School holiday fun. Part 11

#Mature #Teen 3 hours ago

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By Kayleen74 We both fell asleep until we heard Pixie whining to go out. I jumped up and opened the back door and she run to her newspaper to wee.
My butt was still aching, not like it had been but I was still walking with a funny wiggle, mum would surely pick up on it. Steve asked how I was feeling.

“Very tender to be honest, I’m a little worried about doing poo.” I laughed. I told him reluctantly, I was still so horny and wanted to feel his cock inside me, but I was concerned about the soreness, not that I couldn’t handle the pain but because mum would pick up on the way I moved and would question me, I’ve been brought up to be upfront and honest but how could she tell her mum the neighbour was fucking her little girl, and what’s more her little girl was living it.

“You’re probably not going to like what I’m about to say baby,” said Steve, “but I think we need to give that cute body time to .mend and when you’re not so tender we can go a little easier, don’t forget you have just used bits of your body in a way it’s just not used to but in a short time it will accept it much easier.” He was being very serious and she knew what he was saying was right.
“I know Steve, and I know you want what’s best for me, but I was thinking,” she said with her big puppy dog eyes and batting her eyes at him, “my poor kitty is so sore and I think she needs some kisses,” she continued the cute act hooking a finger in her mouth and swaying her shoulders side to side while lifting her dress
to show off her panties and how wet they were from her excitement.

He looked at her thinking how manipulative he was allowing her to be. He was also glad he was the one she had allowed to use her body as he wanted.
She walked over to him, took his head in her hands and kissed him, this time it was her that pushed her tongue into his mouth, he responded by sucking on it gently and they continued kissing while she unzipped her dress and slipped her shoulders out of it then letting it drop and pooling around her feet and she stepped out of it. She pulled him to his feet while they were still kissing, he wrapped his arms around her, running his hands all over her young body.
She reached around unclasped her bra and sliding her arms out of it letting it drop to the floor between them.

She took his hand and guided it to her panties pushing his fingers under the elastic to her clit and showed him how she needed it rubbed, firstly up and down soft gentle strokes, she could feel her legs becoming weaker, she started walking him, still kissing into the bedroom beside the loungeroom, and she sat on the bed, she then guided his fingers to rib harder in a circular motion around her clit. Kay began shuddering as she felt an orgasm coming.

“Stop daddy stop stop.” She said taking his hand away. She was so close to cumming, her body was sending spasms shuddering through her body.

“What’s wrong baby.” He said concerned there was something wrong.

“Lick my cunt daddy, I want to cum with your tongue pleeeease daddy.” She was wriggling underneath him tugging at her panties frantically trying to get them off.
“I need your tongue, please lick my pussy stick it in my fuck hole.” She’d become frantic.
He took her panties off, lifted her legs and put them over his shoulders and positioned his tongue at the bottom of her wet slit. He softly brushed the tip of his tongue as if lapping up her juices. He felt her body reacts to his gentle touch with another trembling and she grabbed his head and pulled it hard against her and moving his tongue onto her swollen clit.

“Oh hell yes yes yes, lick it daddy, make me cum with your wonderful soft tongue daddy, oh yeah like that, mmmmm yesssssss, oh hell fuck yesss daddy I’m cumming oh fuck yesssss, yes yes just there, oh aaahhhhhh yessssss.” as she started thrusting and gyrating as her body exploded with sheer delight. Her movements slowly subsided but she was still grinding her pussy on his mouth and tongue.
She released her grip on him and he untangled her legs from his shoulders and moved beside her and the kissed, she started licking his face lapping up her juice.
“Mmmm, I taste great.” She laughed.
Her hips were still slowly gyrating and rubbing against his thigh. “I’d love to ride your cock right now,” she admitted, “but I know it’ll just make me sore so I’m going to get dressed and go home to bed, because I know if I stay I will end up getting this lovely hard cock inside me.” She said as she sat up, reaching for her panties.

“You’re so strong, and I agree, I’d have trouble not trying to fuck you. You are so sexy.”

“See, I’m already tingling wanting your throbbing cock.” She put on her panties and found her dress, she put it on but didn’t bother with the zip, picked up her bra, gave Steve a quick kiss and picked up her shoes and left.

She got home, hung her dress up, put her bra back in the drawer, grabbed her comfy pj’s and went to have a shower.
After a quick shower, she pulled the curtains closed in her bedroom, she didn’t want to be tempted into looking at Steve’s house as she knew how easily she’d be tempted to go back there.
She went to bed and was quickly asleep.

