Lorraine helps out the miners

#Exhibitionist #Group 2 mins ago

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By EasyCouple Hotwife Lorraine is at a remote resort with a bunch of horny miners.

My company sent me to a northern mine to do some consulting work for a few weeks. When I was making my arrangements to return home, the site manager offered me an interesting travel option. They were so pleased with my work, they offered me a free weekend at a new resort the mining company just built for their staff. The miners are here for 6 months at a time and the company just built a small resort for the miners that are rotating home. They can stay for a few days and even arrange for their wives/girlfriends to join them. I jumped at the option and gave Lorraine the details. The resort was a few hours drive from our home and Lorraine was able to drive there a few days early. I was really looking forward to it, I’ve been away from my wife for more than 2 weeks, and Lorraine always gets horny when we stay at nice hotels. She texted me that the resort was nice, but small and very new, not a lot of staff. Most of the miners are from another province, so the mining company arranged to fly their partners to the resort on a small company plane. I and the miners got to the resort and Lorraine greeted me warmly and was dressed in a sexy dress and high heels. I traveled with 12 miners and one of the mine executives. They were disappointed as we learned that there was a problem with the plane that was bringing their wives and girlfriends and they won’t get there for a few days. It was dinner time so we all headed to the dining room. I noticed the miners checking out Lorraine as we walked to the dining room. We ended up sitting at a table with 6 of the miners. We had a nice meal and everyone was drinking heavily. As the miners drank more, they got a little flirty with Lorraine. It was understandable as they had been up north, away from any female companionship for 6 months. Lorraine was enjoying the attention and being a little flirty back. The miners were all very fit, but a little scruffy with long hair and lots of tattoos. After dinner and a few more drinks we excused ourselves and left the miners in the bar drinking. I couldn’t wait to get Lorraine back to our room for some sexy fun, and I could tell that she was looking forward to it too. Lorraine went into the bathroom to change into something sexy and I got undressed and hopped onto the bed. Lorraine came out in some trashy lingerie, black stockings and black 5 inch heels. She asked me how she looked and whistled and told her she never looked hotter. She got into bed with me and we started going at it. We were both really horny and started out with some kissing before she moved to sucking my hard cock. I said that I wasn’t going to last very long and pushed her onto her back and spread her legs. My hard cock easily slid into her wet pussy. Lorraine let out a loud moan and wrapped her stocking clad legs around my ass. I could feel her sexy heels rubbing against my ass as I thrust in and out. It only took a few minutes before I grunted and came, followed by Lorraine screaming in orgasm. We laid there catching our breath for a few minutes before falling asleep. A few hours later I was woken up by a strange sensation, Lorraine sucking my hard cock. I slowly woke up and said, hey, that feels good. Lorraine replied, mmmmm, oh good, you are awake, I need to fuck again. She climbed on top of me and slid my hard cock into her juicy pussy. I caressed her big tits as she slowly rode me up and down. Our breathing was getting a little faster when she started talking about the miners. Dave honey, isn’t it too bad about the miners? I said, what are you talking about? You know, they have been away from their partners for a long time, I bet they are very horny. I said, yes, I’m sure they are. She was starting to ride me a little faster. She kept on talking, it’s too bad there isn’t something I could do to help them out. I didn’t know what to say when she continued. You know, here we are having this sexy fun and they are just stuck here with nothing fun to do. I finally replied, yeah, that’s too bad for them, but I can’t think of any way to help them. She started pumping a little faster again and I was finding it hard to not cum, wondering where she was going with this. Mmmmmm, well, I think I could help them out, you know. They are so hot and we’re here in this remote resort where no one will know what happened. My breathing quickened and asked, what are you suggesting? She started pumping faster again saying, you know, I could help them out, wink. OK, how? What are you talking about? She wanted me to say it first, and kept teasing me. She said, well Dave, how do you think I could help them out? Come on Dave, what