Plump little Sophia – part 4

#Incest #Mature #PreTeen #Virgin 2 mins ago

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By Danilo Conti I am as I am, born to love little girls and care for them, not doing harm but giving them all my love.

Some men are born to be heterosexual, some to be bisexual, or gay, or to love little boys. Me, I was born to love little girls. Life itself placed me in this awkward and dangerous position, to become an outcast, not understood, rejected for my whole lifespan. I can’t help it. I never fell for the smile of a girl when I was in my adolescence, nor for a woman’s charms as an adult. I just loved the sight of little girls playing in the parks, in schoolyards, or just at home. But I was not a peeping tom either, no, far from that. I knew exactly to keep control and more: my love for those little beings was pure. I wouldn’t and even couldn’t think of doing them any harm. But hear my story, perhaps you’ll understand as far as you are willing to.

I was the eldest child in our family. My sister, Emilia, was 18 months younger. When I was about 6 or 7, anyhow, somewhere in between, i got interest in my little sister. Not earlier, that I know for sure. She was an angelic creature, not so typical Italian as I am with black hair and a natural tanned skin, but she had soft blond hair, like lots of Italians in the North have, with a soft pink skin, dark blue eyes. In what she was typical Italian, was het temper. If I was water and earth, she was fire and air. We were as different from each other as could be, but we loved each other dearly.

Our parents were hard working immigrants, second generation. We were left at home alone quite a time as both papa and mama had a second job, twice a week in the evening. And I was only 6 years old when I was told I had to care for Emilia, then 4 and a half. One of the jobs I had to do, was putting her in bed at 7.30. I might stay up until my parents came home an hour later. So I helped little Emi to wash herself and that’s when I first saw her pubes and immediatly was stroke as by lightning. I told her she couldn’t clean her wee-wee herself as she couldn’t see it properly and she let me, of course. She even said it made her feel good, me touching her there, even though it was with a washcloth. Because she liked it, I soon left the cloth away and cleaned her pubes with my hand, which she liked even more. In fact, after some time, she sometimes asked me to touch her on other occasions, not only in the bathroom before getting to bed. Apparently she knew this was something we only did when we were alone, she never showed any interest in it when my parents were in the house. But as soon as the left, she’d might ask it.

Years went by and we kept playing our secret games. Through time even more secretly as she grew older and sometimes even insisted on touching her there. I hugged her, kissed her on her lips, her chest, nipples, belly and of course between her legs, that’s what she liked most after all. And me touching her, gradually going further as my finger slipped through the lips of het closed fanny and felt how intense the heat there was and how moist.

At a certain point, when she was about 12, she didn’t want me to go on. She said it was not appropriate to do such things. The nuns at school had warned the sixth grade girls for the sins of the flesh and that they would go straight to hell, even fall dead whilst doing things they couldn’t speak the name of. Emilia truly believed the nuns and said she would go to heaven, not to the purgatory and certainly not to hell. I was 13, going up 14 and felt rejected, lonely and sad, very, very sad.

At 17, girls of my age (or a bit older) didn’t interest me at all. My best friend asked me once if I were gay, and he had to explain to me what that meant. ‘No,’ I said, ‘I can’t imagine I could ever love a boy, or a man. But I don’t know a girl I’m attrackted to, neither.’ He said my time would come and, as he found a girl, our ways parted. A few months later, we got new neighbours and they had a daughter. She looked very young, I thought she was not older than 12, but in reality she was already 15. Anyway, I fell in love with her and she with me and my parents were glad to see I was a normal guy. Lucia’s parents liked me too and we were allowed to meet – in presence of her parents! – and go to the movies.

