Making of Sammie the slut pt 4

#Abuse #BDSM #Lesbian #Rape 1 min ago

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By Sammiejoej Sammie was not a good slut. What will happen?

Sammie a woke in her car. She was naked from head to toe. She started to sob again. She looked around. She was no longer at the house but a local park. On her passenger side seat there was pictures of her getting her pussy and ass raped. There were no faces but she knew it was her and Chris. On the back of a picture read, ‘tell no one’. She sobbed harder as she flipped to the next photo of her pussy dripping with cum. On the back it said, ‘be good and we can try again.’
Sammie threw the pictures down. She climbed in her back seat and took off her seat cover to use. She slipped it on and tried to cover up as much as possible. She quickly jumped in the driver’s seat. She shook as she drove to me the main road. Every muscle hurt in her body. Her nipples felt like they were on fire. She drove towards her house when she saw the hospital. She decided to try to end this nightmare. She parked and went in the door to the er. Immediately people were staring at her. The big black nurse rushed to her holding out a hand as Sammie about collapsed. The nurse held Sammie up as she took her to a private room.
“Oh child what happened?!” The nurse asked as she sat Sammie on the bed.
“I….I…..I was raped,” Sammie sobbed. The nurse hugged Sammie letting her sob in her shoulder. The nurse got Sammie a hospital gown and a drink. After a hour, Sammie was calm enough to talk.
“I am going to have to ask you details. We will catch this man. Don’t worry” the nurse said. “Now I know that this may be uncomfortable to talk about but I’m going to need every detail and how this man raped you. When did it start? When did you first meet him? Any detail that you feel like sharing.” She explained. So I can put it all on the report.
Sammie nodded, ” it started at the pool. He came up to me and forced me in the bathroom. He forged me to sit on the toilet and touch myself. He said if I didn’t he would go after my niece. And then he brought his friends in to watch and his friend’s girlfriend ate you know…” She motioned to her pussy.
” Okay, I know this is uncomfortable. You’re doing a good job. I need to know did you have an orgasm on her face.” The nurse ask.
Sammie sobbed and nodded. “I didn’t want to but it just happened.”
“It’s okay. The body sometimes is a cruel thing. It has a mind of its own. Did they leave you in there??” The nurse urged Sammie to continue.
“Yes they didn’t touch me after that. They just left me naked and took my swimsuit. I went home after that but then he said that I would receive a package and it had a cell phone and and if I didn’t do everything he said that he would come after us. I mean my niece so he made me strip on FaceTime and….then after work that day he made me drive home while I touched myself with the FaceTime on and then his friend’s girlfriend took me shopping for these tiny dresses” Sammie said threw sobs.
“You’re doing a good job. Keep telling me more detail…so you went to a dress shop. Did anything happen there?” The nurse urged
“Well yes I mean no. I mean I don’t know. I think I wanted it but now I’m not so sure. I mean on the way there I kind of ate you know……..then she orgasmed on my face and then while we were there she ate me out and then I orgasmed on her face….there was this lady watching. Oh my gosh there was a lady watching and then she took me to the house and that’s when it happened.” Sammie blurted out.
The nurse nodded and tried to comfort Sammie holding her hand as she talked. “It’s okay. It’s okay. He’s not here right now. I need you to tell me how big he was”
Sammie shuddered at the thought and looked around she saw a red bull in the trash and pointed to it. “About that big around and maybe two high. ”
The nurse nodded, ” okay sweetie. I want to have you lay back and I’m going to examine you. It might feel a little uncomfortable and it might hurt. Do you need somebody else to come in and hold you down?”
Sammie shook her head as she laid down. The nurse put her legs and stirrups. The nurse put on some gloves and started kneading her pussy lips. Sammie yelled out in pain. The nurse parted Sammies pussy lips. She rubbed the outside with two fingers. She paid special attention to the clit. She put some lube all over rubbing every part of Sammies pussy Sammie cried.
