Maid from Heaven – Part 36

#Cuckold #Exhibitionist #Teen #Voyeur 31 mins ago

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Please read the previous part here (/2024/07/maid-from-heaven-part-35/ ). Now let’s continue

I wanted to watch over her in case she got in trouble. After all I was the one pushing her to do all this for my own voyeuristic satisfaction. I reached home a little past 2pm and Uma took some time to answer the door.

I looked into her eyes, she blushed looking away. This clearly meant she had enjoyed with Aslam, or so I assumed. I saw she was looking stunningly sexy wearing a navy blue frock showing a generous amount of skin.

Unable to control myself and without looking around, I hugged and kissed her. Uma stopped me, she said “Chetan just came in before you and is seated in the living room”.

I wondered if Uma had dressed up like this especially because Chetan was coming or even otherwise…Having realised my goof up, I let her go and went and sat with Chetan.

We exchanged greetings. Chetan’s voice had an uneasy undertone to it, maybe he was already up to something with Uma and I had trashed his party. I said “I am really hungry, so why don’t we have lunch first”?

We all sat at the table with Uma by my side and away from Chetan. We did some general talking about business etc. Chetan clearly seemed desperate for Uma, he kept looking at her while talking to me.

Maybe he was hoping to get a return stare but none… Then we came back to the living room. Chetan wanted to have a smoke so I accompanied him to my patio.

He now whispered “Krishna do you think I can try hitting on her once more”? I said “how am I to know what is in her mind”? He said “she is very close to you, so you can surely give me some tips”.

I said “firstly don’t be an asshole like last time. You are very lucky to even be here today. If she tells you to do something, just do it or you know the consequences”.

He said “let me tell you something, when I came in today about ten minutes before you, right after closing the door I tried kissing her and she let me and she herself kissed back willingly”.

This was news to me, I said “Oh ok, then”? He said “I got bolder and leaned her against the wall and went down between her legs. I pulled her thongs to the side and ate her while fingering her simultaneously till we heard you enter”.

I thought to myself that Uma did take me seriously and let go of all her inhibitions now. She was ready to embrace her new life the way I had envisioned for her.

I said “that is really great, did she say anything”? Chetan said “well she was already moaning and surely seemed eager for more but you interrupted us. I have to tell you one more thing, she has the tastiest pussy I have ever had”.

I said “maybe you go slow and do it separately in my room instead of in front of me”. Chetan said “ok, understood. Please if there is anything then you signal me. Ok”?

I said “fine”. We went back inside and sat down watching TV. Chetan got a call on his mobile which he took outside. Uma was still working in the kitchen.

Chetan came back and winked at me and I nodded yes. Then he went inside the kitchen. Unable to resist the temptation I too wanted to peep inside.

There is a mirror above the dining room wash counter which is exactly opposite to the kitchen. So looking thru this mirror I could get a clear view inside without getting caught.

Chetan was hugging Uma from behind while grinding his crotch into her butt. Then she turned around and they locked in a sensual kiss while running their hands on each other’s bodies.

After the kiss Uma pulled his face onto her exposed tits wanting him to fondle her there too. While she did this Chetan reached below and pulled down her panties to her knees and Uma wriggled herself out of them.

He turned her around leaning her on the kitchen counter and showed his cock inside her pussy. It was clearly evident that all that Chetan wanted was to fuck her.

She was quick to stop him this time, she turned around and stared at him. He took a condom from his pocket and now entered her again. He went full speed fucking her like a dog and didn’t last much long.

A few minutes later he collapsed on her. From what I know Uma, she was surely not happy with him. Especially because first he did not do enough foreplay and second he did not last long enough to make her get her own climax.

Despite this after they cleaned up she gave him another loving kiss. He asked “I cannot wait to enjoy with you again”? She said “why? Are you leaving now”?

Chetan said “well, I have urgent work to do so I have to go”. She said “next time when you come, please come with more time in hand”. He said “yes, absolutely, actually I was not sure if you would even let me in this time”.

In a she seductive tone she said “you are always welcome, just call me before coming because I also want to be free to enjoy some quality time with you”.

They kissed once more before he headed back. I was already back to my seat pretending to watch TV when Chetan also joined. I whispered “how was it”?

He said “it was out of this world”. I asked “main course or starters also”? He said “a little bit of both, but mainly main course because I am pressed for time”.

I asked “why? Are you in a hurry”? He said “Yes I have an urgent customer meeting to attend, I will see you tomorrow again maybe if my schedule permits”.

He got up to leave when Uma came running to the living room. In a concerned tone she asked “why are you leaving so early Chetan”? He said “sorry I have to go, got an important meeting to attend to. But I will do my best to meet you again soon”.

Now without hesitating she held his face and gave him a long good bye kiss. Then she followed him out and locked the door. She came running to me and sat in my lap.

Uma began kissing me with burning passion while placing my one hand on her tits and the other inside her frock. I knew that since Chetan did not make her cum, she was still burning with desire and her arousal was at its peak.

After a few minutes of fondling each other, I unzipped her frock and she pulled it off. I saw she was not wearing panties now. I asked “what happened to your panty”?

Uma blushed and shyly said “Chetan took them with him as a souvenir”. I smiled at her while undoing her bra. Then I laid her on the sofa and got on top after removing my clothes.

I asked “did you enjoy with him this time”? Uma said “well he is well endowed but always in a hurry. Today before you came he kissed me nicely and also ate my pussy very lovingly bringing me to the edge of my orgasm”.

I asked “what else”? She said “I am not sure if he has a problem due to which he cannot last long or he is like that only”. I asked “so do you want to continue with him”?

She said “yes I want to”. I asked “despite his shortcomings”? She said “yes, he is good in his own way. Maybe if he comes with more time in hand things might turn out to be different”.

I knew exactly what Uma was missing which Chetan had not done to her, so I started with kissing her sensitive spots from head to toe followed by lots of boob sucking.

She was already mad with sexual ecstasy moaning loudly. I continued further down to her navel and after spending sufficient time there went further down to her pussy.

The moment my tongue touched her swollen clit, Uma shuddered with an intense orgasm clamping her thighs around my face. I was so used to this so comfortably continued lapping up her tasty nectar as it tricked out.

When she relaxed her grip, I came back up on her. Uma held my cock at her love hole and raised her hips taking me inside. I resumed my usual slow and steady strokes making sure I made her cum once more before I filled her up.

Then we went to my bathroom to clean. We always clean in the tub, now when she took a step towards the WC, I held her hand. Uma turned and looked at me, she said “noo, noo Krishna. Not again. Please don’t do it”.

I only smiled stubbornly and nodded convincingly at her. She stared at me for a moment then finally gave in. she placed her hands on the wash counter pushing her butt out while I got between her legs with my mouth on her love hole.

To be continued….

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#Cuckold #Exhibitionist #Teen #Voyeur