Rosie the little flasher – part 1

#Exhibitionist #PreTeen 1 hour ago

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I seem to attract very young girls like some sort of Pied Piper especially those who want to be naughty. I guess I send out some sort of safe, non-creepy vibe but whatever it is, I love it. Here is the story of one of those encounters.

I spend most of the summer at a smallish holiday site which has a little lake as it’s center. I’ve been there for years and everybody knows me including all the kids who seem to look on me as a fun guy to be round (mainly because I play with them and never moan when they are making a noise outside my little mobile home). I started coming here about 15 years ago, after my divorce. I have no kids of my own (sadly) but apart from anything else I love the company of youngsters. They are so full of life and haven’t developed the cynicism which adults have.

Being that the kids are left for most of the time by their parents to run feral, they tend to arrange themselves into groups of about the same age, sometimes mixed boys and girls and sometimes just one gender (especially the girls). Meanwhile they spend most of their time in the lake or on the small beach, which my van overlooks. The girls especially will spend all day in either tight one piece swimsuits or tiny bikinis. It’s a lovely sight watching their little round bottoms as they run around. I always keep a large selection of snacks and soft drinks in my van and they know this so I will often get a group of girls running onto my decking to beg for a snack. Once there they take over and will use my sunbeds to stretch out and sunbathe or just lounge at the table eating snacks and drinking my soft drinks.

One girl by the name of Rosie and her sister, Ami, were always left to fend for themselves. Rosie was about 10 at the time and her sister around 7. Their parents had separated but kept the holiday van where they would take turns to have the kids. Rosie had taken a special shine to me. I have no idea why but maybe it was because she was starved of attention and I always said “Hi” and chatted to her when she came round. Her sister was also very chatty. Both had spent a good long time sat on my lap when I was hosting little BBQ parties on my decking and one of their parents was in attendance (generally getting drunk and ignoring the two girls). Rosie especially was a cute little thing. About 5ft tall, slim as a lamppost and with a flat chest and the cutest bubble butt I had ever seen. She had a small, pretty face with a little turned up nose, big almond shaped eyes and long, shiny dark hair. The sight of her in a swimsuit was always enough to get my undivided attention and when she was sat on my lap it was all I could do to keep control.

There was a habit among the kids to go to the beach with a TShirt and maybe shorts over their swimming gear, which they would strip off before getting into the water. There they would spend most of the day and when the time came to get dressed they would troop off to their caravans and return in a pair of shorts and TShirt normally ready to play on the grass or in the woodland.

Rosie’s caravan was one of the furthest from the beach area, so she had a longish walk back each day to get dried and dressed. I noticed one day, fairly early on in the summer, that she arrived in her TShirt and a pair of shorts and that she had brought a towel with her. Later in the afternoon I spotted her heading away from the beach, towel and clothes in hand, heading towards the toilet block which was a short walk away. I assumed that she was going to go into the ladies and change there – a clever move on her part, I thought and why didn’t the other kids do that? Turned out she wasn’t as bright as I thought. Just before the toilet block there’s a bin area. To make this area less unattractive and hide to from the rest of the park the park owners had planted a thick hedge, Between that and the bins is a solid fence. Young Rosie disappeared between the hedge and the fence and reappeared a few minutes later in TShirt and shorts carrying her wet swimsuit. I realized that, rather than walk all the way to her van, Rosie had decided that the hedge would give her enough cover to change without being seen by anyone in the park. I also realized that, if I were to take a perfectly normal walk to the toilet block I would be able to see her between the hedge and the fence if I were to just glance over my shoulder. I decided to see if she would pull the same trick next day.

Sure enough the following day Rosie appeared at the beach with her towel in her hand. It was a warm, sunny day so no issue for me to spend the day on my decking with a book and a beer or two and wait to see what transpires.

