Mountain Dew

#Group #Incest 1 min ago

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Appalachin Nudist Colony having a wedding the setting up and the ceremony

I have an 80 acre farm in the heart of appalachia. over the years I have built a four bedroom house a barn and dammed up a creek to make a swimming hole. I figured I had done pretty good for just turning was friday and tomorrow Janet and I were to be married. the weather was supposed to be fine so we were going to have it outside with the reception in the barn Janet was 22, redhead, nice tits and body quite the looker. the farm was back down a dirt road off the beaten path and gated so we didn’t wear cloths much. I was unloading cases of beer from the truck to the spring house were it was cool. when Janets sister Thresa walked in carrying another case. she was 20 on break from school and had been living with us. Thresa was blonde very pretty had bigger tits than Janet. I took the case from her and set it on the stack. she wrapped her hand around my cock and started jacking me off. I pulled her to me and kissed her she gave me her tongue. we were both naked. she had shaved her bush when she moved in because Janet and I had choose to. I ran my finger in her wet cunt. “fuck me Wayne, I need this big hard cock in me.” she said. “well, I guess we both had the same idea.” a voice rang out. It was Janets older sister Norma, she was 24 had long brown hair with small tits but still a very good looking piece of ass. she came over kissed me and cupped my balls. “girls I’d like to, and any other time I’d fuck the shit out of both of you, but I need to get this place ready for the wedding. go up to the house and get Paul to fuck you. Paul was my best friend, he had sent off for a certifaction to be a minister in the newlife church so he could marry us tomorrow. “I tried but he’s up there fucking Janet.” Norma said. I put both girls in the truck and drove to the house.both laughing while Thersa was trying to mount the gear shift. we walked in as Paul was finishing up shooting his cum into my soon to be wife, bent over the dining room table. “theres my man, come and get some of this fresh fucked pussy honey .” Janet said streching her arms out to hug me and turning to set on the table showing me Pauls cum running out of her. “if anyone gets his cock its me.” it was Michelle, Pauls wife coming out of the kitchen. Michelle is 22 and beautiful, long brown hair and big tits only 5’3″ and a beautiful baby butt. “damn it Wayne I thought we came to help but Paul and Janet have done nothing but fuck since we got here. I need some help and some of your cock.” she whined. getting on her knees and taking me in her mouth. “alright , Janet you and Norma go to the kitchen and get things going, Paul you take Theresa up to the barn and after you fuck her start setting things up. Norma after I fuck Michelle I’ll come and get you to fuck. lets see if we can make some progress people.” I took command. every body headed out, I took Michelle to the den and put her on the couch and spread her legs. licking her fuck hole I could taste Pauls cum. Paul must have fucked you this morning.” I said. “no him and Jason took turns on me last night ,I didn’t have time to shower this morning. sorry.” she said. “don’t be sorry you taste good.” I told her. and drove my tongue deeper in her. I lifted her legs on my shoulders so I could taste her ass. the aroma of her ass was intoxicating. my cock was as hard as ever. I rotated from one hole to the other ramming deep into her. “god Wayne I love you fucking’ve got such a big cock.oh fuck me.” she hissed. I squeezed and sucked her tits I felt her holes start to contract and knew she was about there. I hammered in her cunt hard. “I want you to cum in my mouth she said I want to taste you. I pounded her till she climaxed then pulled my cock from her and shoved it done her throat. she gagged then took it all. I shot a large load into her gut. Fuck I said as I pulled my cock from her mouth,cum streaming from her lips to my cock. “fuck Wayne you can fuck me anytime.” she said. Paul had taken the truck to drive to the barn. Thresea sucked his cock on the way. when they got there he had her put her feet on the ground and leaned inside the truck while he fucked her from behind.grabbing her tits pulling her to him. “fuck me hard Paul, I want you deep in me. oh yeah you like my pussy? you like it as much as your wifes, give me your fucking load. one thing a girl can do around here is keep her cunt full of cum.” Theresa was milking the cum out of Paul. they both came at the same time. after recooping they set up the chairs and hung streamers Theresa sucking Pauls cock when he got on the ladder. “damn Theresa your quite the slut aren’t you?” Paul asked her. well a girl needs cock and Janet’s got Wayne. i’m lucky her and your wife share. Norma’s husband died but he was a prude. didn’t want her to fuck anybody and he didn’t keep her satisfied.she’d come down here and use Wayne. no wonder he killed himself when she left him.
