Jackie and her 12 year old son Mike

#Incest #PreTeen 1 hour ago

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A story of love between Jackie Malone and her 12 year old son Mike, involving risk of getting caught that could put a stop to there passion!

Jackie Malone pulled into her driveway and pressed the button for the automatic garage door opener. After work she stopped by a local grocery store where she did some shopping for dinner which she would be making later that evening. Her three boys came running out of the side door to help her carry the groceries inside. She popped the trunk as her boys kissed her on the cheek one by one.

Her husband John greeted her as well. She kissed him on the cheek and said with a smile. “What do I owe this nice welcome to?” John was smiling “How was work honey.” Jackie took off her jacket and handed her purse to him. “It would have been great if it wasn’t for this rain.” The boys carried the shopping bags from the trunk into the house. Her youngest, twelve-year-old Mikey ran by his mom obviously eager to get back to whatever it was he was doing earlier “Hey mom! “He yelled and ran past them. “Slow down, that computer isn’t going anywhere!” She yelled after him.

John grabbed Jackie’s jacket and helped her inside. The other two boys got back to the couch and continued watching TV. Fourteen-year-old Alex called out to his mom. “Mom we’re hungry can you make something good please.” Jackie responded from the hallway. “At least let me use the bathroom first, Jesus!” She turned to John. “Didn’t you make them anything?” John answered, “We made some grilled cheese sandwiches but then we ran out of cheese!” He smiled. “Nice skirt.” He noticed his wife was wearing a rather revealing outfit.

To elaborate, Jackie at the age of 35 had long brown hair going down to the middle of her back, piercing brown eyes with long lashes, standing at 5ft6 she had a figure most women would kill for with her long shapely legs, tight backside, and a large set of 32DDD’s that would make any man, woman, and boy stare.

Jackie’s blouse and hair were a little wet so the first thing she did was go into the bathroom to dry herself off. She left the door open a little bit and took off her blouse. She was a very sexual woman. Although she always stayed loyal to her husband, she did enjoy men looking at her. That’s why she would often go to work wearing short skirts and heels. Her fifteen-year-old son Mark knocked on the bathroom door. “Mom, I have to go pee!” She responded, “I’ll be done in a minute honey.” She finished drying her hair and walked out of the bathroom in her bra. Her kids saw her naked a few times, so she had no problem with them seeing her body as she thought nothing of it.

“Hey sweetie, how was school today?” She stood in front of him not realizing how awkward the situation was for the boy. “It was ok mom.” Jackie glanced around the hallway. “Did any of you kids see my cell phone, I couldn’t find it this morning and I looked all over the place.” Mark was getting uneasy. “Mom, I have to pee remember?” “I’m sorry honey, you go ahead.” She continued into her room and changed into some dry clothes. She decided to try Alex’s room. She looked under the bed, lifted the mattress and found nothing. She thought it might be in one of the kid’s rooms because she just did some vacuuming the previous day. She rummaged through the room looking through cupboards and even some of the kids’ drawers. She opened another drawer only to find some dirty magazines. She knew her sons were in that stage where their hormones were raging but was still a little bit shocked. She was learning more and more about the male psyche. She wasn’t very angry but wanted to confront him about it anyway. She decided tonight wasn’t the right time because she was tired, so she buried the magazines back under the pile of socks and left the room.

She went to the kitchen and cooked a fabulous meal. Family Dinner was a Malone family tradition. John was a very religious man who preferred to raise his kids in the Catholic fashion. They said their prayers and ate. After dinner everyone went their own way. Jackie and John went to sleep in the bedroom upstairs and the boys went to their own rooms. The house was rather big. John wasn’t a wealthy man, but he was well off. It had its own guest house and a pool in the back with a pool house. In the basement there was a small gym and tanning bed, which Jackie used almost every week. The couple had a very active sex life up until a few years ago when John’s sex drive had kind of disappeared. He tried to keep it under wraps, but Jackie knew what the problem was. John’s main excuse lately, was that he was tired. It would be just another night where she would fall asleep without getting the proper satisfaction. It was pouring rain outside as her eyelids got heavier. There was even some thunder, but it was muffled enough where she fell asleep easily.