She was woken around 6 am by her mum opening her bedroom door.
She just stood there looking. Kayleen opened her eyes as her mum was about to walk out.
“Hey mum,” she said with sleepy eyes, “what time is it?”

“It’s ok baby, it’s still early, go back to sleep.” But Kayleen was concerned. Her parents very rarely came to wake her or even come into her room.

“What’s the time,”

“It’s just after 6 baby”

“Is everything OK, how come you woke me up,”
Her mum came and sat on her bed, she had a year in her eye,
“I have to say something I’m not proud of sweety,” she said moving the hair from Kayleen’s face, brushing it back behind her ears with her fingers.
“Dad and I were a little suspicious of how you and Steve seemed to be getting on, and well, uhh, I’m so sorry Kayleen, I feel horrible.” She said wiping tears from her cheeks,
“What did you think mum, just tell me,”

“I honestly don’t know how to say it, I feel so bad, and I can’t tell you how I’m feeling so guilty right now.” Martin came in and Kayleen sat up.

“Well dad you tell me what you both have been thinking.

“Baby girl, we umm. Well we thought maybe Steve and you may have been having sex and that is why we kind of set you up, telling you we wouldn’t be home till 10 ish, thinking you may have stayed there the night or he stay here.” Kayleen had a genuine look of shock and horror on her face, but not for the reasons her parents thought,

“How dare you, both of you, what do you think I’m a slut like Hailey, that I’d fuck the new neighbour the day he moved in so he knew I was easy.” She was that easy she thought but now she was going to use their guilt to her advantage. “Oh, so because I think Steve is a great guy, he’s actually teaching me things neither of you two could like caring for something, when was the last time we had a family dinner, sat down and chatted as we did at Steve’s, have I ever had a pet fish to look after, no but a guy comes along and shows an interest in teaching me about a true life skill, like how to be responsible for another life, you assume I’m fucking him.” She was giving it to them, they both kept looking at each other, then at the wall, or the bed, anywhere but me.
“Please stop calling me ‘Baby girl’, and trust me, I’m the daughter you raised, yes even in all the times you left me home alone to care for myself, I’ve still turned out ok, and not the slut you think I am. And how lucky was it that Steve had offered for me to sleep in another room at his house so I wouldn’t have to be alone, but no I came home, well guess what, next time I will stay there but not for the reason you think, but so I don’t have to wake up on an empty house and get myself breakfast or to school after making my own lunch,”

“Oh baby… ” Her mum started, then realised she started to call her baby girl. “Kayleen, we’re sorry.” She continued through some tears, Martin standing beside her with his hand on her shoulder nodding appropriately, “I know I feel terrible, we should have trusted you, and no we don’t think you’re a slut, but we’ve never seen you take to someone as you did Steve, and since he moved in you have spent a lot of time there.”

“Oh, and before he moved in I never went there did I?” She was now releasing some pent up frustration. “You never really noticed how much time I spent in that pool as you have been too busy, but now I have a puppy that I’m learning how to care for from a stranger who happens to be a very nice person and because he is dealing with his own personal problems, he’s enjoying having company even though I’m a teenaged girl, I’m not that annoying, he said he’s enjoyed my company and that I have a great outlook on life, something you two probably don’t know about.”

She kicked her bed covers off and Becky stood up and put her arms out to cuddle her as she got out of bed, but Kayleen walked past them, “I’m going to pee, would you like to hold my hand.” She had never spoken to her parent’s like that ever before, and while some of what she said was from guilt, some was exactly how she’d felt at times. It actually felt good letting it out.

When she came out of the bathroom, her parents had gone downstairs. She got dressed in jeans and a t shirt and went downstairs. Becky tried to give her a hug, she walked right past her and put some bread in the toaster then poured herself some juice.
“Would you like me to get your toast ready for you,” asked Martin.
“No thanks, I’ve been quite capable of doing it myself, even when you are cooking for yourself and mum,” she snapped, “you know everytime you cook your breakfast you do ask me if I’d like some but I never have had a cooked breakfast I always have toast but not once have you offered to get it for me until now. Hmmmm I wonder why that is.” She said sarcastically. The toast popped up and she put butter and Vegemite on as she always does, went to the table, sat quietly looking to see if Steve had got Pixie out yet, but there was no sign of him.

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By Kayleen74 #Mature #Teen