School holiday fun. part 14

#Mature #Teen 4 hours ago

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By Kayleen74 The next two days were quiet at Kayleen’s house, she was not speaking to them much, giving them the impression she was quite upset with their accusations, but it was just a cover-up and when she went to Steve’s, they resisted any urge to do anything sexual as at least one of her parent’s were home most of the time. She went to help with Pixie but her and Steve were very aware they were probably being watched for anything that would make her parents suspicious.
The night before they were leaving for their four day trip, Kayleen was at Steve’s, doing more leash training with her and Martin came over,
“Hi Steve,” he called as he approached the gate, “is it ok if I come in?”

“Of course, come and see how well Pixie is doing with her training,” Martin came in and sat on the verandah watching as Kayleen had Pixie sit, stay, drop and wait.

“Wow, you’ve done a great job so far with her.”

“Not me, it’s mostly been Kay, she has done most of it, I showed her what to do and she picks up how to do things so easily, I’m beginning to wonder who’s dog it is.” He laughed.

“Great work young lady,”

“Thanks dad, Steve is a good teacher, but I know there is much more to learn,” she said smiling looking at Steve with a sly grin.

“The reason I came over is Becky and I would like to take you out for dinner tonite,”

“Oh there’s no need for that, but thanks anyway,”

“No, we insist, I hope you like seafood as we thought we’d treat our young lady to her favourite food, and we know she adores you for the care and thoughtfulness you’ve shown her since you moved in, so no is not an option, you are joining us.”
Kayleen had a year in her eye, she hugged Martin, “thanks dad.” and kissed his cheek.

Later that evening, a car came to the house to pick them up.
“There’s a car in the driveway dad,” said Kayleen.
“That’ll be our lift, I thought we’d go out in style,” he said smiling.

“Oh wow dad, that’s so great, I’ll go and get Steve.”
Becky and Martin finished getting ready.
“Steve are you ready to go, dad’s organised a lift for us.”
Steve came out of his room and Kay realised he is using a different room to the room they play in,
“Wow baby, you look amazing,” Kay was dressed up in a floral button up blouse which showed off just enough cleavage not so much to have her dad raise his eyebrows, but enough to have daddy’s interest. She had a Lacey black bra that lifted her boobs nicely.
She matched it with a pale green pleated skirt that came mid thigh and showed off her well toned, tanned legs, she spun around to show how it flared up.she was wearing her favourite green shoes that had straps that went around her ankles and high enough to give her calf muscles a hint of their definition.
She leant in a gave him a kiss on the lips, “I’m not wearing panties,” she whispered in his ear and gave him a quick flash as she ran off, “come on let’s go.”
They arrived at the restaurant and were greeted by a waitress who showed them to their seats, Kay made sure she was seated opposite Steve.
The adults ordered wine and Kay got a juice.
The conversation was light and no mention of their previous concerns or accusations
Entrees were served, Steve and Kay both having a dozen oysters while Becky and Martin shared a selection of seafood samplers.
Steve felt Kay’s foot on his inside thigh, she was inching her toes to his cock, which was now growing, she looked at him with a cheeky grin as she picked up and oyster in the shell and tilted it so it slid into her mouth as she touched the tip of his cock with her toes, “mmmm, this is so good, I just love the feel of it sliding in,”
Her parents looked at her, not being oyster eaters, they both screwed their noses up, Becky said, “that is something I just couldn’t do,”

“No I guess it is, but it’s something I enjoy, and you’ll never know the joy it gives me,”
She took her foot away tapping his knee as she did, then giving him a sly nod letting him know it was his turn to return the favour.
He was quick to slip his shoe off but unfortunately he had sox on so didn’t get the full enjoyment when he touched her pussy, but she certainly did, adjusting her legs so his toes were right on her clit, she let out a light moan and pretended to be enjoying the oysters. Steve was wiggling his toes and his big toe was right on her clit, rubbing it and she was squirming in her chair, so much as that Steve noticed her face and the look of excitement was too obvious, he took his foot away and slipped his shoe back on, he didn’t want to cause any suspicion with Becky or Martin. Kay wasn’t impressed, she kept giving him an evil look of disappointment.
The rest of the meal went along without any more foot play and they were in the car on the way back home.
“Steve, we’d like you to join us for a quiet nightcap before you head home.” Martin said.

“Well that’s kind of you but it’s really not necessary,”

“Perhaps not, but we’d be honoured for you to join us, really.”

“Alright, I’d be honoured to accept.”
Kay say quietly, wondering what was on their mind. She’d never known them to have ‘night caps’ ever before.
They were sitting around the table, Steve went home quickly to let Pixie out for a wee.
Kayleen asked her parents what was going on,
“We’ve just been thinking about a few things, but please just wait till Steve’s back and you’ll find out,” Becky said with a smile.
Steve knocked on the door and opened the door, he’d brought Pixie with him, Kay was so excited and Pixie was happy to see her, she was jumping and Kay told her in a stern voice, “No.” and she stopped jumping.
“Steve,” said Martin, “we have noticed an incredible difference in Kayleen’s behaviour and mannerisms, you are having such a great effect on her and yes it’s true, we have been lacking in so many ways as parents, and we want to apologise for our hasty misconceptions of what was happening, we were so wrong, and we want to let you know we are happy for you to stay here or for her to stay with you while we are away.”

“Wow, that is a huge decision for you, and while I appreciate what you are saying, I feel, Kay should have that decision, she is quite an intelligent and responsible young lady,”

“You’re correct, so Kayleen, would it be alright with you if you want you may choose where you stay.”

