Out Of Control Father In Law 4

#Abuse #Cheating #Cuckold #Mature 25 seconds ago

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By Resisting Daughter In I couldn’t believe my husband Drew, wanted me to continue fucking his dad. I just realized, I never told my husbands or his dad’s names. His dads name is Nick. But, that’s what Drew said. He just didn’t want me to tell Nick he knew I was fucking him. It turned Drew on the fact that, while he was at work his dad was fucking me every way possible.

So, I put on a thin summer sleeveless dress with a low cut top. That’s all. No panties, no bra. I went to Nick’s house and he was sitting in the chair watching porn, stroking his dick. He said, “Man, am I glad you’re here, I was thinking about jacking off.” He just had on his boxer shorts and his dick was hanging out the opening when he got up. He walked to me and grabbed my titties first thing. I grabbed his dick and was pumping on it.

I told him, “I was needing a big dick to fuck me so, I came to you.” He said, “I can do that.” He said, “Holy cow, you’re such a fucking bombshell.” “Gorgeous tits, beautiful face and ass and the best thing is you love to get fucked.” I said, “I do, especially with this big one.” He said, “Well then, get down on your knees and suck it.” So, I got down and started sucking him. He moans and says, “Let me sit down so, I can watch my dick going in your mouth.”

He’s pulled my titties out of my dress and he’s squeezing them while I suck his dick. He said, “Put it in your throat for me.” I pushed it in my mouth as far as I could, it was in my throat. But, he’s too long for me to put it all in. He cum a little when I did that. I felt it hit my palate.

Nick made me suck him until my jaws hurt. I couldn’t believe he didn’t cum. But, while I did, he tortured my tits. He squeezed, twisted and rolled my nipples and made me moan in pain. He said, “I like to hear you moan, it makes me hard. He finally said, “Stand up.” I did and he started finger fucking my pussy hard so I would cum. An I did. He knew just how to make me cum.

My clit was ready for him to fuck me. He pulled me on him as he slid his dick in my pussy. Oh my gosh, it felt so good. I loved his size. He was a lot thicker than Drew and about 2″ longer. He filled my pussy an it felt tight in there. Nick told me my pussy was tight. Actually, I think it was the size of his dick.

I’m riding him hard up and down on it and even though it hurts a little when I slam myself down on all of it, I still do it. Makes me wonder if I’m getting into pain. Even though he hurts my titties, I love it. It makes my pussy twitch. He’s sucking on my tits right now. He’s biting me and sucking hard enough to give me a hickey. I wonder if Drew would like to see his dad’s hickey on my titty? I bet be would. So, I told him to suck it harder and he did.

Nick said, “You gonna cum on my dick?” I said, “Yes, I am.” I leaned forward and rubbed my clit and then cum. He said, “Oh, that’s so nice.” He reached around and squeezes my butt. I like that. Then, he starts slapping it. He said, “Get up.” So, I got up and he bent me over his lap and said, “I think you’ve been a bad girl.” I said, “What did I do?” He said, “Did you fuck Drew last night?” I said, “He fucked me.” “Did you make him cum in your pussy?” I said, “No, he cum in my ass.”

He was spanking me so hard and then, he put two fingers in my ass and started ramming it in me hard.
He’s said, “Well, now I’m gonna have to fuck this ass.” So he took me to his bed and laid me down on my back. He put my legs up on his shoulders and slid his dick in my ass without and lube. It hurt and I think that’s what he wanted, was to hurt me to make me moan.

He fucked me hard and pulled out that big dildo and crammed it in my pussy. He was fucking me with it and it was too big. That hurt me too. I said, “Oh Nick, that’s too much, it hurts.” I felt his dick get harder in my ass when I complained. He said, “It does, oh well ain’t that a shame, I thought you liked big dicks in your pussy.” And he kept fucking me with it. I’m trying to push his arm away but, he said, “Take it, just take the pain.”

Then, he started rubbing my clit. He made me cum and the pain lessened.He kept making me cum and I was squirting on him. I finally said, “Please stop.” I was shaking. He stopped touching my clit. Then, he started pounding my ass and cum in it. I laid there and realized I liked what he did to me. He pulled out of me and we went into the kitchen to get some coffee. He made me take my clothes off. I had to get a towel to sit on. The cum was running out.