Norma and Janet had gone in the kitchen to fix food for the wedding. Norma saw Pauls cum running from Janets cunt and ate it out of her. “can’t be wasting that cum sis I don’t get enough.” Norma said. they were making potatoe salad and baked beans when Michelle and I walked in. “thank goodness.” Norma said holding up a cucumber “I was about ready to shove this up my cunt.” I took it from her “let me do that for you.” I said and led her to the den. ” ah Norma I’m going to enjoy fucking you.” I said kissing her passionatly ” you appreciate a man using your holes and you give them so willingly.” I squeezed her tit and twisted it ,her face showed the pain. “I could do anything I want to you and as long as I fuck your holes you’d let me do it wouldn’t you baby?” I cooed. “oh yes, I love you Wayne, I’ll let you do whatever you want to me just fuck me.” she begged and got on her knees and sucked my cock. I got her on all fours on the couch so I could eat her shit hole and pussy. damn she was good. I inserted the cucumber in her cunt and told her to hold it there while I fucked her ass. I pinched and twisted her nipples until she cried in pain as I drove my cock deeper in her. “fuck my pussy Wayne, I want you to fuck my pussy, get me pregnant,I want your baby.” she cried. I pulled my cock from her ass and rammed it hard in her cunt trying to hurt her. I slapped her ass and pulled her hair till I felt her body stiffen I could feel her cum on my cock. I delivered my load deep in her. I squeezed the cum from my cock taking it out of her so she was sure to get all of it. “oh fuck Wayne your the only one that can make me do that.” she said as she collapsed.
the gate buzzer rang I checked the gate camera. it was Myron and Helen. I buzzed the gate to let them in.Myron was 23 and worked for the cable company. Helen was 24 and a good looking woman with small pointed tits, that were fun to suck and a nice ass. Myron had brought the pig to roast. he pulled up at the pit we had prepared.they both immediately took off their cloths.we got rolls of heavy alumium foil and covered the pig then buried it in the coals. Janet and Norma brought pots of beans out and set them on the fire. Janet said the cake was in the oven and everything was under control. we broke out the beer. Helen came over and congratulated me.with a kiss running her tongue down my throat. this” doesn’t mean you won’t be fucking me does it. we’ll still be swapping?” she asked. “no Janet and I will still fuck who we want, when we want.” I told her. she’ll hold off if we decide to get her pregnant is all.” I said. we drank beer and ate roasted hot dogs around the fire the rest of the night. Myron fucked Janet and Theresa Paul fucked Michelle and Helen and I fucked Michelle and Norma. Norma told everyone she was trying to get pregnant by me and she didn’t want any cum in her cunt but mine but if they wanted to fuck her in the ass or a blow job that was fine they could use her. she said her, Janet and I had discussed it. I laid Helen on the ground on a blanket and fucked her hard. while Norma fingered my ass. fuck it was good. Helen’s juices were flowing as I thrust in and out of her. I sucked and bit her pointed tits like a dog with a bone. she raised up to greet my every thrust. “oh Wayne I can feel your cock deep in me, damn you feel good. thats it baby you make me cum.” she said. I felt her release on my cock. I pulled my dripping shaft from her and spread Normas legs. she grabbed my ass cheeks and pulled me in her. squeeze his balls Helen and dump his cum in me. she demanded. Helen milked me in her. I wasn’t in her no time and I felt her cum. “just the thought of your cock in me and I cum honey. ” she told me.” I hope I’m the next one you marry.” we banked the fire and went to bed.
