Lucy’s Summer Holiday

#Abuse #BDSM #Blackmail #Rape 6 seconds ago

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By Part 3 Julia lucy’s mother want’s a devorce. Bill lucy’s stepfather has other ideas

Lucy Daughter
Born- june 14 1989
Height-5 foot 2 inches
Weight around-54kg or 119 pounds
Body-34-24-33 inch
Bra size-32B
Hair Dark-brown
Eyes color- Green

Julia Mother
Height- 5 foot 3 inches
Weight 58kg or 127 pounds
Hair light Brown
Eye color bright blue
Body 33-23 34
Bra size 32B

Part 3

A month had gone by since lucy’s disappearance. Lucy once a rich and beautiful celebrity, had the world at her feet. Now she is forced to serve her evil stepfather as his little fuck toy.

“Bill i..i can’t do this anymore”.

“Do what hon!”.

“You know pretending that everything is ok. Well it’s not. I’m so stressed. I’m sad and and you go on as if nothing has happened”.

“Well thats not true. Believe me when i say this, i thinks of her every second of the day”.

“But you walk around happy. go down stairs to your man cave for hours sometimes. What do you do down there?”.

“Julia stop this please”.

“I..i can’t just stop i’m tired sad. You know!!!.”

“Ok go sit on the lounge. I’ll make us a cup of tea and we can talk or you can read yeah”.

Julia walked over to the lounge picked up a magazine while bill made her a tea.

“Here you go honey”. Bill said with a smile.

“You know you look beautiful today julia”.

“Oh stop it bill”.julia said while she sipped her tea.

“No i mean it those tight jeans and the tank top. Wow and your hair in a pony tail”.

“Bill stop i know what your doing and oh um i..i feel tired .

A few hours later

Julia was naked when she woke up. Her wrists tied behind her back. Her ankles ziptied tightly to her upper thighs. Bill was sitting on a chair. Smoke in one hand ,beer in the other.

“Bill what the fuck. You tied me up, what has gotten into you. Jesus i hate this shit”.
Julia tryed to twist her wrists but the rope was so tight it dug into her skin. Bill just sat and watched, not saying a word

“Bill answer me fuuucck. Oohh you think we are going to have sex like this. Really then the answer in no.”

Bill puffed on his smoke and drank his beer. He smiled while he watch his beautiful wife struggle.

“Your scaring me now bill, please untie me”.

“Do you remember what you said just before you fell a sleep julia”.

“Huh w..what did i say. Bill. I..i don’t understand. Untie me and we can talk. Ok come on darling please”.

” you said you cannot live like this anymore”.

” so you tie me up naked because of that. Fuck our daughter is missing. She could be dead. What am i suppose to do bill. Oh and were the fuck are we??.”

Bill put his Cigarette in his now empty beer can, then stood up and sat on one knee. Julia was now feeling scared. She had finally made her mind up . Julia was leaving bill. She was going to start a new life. Start again she said to herself.

“Bill i want a devorce. I can’t live like this. Lucy is gone and you acting like this!!! Well it’s helped me make my decision”.

Bill grabbed julia’s ponytail. Pulling her hair hard until her face was only inches away from his. Julia’s lips quivered. Her eyes wide with fear.

“Your not going anywhere. In fact this could be your new home. Oh did i forget to mention. Look behind you”.

Bill turned julia’s head untill she could see a woman bound in the corner on a single mattess. Julia looked at bill in fear then turned and looked at the woman again. She too was naked her ankles ziptied to her thighs. Her wrists bent and ziptied to her upper arms.. her hands had been tapped into a ball.
Bill stood up and dragged julia by her ponytail. Julia screamed in pain until she was only a few feet away from the women.
Julia was in shock not only was she ziptied but was also spread eagled. Her limbs held wide with rope that was tied off to steel rings that were bolted to the floor.
Julia could not see who it was. A black pillow slip had been placed over her head and tapped around her neck. With only a low muffled moan escaping.

” jesus bill, have you gone insane. Who is she. Did you….. how long has….”.

“Yes julia i kidnapped her. She has been here for months. But she’s always bitching so thats why i gag her”.

” who are you bill. Y..your not the man i married. You need to untie me, just let me go and we can talk about this”.

“Look at her julia isn’t she beautiful. Her fair skin is so smooth to the touch. Ohh but her ass wow. But i had to make her mine so i gave her a gift. permanent piercings. Yes her nose nipples and clit hood. Then i used a soldering iron. Yes it makes her you know owned. So get to know her. You never know’ you might be shocked by who it actually is!!.

“Bill who is it?.. julia just stared at bill. He nodded then smiled. Julia turned to the bound figure then again looked at bill in total disgust. “No it can’t be. Bill please tell me it’s not lucy”.

Tears fill julia’s eyes. Bill sat on an old wooden seat and watched as julia struggled with her bondage. He watched as julia slowly made he way over to the bound woman.

” lucy is that you my darling”. Lucy tryed to yell yes but the diry rag filled her mouth to the extreme. Bill had wrapped at least half a roll of duct tape over her mouth keeping her completly silent. All lucy could do was nodded her head yes.
Julia placed her head on her chest and cryed.

“I.. i thought you were dead lucy my darling girl. I… i’ll get you out baby. Just wait”.
Julia turned to bill pleading with her tear soaked eyes.

“Bill please let her go. I… i’ll do anything!!.