About 3 in the afternoon my patience was rewarded when Rosie picked up her clothes and the towel and walked over tho the bin area. Timing now was the key, so I waited a minute then got up off my lounger and walked along towards the toilet block. As I walked alongside the hedge I could see that she had actually chosen a good spot to change. I could see nothing through the thick foliage until I got to the end when I casually looked back. Rosie was stood with her back to me, toweling down with her swimsuit hung on a branch and her shorts and TShirt next to them. Apart from a pair of flip flops she was as naked as the day she was born. She was drying her legs and her little bottom was stuck up in the air, the tan lines accentuating her little round bum and her coochy just peeping through at me. I looked round and added the picture to my memory and then quickly looked back and walked to the toilet block where I pulled myself off to that lovely memory. When I left the gents there was no sign of her and, as I got back to my decking I could see her in the woods playing in her shorts and TShirt.

Over the next week or so I got better at timing my trips to the toilet and caught Rosie several times in various states of undress, but luckily she never spotted me. It occurred to me that if I was only in the gents for a short time I could catch her on my way out, which would give me a much better and longer view of her charms. I decided that I would get up as soon as she walked into her little changing area and then walk back out within a couple of minutes, time enough to pretend to have peed if necessary but not miss the show. Accordingly the next day as she left the beach I walked swiftly to the toilets where I counted to 100 and then left again. I was confronted with Rosie stood facing me for the first time, stark naked and drying her back. There she stood, as I took in the sight of her little skinny body and her flat chest with it’s two nipples standing pink and just starting to protrude, her thin waist with the bones of her pelvis showing through and her puffy pudenda with the tidiest little slit I ever saw in my life. She mad no attempt to cover up whatsoever but just looked up at me. I made a big show of averting my eyes and said “blimey Rosie, can’t you find somewhere more private to change?” I then moved quickly back to my decking, trying to ensure my now hard cock wasn’t obvious to everyone.

I sat myself down on the lounger and replayed the picture I had just enjoyed in my head while sipping at a beer. About 5 minutes later I heard Rosie climbing the steps to my deck. I made sure I was “adjusted” and looked up as she arrived.

“You saw me naked”
“Well, that’s your fault. I was just coming back from a wee”
“You going to tell my mum?”
“I’m no grass, Rosie” I laughed, “Just be a bit more careful in future, it might have been Ron coming out of the toilet block”.
Ron was a well known creep, never seen him look at a woman’s face when he was talking to her, his eyes were always on their chests. Rosie visably shuddered but looked happier that I wasn’t going to grass her up.
“can I get a drink?”
“Help yourself”
Rosie sat on a chair, can in hand
“You saw me naked”, she repeated.
“Hardly my fault” I replied again
“I should see you. Only fair”
Now this I hadn’t seen coming and I was a bit stunned to be honest. I did a very quick calculation working out my best response and the risks posed and decided that, tempting though it was to show this little beauty my manly body, the possible repercussions and the lack of “plausible deniability” were just stacked against me.
“Yeah, no chance of that” I said
More silence
“we’ll see” she muttered and with that she took off down the steps and over to the woods.

I decided that my daily toilet visits needed to be somewhat curtailed. If I was regularly caught peeping in on the lovely Rosie it might raise suspicions that I’m not as innocent as everyone thinks. For this reason I didn’t follow her for a couple of days, though I did notice she was glancing in my direction on her way to and from getting changed.

About 3 days after our naked encounter I decided to take my kayak out for a paddle round the lake. I pulled it out of it’s little storage area beneath my decking and set it up. adding the canvas seat and fixing up the paddle. I then went int the van to my bedroom to change into a pair of swim shorts and a TShirt in case I got wet (I usually did when out in the kayak). I went into the bedroom and stripped off my shorts, underwear and the shirt I was wearing and looked in the drawers for my wet gear. As I did I caught a glimpse in the wardrobe mirror of a pretty face at my window. As I moved about the face ducked away and then reappeared. After a couple of minutes of putting on a bit of a show I looked up at the window and caught Rosie. I shouted and she ran away, giggling.

When I had finished dressing again I went out onto my decking and there she was, looking like the cat that got the cream. Her hair was till wet from swimming and lay plastered to her shoulders. She was wearing a bright yellow bikini which would have fitted her a year ago but now only hid the bits it touched.