Now, that little Lucia was a hell of a hot girl and at the movies she put my hand on her thighs and shove it under her frock. Finally, I felt the warmth and the heath from a girl’s crotch again, be it covered by damp cotton panties. But she discretely got rid of them, putting them in her bag and leading my hand back to her sex. I was so disappointed, feeling the hairy bush. I asked myself what could have happened to her. Silly, yes, but I never was interested in sexual matters and had always thought a woman’s sex would keep as nude as it was at birth. I was disgusted by the experience. And some time later, when her parents were out for a couple of hours, she showed it to me, asking me to caress it, telling me it was hot for her to put a finger in it… Now I could see her vagina in the clear light, with a thick bush of curly dark haris, hiding a dark pink, reddish moist crack. I tried, honestly I tried, but she immediately noticed I had no experience at all in ‘making a girl get ready’, as she called it. She made out and I didn’t really care. This was not what I wanted, I only wanted a pussy like Emilia’s. In my unbelievable naivity, I asked Emilia, then 16, if all girls grew hairs on their pubes. She laughed at me and called me silly if I didn’t know that. ‘Same as you, Dani, you grow hairs there too. Why shouldn’t girls then?’

Yes, of cours, I was hairy there too, altough not so much and thogh I was not happy with it, I had to live with it. At length of years, I stayed on my own, not interested in girls nor women of my age and banning my interest for little girls out of my mind. I worked hard and didn’t have the time to think about it. I jerked myself off twice a week and that was that. My sister married and moved with her husband a couple of yards further in the street and I stayed home with my parents. All changed when, shortly after the birth of her second daughter, her husband ran away with another woman and Emilia couldn’t manage alone. As I had night shifts as a security man and she worked from 9 to 5, she asked me to move in with her, so the little girls, now 2 and 1, were looked after. I was happy to leave my parents’ house and care for a family. I cleaned, washed, changed and diapered the babies and my heart sprung up from joy. Finally I could see these immaculate, untouched pink little cunts and touch them, even kiss them and lick them, cherisch them – in one word: love them. Both girls grew up and loved me touching them and without ever telling about it to their mum. It was heart warming to experience how they felt it as a secret between uncle Dani and themselves. When the eldest was 12, she had heard about sex, of course. Times had changed, in schools they had real sex education from 11 year on, so both girls knew all about the birds and the bees. All three of us were so eager to play our love games that whenever the coast was free, we fell into each others arms and cuddled, kissed, carressed, I went down on them to eat their pussy even and they enjoyed jerking my boner, sometimes kissing or licking the glans and every time waiting eagerly to see it shoot its load. But one evening, the eldest asked me to fuck her. I said I’ve never done that before and that this would be a step too far, but now the youngest too would make me do it with her and eventually I gave in. It was not easy to get my big stiff boner in the eldest, but she kept insisting and one I got in her, it felt so good I nearly fainted. I never felt I broke the hymen and she had no pain, there was not a single trace of blood, and too soon I shot my lead in her little cunt. Now, the youngest wanted to get laid too, but I told them a man couldn’t do it twice, so she had to wait some days. Three days later I deflorated her and now I felt the resistance of her virginal fleece, I broke through it and she screamed and cried, but soon as my dick was halfway in her and could not get deeper, I started to move in her and she felt better. From then on, I fucked the girls once a week.

One early morning when I was asleep and my sister prepared to go to work, it was holiday season and the girls had no school, my sister heard them babble in their bedroom and she clearly heard words like ‘cunt’ and ‘fuck’ and ‘dick’ and, alas, my name too. She ran into the girls’ room and soon she had them confessed what happened – for years and years and years, from when the girls were even toddlers. She ran into my room, slapped me in the face and told me to pack and move. If I didn’t want her to call the police, insulting me of child abuse and rape, I had to flee at least 500 miles away and if ever I showed up in town here, she would still report me, even after years, no matter how long…

I tried to remind her of our own games when we were young, but she wouldn’t listen. She took a baseball stick and threatened to beat my head, so I jumped into my trousers, put my shirt on and she gave me ten minutes to prepare and take what I needed. She slammed the door. I heard the girls cry. When I came out with my bundle, she was still at my door and pushed me with the stick to the stairs. Through a half open door of the girls’ bedroom I saw the girls faces in panic and in tears.

Dear reader, I wanted to tell you this before I tell you the story about me and little Sophia. Now you know I am a harmless, loving and caring person who cannot love physically but little girls. Not wanting to do them any harm, but to give them what they wand and need – a soft caresse, a warm kiss, a hand touching a longing pube.

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By Danilo Conti #Incest #Mature #PreTeen #Virgin