“Yes i could let her go. But you will take her place and become my pet my toy”
Bill walked over and sat behind julia. His legs on each side of her naked bound body. Bill pull julia back until she was resting against his chest. Bill ran his hands over julia’s breasts, pulling and twisting her nipples. Julia screamed from the pain but there was nothing she could do. With her wrists tied behind her back and her ankles bound to her thighs. Her daughter bound and gaged the way she was.

” You fucking asshole bill. Jesus stop this ouch aaarrr. Your hurting me”. Julia said as she screamed and struggled to free herself.

Bill made his way down to julia’s cunt rubbing, slapping and twisting her inner labia.

” mmmm you smell sexy julia. Mmm yes a mixture of fear and sexual tension”. Juslia moaned her chest heaved. Bill pumped his finger in out of her cunt as fast as he could. Julia try to resist to escape. She want to hurt bill, make him pay for what he had done.

Bill pushed julia away, then walked over and took of the black pillow slip from lucy’s head. Lucy blinked a few times as her eyes ajusted to the sudden light. Julia cryed when she saw her daughters face. Lucy tryed to call out to her mum. Shaking her head hoping to dislodge her gag.

” julia you want her to walk out a free woman then crawl over and suck on her juicy cunt.”. Bill yelled

“Oh my god, you got to be kidding no”. Julia yelled back.

Julia watched in horror as bill walked over to a steel cabnet and pulled out a cattle prod. Bill walked back while he pressed the button then pointed the prod at lucy’s bald cunt.

“No please dont hurt her”. Julia screamed

“Then last chance julia. You either do as i say or you both spend your last days here”. Bill pressed the button on the cattle prod again. The loud sound of electricity so close to lucy was all julia needed to make her mind up.

“Okay okay i’ll do it. Just dont hurt her anymore please”.

Bill watched as his wife julia layed down on her stomach. And with little choice started licking and sucking on her daughter lucy’s pussy. Bill rubbed his hard cock and slowly made his way over and stood behind julia’s bound frogtied legs.

“That,s it bitch suck, don’t stop, i want to hear lucy scream into her gag when she comes”.

Lucy couldn’t believe what was happening. She couldn’t move or yell out stop. Her body was starting to betray her. Lucy pushed her cunt into julia’s mouth. God it felt good lucy said to herself.
Bill had stripped of his pants and lifted julia up by her waist. Her back arched,he held is hard cock and with brutal force pushed his cock deep into julia’s cunt. Julia turned her head and tryed to protest. Bill grabbed her long hair hair yanking it back while slapping her ass as hard as her could. Julia closed her eyes screaming. Lucy meanwhile was trying to yell at her stepfather to stop. But all she could muster was muffled crys.

” bitch get your face back on that cunt or i swear you will regret it”.bill yelled

Julia cryed as her own pussy was being raped and beaten. Her ass hurt front the constant spanking. Julia turned and started licking her daughters cunt again. Bill with one had on julia’s hip the other hand continued slapping her ass. Bill pulled his cock out until just the head of his penis remained in her cunt. Then slammed his cock back in. In turn making julia’s face smash into lucy’s cunt. It was pure horror for them both. Bill smiled as he watch lucy close her eyes shaking her head no. Then the scream,it was beautiful. Lucy orgasmed, her body shaking. Her screams of joy soon turn to pain as her mother was forced to continue.. lucy tryed to beg her mother to stop, screaming into her gag. It was julia’s turn she couldn’t help it as her hips moved with each pounding her pussy was getting from bill. Her ass cheeks now a bright red from the constant spanking. Bill watched julia. He new she was close, and just as she was about to to cum bill pulled his throbbing cock out stood up and grabbed julia by her throat. He wanked his cock as fast as he could shooting his load all over julia’s face.

Lucy was now crying. Julia cryed while yelling and swearing at bill. Tears ran down her cheeks.

“You happy now you bastard. Julia said. Now untie us and lucy go”.

Bill sat back down on the wooden chair naked. Cum dripping from his limp cock. It was the best fuck he had for a long time

“Shut the fuck up cunt. Now get over here and clean my cock. MOVE IT”. bill yelled

Julia was so ashamed but with little choice crawled over on her bound legs. Lucy was still crying as she watched her mother clean her stepfathers cock. And when she was done bill pushed julia away.

“Wow that was outstanding. I mean i just love family time. Fuck yes”. Bill said

Bill turned julia onto her stomach then tied her already bound wrists to her left ankle.

“W..what are you doing. !Stop! Bill please don’t do this . You promised to let lucy go. Fuck untie me”.

“Yes i did didn’t i. Bill took his cella out of his jeans pocket snapping pictures of his bound damsels.

” what the fuck are you doing. No why the photo’s stop.

‘Julia did you really think i was going to let lucy go. Hahaha. My god you stupid bitch. I need to go think for a while. Now don’t go away ok.

“No bill pleas let lucy go. Bill dont go fucckkk bill”.

Bill stopped at the door turned smiled and said

” i need to go think dear. You know sell or keep. You can understand right??.

“Sell?…sell what?.julia with a puzzled look.

“Are you that fucking stupid julia. Why the fuck did i take the photo’s of you both hahaha dum fucking bitches”.

“Nnnnooooo bill please don’t do this”.
Bill closed and lock the door, leaving lucy and julia bound with no hope of being rescued. As far as bill was concerned the choice of sell or keep was so hard he went up stairs pulled out a beer and lit up a smoke.

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By Part 3 #Abuse #BDSM #Blackmail #Rape