“I’ve seen you now, too. Told you I would, we’re quits.”
“Bet your mum won’t think so if I tell her you were looking in at old men’s caravan windows.”

Her face fell. She obviously hadn’t factored this in.

“you won’t tell.”
“Why not?”
“Because you’re not a grass.”
“You’re right, I won’t.”
Her face brightened and she ran off to the beach to catch up with her little “gang”.

I picked up the kayak and took it to the edge of the lake, launch it and set off past the kids swimming and splashing and into quieter waters where I could think about what had transpired over the last couple of weeks.

A couple of days after this I decided that I needed another look at Rosie. As she slipped off from the beach with her clothes in her arms I made my way to the toilet block, counted to 100 and left, hoping for a quick glimpse of the lovely Rosie. As I passed her changing room she was standing with her towel wrapped round her shoulders and hiding her charms. As soon as she spotted me she opened the towel wide and there she was, totally naked and beautiful. She grinned and moved her hips from side to side then bit her bottom lip and looked up at me with her eyelids slightly closed. I smiled, then chuckled and shook my head. Tearing my eyes away from her I walked back to my deck. A few minutes later Rosie made her way back to her friends, looking up at me and giving me coquettish smile as she did so.

The holiday park I spend the summer at has around 50 or so mobile home type caravans. Many, if not most of them, are occupied by couples with young families and those who can will move in for the summer school holidays, either traveling to work from the site or, where they can, working from their vans (at least those who have to work, several of the mothers work in education so, of course, they have the long holidays off as well). For those who live close to the site, say less than an hour’s drive away, they have developed to habit of returning come once a week or so to do the washing, check on their houses and do any other chores that are needed. Those who live further away (a minority) tend to use the laundry in the local village. Either way any ironing can be done in their vans or on their decking. This can lead to the rather nice sight of a shapely MILF in a bikini at the ironing board with a glass of chilled wine near to hand, but I digress.

About half way through the long school holidays I had just eaten my dinner and decided to visit the toilet block before settling down with a cold beer in front of the TV. It was about 8.30 and the light was just starting to go, a deep red sky promising another hot day tomorrow. As I walked to the toilet I glanced into the shadows of Rosie’s little changing area (as I now thought of it) more out of habit than in the hope I should see anything. As I expected it was empty. I was surprised, however, to see that young Rosie was sat on the steps which led into the ladies shower rooms.

“hello sweetheart, what are you doing here?”

At this her pretty face fell and her bottom lip started to tremble.

“Mum’s gone back home to do the washing.”
“Didn’t she take you?”
“I didn’t want to go. I told her I was staying with Alesia but her mum has gone home too and taken her”
“Oh dear. Can’t you get in your caravan?”
“Yeah, but I haven’t had any dinner. I’m starving.”

Now I couldn’t let any kid go for a night without food, much less my little friend Rosie. I also knew that Rosie’s home was a good hour and a half away and if we dragged her mum back to pick her up, she would be less than pleased, assuming she wasn’t over the drink drive limit by now anyway.

“Okay, let me have a wee and I’ll see what I’ve got in the cupboard.”

At this Rosie perked up considerably. I went into the gents and took care of business and emerged a few minutes later.

“come on then.”

Rosie grabbed my hand and we walked together to my little home. When we got inside I took a look in the freezer.

“I’ve got a pizza, but only 3 cheese, that OK?”

Rosie nodded enthusiastically and I started the oven up to preheat it and offered her a drink which she accepted.

“I got a new bikini”

I was unpacking the pizza when she hit me with this news. I was less than thrilled as she owned half a dozen bikinis and about the same number of one piece suits. All of them were at least last year’s and they were all too small. I had no doubt some should have been passed down to her younger sister. My favorite was a yellow one which was so small it must have been uncomfortable. Both her bum cheeks poked out when she wore it and when it got wet there was almost always a lovely camel toe.

“It’s green”
“I’ll look forward to seeing it.”