I awoke the next morning with Michelle in my bed. I rolled over and gave Pauls wife my morning wood. “I want to fuck your shit hole girl.” I told her.” you like to fuck me in the ass don’t you Wayne?” “no baby I love to fuck you in the ass.” I told her. Paul came in and watched me use his wife for a while as he jacked off. then he got on the bed and entered her cunt. we d.p.ed Michelle till we all cum. as we laid there he asked if any of the parents were coming today. I told him Janets were catholic and since we weren’t getting married in the catholic church they weren’t going to attend. I told him my mother was coming, my dad had died three years ago. “how is Marge going to feel about all this?” he asked. Marge was my mother she was 49 and a good looking woman nice tits and legs and natural tan. she knows we’re all nudist but she doesn’t know about the free love.but I guess she’ll figure it out. I explained. he told me he’d like to fuck my mother. we laughed and all got up and went to the swimming hole to clean up. we were in the water with Michelles arms around each of us when Helen, Theresa and Myron walked up towels in hand. I asked where Norma and Janet were they said Norma told them that it was bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding so I wouldn’t see Janet before then. Myron said he had fucked her good this morning. and that he had even fucked Norma in the ass. I asked Helen if she had licked Normas shit from Myron and she said yes. I kissed her running my tongue in her mouth. everyone laughed. “damn Wayne you stay horny.” Paul said.” and I’m glad he does said Theresa moving next to me and stroking my cock underwater.
we all went up to the fire pit and fixed bacon and eggs, and coffee. we tended the fire and set up the bar. had mamosa’s and smoked pot while tending to set up chores and farm chores. all during the day people showed up we buzzed them in the gate. the Vance brothers Dan and Dave, Henry and Marietta, with Marietta’s sister Susan. all in all about 30 people. we were moving the organ to the barn when my mother showed up. she pulled up in her car and just set there, I grabbed 2 beers and went and got in the car. we sat and watched, the Vance brothers had Susan bent over a chair and Dave was pulling out of her and Dan was going in. “our they fucking her?” mother asked. Dan put his cock in her from behind as Dave shoved his in her mouth. I was getting hard watching and started stroking my cock. my mother watched me wide eyed “fuck mom don’t that turn you on?” I asked. mom had a Lincoln town car I reached over and pushed the button to let the seats back, I grabbed her head and guided her on my cock. “suck my dick mother I’ve always wanted yor lips wrapped around my cock. it’s time I fuck you.” I said. she took all of me in her mouth gladly she licked my shaft and stuck her tongue in my pee slit she licked my balls. “oh fuck honey I didn’t think your mother was ever going to get any of that big cock of yours, I used to watch you in the shower and wish you would come out and fuck me.” she said with precum and slobber running from her chin. I undressed mom right there in the car. she jacked me off while I kissed her and sucked her tits spreaing her legs and exploring my mothers cunt with my fingers. I let the seat all the way down pushed her to the back and ate my mothers cunt. “fuck me, fuck me Wayne, fuck your mother son,” she pleaded gasping. I took my rock hard cock and entered my mothers pussy for the first time in my life. her cunt was soaking wet and she took me easily.” Oh fuck your big, god it’s better than I imagined.” she said as she lifted up to take me.I lifted my mothers legs over my shoulders and pounded my cock into her. I grabbed and squeezed her tits. “thats it fuck your mother hard honey,” she begged. I kissed her and whispered. “I use to fantasize about fucking you mother, now your pussy is mine.” people were gathering around the car watching me fuck my mother. Norma leaned in “let me have your load.” she said. “this ones going in my mother bitch.” I told her. “yes ” my mother said.” I want your cum in me, motherfucker.” I was pounding my mother hard and deep, when Paul opened the back door and shoved his cock in my mothers mouth.’ suck my dick Marge you look so hot your son fucking you.” he said. mom took him in her mouth. I pounded moms cunt watching her suck the cum from Pauls cock licking every drop of it. I felt her cunt tighten on me then I felt her cum. “oh fuck its been so long.” she wrapped her legs around me and pulled me deep into her. I could feel her orgasm last I didn’t think my cock was going to quit pumping cum in her. two or three people jacked off in her mouth. the crowd cheered. I kissed my mothers cum covered face. “damn mom that was good.” I said. cum was running out of her as I pulled out of her. I got out of the car and was walking away when I heard someone ask “can I fuck you Mrs. Blake?” mother replied, “sure honey give me some of that young hard cock.” I was my mothers son alright, I thought smiling.