would you like to see me doing with them? Come on Dave, tell me, what would turn you on? It was really hard to not cum and I tried not to say anything but finally blurted out, you should fuck them, fuck them all, be their fuck toy for the next few days, and I grunted really loud and shot my load. Lorraine screamed, yes, YES, YES! That’s what I wanted to hear and she came too. She rolled off me and we both passed out until morning. When I woke up Lorraine was in the shower and I just replayed last night’s fun in my head. She came out and gave me a hot kiss and hug and told me to shower so we could go for breakfast. I showered and when I came out of the bathroom I found Lorraine dressed really sexy, in a really short denim skirt, a really tight white tee-shirt with no bra, bare legs and red 5 inch heels. I just stared at her for a minute before asking why she was dressed like that for breakfast. She smiled and winked at me and said, don’t you remember our conversation from last night? I said, yea, but I thought we were just role playing? She smiled again and said, I think you said it because you really want me to do it. She stepped up to me and started stroking my semi-hard cock, saying, well Dave honey, didn’t that turn you on last night? Don’t you think it would be fun? Don’t you to want to watch me fuck them? All of them? She gave me a deep kiss while still stroking my cock. I was speechless as my cock got hard again. Come on Dave, say it, say it again, come on what do you want me to do with these hot, horny miners? Come on Dave, say it. I finally replied, I want you to fuck them, fuck all of them. She gave me one more kiss and stepped away so I could get dressed, I still had my hard-on. I got dressed and we headed to the dining room. Some of the miners were there, struggling with hangovers and headaches. They noticed Lorraine and perked up. We sat down at the long table and the waiter took our order. The miners that were there, came right over and joined us, staring at Lorraine. More miners came in and also looked rough. They saw Lorraine and quickly filled up the large table. Everyone ordered coffee and breakfast and started chatting up Lorraine. Asking where we were from, how she was enjoying her stay here. She was enjoying all the attention and her nipples were erect under her tight, white tee-shirt. A few complimented her on her figure and outfit. After breakfast, we all moved to a lounge area and Lorraine’s body and outfit was on full view. All the miners crowded around and continued to chat up Lorraine, she was all smiles. Lorraine excused herself to go to the washroom and everyone enjoyed her strutting away. They turned to me and said, Dude! You are one lucky guy, your wife is hot! I just smiled and said, yes she is, she is a lot of fun. She strutted back and sat down. Everyone chatted a little more and Lorraine was being a little flirty. Eventually they all left one by one saying they needed to shower or take a nap, until only one guy was left. Lorraine took his hand and asked his name. He said he was Mark and smiled. Lorraine said, you’ve been away for a long time, you must be really horny. He was shocked at the question and looked at me. I just smiled and shrugged my shoulders. He replied, well, yes I am, of course. Lorraine smiled and asked him if he wanted to continue chatting in our room? He was shocked and kept looking back and forth from me to Lorraine. She added, well? Are you interested? He asked, and when you say chat? Lorraine winked at him and bluntly said, I want to fuck you and my husband at the same time, you know, have a 3some. Mark gulped and said, lead the way. Lorraine took him by the hand and we all walked to our room. A few of the other miners saw what was happening. When we got into our room, Lorraine moved in and gave Mark a long deep kiss. Then she pushed him onto the bed and pulled his pants off. He already had a huge hard on when Lorraine took it into her willing mouth. Mark looked amazed and stunned, while enjoying Lorraine’s excellent blowjob. She only sucked him for a few minutes when she said, oh boy, I don’t think you are going to last too long, and she slid up her short skirt and mounted his rock hard cock. He reached up and was feeling her tits through her tee-shirt until she pulled it off over her head and threw it aside. She was bouncing on his hard cock when I got up on the bed and pushed my hard cock into her mouth. She was in ecstasy riding Mark’s cock while sucking mine. Mark came in just a few minutes, I then shot my load into Lorraine’s mouth and she screamed, Oh My God! I’m coming! She rolled off Mark and laid on the bed catching her breath. Mark said he was sorry for cuming so fast but he’s been away at the mine for a long time. Lorraine had some cum on her chin from me and said, that’s