One Fifteen and Two Thirties

#Bisexual #Teen #Threesome #Virgin 12 seconds ago

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By ch.7443 The first time dipping my toes into online hookups at fifteen years old with a couple in their thirties

(can’t be bothered to spell check so sorry if i misspelt some things)


Alright so i’ll start by describing myself; i’m 15 (turning 16 in a few months), pretty average build but i’ve built a little bit of muscle up in the past few years, I’m 6”2, and if i say so myself, fairly attractive.

The events of this story took place last friday, im on summer break between year 11 and my a-levels. I’ve known i was bisexual for a while and for the past year or so i’ve been talking to people off fabguys, no meets or anything like that but i’ve been known to exchange photos and horny chats to people not worried about the age difference.

As of recent i had talked to someone who spoke of a similar site called da swingers for couples and people looking for couples (at least i think that’s what it’s for there a lot of singles for singles on there lol)

On this site i started doing the same things i had done on the other site (the introduction of women was a welcome change). One couple i talked to
were pretty close, (about 2 miles from where i live in East Anglia, England) we were talking and things got a little further than usual when the women asked to meet me with her husband at their place. Usually when people ask to meet with me i would become a little evasive and try to keep it online but i was particularly horny so decided to see how it would go.

after some messaging, the woman (who was using the account at the time) asked for some photos of me. I was happy to send them and she was quite pleased.

This is how the conversation went

Me: (photo)

Her: Wow, id do anything to wrap my lips around that thing 🫦

Me: haha, i’d be happy to let you 😉

Her: do you meet ? me and my husband would love to have you for an afternoon

Me: idk i get a bit jumpy when it comes to meets, maybe tho

Her: If you do we’d love to share you, you could eat me out while he fucked you, or you could fuck me while he rimmed u, he’s seen your photo and is practically drooling lol 😝

Me: he’s cool w my age ?

Her: It’s half the reason we want to meet you lol (the other half is that dick 😉)

Me: You know what, i’m free tomorrow if you are

Her: yes, we’re free! we live at (address) tell us when you want to come by and we’ll get ready for you.

After that i was slightly shaking after agreeing to meet for the first time, but the presence of two people calmed my nerves slightly, if it was just one i’d probably feel a little unsafe but they seemed like decent people.

It was the next day around 11AM when i woke up (i know it’s late but it’s the summer holidays so don’t judge too hard lol), I showered and changed into some sweatpants and a shirt, after getting ready for the day i watched some netflix on my bed while i checked the site. Over the course of the next twenty minutes (most of the time was waiting for them to respond the first time) me and the husband hashed out when i’d show up, what we were willing to do and he asked how i felt about them using toys. I told them i was fine with it and about two hours later i was ready to leave.

My parents had left for work before i woke up so it was less sneaking out than psyching myself up as i walked out the front door. I walked down to the local shop and grabbed a drink for the 10 minute walk to the other side of town. I arrived somewhere around 1:30PM.

I was shitting myself, thinking i’d knock on the wrong door and have to explain to some old lady why i knocked on her door. To prevent that awkward situation I sat at the bottom of the street and messaged them:

Me: Hey im at the bottom of the street, is yours the one with the two flower pots by the door

Them: No, to the left of that one, the green door. We’re waiting for you upstairs, just walk straight in

After confirming the location (which was smart as i had got the wrong house lol) i walked towards their humble abode. I walked in and was greeted by candles lining the stairs upwards (there was probably about twenty all lighting the way). For a moment i considered turning around and just walking home, but then the voice of the woman rung out from the top floor “We’re ready for you, honey”.

I thought to myself about how i could be walking into a trap, i’d get kidnapped by some very convincing traffickers. But then i thought about losing my virginity to this beautiful 30 year old and i just started walking up the stairs.