About halfway into the night Jackie felt someone pulling on her shoulder. She woke up from a deep sleep and turned around to see her son Michael standing in front of the bed in his P. J’s. “Mom I can’t sleep there’s too much thunder.” Jackie knew he was afraid of thunder and felt so bad for him. She sat up and gave him a warm hug. “It’s just thunder honey, it’s perfectly natural. Common I’ll go tuck you in.” Michael was nervous that his brothers would make fun of him the next day, so he made his mom promise not to tell them. They walked over to his room, and he jumped into his still warm bed. Jackie sat next to him in her short low cut night gown showing deep cleavage as well as her strong legs glistening in the moon light. She kissed him on the forehead. “Don’t worry sweetie this stays between you and me.” She noticed the poor guy was quivering. “Are you cold baby?” Michael just nodded. “No.” She then realized how scared he was. “Mom, can you sleep here tonight?” She nodded “Sure honey, don’t be scared mommy’s here”. She laid down next to him as he turned around and laid his head next to her breasts. She remembered that she had no bra on as his face rested on her bosom.

The thunder echoed through the room and kept them both awake. Michael looked up at his mom and noticed she was looking down at him. “What’s the matter honey, is there anything I can do?” The thunder kept getting worse and worse. Jackie knew that her boys liked to look at her breasts as she would catch them staring once in a when she’d be getting out of the shower. Her motherly instincts let her know that a mother’s chest is where a boy feels most protected and relaxed, and on top of it all she knew that her twelve-year-old son Michael was staring the most, which led her to believe that Michael wasn’t much different. “Do you want to see mommy’s breasts honey?” The words came out of her mouth like they were shot out of a cannon. She was willing to do anything so her baby would feel comfort and protection. Michael just nodded yes, and she pulled the night gown down off her shoulders and gently revealed her breasts. They were quite visible in the moon light which was every now and then being broken up by clouds. Michael looked back up at his mom and said, “Mom can I ask you a question?” Jackie answered, “Sure honey.” Michael was hesitating. “Promise you won’t get mad?” She was getting a little uneasy. “Ok I promise I won’t get mad.” A few moments later he finally blurted out: “Can I suck on them?” Now this was a whole new game in her book. She wasn’t sure what to do.

On one thought, she wanted him to go to sleep and as a baby sucking her chest used to put him to sleep straight away, but he wasn’t a baby anymore. She wondered what other effects this would have on Michael. “Aren’t you a little too old for that sweetie?” Michael didn’t answer, and she noticed he was now getting embarrassed. She laid on her back and pulled her night gown down to her belly button without saying a word. Michael put his lips on her right nipple and sucked it into his mouth. Jackie’s breasts were surprisingly firm for a mom of three. Michael’s sucking got more and more intense as the thunder got louder. She figured he should be asleep any time now, but then she felt his tongue circling her nipple. He let the tit fall out as he went to her other breast. He kissed all over the breast and flickered his tongue over her nipple. Jackie found this to be quite unusual and noticed he wasn’t anywhere near sleepy now, but he wasn’t scared anymore either, so she let it go on. She wondered where he had learned the tongue flicking and circling. Michael kept kissing her tit all over the place. Under it, over it he even licked above the tits. He went on for about 10 minutes as Jackie grew more impatient. Michael’s cock was now engorged. He had never been that hard. His excitement led him to become braver, so he placed his left hand on his mom’s tummy and slid it under the lace of her panties meeting her bush. Jackie found this to be inappropriate, so she gently removed his hand. He then put his hand on her right breast while he was licking her left and started feeling her up. Jackie decided to put a stop to this craziness and said, “Ok sweetie, that’s enough for now.”

