Ruby Rayes Porn Star Interview

Beep Stories

Do you believe in aliens?
Honestly, yeah, I do. [laughing] My mom and brothers always made fun of me for it.
Do you prefer a threesome or a gang bang?
Threesome. A gang bang is cool, but sometimes when you have way too many people, you lose focus.
Do you consider yourself a cougar, milf, nerd, or party girl?
I’m a party girl-slash-nerd. I like to read so much. I also watch the Discovery Channel and play video games.
Are you usually the cheater or the cheated?
Cheated. It hurts.
Where do you like a guy to cum?
[points to abdomen]
What are your erogenous zones?
I have this thing about my hair. A guy can stroke my hair softly and I’m like ‘Oh, God!’ I get tingly. That’s why I play with my hair so much.
What’s the one thing you wish guys did better?
Their lying. If a guy’s gonna do it, do it better.
You’re on a plane, do you choose chicken or beef?
I like chicken. I’m a chicken girl.
What type of music do you like to have sex to?
R&B, like Brian McKnight.
After porn, what do you plan to do?
I wanna open up a restaurant that serves all different kinds of food from around the world. … But my mom’s been on my butt to join the army.
What kind of car makes your panties wet?
cars from �The Fast And The Furious.�
Do blondes have more fun?
What celebrity would you love to fuck?
That guy from “Twilight.”
What’s the naughtiest thing you’ve ever done?
I fucked my cab driver. I had just met him in New York. … And I fucked on my teacher’s desk.
What naughty thing have you never done, but would like to do?
I would love to fuck a policeman in his police car.
Which is sexier, boxers or briefs?
I like briefs. I can see your package.
If you were President of the United States, what’s the first thing you’d do in office?
Legalize weed.
What celebrity do you love to hate?
Rihanna. I love her, but I hate her.
If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
A dolphin. They’re the most promiscuous animals.
We’re just wondering, who buys shemale porn?
Ummm, shemale people?
What do you call your vagina?
My “Mini Me.”
What do you usually say just before you cum?
I don’t say anything.
Do you really care whether a guy shaves his balls?
Yeah. I don’t want hair in my mouth. It gets stuck in my tongue ring.
What do you think of guys who like wine?
I think it’s cool. Whatever.
What do you think of guys who get bottle service?
It’s them. It’s not me.