Roman punishment for treason for the emperors’ sister

#Abuse #Pregnancy #Rape 53 mins ago

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By Britney The Roman penalty for treason by a woman is locked in a wooden stock in the coliseum and publicly raped by a contingent of Roman soldiers.

Being very cruel as she was arrogant, Brittia Crispina had stood alongside her brother Commodus through his bloody ascension to the throne of Rome. In every murderous deed her handprints could be seen, from the poisoning of Claudius’s father by his palace guard to the blackmailing of members of the senate. Brittia had no formal title beyond (The Lady) as she was known by the Roman populous, she knew she was the most powerful woman in Rome.

Her cunning ways were often different in private conversations than to her brother’s bumbling and lack of experience. Roman General Marcus bent down on one knee and respectfully kissed her hand, Brittia withdrew it and motioned for him to sit facing her. With the raising of her hand, she commanded the door to be shut, leaving the two of them alone.

“How’s my fare lady”? The general asked.

“Better !! The coup against my brother will soon commence thanks to you”!! she said with a smile.

“Such matters warrant the greatest experience”!! He gravely answered and the two began to outline another treacherous plot.

The next morning Brittia’s eyes opened to a flood of sunlight streaming over the city of Rome and through her bedroom window. Her dreamy thoughts were cut short by violent entrance of a squad of elite palace guards.

Brittia’s eyes flashed viciously as she flung herself toward her bedside draws where she kept her daggers, a guard’s massive hand grabbed her wrist just in time to prevent her intending bloodshed.

“What is the meaning of this !! I will have you executed for…”!! Brittia shouted out showing no signs of fear.

“The prisoner will be silent”!!! The commanding officer sad.

“Escort her to his Majesty”!!!

Brittia’s first feel of fear occurred as the guards entered the imperial hall and she made eye contact with her brother Commodus. Gone was the affectionate loving gaze he gave her everyday replacing it was a steely, vengeful expression. The guards dragged her forward and threw her down to the marble floor at his feet.

“Get up”!! Commodus ordered his sister Brittia, she got up and she dusted herself off and looked him in the face.

“What is the meaning of this”?? she demanded.

“You are under arrest for treason, conspiracy and attempted murder”!! it was only with this answer that Brittia recognized Roman General Marcus standing beside his Emperor/Brittia’s brother his eyes showing no mercy, and she just realized that General Marcus has betrayed her.

Commodus then broke the silence by throwing a command to the guards, “Put her in shackles and prepare her for her punishment”!! as she defiled the name of his house and was led off to the Roman prison.

Brittia gripped the bars of her holding cell, two days of humiliating confinement had not broken her will, the guards had been unusually silent and didn’t lay a single hand on her. Such respectful treatment for her considering the treatment of molestation and rape that the guards would do to other ordinary roman female prisoners.

Gone were her beautiful royal robes in their place she had to wear a humiliating and very revealing costume better suited for a harlot than to the most powerful woman in Rome. A bronze bustier encircled her big tits and a matching bronze thong and a short pure white silk dress wrapped around her waist, her legs and feet are bare, and her long black hair is disheveled.

On her neck was an iron collar with a heavy chain dangling down to her bare midriff. Then suddenly two big jailers opened the door to her cell and grabbed the chain around her neck and dragged her into the sunlight of the coliseum, Brittia struggled to keep up to avoid being choked and dragged, the noise from the jeering crowd was deafening.

Brittia’s heart sank when she saw the instrument of her punishment in front of her, stocks built into a platform in front of the imperial pavilion. She had seen her female political rivals raped by gladiators in these stocks from the comfort of the luxurious pavilion tent.

Now the tables had turned as the jailers hustled her up the wooden steps as she tried desperately to escape, but the muscular men shoved her into the stocks. Her hands and neck were immobilized by the wood and her ankles were fastened to shackles mounted to a pole.

Brittia stood bent over in the wooden stocks at her waist in front of a large portion of Roman citizens, her short dress left her body almost totally exposed and she knew in a moment she’ll be raped in front of all these people. Her eyes met her brothers as he sat under the pavilion surrounded by his Roman Generals and advisors, he gave her a sinister smile and she knew her fate was sealed.