Something that started innocently, had suddenly turned sexual. “Ok honey, the thunder is gone now. Mommy has to go to sleep.” Michael got off her breasts and laid back on his pillow. He watched his mom as she pulled the gown up, covering her breasts. “I’m sorry honey but I’m your mom and I can’t let you do that. Besides, I must get some sleep I have to work tomorrow!” Michael was a little bit embarrassed “Ok mom I’m sorry.” She smiled at him as he rolled over and slowly drifted off to sleep.
Jackie woke up at fifteen to seven and ran into the kitchen to make the boys some pancakes. She rushed in and out of the bathroom trying to fix her hair and make breakfast at the same time. John was already at the kitchen table reading the paper. “Wake the boys up honey I have to fix my hair, looks like it’s going to be one of those bad hair days.” John kind of grunted and set the paper down and went to every boy’s room trying to wake them up. Mark was a morning person, so he wasn’t too much trouble, but the other two were trying to squeeze out another 10-15 minutes of sleep. John did his walkaround and went back to the kitchen and to his paper. Jackie knew how John was, and she knew that Michael and Alex managed to sleep through their father’s light knocking. She barged into Michael’s room and said in an annoyed tone, “I won’t be the one calling in the school if you’re late again. And your father won’t call either, now get up.”

Mike knew his mom wasn’t kidding so he jumped right out of bed and ran off into the bathroom. Jackie then barged into Alex’s room and saw a pair of her panties on the floor next to the bed. She picked up her panties and tried to wake him up. “Up you go lazy bones, and don’t let your father see these.” The second she said that Alex snapped out of his dreamy state and jumped out of bed. He couldn’t believe he was so stupid to leave the panties lying around. Jackie kind of giggled and threw her panties down on his blanket and walked out of the room. The whole family met up in the kitchen and ate breakfast together. Shortly after, John, Alex and Mark were on their way out the door. Jackie kissed her husband and her oldest goodbye, and then stopped Alex before he stepped out the door. “Hold on sweetie I’ve got to talk to you.” She noticed Mark was already waiting in the car. Jackie didn’t want things to get weird with Alex, so she decided to stop the awkwardness before it got out of control. “I’m not mad at you Alex, you just have to be careful when you leave my panties laying around like that.” Alex mumbled: “Ok mom.” Jackie smiled “And don’t let things get awkward between us now. If you want to ask me anything about any topic don’t be shy. We’ll talk after school honey.” She kissed him on the cheek and waved goodbye. Alex was still too embarrassed to look at his mom, so he just waved at her. Jackie smiled and closed the door.

Michael was just starting on his eggs. Jackie finally finished her hair and went back to the kitchen. “How’s breakfast sweetie?” Mikey didn’t answer, and she noticed the awkwardness right away. “Don’t worry sweetie, mommy is not mad at you because of last night. I’m just glad you could finally fall asleep.” Michael was nodding “Mom It’s not that.” “Then what’s the problem?” Michael looked down to the ground as he said, “I feel sick mom I’m not sure what the problem is.” Jackie crossed her arms under her chest over the blouse “No honey, you’ve had four sick days this month, you have to go to school today.”

“No mom I’m not sick like that, I….it’s a little embarrassing.” Jackie scooted her chair closer to her son. “Okay what happened? You can tell mommy, don’t be embarrassed.” Michael looked down into his lap and solemnly said “My testicles are swollen, and they hurt. And I didn’t get much sleep because of it.” Jackie thought to herself ‘he couldn’t possibly have blue balls because of last night.’ and then she said, “Ok honey, let mommy see.” Michael scooted back on his chair as his mom pulled his boxers down. He forgot to mention that his erection hadn’t gone away since their little episode last night. Jackie was taken aback when his 6-inch pecker popped out of the shorts and hit his stomach, leaving a trail of precum.

She couldn’t believe how excited she got him last night. “Honey, you have to …. you know…. take care of that.” Michael had no idea what his mom was talking about now. “What do you mean, take care of it?” Jackie stared at the impressive member for his age before saying “Well honey, that’s what guys do when their penis becomes hard like this. They jerk it until it goes away.” He looked at his mom even more confused. He was even more lost now. “Can you show me how mom?” She looked at the clock it was almost 8:15. The drive to school is at least 10 minutes so she had to work quick. The last thing she wanted for her son was to have blue balls all day at school, so she took his cock in her hand and started jerking it.