At the top i walked towards the bedroom door. At the side of the room stood next to a box was the husband, he was about my height, muscular and nude, his dick was semi-erect but upon entry i watched it grow to full mast, he looked near my size of 7 inches but i couldn’t tell from the three metres between us. The wife was lying on the bed in a deep lingerie, her tits were perfect and round, her nipples were hard and poking through holes in her bra. Her underwear had a similar hole, a slit from the top of her crotch to just above her asshole.

When i walked in i saw their expression light up, the woman signalled for me to join her on the bed which i happily did, me eyes held on the man as i climbed beside her, she pulled me towards her until i was straddling her. She put both her hands behind my neck and pulled me down to kiss. She kissed better than any girlfriend i’d had before so i was more than willing to reciprocate. As we kissed the man pulled my shirt up, we separated for just a second as he pulled it over my head before i re-joined our lips. Our tongues danced hungrily around eachother as the man moved to my lower half. He pulled my shoes off, then my socks, i was blind to his actions as he gently kissed my soles. After that I’ll admit i felt a little awkward but the beautiful woman i was making out with balanced it out pretty well. After that the husband pulled down my sweatpants and then my boxers. I was now on top of a beautiful woman in lingerie, completely nude and erect, while her husband watched.

Once i was undressed The woman grabbed my hips and pushed me against her flat. She separated the kiss and moved her head to my neck, forcing my face into a similar position. She whispered into me ear “fuck me, baby”. She gently bit my ear as i lifted myself up to position my dick for entry. She grabbed my dick with both hands and guided me inside. I moved my hands from her hips to beside her head. I then pushed up and begin thrusting inside her. She was quick to begin moaning and it only made me more flush with vigor. I pumped into her for a good few minutes, i’d estimate somewhere between 5-7. (Which for a first time i’d think is pretty commendable). Throughout the whole thing She was sopping wet, she convulsed in climax a good few times over the course of me losing my virginity. All the while, her husband was out of view and out of mind. Eventually, i felt the growing sense of my own climax. I said i was going to cum and not a second layer her legs were wrapped around my back forcing me to cum inside. So i did just that

After cumming i was tired but felt my hardness persist. I’d just lost my virginity when she released me from her beautiful thighs. I rolled to her side, both of us breathless but that was only the beginning though. Lying on that soft mattress, i looked towards the husband, he was sat on chair, and then i saw him teach for the box i’d seen him stand next to upon entry. I saw him flip open the top and reach down. From the dark of the box he pulled out a bottle of lube, and a bundle of rope. Feeling arroused i watched as he walked towards me. Slowly he began to tie the rope around my ankles. From the bundles he pulled two more lines. He used that to wrap my hands around my back before he gently rolled my on to my stomach. He pushed my my legs up and began tying the two constraints in a hog tie. It was fairy loose at first but he continued to tighten the joking rope resulting in my legs riding far up my back so my knees were at my sides.

Like i said, im bi, and this guy was pretty hot and pretty well endowed. So i was happy to let him fuck me (after all he let me bone his wife infront of me)
so i didn’t contest as he got me in postition. His wife slid off the bed and walked behind me where the husband was stood. I then heard the box being shuffled through again followed by the sound of the lube bottle squirting. About ten seconds after the lube was heard. I felt a dildo. Now i was prepared for toys but as the head pressed against my ass i felt a little concerned. I had imagined maybe a 6” or hell maybe an 8” but as i felt the head against me it was as if a fist was pushed on me. The lubricated surface helped but it definitely wasn’t painless as he pushed it slightly in. My asshole was immediately pushed to its limit. I assumed it must have been a horse cock replica but i had no verification from my position.

As it pushed in me his wife came into view at my side with a ball gag, she hopped on the bed and wrapped it around my head. I was quick to protest but obviously her kinky desires were faster. Before i could get a word in the hall was deep in my mouth and i was unable to speak. I was now in a strangers house, where nobody knows i am, with a ball gag, constraints and a dildo the with of my forearm pushing inside me. I was so fucking hard.

