School holiday fun part 10

#Mature #Teen #Virgin #Voyeur 7 seconds ago

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By Kayleen74 “Oh no daddy please don’t spank my cute bum and make it all red.” She said in a cute coy voice.

He sat on the seat next to the window and put her over his knee. She was beginning to realise she really was about to be spanked. He pushed her head down and her ass was over his lap, then there was a slap and a whack on her white bum cheek, she was shocked, but she found it quite exciting,
“So you’ve been watching me wank have you.”

“No daddy.” SLAP

“Tell the truth.”

“But daddy.” SLAP. SLAP. “OUCH Daddy That stings,” he pulls her panties to the side and gives one last SLAP but leaves his hand there grabbing her ass cheek.

“So you saw me sniff your panties as I was stroking my cock and you saw how excited I got, but asked me already knowing the answer.”

She looked at him with a tear in her eye. “Yes daddy, I’m sorry. Yes I sat in this chair and watched you, but it was an accident but when I saw what you were doing I couldn’t leave so I pulled this chair to to window, I took off my panties and I watched you stroking you big can cock and I was rubbing my kitty so hard I sprayed what o thought was pee all over and I couldn’t stop watching and I loved seeing you cum and cum knowing you did it thinking of fucking me ”

Steve was kind of gobsmacked at her admitting what she did. He noticed his thumb sub consciously circling her tight bum hole. She squirmed a little, but was ever so slightly lifting her but towards the pressure he was exerting. He noticed some moisturiser on the window sill, grabbed it and put a few drops on her butthole, she flinched a little then as she relaxed he made his move pushing his thumb hard and fast.
“Ouch.” She yelled in protest but soon relaxed again and very slowly pushed against his thumb. She did this a few times then as she repositioned herself, she put her finger on her clit and slowly rubbed it while still laying over Steve’s lap. He began pushing his thumb deeper until it was fully inside her, he then began pulling it out then back in fucking her butt with his thumb, and she wasn’t complaining as he’d expected.

“Ohhhh fuck daddy that is so painful but why do I like it, mmphh, ahhhh mmmmm. Oh hell whhhyyyy?”

“Pleasure and pain baby, pleasure and pain.” He started fucking her quicker, her hand moved quicker and her buty was moving in time with his thumb. ” Oh fuck daddy fuck yes oh my hell, ohhhhh whyyyyyyyy uuuuhhhh mmmmpphhhh ggggrrrrrrrrr ….. Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh cummming oh hell oh hell .” She let out a huge fart as her pussy shot a load so strong it bounced off the wall and onto Steve’s lips and face. She kept rubbing her clit as she squirted again.
“Hhhmmmm nooo no no.” Steve remembered saying if ever you want to stop say no and No means no. He took his thumb out and she looked puzzled but thought it was part of it.
He sat wondering why she said no.
She was finally stopping the flow of juice splashing all over her room. She was waiting to see what else was about to happen.
He was still wondering why she wanted to stop.
She removed her fingers from her clit and say up.
“Why’d you stop daddy?” As she leant in to kiss him. He smiled and nodded his head.
“You said no baby and I told you if you said no or stop I would I gave you my word.” The look on her face, disappointment, realisation, excitement, fulfilment and all mixed up with a giggle.

“Actually I was thinking out loud, I was somehow thinking I’m going to have to clean this mess up before mum comes home, and o started repeating No, ” she chuckled, “stopping was the furthest thing from my mind.”

They both laughed as they kissed and hugged. They at least saw the funny side.

Kay went to stand up, that’s when she noticed she could hardly walk properly.
“Oh great.” She said.

“What’s up babe?”

“Mum already picked up I was walking funny and now I can hardly take a step without feeling some pain. I can’t wait for her to pick up on this.”
“What did you tell her?”

“That I was fine of course. But oww fuck this is Gunna make me walk funny. You ass hole,” she said slapping his shoulder.