Michael leaned back on his chair and let out a loud “ohhhh”. Jackie continued to jerk him off and said, “This is what you do when this happens honey.” She kept tugging on it quickening the pace, but there was no orgasm in sight. She looked at the clock it was now 8:20. She had been jerking him off for five minutes and the kid hadn’t come yet. If he didn’t come in the next five minutes, she would have to go into the councillor’s office to excuse his absence, which would cause her to be late to her real estate job, which was something that she couldn’t let happen. The first thing that came to her mind was that he needed some kind of stimulation.

She let go of his rock-hard prick, stood up and pulled her business skirt up all the way to her waist. She sat back down on the chair and spread her legs so Michael could see the camel toe on her pink panties. She grabbed his young cock again and started to jerk him. His mom’s pubes were sticking out of the side of the panties, which drove him over the edge. Within five seconds Michael started to spew come all over the place. This was the best feeling he had ever felt in his whole life. His jizz shot up into the air and some of it hit the kitchen table, but most of it landed on his mom’s left thigh and her skirt. He had no idea what the white liquid was, he knew it wasn’t piss. Before Jackie could put her hand over the tip some more landed on her hair and the breakfast plate. She couldn’t believe how much spunk came out of his cock. She stood up ran over to the sink and started rubbing the cum out of her skirt before the stain sunk in.

Mike could see how annoyed his mom was “I’m sorry mom, I’m sorry about the mess.” She then wiped the semen off her thighs and said, “Go to the bathroom and get cleaned up, and please hurry or we’re going to be late.” Jackie noticed a wet spot on her panties and felt her now wet pussy with her fingers. She was losing it. The lack of sex was making her go nuts, and she had only herself to blame. She knew she had to make it interesting for John somehow and decided to show herself off to him more often from that point on, hoping to get their sex life back on track.

Jackie relaxed a little bit on the ride to school. She looked over at Mike who sat quietly in his seat. She saw that he was a little bit embarrassed. She also knew he had a lot of questions about what had happened. “You ok their sweetie?” Mike glanced over at his mom, her skirt up to mid-thigh. “I’m sorry about ruining your skirt.” Jackie looked over to see his eyes going back and forth between her legs and the road in front of them “It’s ok sweetie. Do you want to ask mommy anything?” Her pussy was still wet from what happened not only earlier that morning but also last night, she knew she had to have sex that evening or she would go completely insane.

Mike looked down to the floor as he asked, “What was the white stuff that shot out of my penis?” “That’s sperm. That’s the stuff that makes babies. It goes inside a woman where it mixes with the woman’s eggs and that’s how a baby is born.” Replied Jackie. Everything he knew about reproduction was wrong. He was being flooded with this new information and his curiosity grew by the second. “But how does the sperm get to the eggs?” Mike asked “Well a man inserts his penis in a woman’s vagina” … pointing between her legs. “And that’s how the sperm enters the woman’s body.”

She felt it was important for her kids to know about things before they became sexually active, she also couldn’t deny the fact that this conversation was very interesting. Mike looked down again and softly asked “What was all that hair in between your legs?” Jackie smirked as she knew he noticed from earlier “Well those are my pubic hairs; you’ll be getting them pretty soon.” Mike stared amazed that he too would get hair down there too “I’ve never seen pubic hair mom.” Jackie smirked at the direction of this conversation “Well don’t worry you will soon enough?” Mike looked around the car before asking “How about you show me yours?” Jackie looked at him softly before saying “Well right now you have to go to school, and I hope to god you’re not late. But maybe I’ll show you after school, well see!” Mike smiled, kissed his mom on the cheek and on his way out said, “I promise I’ll be good, thanks mom!!” Jackie waved at him, shut the door, and headed to work. She couldn’t believe what she had just agreed to. She was planning on showing her husband her new bikini over the weekend and she also needed a shave so she figured that would be a good way for Mike to learn about the woman’s vagina.