OK, I’m sure you will do better next time, wink. Mark smiled and said I hope so and left. Lorraine wanted to sleep for a while, so I headed to the dining room to have a coffee and read a book. I was enjoying my book when some of the miners approached me and sat down. I said hi guys, what’s up? They said that they really like Lorraine, and again complimented me for having such a hot wife. I knew where this was going, but didn’t say much, I wanted to hear what they had to say. They saw us take Mark into our room and were wondering what happened. I played it coy and didn’t say much. They were getting frustrated by my lack of information, and finally asked if Lorraine was interested in having some more sexy fun with anyone else? I said, well I don’t know what she has planned, we’ll just have to wait and see. They were frustrated and left wondering if they would get a crack at my hot wife. Lorraine had slept through lunch and came out to find me in the mid-afternoon. She had cleaned herself up but was still dressed in her sexy short skirt, and had changed into a tight white tank top. She sat down with a coffee when 2 miners showed up to chat. They introduced themselves as Frank and Jim. They said that the other miners were in the gym playing basketball. They were overly friendly and offered to get Lorraine drinks or food, or show her around the resort. Maybe they would like to see their rooms? Wink. Lorraine smiled, sipped her coffee and finally said, let’s go for a walk, Dave honey, we’re going for a walk, want to join us? I said, yes I would, and we all started to explore when Lorraine said that she would like to check out the trails and maybe we should bring a blanket and a few drinks. Frank and Jim left for a few minutes and reappeared with a blanket and a small cooler. It was a warm day with a blue sky. We walked into the woods, Lorraine arm in arm with her new friends on a small trail when she said, sorry guys, but these heels are not made for walking, maybe we can just put the blanket down here and have a drink and some fun, wink. Frank laid the blanket down and Jim handed out the drinks. We chatted for a while and the guys kept looking around, to see if anyone was around. Lorraine had a few drinks and said, hmmmm, it’s kinda warm don’t you think and pulled her tank top off over her head, baring her big tits for all to see. She laid back and closed her eyes enjoying the warm sunshine when she finally said, Frank, Jim, would you like to have sex? They laid on each side of her and started feeling her tits. She kept her eyes closed and alternated kissing them, Frank’s hand moved to slide up her short skirt while Jim continued to massage her breasts and erect nipples. Frank’s hand finally got to her juicy shaved pussy and Lorraine let out a nice moan. She got onto her hands and knees and said, Jim, can I suck your cock? He quickly took his pants off and presented his hard cock to Lorraine’s willing mouth. Frank lowered his pants and got behind Lorraine and slid his hard cock into her from behind. The sounds of Lorraine’s moans, Frank’s grunts and the slapping of his hips hitting her ass was very sexy. Frank and pumping faster and faster when he grunted one last time and shot his load into her dripping cunt. Jim was worried he was going to cum in her mouth so he pulled out to fuck her from behind too. He didn’t last long and added his cum just as Lorraine moaned out another orgasm. Everyone had another drink before getting dressed and walking back to the resort, Lorraine arm in arm with Frank and Jim. There were 2 of the miners in the lobby as we walked by and they just stared, wondering what they missed. Lorraine blew them a kiss. Lorraine gave Frank and Jim a hug and kiss and said that she needed a nap and we went to our room. She collapsed onto the bed and fell asleep. I watched TV until she woke up a few hours later. She yawned, stretched and asked me if I was enjoying myself. I said I was and asked if she was. She chuckled and said that she was, and is glad I told her to fuck everyone. Yea, it’s my fault that you are acting this way. She said it was time to get cleaned up for dinner. She showered and came out dressed in a real sexy outfit. She looked a little like a street walker, in a sheer white button up blouse with a red bra underneath, a really short leather mini skirt with a slit over one leg and red fishnet stocking, and black 5 inch heels. I said, well, I think you’ll get noticed but that’s what you are looking for isn’t it. She laughed, no silly, I’m not looking to get noticed, I’m looking to get gangbanged. We left our room and headed to the dining room to be greeted by all the miners. They were waiting for Lorraine and by now they all had heard what she had done with Mark, Frank and Jim. They complimented her on her outfit and