I was at the barn eating oysters I had gotten two washtubs full brought in,my friend Linsay was shucking them for everone. I started talking to linsays wife Kathy. she was a naturalist and didn’t believe in shaving. she was 22 and about 5’3″ with long blondeish hair and big tits. Linsay was busy talking to some people. I ask Kathy if she wanted to go to the tack room and smoke some pot. she said sure. in there I asked her if she had fucked anybody interesting. she said no she had watched me fuck my mom and that was hot, but Linsay wasn’t interested in him or her fucking anybody else. I took a deep hit off of the joint and put my lips to Kathys after pushing the smoke in her lungs I ran my tongue down her throat. she kissed me back smiling. “suck my cock Kathy I want to fuck you.” I said pushing her to her knees. linsay had told me she was good at sucking cock and he hadn’t lied. when she got me hard I lifted her up , my hands in her hairy armpits and bent her over a bench. I stuck my tongue in her ass abd spit on her shit hole globulets of spit hung on the hair around her hole. I eased my finger in her. “Linsay don’t fuck me in the ass I’ve never had a cock in there.” she said. today is a special day I told her, and put my cock up her ass. she reached back spreading her ass cheeks so I could get deeper in her. “oh god I love this.” she moaned. she raved at having my cock in her ass while I pumped her shit hole. I pulled out of her and told her to suck her shit off my cock I wanted to finish in her cunt. she said she didn’t use any birth control. I told her I didn’t care if she got pregnant let me know if its mine. she licked her ass from my cock, I fucked her cunt and sucked her tits’. I felt her start to climax and delivered my cum deep in her. she kissed me and thanked me for fucking her. I told her to come back sometime without lansay and I’d see if I couldn’t get her d.p.ed that I thought she’d love that. she said she would and went out to her man. I noticed what time it was and went to the swimming hole to clean up.
mom was at the swimming hole bathing. she told me she had more cocks in her today than shes had for years. she told me all her holes had been fucked. “I see why you love it here and your lifestyle.” I took her in my arms and kissed her. “come and live with us mom so I can fuck you when I want.” I told her.she smiled and said she’d think about it. I cleaned up put on my black cowboy boots black ribbon tie and black cowboy hat. I went to the barn it was about time for the ceremony. there was a red carpet to the back of the barn where there was a type of arbor. Paul was standing there with a tie on. Carol an old fuck of mine was the organist she began to play. Myron joined me at the arbor, ring box in hand. people were setted on both sides of the carpet. the wedding march started and Janet escorted by Norma came up the aisle. she was dressed in white hose held with one white garter, one blue and white high heels. she had on a white vail 3 ‘ long, she was made up beautifully and had her redhair permed. a bouquet of hemp and roses. she looked like a million bucks. I saw mens cocks getting hard as she walked, fine ass swinging. she got to the three of us and stopped the music ended. “fuck girl I could rape your ass right here.” I told her. she smiled. Paul spoke “we are here today to witness and celebrate the union of Janet and Wayne in matramony. and we understand that this will not be his sole marriage, you acknowledge this Janet?.” “I,do.” do you also acknowledge the fact that he can have sexual relations with whoever he pleases, and that you must in fact confir with him on your choice of partner for approval in your sexual activities. ” “I, do.” do you agree to raise any child of his as you would your own?” “I,do.” ” and to continue to live the nudist and love lifestyle that you have shared with him?” “I,do.” who gives away the bride?” mother stepped forward. damn she looked hot madeup, hair done. “I do he can have anything he wants from me.” she said smiling. Myron handed me the ring. I placed on Janets finger. “with this ring I take you as my wife.” I told her. “as a newly ordaned minister of the newlife church of