At this I finished sliding the pizza into the oven and set the timer. I looked round and Rosie was no longer wearing the shorts and TShirt I had brought her in with. Now she was dressed in a bright lime green bikini. Now why her mum, or even the shop, had thought this bikini was suitable for a 10 year old I cannot imagine. It was as skimpy as the ones she had grown out of and left little to the imagination. The bottoms were held on with ties at either side of her hips and if she had grown any pubic hair it would have been visible either side of the thin piece of fabric which ran over her pudenda. The top was a couple of triangles of fabric which just about covered her nipples. She did a twirl and I could see that the fabric at the back was pretty much all in her ass crack, her little white buttocks showing clearly either side. I have to admit I stared openly. If she’d been naked I couldn’t have been more turned on.

“Mum’s got one just the same.”

That explained a lot. Rosie’s mum was well known for wearing tiny bikinis, but if she wore one like that, I thought, pervy Ron would have a heart attack.

“You look gorgeous.” I said, she visibly preened and then looked at my shorts which were, by now, somewhat tented. She quickly looked away.

I went out to my bedroom to calm down a little. When I returned she was sat at the table with her glass of milk, still wearing just the bikini and with her shorts and TShirt neatly folded on the arm of the sofa. The pizza was ready in no time and I cut it into triangles, presenting it to her on a plate. I sat with her while she ate, or rather devoured it and then offered her ice cream which she piled into with the same enthusiasm.

When she was finished I put the TV on and ran through the stations until she found a program that suited her. I sat on the sofa and she sat next to me and snuggled in. In that bikini she might as well have been naked and as I put my arms round her shoulders I had my first touch of that wonderful soft, warm skin. The smell from her hair was intoxicating and to this day I have no idea what was playing on the TV as I felt her little body rising and falling with her breath as she lay in my arm.

“It’s my birthday next week.”
“Happy birthday.”
“I’ll be 11.” silence “what you going to get me?”
“Same as I get all the other kids. Nothing” I laughed
“Yeah, but you haven’t seen them naked.” More silence
“Going to look a bit odd if I get you birthday presents but none of the others”
“Yeah, I guess.”

“You ever been skinny dipping?”
“Yes, why?”
“Is it good?”
“Yeah, pretty good, again, why?”

Rosie sat in thought for a while.

“There’s a bunch of us going skinny dipping at midnight tonight. That’s why I didn’t want to go home with mum.”

Now there was some information. I asked who was going and she reeled off 7 or 8 names. Most of them I could have guessed, the more “adventurous” of the kids at the park. A couple did surprise me though.

I was reminded of the midnight adventures we had planned as kids. Midnight feasts, midnight swimming, trips to graveyards. none of them actually came to anything mainly because we would go to bed all hyped up but in the 3 or 4 hours before midnight all of us would have succumbed to sleep and we would wake up the next morning disappointed and ready to plan the next adventure. I did, however, make a mental note to be sitting quietly on my decking at midnight just in case. Not only because a bunch of naked preteens would be a fine sight to see but also I actually cared about these kids and the idea of one of them getting into trouble in the water and not having anyone to rescue them would break my heart.

I realized it was now after 10pm. This one should have been in bed a good hour ago at least. I asked her if she had a cell phone. Yes. I told her I was going to take her back to her van now and she was to put the phone next to her bed with my number ready and if she had any worries to call me straight away. With that I stood up and handed her her clothes and watched her dress. We walked back to her caravan with her holding my hand and whispering the whole way. When we got there I sent her to get her phone and added my number to it, then I told her that she needs to tell her mum that she was supposed to stay with Alesia but it want wrong, that she ate at mine and stayed with me till bedtime. Then I made to leave.

“Can you stay till I get into bed?”
“If it will make you feel safer.”

She ran off to the bathroom. I heard her clean her teeth then there was a tinkling noise as she had her last pee of the day, the sound of the toilet paper roll being pulled and the flush. I meanwhile was stood there thinking how much I’d like to give her a helping hand.

Then she ran between the bathroom and her bedroom and a minute later returned wearing nothing but a TShirt, and a pretty short one at that. She reached up and grabbed me round the neck and hugged me tight. In a mirror in the hallway I could see her little round buttocks as the TShirt rode up. However many times I had seen her bum it was still a wonderful sex sight and I felt myself getting hard. Rosie let go and ran to her room. I considered whether to lock the front door but decided against it as the risk from a fire was greater than that from anyone coming in. She had my phone number if she heard a noise so I felt secure in her safety. Not so much though if any of these kids actually stayed awake and managed to sneak past their parents to go swimming.