He said, “Now, I liked that, you in pain, begging me to stop.” “It made my dick so hard.” I said, “Yeah, I could feel how hard you got.” He said, “It also made you cum, the pleasure with the pain.” I said, “Well, you’re right.” “I hate to admit it but, I did like it”

Nick ask me if I was gonna come fuck him every day. I said I would if I could. I did tell him Drew said, my ass had some slick feeling to it so, I’m sure he was feeling your deposit. Nick said, “I wonder what he would say if he knew we were fucking?” I said, “I think he’d like it if I fucked somebody.” “I know he’s ask me questions before about my past sex life and it made his dick hard.”

I said, “You used to tell me he wouldn’t care if you fucked me.” Nick said, “I just said that to get you to fuck me.” I said, “Well, I could work it into our talk during sex, just to feel him out.” He said, “Okay, that will be okay.” I told him I had to go, I had to grocery shop before Drew gets home. I stopped on the way home and got a lot of looks because, I didn’t have a bra on and my tits were bouncing all over the place. I kinda enjoyed the looks.

I would see a man looking an I would bend over a little so, they could see more. It made my pussy get wet, being an exhibitionist. One guy stood there and rubbed his dick looking at me. I just smiled as I bent down to get something off the lower shelf.

So, when Drew got home he said, “Are you cum filled?” I said, “Yeah, I am.” I told him what happened with his dad while he was changing out of his suit. When he took off his pants, his dick was sticking out. I had to have it. I was still horny from the grocery store. I pulled his shorts down and started sucking on it. He was p!aging with my titties an I winced in pain. Nick had abused my titties today. They were sore. I forgot to look to see if Nick left a hickey.

So, I stood up and Drew started sucking on my titty and when I moaned. He said, “What’s wrong?” I said, “Your dad tortured my titties today.” Drew looked at them and said, “Holy shit, there’s a big hickey on here.” “He sucked on ’em hard, baby.” I said, “He likes to get rough with me.” He said, “Oh, he does?”
He pulled me to him and lifted my dress to stick his dick in me. Ah, that’s what I wanted. He was fucking me an it was rubbing my clit. I was gonna cum.

Drew said, “I love coming home knowing you’ve been out getting your pussy filled with my daddy’s cum.”
I told him how Nick fucked my ass and put that big dildo in my pussy and hurt me and he kept hurting me until he made me cum. Drew said, “He hurt you and wouldn’t stop when you begged him to?” I said, “Yes.” He started fucking me so hard. That turned him on. After he cum, I looked at my titties and the hickey was big.

Later, while I was fixing dinner, Drew pulled down my dress and looked at it again. He liked it. Drew asked me all about what his dad did. His dick was hard the whole time. I said, “When are you gonna let him know you know.” He said, “I’ve been thinking.” “Tell him, I wanted to know why you had cum in your ass.”
“So, you confessed and when I demanded to know who, you told me” “Then, tell him it turned me on and I thanked you for taking care of my dad.”

So, I was gonna do that and see what Nick thought. The following day Nick came to my house. I told him what Drew said and what I said. He was glad it was out in the open. So, I wasn’t sure what was gonna happen but, I’d have to wait to see what they were gonna do.
Nick waited until Drew got home. Drew walked in and said, “Hey daddy, how you doing?” They hugged and we ate supper. After supper Drew said, “Let’s talk about the sex thing between us.” He said, “If

Colleen will fuck both of us together or separate, I think everything will work out.” “Dad, she can be your pussy source and you can fuck her anytime you want.” “I’d like for both of us to fuck her together on occasion, if she’s willing.” “How do you guys feel about this?” Nick said, “It’s fine with me.” I said, “I’m okay with it if you guys are.” So, deal?” We all said, “Deal.”

Nick had a meeting to go out with a couple of his buddies so he had to leave. He said, “Until next time.”
Drew grabbed me and said, “Thank you my cum slut.” “I can’t wait to double team you.” I kissed him and said, “Me too.”

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By Resisting Daughter In #Abuse #Cheating #Cuckold #Mature