san fransico for the sum of 49 dollars and 95 cents I now pronounce you man and wife, you my be the first to kiss and fuck your wife. a sex swing lowered from the tier rails I put Janet in it. Norma was on her knees sucking my cock getting me hard for her sister. I kissed and put my cock in Janets pussy. everyone clapped and cheered as I fucked her for the first time being my wife. Norma stood behind me and whispered. “I can’t believe all this sperm thats not going into me today.” as she massaged my balls Janet threw the bouquet to her, and the blue garter in the crowd to David. Norma got on her knees and sucked Myrons cock While she jacked off Paul. the crowd grew louder when I shot my load in Janet. I pulled out with strings of cum running from my cock to her cunt. everyone fuck the bride I encouraged. all the men were crowding around wanting a turn on my wife. I could tell Janet was in heaven. her mouth cunt and hands full of cock.I went and broke out the champaine. Michelle come up and asked if it would be alright if she licked the bride off me. she dipped my cock in the wine before sucking it. I watched as my new bride was used over and over, fucking michelle in the ass. after about another hour I went and got henry off my wife I let him finish in her ass, she had cum running out both her holes and her face and tits were covered. we walked through a cheering crowd to the swimming hole and dove in, coming up I kissed her. I asked her how she liked it ,she said it was the best gangbang she ever had but she was sore. “you think you can keep the cocks away from me. I’ll fuck them if you want me to.” her tits pussy and ass were red I told her she had been used enough. “stay by me I’ll keep them out of you.” I told her. I gathered up mom and Norma we fixed some plates of food and left the party for the house. we ate dinner then retired to our bedroom. we all slept in the kingsize bed Janet went directly to sleep. she was worn out from being fucked. Norma wanted me to fuck her. I told her I was going to fuck my mother. I kissed Norma,” look Norma I’m going to knock you up, in fact I want you to marry me. I’ll get you pregnant. I want you to move in with us,so I’ll be fucking you a lot. but I’ve wanted to fuck my mother ever since I could get hard. now its time to use her holes. so just lay there and help me fuck her. I layed beside mom and kissed her on her mouth and neck. massaging her tits. “I was kind or jealous, other people using you today. I kind of want all your holes just for me.” I said taking her head between my hands and kissing her I eased down her sucking her tits, rubbing my fingers in her pinching her clit. I pushed two fingers up her hole. She moaned. Norma sucked my dick as I gave my attention to my mother.she spread her legs wide for me to eat her cunt. her juices were coating my face. I inserted two fingers in her ass hole. I heard her groan. I lifted her legs higher so I could get to her better I pulled the fingers from her and sucked them clean. she tasted great I reinserted them gathering her shit and fed them to Norma the smell of my mothers ass was enticing. I run my tongue in her shit hole and licked, her the aroma was so thick I could taste the smell of her shit. I told Norma to put my cock in my mothers ass. she guided me in. mother squeeled. I pounded her ass brutally, thinking of all the years I could have used her body. and the gallons of teenage cum thrown away I could have put in her holes.”damn honey ,”she said trying to keep me from pounding her. your tearing my ass hole apart. fuck my pussy.” she pleaded. pulling my cock from her ass I fed it to Norma, who easgerly licked it clean. then put me in moms cunt. I thrust deep into her.”oh god son fuck your mother, fuck me hard, I want that cock I love my son fucking me.” she was moaning as she was yelling. I pounded her harder. “put your cum in me.” Norma. begged. “no, put your sperm in me, I can still get pregnant, I want to have your baby too.” mom yelled. I felt mom start to climax. I emptied my load in her. Norma was disappointed as we went to sleep. I promised her my morning wood.

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#Group #Incest