greeted her with hugs and kisses, and a few quick feels of her tits and ass. They offered Lorraine a drink and led her to her place at the center of the long table. During dinner they were very flirty trying to get her to talk about sex and what she had done and had planned. She stayed coy, and kept her answers vague. After dinner Lorraine excused herself to go to the washroom and the guys started complaining to me. Well Dave, are we going to get a shot at Lorraine? She’s so hot, and we’ll all so fucking horny. She’s killing us by dressing like that. Suddenly some music came on and we all started looking around to see what was going on. Lorraine was on the small stage under a spotlight. The room went silent and she started a sexy dance around the stage. All the miners grabbed their chairs and drinks and moved to sit in front of the stage. She was sooo sexy, slowly unbuttoning her sheer blouse until taking it off and tossing it into the crowd. The miners started shouting out catcalls and dirty comments. Lorraine was fueled by the comments and stepped off the stage to dance around the miners, sitting on a few laps. The miners hands were all over her every chance they got. They kept adjusting their bulges under their pants and commenting on how they are going to blow their load real soon. She danced back up onto the stage and slowly worked her tight skirt off, and kicked it into the crowd. She continued to dance in just her red bra, red fishnet stockings, garter belt and 5 inch heels. The song changed and she stepped off the stage again and sat on the lap of one of the miners. They kissed and his hands were all over tits. She stood up and moved to another lap for some more kissing and fondling. She moved from miner to miner until they all got a little attention. While on the lap of the last miner she raised her legs and said, Dave, honey, can you remove my panties please, they are just going to get in the way. I slid her panties off, over her sexy heels to the cheers of everyone there. It was obvious that she was excited too. She stood up and said, hmmmm, where can we take this to the next level? Any suggestions guys? Two of them ran out to the lounge and carried in a small sofa and placed it on the stage. A few of the miners paid the wait staff and the bartender to leave. Lorraine sat on the sofa and asked, who wants their cock sucked? All the guys just stared for a minute until one of them jumped up on the stage and pulled out his hard cock for Lorraine to suck. That was it and they all jumped up, cocks hanging out waiting their turn with Lorraine’s pretty mouth. There was always a hard cock in her mouth and 2 others in her hands and hands from the guys on her tits and between her legs. You could see the guys trying to not come. They finally said, look slut we need your pussy now and pushed her back on the sofa, her legs spread wide automatically. The first hard cock plunged into her swollen wet pussy causing Lorraine to scream with pleasure. Another guy kneed on the sofa and pushed his hard cock into her mouth. The guy fucking her came almost right away, to be replaced by another hard cock. The guys were coming fast and furious in both her pussy and mouth. Lorraine was just a fuck toy to these horny men, no romance, no passion, just hardcore fucking and fucking and more fucking. Mark, Frank and Jim waited to go last and were able to last a little longer since this was their second timing using her cunt. After they all had their turn, they were sitting around drinking and were far more relaxed. They were quiet for a while and then started to discuss Lorraine’s sexual appetite. Lorraine just laid on the sofa with cum in her hair, on her face and running down her legs. She finally was able to sit up and I gave her a bottle of water, the guys were ignoring her. She went to the washroom and cleaned up and came back out and sat down with the guys. They were a little embarrassed and thought Lorraine would be too. She had a drink and broke the ice by saying, well, that was fun. They chuckled and said they had fun too, but were sorry they came so fast. Lorraine replied, hey, that’s OK, you’ll last longer next time. They choked and spit out their drinks, next time?!?!?! That wasn’t enough for you? Lorraine smiled, sipped her drink and said, oh no, that just got me warmed up! They couldn’t believe their ears. Lorraine stood and said, come on Honey, I want to go to bed, I’m really worn out. Hey guys, rest up, and let’s think about something to do tomorrow, OK? Can you think of something fun to do tomorrow? Wink. They all cheered and said they would think of something to do. Lorraine didn’t bother putting her top or skirt back on, she walked back to our room in her stockings, garter belt and heels. We couldn’t find her bra or panties anywhere. Lorraine