“It’s ok we are almost done.” The nurse said as she slipped 3 fingers in Sammies pussy. “Just feeling for tears”
Sammie clinched the side of the hospital bed. She hated this but knew that this was necessary to convict Chris. The nurse started pumping the fingers in and out in and out of Sammies pussy.Sammie cried out in pain but her body clenched on to the fingers. She didn’t want this but her body sure did. Soon she was moaning as a nurse. Turned her fingers back and forth feeling for tears. Soon Sammie started to cum on the nurse’s fingers.
“It’s ok. It happens” The nurse giggled. Sammie cried in embarrassment.The nurse stood up and grabbed a needle from the cabinet. “It’s ok I’m going to give is something for the pain”
The nurse tied Sammy’s arm with a tourniquet and felt for a vein. She shot shot the liquid right into Sammies vein. Sammie felt the effects almost immediately. Her fingers started tingling.
The nurse moved back down to Sammies pussy. She took out her cell phone and called a very familiar number. Chris answered to FaceTime. Sammies eyes widen. The nurse smiled. “You were right Master Chris. She did come running. ”
Chris looked annoyed. But that didn’t stop the nurse from asking “Master may I please use her until you come get her? ”
Chris nodded, “Make sure she knows she’s a toy.. and that her feelings mean nothing. She is now a thing to us.’”
The nurse nodded and shut down to FaceTime and turn back to Sammie. Sammie tried to move but her body wasn’t willing to cooperate. Everything was numb. The nurse started to lick Sammie’s outer pussy slowly nibbling on the pussy lips. The nurse then made her way to licking Sammie’s inner lips and clit. Sammie could not even feel it. She was somewhat grateful for it. The nurse then stuck her tongue deep inside. Sammie’s pussy licking it as deep as she could. ‘Master Chris’s cum is so good” the nurse exclaimed. Sammie wanted to close her eyes but even they betrayed her. The nurse moved her assault up undoing the hospital gown until Sammie was once again naked on the hospital bed. She started licking Sammie’s tits sucking them making them bleed once again. She moved her assault to Sammie’s neck, kissing it, licking it. Still moving her fun along, she moved up to Sammies lips to nurse forced her lips open with her own wrestling her tongue with Sammie’s limp tongue. As Sammie was giving up, hope there was a knock on the door. The nurse quickly moved off with Sammie and covered her up. She cracked the door and let in a big tall muscular black man. He looked to be the hospital security. He smiled at Sammie.
“Well Master Chris picked a good one. ”
“Oh oh she tastes good too. ”
“Can we have some fun? ”
“I already asked he said yes”
With that, the big black man dropped his pants and moved to Sammie’s pussy he was just as big as Chris. He forced his cock into Sammir without lube on it. He gave no warning when he started pumping. Locking the door, the nurse rushed to join her friend. She played with Sammie’s, bleeding, nipples and licked the big black man’s cock. Every time he pulled out enough that she could get her tongue on it.
“We don’t have much time. The effects will start wearing off soon” she warned.
“I just need one more second” in with that the big black man cummed inside Sammie’s pussy. Sure enough Sammie could feel it. She could feel the fire slowly starting to burn around her privates. She could feel that she could now move her fingers, of course the rest of her body was still pretty numb. The nurse stood up, took off her pants and underwear. You could tell that they were wet. She quickly stuffed them in Sammie’s mouth and taped them on. She then strapped Sammie to the table.
The black man pulled out and tapped his cock on top of Sammie’s stomach releasing more cum which pooled in her belly button. The nurse gratefully licked it up from Sammie’s belly as if it was a shot. Sammy moaned trying to yell and scream for help. The nurse stood up, pulled her pants back on and left. The big black man started fingering Sammie. The taste of the woman ‘s panties in her mouth made her gag. The feeling of the big black man’s fingers on Sammie’s pussy hurt.
The man pulled out his fingers and licked them and then wiped the rest on Sammie’s face. He left Sammie’s room. She slowly tried to look around. It was hard since the effects of the drug was still in her system. She didn’t know what was next but she knew it would not be good.

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By Sammiejoej #Abuse #BDSM #Lesbian #Rape