Over the course of the next minute, the dildo pushed deeper and deeper inside me, it must’ve been 10” in before i felt the flared base. Then the flared base plopped in and i realised it was just ring of its sheath. I was filled with erotic pain as it pushed further and further inside. From my estimation it was probably another 5” before the dildos balls were against my ass. After about 10 seconds of adjustement, the dildo was pulled out to the ring, then it was pushed back in. Again and again, slowly accelerating i was fucked with this enormous dildo that stretched my insides wide. The dildo was eventually accelerated to a point that the dildo would go down to the base, then pull up long past the ring and slam back down again in less that a second and a half. My ass was slammed into for a long, long time. I came, then i came again, then again (only the last time hardly anything came out). The couple had lured me in before fucking me senseless with a horse dildo and i was fucking loving it.

After a little while the dildow was buried to the base and i felt fiddling on the bottom as it stayed inside me. That’s when i felt liquid pour inside me. It was one of those dildos with a way to send fake cum through it. I felt my ass fill with fake cum, a few seconds of movement then more being squirted in. They did it about 5 times before they shoved a towel underneath my thighs and gently pulled it out. As it reached a few inches from fully exiting my body for the first time in maybe twenty minutes. I felt the coldness of a metal butt plug brush against my thighs as the horse cock was pulled out and a large butt plug took its place. I felt the fake cum slosh around inside me as its exit was prevented.

After my little anal encounter, the rope was untied and my ball gag was removed. I had to admit, i loved every second of what just happened to me. The woman rolled me onto my back and looked at me lovingly

“wow, you took that amazingly, did you love it as much as we did?”
i looked into her eyes, there was a warmth and compassion i’d never seen in someone before, i felt the words try and spit out for a few seconds before i whispered in exhaustion a quiet “yes”

She kissed me as the two giggled above me. The towel was wiped against me before it was tossed to the side. The two fell onto the bed on either side of me and caressed my body. The wife lowered her face to my dick and licked the cum that was gathered around it. As she did so the man moved up and straddled my chest. His dick was plopped onto my face, his balls beneath my chin and his tip at my forehead. He moved backwards and pushed his dick down my eager throat. He put his hands up against the wall for support as he used my mouth. He pumped into me while his wife sucked me off. I came in her mouth not ten seconds before he came in mine. A synergy of eroticism.

After that we just lied together, they apologised for their forcefulness and i forgave them, we talked about how good it felt, they complimented my performance and i theirs. We talked about our lives and what would happen next. We agreed i’d come back some time in the future and the pair took turns kissing me. I’d roll to face one while the other laud beside me playing with the butt plug. After about ten minutes, i was kissing the husband and the wife got up to grab the towel. She layer it on the bed and lied down with her head on it. The man helped me up and moved me stop it. My knees were either side of her temples and the man sat on here thighs. Sat above the woman i bent over and the man grabbed the base of the butt plug with both hands. With one quick movement he pulled it out and what must’ve been a litre of whatever liquid they put in me flooded out on top of the woman’s face. I’ll spare the grimy parts but she seemed more than happy as she let it crash into her open mouth. We both washed up in the bathroom while the husband cleaned the bedroom. She asked me if i was serious about coming back which i told her yes. After cleaning i was sent on my way, not after a goodbye kiss with both parties. I waddled towards home. Stopping to sit on the curb a half dozen times. Eventually i arrived at my house with two hours until my parents got back. I lied on my bed, and listened to music as my body recovered. It was calming as 90’s country filled my head. i thought about my next visit to my new friends. I can’t wait

might continue this in the future but writing is something i can’t bear more than once in at least a week. Maybe if it’s rated well i’ll get the encouragement to but idk. who knows 🙏

This isn’t true (though i wish lol) my description was true tho and i am 15 those parts weren’t made up lols :p

I have kik if you want to talk, ch.7443 i’m pretty open to most things. Message me 🙂

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By ch.7443 #Bisexual #Teen #Threesome #Virgin