fucked me in our room before falling asleep. In the morning we both showered and Lorraine just wore a skimpy bikini and heels to breakfast. I said, that’s pretty reviving, and you sure you want to wear that to breakfast? She laughed, I really have nothing to hide now. The guys all cheered when we got to the dining room, they directed Lorraine to the center of the big table again and took up all the seats around her. I was squeezed to the end of the table. Their mood was very electric, no more shyness or silly chit chat. They were really direct and vulgar with Lorraine. They served her coffee and breakfast, the guys beside her caressing her thighs. She was in heaven. They were telling her what a great fuck and cock sucker she is. They asked who fucked her best and who’s cock she enjoyed sucking the most. She couldn’t really answer their questions, saying the evening was a blur. Lorraine said that she wanted to rest this morning but would be ready to play in the afternoon. They said that they have a nice surprise for her. After breakfast she laid outside in the sun by the lake and fell asleep again. One of the guys came by and handed me a thumb drive and said, I bet you’ll enjoy this. Lorraine heard and asked what it was. He didn’t answer and left. I asked Lorraine if she wanted to return to our room and watch it. She said she had a better idea and led me to the lounge where there was a large TV. I was able to get the video to play and it was a video of the gangbang from yesterday. The moans, groans, grunts and screams coming from the TV attracted some of the miners. They sat down next to Lorraine and enjoyed the show together. A few hands started caressing her neck, breasts and legs, getting Lorraine excited again. She had to stand up and say, no, not yet, I want to see your surprise this afternoon. We walked back to our room leaving the guys watching the rest of the video. Lorraine went into the bathroom to get ready for the afternoon. She was hotter than ever this time, in a pink fishnet mini dress and pink platform strappy high heels. The dress didn’t hide anything. She said, well, I’m ready for my grand finale and we headed out to see what the guys have planned. They led us outside to where they made a sex swing out of a hammock on the dock overlooking the lake. Lorraine was impressed and 2 of them lifted her into it. There were straps to hold her legs spread high and wide, opening up her smooth, shaved, swollen pussy ready to get filled with cum again. Her hands were tied above her head. They formed a line and started fucking her silly. Some guys wanted to get their cocks warmed up in her mouth first. This time they all took their time, with long, slow, deep fucks before cuming. She just laid back with her eyes closed taking cock after cock after cock, having orgasm after orgasm. A few guys were able to cum in her mouth and join the back of the line and cum in her pussy too. She was able to just lay back and take all 12 cocks with ease. When the action stopped and all the miners were resting Lorraine called me over and asked me to fuck her last. I already had a hard-on and plunged it into her dripping cunt. She was sooooo, sloppy and stretched. Lorraine let out a quiet moan and said she enjoyed my cock the most. We both came for the last time and I helped her out of the swing. She could hardly stand, her knees were weak. She wanted to sit down for a few minutes before returning to our room to clean up. As she was relaxing by the lake, the mine executive that traveled with us sat down to talk to us. He said he enjoyed watching the action but didn’t want to participate because he didn’t want the miners to see him in a compromised situation. He wanted to talk to us to make Lorraine an offer. His company would like to fly Lorraine to the mine from time to time, she would really have a good time and it would really improve the morale of the miners. All expenses paid of course. Lorraine said, that sounds like fun, is once a month enough? He was stunned and silent for a minute, well I was thinking once every 6 months, but if you want to come up every month, that would be great. Lorraine said, yes, I think once a month for a weekend would be fun. How many guys are there? He said it’s usually around 50. Lorraine’s eyes widened, WoW, that would really be a fun weekend. He gave us his card and said he would be in touch. Lorraine turned to me and said, well honey, looks like we’re getting a free vacation up north. I laughed and said, well, it’s not free, you are going to have to earn it. Wink. She winked back and said, yes, I’m really going to enjoy earning it. Later that day Lorraine said goodbye to all the miners and we drove home, she slept the whole time.

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By EasyCouple #Exhibitionist #Group