Jackie got home pretty late. It was around six O’clock and everyone was at home already. As soon as she put a foot in the door Mike greeted her. She already knew what it was about. He whispered in her ear. “Mom when do I get to see your vagina.” Jackie whispered back “I’m gonna change upstairs in the bathroom so why don’t you meet me there in about five minutes.” Mike let go of her and ran up the stairs. Jackie giggled at how happy he was. She went into the living room and said hi to everyone. John greeted her with a kiss and hug. “You boys eat anything?” Her husband John replied, “Yeah we ordered a pizza, the guy should be here any minute now.” Alex and Mark sat on the couch watching some TV show as usual, not saying a word. Jackie made her way into the closet. “How was school today boys?” Alex responded, “It was good mom, how was work?” Jackie was putting things down like her keys, bag etc but replied with “Pretty good.” She took her boots and jacket off and went into the kitchen. John was there grabbing some stuff out of the fridge. He noticed a white stain on her skirt “You spill something on yourself?” Jackie looked at her skirt and started mumbling “Uhm yeah, at work …one of the new intern’s is a clutz she spilled some half and half on me this morning.” She grabbed a can of pop and said “I’m gonna go upstairs and change honey.” John just nodded and went back into the living room.

Jackie walked up the stairs and into her room. She grabbed a pair of shorts and a T-shirt and went into the bathroom. Mike was already sitting on the toilet waiting for her. She locked the door behind her and hung up her clothes on the hook behind the door. She walked over to Mike and said with a serious face as she pointed at him with her index finger “You can’t tell anyone about this ok sweetie? Cause if you do that’s where it ends. I won’t teach you nothing else.” Mike just nodded and looked over her body eagerly. Jackie unbuttoned her blouse and threw it over the sink. Then she continued unbuttoning her skirt. “I’m going to shave my vagina so I can wear this bikini tomorrow, so while I’m doing that you can look and ask anything you want, ok?” Mike just stared as his mom slowly got undressed “Ok mom.”

She slipped her skirt off and was now only in bra and panties. It was a while since the last time she shaved her bush, and it was getting hairy down there. She also noticed that stripping in front of her son had gotten her wet again. She couldn’t believe it, but it was too late to stop now. She saw the happy look on his face, and the last thing she wanted to do was to disappoint him. She noticed he was looking at her breasts a lot too which wasn’t surprising because this bra didn’t exactly cover them. Jackie slipped her panties off and threw them next to the other clothes. “Get up sweetie I have to stand over the toilet.” Mike got up not taking his eyes off his mom’s bush. She then splashed some water on her bush and sprayed shaving cream all over her mound. She put her left leg up on top of the toilet and handed a mirror to Mike. “Hold that right there for me honey, and don’t let it move.” Mike kneeled below her, where he had a perfect view of her labia’s, which were still covered with a lot of hair. Jackie got the razor out of a drawer next to the toilet and started shaving away.

Her firm belly, bra covered chest and strong thigh’s made Mike’s young cock grow again. It took Jackie about five minutes to finish shaving the bottom of her pussy. Most of the hair had fallen into the toilet but some missed and hit the floor. Jackie took the mirror away from Mike and spread her lips. She was satisfied with the shave so she walked over to the sink “Honey pick up some of those pubes and throw them into the toilet for me, will you?” Little Mike was more than happy to. Jackie washed her pussy with some warm water and then walked back over to Mike. Still naked from the waist down, and only wearing a bra, she looked at Mike who was now staring at her bare pussy. “You like to look at mommy’s pussy baby?” He just nodded. “Do you want to ask me anything?” Mike just stared but eventually he pointed directly between her legs “Is that where the penis goes in?” Jackie put the toilet lid over it and sat her firm ass on it. She spread her legs a little bit and leaned back against the wall. She spread her pussy lips so Mike could get a good look. “That’s where the penis goes in, then the white stuff shoots out of it and nine months later a baby comes out.”

