School holiday fun part 12

#Mature #Teen 2 mins ago

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By Kayleen74 Kayleen was pissed off with her stents. Not because they hadn’t trusted her, she knew they were right on the accusations, no it was deeper than that.
Why did she find it so easy to get affection from a perfect stranger. She had avoided boys hitting on her for the past couple of years, even the captain of the school top rugby team, that every other girl would have and have given into him, but no, she gave her virginity to an almost total stranger a day after meeting him. She was angry with her lack of affection from the two people she truly loved, now she had discovered sec and the incredible high and full body sensation it can give, she wanted more.
Becky came to sit with her,
“Honey, is there some way we can show you how we love you, we understand we handled this so very wrong, we should have spoken to you.”

“Oh really mum, and why would you start talking to me now, for years you’ve avoided conversations about anything other than yours and dads interests, can you tell me how many races over won this year, or this is an easy one, what football team do I follow?”

“I haven’t been a good mother, but I try my best, we try our best, we hive you so much …”

“Exactly, you buy my love but it fake, you have no idea who Kayleen is other than the object you gave birth to. Just leave me alone.”

Kayleen got up from the table and went back to her bedroom, she stated out the window hoping to see Steve, she needed his cock, she wanted him to fuck her hard to fuck the anger out of her.”
To her delight, she spotted him in his lounge room, now it was just how she was going to make her exit. She hesitated, thinking for a minute or two then made her move.

“Mum, dad,” she called for them as she got to the back door.

Becky appeared from the study, “yes dear?”

“I think we should all go and let Steve in on your accusation, I’m sure he will love to hear it from my parents rather than an annoying teenaged girl,”

“Baby, I really don’t think that would be appropriate, and we were hoping that we could just keep it between us,” Kayleen laughed but it was not a jovial laugh.

“You have got to be kidding me, you’ve accused the man of fucking me, a minor, a child and you don’t think it’s appropriate to let him know.” now she was even angrier, she would never use that language to her parents, and what’s more they hadn’t picked her up on it. “You two are just amazing,” she walked off slamming the door shut as she left.
She expected them, or at least one of them to come after her. Neither did.

She got to Steve’s, and she had a panicked, but happy look on her face. Knowing her parent’s would more than likely be listening she said “oh hi darling,” quite loud, and he looked at her with an obviously confused look at her openness to affection, which they had agreed not to do. She then continued winking. “Oh yes, apparently, because I’ve been happy and spending time here with you and Pixie, we are having sex according to my affectionate loveing parents.”
His obvious reaction was of shock, especially how she was acting. She then got closer to him and spoke in a quiet voice so they couldn’t hear, “just go along with me, I’ve been paying out on them for not trusting me,” she said with am affectionate grin. “To be honest, they’ve got me so worked up, all I want is to feel your cock inside me, so just give them time to go to bed, but I want you to deny, and be offended at their accusations, OK daddy,” she winked and blew him a kiss.

He was still confused, not knowing exactly what had happened, she suggested that he goes and confront them. He was on board and headed over, knocked on the back door, she waited with Pixie.
Martin came to the door, “Steve, please come in,,”

“Hi Martin, no I just want to know what you said to Kayleen, she seems distressed, something about her and I having sex, what on earth are you thinking, she is just a teenager, you obviously don’t think much of your daughter to make such an accusation.”
Kayleen was listening and she was impressed with how he was dealing with the situation.

“Steve, please let me explain.”

“There really isn’t much to explain, basically you have no faith in your daughter, or me, but you don’t know me, but your own daughter, from now on I don’t want her anywhere near me,y puppy or for that matter my pool I will try to calm her down then send her home, nice work neighbour.”

“No Steve, we over reacted, she is right, we don’t do a great job showing her affection, we’ve always been wrapped up in our work, we misread what her showing an interest in Pixie and we thank you for how wonderful you have been with showing her how to care for something, honestly and lovingly as you have done with Pixie, we had a brief chat, we have a few days interstate and we were going to have her Aunty stay over but in hindsight and if you agree of course, she can stay on her own and have your support if needed.”

“I can hardly believe my ears, I think you need to have a conversation with your daughter.” He said in disbelief, “I’ll send her over but I won’t be telling her what you just suggested to me, good bye Martin.”

He went back to Kayleen, hardly believing what he’d just heard. The look on her face told him she heard what her father had proposed, while she was happy, she was also confused, how on earth could they accuse them of having sex to allowing them free access to one another? They took Pixie back inside and hugged and kissed she was grabbing his now hard cock that she so badly wanted, but she had first deal with the latest situation with her parents.
Kayleen decided to find out what there plans are for her and when they were planning on telling her about this trip they have in mind. When she went inside, her parents had gone to bed, she went to their room but they were sound asleep. She returned to Steve’s knowing they will be sleeping soundly for at least 4 hours.

She told him they have some time and she wants his cock but she wants him to fuck her hard, she wants to take out some anger.
She had dressed quickly in the morning and didn’t bother with a bra, she took her top of and shook her boobies at him smiling, them quick as a flash, her shorts and panties were around her ankles, she stepped out of them as she walked towards Steve, who was leaning against the wall enjoying the show. She was now in a very miscellaneous playful mood, “well fancy mum and dad thinking you’d fuck their little girl,” she said as she walked over to him and tugged at his shorts., he pulled them down as she started mumbling,,
“Oh god daddy, your cock is so big and hard, but mummy doesn’t want me sucking it like this,” she said as she took it in her hand then started stroking it as she kissed the head and then took it into her mouth, licking it as she started pumping her hand up and down then took it out, “and definately not forcing it down my throat,” as she looked up at him with her big puppy dog eyes as in one strong movement she took the entire length of his hard cock all the way to his balls, then bounced up and down a few times. “Daddy, mummy thinks I’m a slut, but I’m just your slut, but I feel very very naughty, I may need to be punished.” she said between sucking on his cock and speaking, looking up at him, on her bent knees, as his toy, his to take as he wishes, “cum on me daddy, mark your territory,” she said jerking his cock fast and hard, “do it daddy cum on my face, my hair, my titties all over my body,” he looked into her eyes. He took hold of his cock,

“Yes baby girl I’m about to cum,”he groaned looking at her before him, her mouth open waiting to take his cum, anywhere he wanted, he felt that wonderful sensation of release about to happen, “here it comes baby, get ready, OH FUCK YES YOU’RE MINE BABY,” he announced as the first powerful shot hit her on the side of her nose and into her mouth, down her chin and was dripping onto her chest. She held her titties up then the next shot was straight on her nipple and her belly, another not quite as powerful load on her face going up to her forehead and hair.
He was feeling wonderful as she repeated “yes daddy mark me, I’m yours to take as you want, yes, yes oh hell this feels so good, you cum marking your slut,”
His cum now being drained from his cock, his hand still pumping, she brought her mouth to it, one final small load shot on her tongue and she took his softening cock into her mouth to drain every drop and finish him off, he was still standing above her, head back, eyes closed, enjoying her mouth and tongue cleaning him up.
She leans back smiling, feeling content and appreciation, she stood up, he took her in his arms, his cum smeared over her now on his chest as well, the kiss they shared was different, she felt a different closeness, she felt warmth and affection she’d never experienced. But she wanted more, she wanted his hard cock inside her.

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By Kayleen74 #Mature #Teen