Just before 12 I left the comfort of my caravan and wandered out onto my decking with a fresh beer. It was a warm night with not a cloud in the sky and a full moon. This meant I had a good view of the beach, the problem being that it would be difficult for me to remain unseen. I stationed myself a little bit to the side of my van so I was a little less obvious and sat down to wait, not expecting anything to happen.

About 10 minutes later I heard the unmistakable sound of flip flops coming down the road. I looked round and there was Rosie making her way to the beach. Oddly she was wearing a pair of shorts pajamas with a pair of pink shorts with lace round the legs and a white shirt with a unicorn on the front. She was carrying a towel and had a torch in her hand, though it was switched off. I watched as she made her way to the beach and then, to my surprise, another figure joined her.

I recognized her companion immediately. Constance (or Connie) is a little older, maybe 11 or 12. She’s a pretty girl, tall for age at around 5ft 3 with long, very blonde hair, full red lips and the hormones have started to kick in, providing her with the beginnings of breasts rather than a totally flat chest like Rosie. Connie was wearing a night dress which came down to her calves in pink with a picture on the front of some Disney princess (I don’t know one princess from another).

The two of them spent several minutes whispering on the beach and giggling together but it soon became obvious that the rest of the group had failed in their attempts to stay awake. After a few more minutes the girls obviously decided to go ahead with just the two of them. Rosie was quicker than Connie and soon had her shirt off and thrown on the floor. While Connie was removing her night dress to reveal her little pink panties Rosie was stepping out of her shorts and standing there naked. Connie seemed to take heart from her friend and slipped her panties down her legs and stepped out of them. I was rewarded by the sight of two cute preteens standing naked on the beach in front of me not more than 100 feet away. Fortunately neither of them had spotted me in the shadows so I was able to enjoy the show and keep an eye out for their safety without creeping either of them out.

They made their way to the water and initially stood ankle deep giggling with arms over their chests. It had been a hot day and the temperature was still quite high so the water should be pleasant to swim in. The girls soon turned round, presenting me with a perfect view of their bottoms. Unlike Rosie’s high little bubble bum Connie’s was a little wider and her hips were beginning to grow into the womanly shape she would one day fill out. They slowly walked out into the lake and then suddenly lay out and started to breast stroke their way though the water, shortly after followed by giggling and laughing as they swam around and splashed about. I must confess that I myself love a bit of skinny dipping and I will often slip out the van late at night for a swim, wearing a dressing gown to the water’s edge just in case. Had Connie not shown up I may well have joined Rosie in the water but, though she would take it in her stride, Connie could well have been creeped out and I didn’t want that.

As I was watching out for the girls there was a scream from the water and a moment later a naked Connie came running up to my decking.

“Ricky, Ricky, come quick, Rosie’s hurt herself.”

I ran down my steps and onto the beach to the beach to be greeted by the sight of a naked Rosie sat on the sand holding her foot.

“I stubbed my foot on something under the water.”

I took a quick look and I could see a small cut bleeding away.

“OK, lets get you into the van.”

I put Rosie’s arm over my shoulder and put my hand under her bottom to pick her up. I lifted her onto my hip and she wrapped her arms around my leg. As we walked towards my caravan My hand sat under Rosie’s little bottom. She started to slip a little down my hip so I lifted her up and as I did my middle finger slipped between her thighs and into her little slit. I felt Rosie stiffen a little, then relax and cuddle harder into my neck. Obviously she wasn’t too worried about this little intrusion so I left my finger where it was.

When we arrived inside my van I sat Rosie down on the sofa and went to get my first aid kit while Connie sat beside her and comforted her. I knelt down on the carpet and lifted her tiny foot to see that she had just a small cut to the skin. I cleaned it with antiseptic and reached for a plaster. As I looked back up I realized that I was looking straight up at Rosie’s beautiful little pussy. I have never seen a puss like it, so neat and tidy with not a hair to be seen. I so wanted to kiss my way up her legs and lick away at that perfect puss for hours on end. I also noticed that both her legs were far more open than they needed to be, giving me a much better view.

