nodded and smiled. His boxers fled faster than anything else,<br />&nbsp;but he simply stood beside the bed once they were off and stared at me.<br />&nbsp;I crawled to the edge of the bed, my plump breasts swinging like pendulums<br />&nbsp;as I reached for his rigid cock. He was truly beautiful everywhere, the light <br />blond faded from his flat dusky brown nipples down to a thin line that <br />crowned above his impressive tools.<br /><br />&nbsp;I traced my fingertips across the head of Josh’s surprisingly thick cock. <br />Leaning forward, I licked it lightly, hearing his gasp I <br /><br />smiled and sucked the mushroom tip into my mouth. His hands went to my head <br />and he pushed them into my thick hair, holding my head softly.<br /><br /><br />Swirling my tongue under the ridge around his cock, I felt him tense and <br />groan. I knew that he was probably too close to cumming to continue my play. <br /><br />I pulled away and saw a sad look of disappointment cross his face.<br /><br /><br />&quot;Just a minute sweetie, we need a few things. Come lay down.&quot; I patted the <br />bed invitingly and went to the small stand beside the bed. I pulled out a thick <br /><br />black band made of elastic, a condom and a bottle of liquid KY.<br /><br />Kneeling in front of the prone Josh, I began to thread the band around the <br />base of both his cock and balls. <br /><br /><br /><br />&quot;What is that?&quot; he whispered. <br /><br /><br /><br />&quot;Just a little something to ensure things last as long as we’d like.&quot; <br />Finished with sliding the ring around Josh’s thick cock, I began licking the tip playfully, <br />his groans urging on my naughty play.<br /><br /><br /><br />I leaned back, unwrapping the condom and stretching it with my fingers. He <br />grinned, boyish now in his glee at finally getting laid. I drizzled a thick line of <br /><br />the KY down his cock, coating it like a beautiful glazed donut.<br /><br />&quot;Aaaah! It’s so cold.&quot; He pushed his head back into the pillow, clenching his <br /><br />hands in the satin comforter. <br /><br />Rubbing my hands back and forth along his cock, I proceeded to warm up the<br />&nbsp;lubricant for him. As I fisted his swollen cock slowly, I slid the condom over <br />and down his throbbing shaft, stopping only when the ring of latex hit the <br />base of his phallus.<br /><br />Eager now and panting for long awaited sexual release, I mounted him, <br />holding the tip of his cock to my soaked pussy. He half sat up, gasping as<br />&nbsp;I surrounded him, his tanned hands coming to my swaying breasts.<br />&nbsp;He clasped both of them, as if to steady himself, <br />but only moaned when I drew myself off and then slammed back <br />down on his cock. <br /><br /><br />Pressing his face to my aching nipples, Josh began to suckle like a hungry <br />child. I swung my hair back to allow him breathing room, and began to <br />bounce, rapidly on his prick.<br /><br />&quot;Fuck me Josh. God, just like that! Suck my tits, aaaah! Oh fuck, oh fuck me!&quot;<br />&nbsp;The throbbing in the slick walls of my cunt was too much I bucked, <br />twisting my fingers in his short hair, and pulling, as I screamed my orgasm to <br />the ceiling. <br /><br />&quot;Oh god, please, I’m gonna cum..ugh&quot; He groaned and thrust wildly <br />into my spasming cunny, trying to cum but not yet realizing that the thick band at <br />the base of his tools was preventing his release. <br /><br /><br />&quot;Not yet! No! Don’t you dare stop!&quot; I screeched at him, unable to hold back <br />the second flood of my juices. <br /><br /><br />&quot;God damn you!&quot; He bellowed, grabbing for my hair, and jerking my face down <br />to his. The fever glowing in his eyes should have frightened me, but I knew I <br />still had control. Reaching between us I tugged at the thick, black band <br />causing his frustration. When it popped free, I pulled my hand away, <br />seeing to my horror, the condom also twisted about my fingers. <br /><br /><br />&quot; Josh, stop, the condom! Stop!&quot; I tried to pull away but he was a man and <br />not a boy. I struggled but he grasped my hips, his fingers digging <br />into the sensitive white flesh and bruising. <br /><br />&quot;No you whore! I’m going to cum! Aaaaah fuck!&quot; He rammed his swelling shaft <br />into me once..twice, harder than before. Then the white hot heat of his cum, <br />splattering out onto my fuck stretched cunt walls stopped all logical thought. <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />For a moment, I lay atop his chest, panting- trying to understand how things <br />had gotten so completely out of control. Then I slid from his limp grasp, <br />and stood on the carpet beside the bed. <br /><br /><br />I picked up his boots, clothes, and threw them at him, earning a satisfying yelp.<br /><br />&quot;Get out! Now! Get out of my fucking house!&quot; I screamed like a shrewish fishwife, <br />something I never wanted to be. <br />He jumped from the bed, mumbling something about crazy bitches. <br /><br />I chased him from the room, squealing at the top of my lungs. <br />I slammed the bedroom door behind him, and heard<br />&nbsp;the front door slam a few moments <br />later. <br />After that, I could hear nothing for my own sobbing.<br /><br /><br />That is when it all began, with a half-man, half-boy child who came inside my <br />body, marking me a whore. I realized afterwards that the semen was not <br />nearly so much my problem, as the allure and shame of being a whore. I wanted it. <br />Every man, every cock, I wanted them all. <br /><br />Another tale tomorrow my dear, dear diary.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>TO READ THE REST OF THIS HOT STORY AND OTHERS STOP BY;</p>