“What a turn around,” she said, I don’t want to trouble Steve with the responsibility of taking care of me, but I’d like to have that choice, so yes, it’s a great idea, and thank you for trusting me.” She gave her parent’s a hug, “that’s if you don’t mind having a teenage girl pestering you.”

“Oh I think I’m getting used to having you around and I’ve actually enjoyed the time we spend together, what do you think Pixie, can Kay stay over time to time.”

Martin and Becky were packed and waiting for a lift to the airport, Kay was just getting out of bed when they knocked on her door,
“Kayleen, are you awake,”

“Yes mum.” Becky came in and hugged her, “dad and I are ready to leave, I know you may be spending time with Hailey or Steve but if you can be home around 6 pm we will give you a call and give you our contact details.”
Not long after, they were gone, Kay wasted no time she dressed quickly, in Lacey satin panties, no bra and a yellow sundress, she went to Steve’s to find him making coffee. She ran to him, hugged him and kissed him on the lips, “they’re gone,” she said, “but I have a feeling, I need to go back home, I think they’ll be back,” she said and ran back home.
She had some toast and a juice for breakfast, sitting at the table when the phone rang.
“Hello, Kayleen speaking,” she answered, “mum what’s the matter,” “where do you think you’ve left it?”, “ok let me look, I’ll be right back.” Becky rang saying she thinks she left a file on her desk by mistake, but her mum is a list maker, a check and recheck kind of person, she knew it was a set up, she went and checked and sure enough there was a folder on her desk, “yes mum, it’s there, so do you want me to organise to have it picked up and sent to you,”
“Ok, I’ll just leave it, ok have a safe trip, love you mum.”
She still wasn’t convinced that was the last of it, but she knew their flight was in 30 minutes not enough time to get home and make the flight.

Her heart was beating in anticipation of what Steve and her could get up to in the next few days.

After waiting another 20 minutes, she was convinced she’d be safe to start her fun few days.
She ran back to Steve’s, opened the back door to find him naked, stroking his hard cock in the kitchen, waiting for her,
“You seem a little overdressed, baby girl, I suggest you get those clothes off.” The smile on her face was one of pure joy, she wasted not time getting naked,
“Good girl, you look so sexy, my little sex toy, now this dick isn’t going to suck it’s self.” He said motioning to his hard member. She obeyed immediately dropping to her knees,”

“Mmmm I think my daddy is happy to see me,” she said as she licked the precum droplet sitting there waiting for her, she sampled the fluid and took his cock deep in her mouth, wrapping her hand around it, slowly pumping it up and down, lifting her head up and down as she made muffled noises showing how much she was enjoying her duty.
“Oh fuck baby, you maybe new to this but uhhh you are a natural, your mouth and throat feels incredible, oh my god yes, oh baby oh my god yesss,” then he sucked in a deep breath over his teeth making a hissing sound.
Kay changers her position then took his length all the way to his balls and started bobbing up and down.
“Oh god you are amazing, I’ve never had anyone do this as well as you, I’ve never got to fuck a throat ike this,” as he was now thrusting his hips in time with her head bobbing up and down, the sensation was something he’d never experienced ever before. Then she started moaning, and the feeling, the vibration sent him over the edge.
“Oh god fuck yes baby, ohhhh ugggg mmmmph aahhhh,” was all he could utter as he began shooting strong ropes of cum down her throat, she didn’t flinch as she began gulping down the huge load of cum.
“Oh fuck baby, oh my god ohhhh Jesus fuck meeeee yesssss baby, you dirty, dirty girl.” He continues as his orgasm began to subside, until his cock softened slightly. She sat up, letting his rapidly deflating member slip out and rest on her lips where she gave it a soft kiss smiling as she swallowed the last of his cum.
“Eat my teen cunt daddy, show me how much you appreciate it, make it purr, make it wet, make it spot at you.”

“Oh no, I’m in charge remember and I’ve got some surprises for my little slut, I’m going to have you cum so much you’re going to need a snorkel.”
He took her by the hand, dragging her to her feet, leading her to their play room. She burst out laughing at what he had done.
“What’s all this,” she asked looking at the room covered in plastic.
“Just taking precautions,” the plastic covered all the furniture, halfway up the walls and there was waterproof sheets on the bed.
“Oh my god, I love it, now I won’t feel bad if I spray everywhere.” She was admiring what a great job he’d done when she noticed some silk ties on each corner of the bed. “What are these for?” She enquired with a confused look.

“Oh baby girl, you have so much to learn and I don’t know a better teacher.”

“And I trust you, and I can’t think of anyone else I want to show me things,” she carefully lay on the bed, with a big smile. “I’m ready teacher.”
Steve reached into a bag in the corner of the room and took out a vibrator, turned it on and smiled, he rubbed it over her pubic mound, sending good vibrations through to her damp pussy. “What the fuck.” she screamed as her body shuddered from the touch, “what is that.”

“School time baby girl, it’s time for school holiday fun, let the lessons begin.” He said handing her the buzzing plastic toy. She held it in her right hand so he tied her left hand with the silk tie, she looked at him with a worried confused look. He then took it from her testing it between her legs, “ohhhh fuckkk.” she said as he tied her right hand,
“No, not fair,” she complained with a chuckle, rubbing her legs together trying to move the toy.
Then he took her left foot, dragged her down the bed and tied her with the silk scarf.
She started to realise what he was doing.
“Should I be scared daddy,” she said with a touch of a nervous tone.
“Hmmm, maybe,” he said with an evil look…..

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By Kayleen74 #Mature #Teen