I returned to my nursing duties and then stood up and packed up the first aid box. It the occurred to me that I had two very pretty, naked preteen girls in my van, one of which was sat with her legs akimbo. I heard Connie whisper “flasher” at Rosie and the two of them started to giggle. When I looked round both of them were sat on the sofa with their legs wide apart, showing off their charms. Connie was rather different to Rosie. Soft hair was starting to grow above her pussy and it was a little more open than Rosie’s with a slightly more obvious clitoris. Either of them was a girl lover’s dream.

I threw them both a towel and told them to get dried off while I retrieved their clothes from the beach so they could get dressed. I wandered down and it was easy to see the two little piles under the moonlight. I picked them all up and took the opportunity to hold Connie’s panties to my nose and take a good sniff. There was an overpowering scent of little girl mixed with a faint odour of pee. Rosie’s shorts on the other hand, smelt disappointingly of washing powder. Obviously they were fresh from the wash whereas Connie had been wearing her panties all day.

I walked back to the van and my two naked moppets who were conspiring and giggling together after their adventures. I told them to get dressed and watched as they did so and then I sent Connie to sneak back into her caravan.

When she had gone I told Rosie that we had better get her back too. She complained that she was tired and asked me to carry her. I consented and lifted her up, making sure this time that my hand was covering her buttocks.

As we started walking she whispered in my ear

“you touched my bits last time.”
“yes, sorry about that, you nearly slipped.”
“That’s okay. it was nice. You can do it again if you like.”

With that she let go of my neck a little so that she slipped down slightly. I repositioned my hand so my middle finger was once again on her slit and she she cuddled in even closer. this time I allowed my finger to move just a little to see if I could stimulate her. This resulted in a quiet little sigh and her breath quickening a little against my neck. We walked the couple of minutes back to her caravan with me holding her bottom and gently stimulating her little cunt with my finger through the thin fabric of her pyjama shorts.

When we let ourselves in I sent her to get into bed. It was after 1am by mow and even I was tired.

“I liked skinny dipping.”
“thought you might.”
“Being naked is fun, I’m going to sleep naked tonight.”

Next thing I saw was a naked Rosie walking between her bedroom and the bathroom. She didn’t shut the door and I could clearly hear her pee hitting the water in the toilet, followed by the turning of the paper roll and her washing her hands (good girl). Then a pretty slow walk back to her room. I called out that I was off and to sleep well.

“Don’t I get a goodnight kiss?”

I thought, why not? After tonight’s shenanigans a kiss would be the least of my problems if it all came to light. I walked into her room and there she was, stark naked on top of the bed. I leaned down and kissed her on her sweet tiny lips. Lingering a lot longer than I should have done I savoured the taste of her sweet mouth. Her eyes were closed as I pulled back a little and took in the sight of her lovely naked body. I leaned down and kissed her again. Then I made little bunny kisses on her neck and down to her chest. Then each of her nipples in turn. Each of my kisses elicited an intake of breath as I worked my way down her flat belly and ended up kissing her at the top of her sweet pussy. Her reaction was to thrust up her pelvis at my face and part her legs, so I kissed further down into her slit and then stuck out my tongue and licked the juices she was producing. Then I came to my senses and stopped. Rosie seemed to realize that I had decided the “game” had gone far enough. Her bottom returned to the bed and she let out a quiet sigh.

I stood up and took a last look at the beauty in the bed.

“Bacon rolls at mine 9am?”
“Oh yeah, great.”

I left the van wondering where things could have gone and kicked myself mentally all the way home. I had just passed on the opportunity of a lifetime, but I also didn’t want to take advantage of a young, possibly vulnerable, girl.

I got back and my phone sounded with a text. It was, of course, Rosie.

“Thanks for looking after me tonight. Love you.”
“Love you too”

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#Exhibitionist #PreTeen