Suddenly a squad of 6 Roman soldiers wearing only tunics marched up and lined up behind her ass.

“Form up”!! shouted the first soldier in line, his huge hand ripped the cloth from Brittia’s hips and then undid the clasp on her bronze thong. She screamed as she felt the soldiers’ fingers roughly probing her pussy, she tried to turn her head around to see his face, but the wooden stocks left her completely immobilized.

The soldier’s hand slapped her soft and supple ass cheek sharply, “Owhhhhh”!!!!!!!!!! she shrieked out.

The crowds screams overwhelmed Brittia as the first soldier removed his tunic displaying his naked muscular hairy body, his 5 companions stood at attention as he took his huge veiny cock and positioned it at the entrance to Brittia’s pussy and rammed it forward.

Brittia’s eyes rolled back into her head as she squealed, “Ohhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The soldier laughed and laid his hands on her immobilized hips as her rammed his cock all the way into her pussy until he hit bottom with his balls squeezed up tight against her ass cheeks.

Then he gave her the fucking of her life as Brittia’s head moved violently backwards and forwards against the wood of the stocks in sync with the soldiers pounding as she’s yelping out,

“Ohh God !!! Ohh God !!! Ohh God !!! Ohh God of Gods !!!! help me !!!!! Ohhhhhhhh !!!!!!! Ohhhhhh”!!!!!!!!

Her fists are clenching and unclenching while the soldier is ramming her pussy as all the frenzied Roman citizens are cheering on her rape. The soldiers hand savagely slapped her ass as she squealed out, “Owwhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!! Owhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and said, “Are you ready for my cum bitch”!!!!!!

“Oh God !!!! no I….” It was too late his hands held her hips in a iron grip as he rammed his cock all the way into her and let loose an explosion of hot thick creamy sperm, as Brittia drooled with the over intensity of it, and the crowd roared and cheered on.

The lead Roman Soldier pulled his cock out of her and wiped it between the crack of her ass. “Next”!! he cried out. Quickly the cock in her pussy was replaced by another, Brittia felt her body begin to betray her as her orgasm began, brought on by the thought of being such a slut to so many Roman Soldiers as she spit and swore her way through her orgasm while one of the soldiers stepped around to her face,

For the first time she could see one of her violators, he was huge and muscular, “Suck my cock”!!! he ordered her. To her amazement she found herself opening up her mouth as the big throbbing cockhead of his cock slid into her mouth, then the soldier grabbed a thick handful of her hair and shoved his cock down her throat and at that moment the second soldier that’s inside her pussy blew his load and flooded her pussy with sperm and overflowed and dripped down her shackled legs.

The next hour was a blur of brutal Roman soldier’s fucking her, the last soldier made a motion to the crowd from behind her, one that got him a roar of approval. He positioned his massive cockhead against her unprotected asshole. Brittia was too far gone in her submission to do more than whisper, “Oh God”!!!!!! Please not there”!!!!!!!!

She groaned in a mixture of pain and lust as his cock stretched her virgin ass wide and pumped his large Roman cock hard until she screamed and cried as large streams of hot thick sperm filled up her ass, “OWHHH !!!! OWHHH !!!!! OHH MY GOD IT HURTS !!! OH GOD !! OH GOD !! OH MY GOD !!! NO”!!!!

When he was done fucking and sodomizing and cumming into the emperors’ sister Brittia’s ass, the six other soldiers lined up again behind her and saw a mixture of sperm and blood spurt out of her ass and pussy. Then they put their tunics back on and bowed, the crowd screamed for a few minutes until the emperor Commodus raised his hand for quiet and the crowd became silent.

“The punishment has been administered and the prisoner shall now be transferred back to the palace where she will live out her days in the service of the emperor”!!!!

Wearing only her bronze bustier and restrained in a position of total submission and leaking blood and sticky sperm from every fuck hole and Brittia was completely broken.


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By Britney #Abuse #Pregnancy #Rape