“Maybe we stop for tonite at least. Babe this is so new to your body and we don’t need your mum picking up on you walking funny.”
Kay looked at him with big sad eyes and a baby girl pout, sticking out her bottom lip.
“But daddy.” She looked so sad. “I love your big cock in my pussy.”

“How about you get dressed, we’ll go to dinner as planned and see how you’re feeling then.”

“Ok daddy, if you say so.” She was still pouting but she is a good girl and does as she’s told.

She asked Steve to wait down stairs while she dressed, she wanted to surprise him.

As he sat outside watching the sunset, he heard a car pull up in the driveway.

Martin walked around in a hurry, “oh hi Steve, I left some important paperwork behind I had to comeback for, I thought you may have left by now.

“No I had a phone call so I told Kayleen not to rush, she obviously took me seriously. ”

“Ok well, can’t stay I need to get this back. I’ll grab it and go, oh and Steve, thanks, I have a feeling you are going to make a huge difference to Kayleen’s life, so thanks mate.” He shook his hand and ran inside. He looked up at Kay’s window and saw her pretending to fuck the air motion. She obviously heard what her dad had said.

Martin came back out as quick as he went in.
“Sorry Steve, I really have to run. Bye sweety, be good for Steve OK, love you,” and he was gone.
Steve couldn’t believe his luck. 3 minutes earlier and they would have both been on her room, ten minutes earlier, well let’s not go there he thought.

He looked at the stairs just in time to see Kay stepping down so elegantly.
“Wow Kay, you look beautiful.” She blushed. But let Bec the compliment. She’d styled the front of her hair and her eye liner, mascara and eye lashes looked wonderful, a pale pink to mauve not too much just enough, her skirt, wow it was a lovely red and it showed off her cleavage so well and the way it flared our from the hips look so grown up then those legs, wow he knew they were great but on heels they looked superb.

“Baby girl, you look so beautiful. I feel very underdressed, that dress looks just wonderful on you.” He kissed her hand then her lips.

“This old thing, why I usually just wear this shopping, it’s nothing really.” She said in her best southern accent, something she picked up from ‘Gone with the wind’.

He walked her to the car, not holding hands or anything to arouse suspicion from any other neighbours that may be watching.

“Do you believe daddy came home, I mean dad, not you daddy. What if he came back a little earlier. I almost pooed my pants, but I wasn’t wearing any, when I heard the car. And yes I heard your lie about a phone call. So I owe you a spanking Mr. She said, half joking.
They ended up a a seafood restaurant, not where he’d originally planned but because she looked so beautiful he decided to treat her to something a little more upmarket.
He wasn’t aware that she just loved all seafood, from oysters natural or Kilpatrick, lobster Mornay was her favourite dish followed by pavlova for desert.
By the end of the night she could hardly move. They drove back to Steve’s house and she collapsed on the couch. Steve went to check on Pixie and she ran right past Steve and liked Kay’s face, she was so happy to see her.
“Huh, who’s puppy is she,” said Kay poking out her tongue.
Well if she’s your dog you can clean up the big wee on the laundry floor.” He snickered.
“No she was your dog till we got home sweety.” She was shocked that she called Steve sweety, like they were a couple kind of sweety. They both found it funny and for the rest of the night referred to each other as ‘sweety’.
Kay got up and took Pixie out the back while Steve cleaned the laundry floor, “ok well now we know 4 hours is too long to let her go without a wee.”

“Hey sweety,” said Kay, do you want me to ask the owners if we can put a doggy door in for her, we know them really well, sweety.” She said, Steve keeps rolling his eyes at her constant ‘sweety’.
“Thanks sweety but I really need to do it the right way and go through the real estate, but thanks anyway.” He said, the added “sweety”

They sat on the couch with Pixie settled on Kay’s lap as they watched a movie.

“How’s your ass and pussy”

“Oh sweety, they seem to be ok but I think I may need a few more hours to rest them. To be honest my butt is killing me but it’s going to just need a break, you sure did run amok on my ass before.”

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By Kayleen74 #Mature #Teen #Virgin #Voyeur