Mike’s jaw was dropped. “So, is that where I came from mom?” Jackie smiled, nodding. Mike leaned in closer to take a good look. “Mom, can I touch it?” Jackie looked into her youngest eyes and nodded yes. Mike brushed his thumb over her lips. A shiver ran through her body. He spread the lips with one hand and inserted his middle finger with his other hand. He noticed the inside of her pussy was wet. “Wow mom It’s so wet and warm”. Jackie felt a little weird about this but knew how much he wanted to play with it, so she decided to put up with it. Mike started to finger fuck her and she leaned back all the way to the wall. He looked at her face and got a response in the form of a warm motherly smile. He noticed that the quicker his fingering got, the wetter the pussy became. Mike’s cock was as hard as a baseball bat. It was practically bursting out of his pants. He had this strange desire to kiss his mom’s pussy but was afraid she would get weirded out by it. He quickened his fingering and grew braver and braver. He finally decided to go for it and asked in a soft voice with those puppy dog eyes “Mom, can I kiss it?”

Jackie put her fingers through her hair and said in a mock childlike voice “But honey, what would you learn from doing that?” Mike’s fingers still inside her but not moving replied with “I dunno I just have a strong urge to do that.” Jackie thought that if she let him see her pussy and finger it this wouldn’t be that much more inappropriate, so she nodded giving him the green light and he planted his lips on her slit. He knew what to do too, he inserted his tongue in her depths and sucked on her pussy. This was way beyond sex ed. Her twelve-year-old son was eating her out on the toilet, and she couldn’t put a stop to it. Mike took his lips off, spread her upper pussy and went for the clitoris. He flickered his tongue over it and then sucked it. He then started to finger fuck the bottom of her pussy while he assaulted the clitoris. Her juices were dripping down his chin. He ate her out like it was the last piece of food on earth. Jackie’s breathing got heavier. She neared an orgasm, and she could feel it. Mike stopped eating her out and pulled his fingers out of her pussy.

She opened her eyes as she was panting in excitement and looked at him. HIs cock was out of his pants and throbbing. He wasn’t long, but his girth was impressive. She recognized that look on his face. She knew what he wanted, and all she wanted was to make her boy happy, but she also knew she wanted this too. Jackie’s eyes on his impressive twelve-year old cock said, “Do you want to do it with mommy?” Mike just nodded with a smile on his face. “Ok honey go run into mine and your father’s room and look into the bedside table on your father’s side. The third drawer down there are some plastic packets, those are condoms go get those quick, hurry.”

Mike ran out of the bathroom, his cock swinging in the air. He opened the drawer, grabbed one of the condoms and ran back. Then he heard his dad’s voice from downstairs. “The pizza is here, Jackie tell Mike we got some chicken wings for him.” Mike kicked the bathroom door open and before he closed it his mom yelled back “Okay honey, we’ll be down in a second.” Jackie got up and closed the door. She made sure it was locked. Her pussy juices were flowing down her thighs. She opened one of the condom packs he grabbed and pulled out the smallest she could find. She grabbed Mike’s cock in one hand and slipped it on and noticed it was too big. She stood there for a second scratching her head. “We’ll it’s a little bit too big for you but we’ll try it anyway.” Mike stared at his mom in just the bra and said, “Whatever you say mom.”

Jackie sat back down on the toilet spread her legs a little bit farther than before. Mike positioned himself in between his mom’s sexy legs and looking into her eyes she gave a warm motherly smile as he slowly pushed his cock inside of her. Jackie was in a very uncomfortable position, so she pulled her legs up into the air and held them back with her hands. Her bra was still on so Mike asked, “Can you take your bra off mom?” She leaned forward and unclasped her bra with Mike’s cock still inside of her, and letting it fall on the floor. Her beautiful huge, perky breasts bounced as she leaned back against the wall. Mike started to fuck her slowly because the loose condom was getting in the way. Jackie still holding her legs high in the air said, “Go a little faster honey”. Mike started to fuck her a bit faster, but the condom started to slip off. “I can’t the condom is gonna fall off.” The cold toilet seat below her didn’t feel very comfortable so she wanted to hurry up, besides they had to go downstairs before someone came up looking for them. “Just pull the condom back and hold it back with your hands.” Mike pulled the condom back and started fucking her again. They got into it and Jackie started breathing hard again. She was trying not to moan.

Mike began to grunt and fucked his mom harder and harder. The sound of their bodies slapping against each other was getting a little bit too loud, so Mike slowed down again. The loose condom was bothering him. “Mom this condom is really making it hard for me.” Jackie pushed him back a little, as his cock fell out of her. She reached forward and pulled the condom off and threw it into the sink, and then looked at her son with a serious face. “Remember how you shot the sperm this morning?” He nodded. “Now this time before you start shooting it, you have to pull out. Remember what I told you about babies? Well, if you don’t pull out, you’ll get me pregnant and then we’ll be in some serious trouble.” Mike just nodded and said, “I got it mom, I’ll pull out don’t worry.” Jackie leaned back again, and Mike got on top of her. He went bareback into his mom, the tip of his cock wet from a mixture of his precum and her juices. He started to fuck her again. He picked up his pace and looked all over his mom’s body. Her strong legs were high up in the air now, and her beautiful huge chest bounced everywhere. He tried to grab one of them but with his little hands they couldn’t hold much but he still squeezed the life out of it. His mom’s jaw was dropped, and her mouth looked inviting. He scooted up a little bit and planted his lips on hers. Jackie was taken by surprise but responded quickly. Mike frenched his mom as his cock invaded her wet canal. The kiss pushed Jackie over the edge as she started cumming. She broke their kiss and quietly whispered “Oh my god!!” as she rested her forehead against her son’s. Her pussy exploded in an orgasm, flooding Mike’s cock with her juices. She could feel the juices oozing down the length of her butt hole. Jackie knew she had another orgasm in her, so she whispered breathlessly “Don’t stop now.” Mike kept pumping and pumping, but he knew he couldn’t go on forever.

The similar feeling he had this morning was now on the horizon. His orgasm was seconds away. He pulled his cock out of his mom’s wetness and busted all over her tummy and tits. A flood of semen splashed all over her firm stomach and pussy. The cum shower never seemed to end. One of the waves hit her tits and her chin. She thought he came a lot this morning, but that was nothing compared to this. All the men she’s ever been with never came nearly as much. The cum on her pussy freaked her out a little bit so she jumped up and ran over to the sink and washed it off with water. Mike collapsed to the floor from ecstasy. She turned around and saw him on the floor. “Oh my god, are you okay sweetie?” Mike snapped out of it quickly, he didn’t want to scare his mom as he answered between pants “Yeah, I’m fine mom, that was the best, thank you so much.” Jackie helped him up and hugged him with relief, his still rock-hard cock poking her leg.

“God Mikey, you scared me for a minute there.” Naked mother and son stood in the bathroom naked and hugging. Mike’s face nestled against her chest as he asked “Mom, what was the water that came out of you?” Jackie held him close as she answered, “That was my cum, just like a man shoots cum so does a woman.” Mike slipped his hands in between her thighs and copped another feel of her wet slit. Jackie pulled his wrist away and said, “That’s enough Mike, now go downstairs and eat while I take a shower, I’m a mess.” Mike looked her over, his cum all over her body. “Sorry about that mom.” Jackie looked down at him and smile “It’s ok, it happens.” Mike got up, put his clothes back on and ran downstairs. Jackie jumped into the shower, her knees still shaking. She was so horny that she almost came for the second time. Lots of thoughts ran through her head as she washed her hair. Mike did pull out in time, but it was a close call. She feared pregnancy but even worse she didn’t want anybody finding out, especially her husband. She knew that older men lose their sex drive, but she was subconsciously still angry at John. Jackie stepped out of the shower, dried herself off and looked herself in the mirror. She never in her life thought she would let something as forbidden as incest happen in her home but least of all, she never thought she would enjoy it so much either. Half ashamed she went straight to bed hoping to avoid a conversation with John after what she just did with her youngest boy. Jackie knew she got fucked good because she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

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#Incest #PreTeen