School holiday fun part 2

#Mature #Teen #Virgin #Voyeur 4 hours ago

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By Kayleen74 It was a cold, wet and windy day when Kayleen woke up, she went downstairs and her dad was cooking bacon and eggs,
“Good morning princess,” he greeted her, “would you like some?” He asked pointing to the frypan with the tongs,
“I’m just going to get some juice and toast, thanks,”
He could tell she was unhappy,
“Not a great day to be outside is it, but it’s going to clear up later,”
“But Mr Owens is getting his puppy this morning and I was hoping to play with it outside,” she pouted.
“I’m sure he’ll let you know when he gets it and he’ll probably let it play inside,”
They carried on not talking as they went about there own jobs, Martin took two plates up stairs to have breakfast with his wife Becky, Kayleen sat in the kitchen, looking out the window.
She cleaned up the kitchen and went back upstairs to her room, looked through her wardrobe and picked out a sleeveless dress, she held it up admiring it in the mirror and changed into it after a few minutes thinking, it was still cool so she put on a Woolen cardigan, she didn’t worry about a bra, even though her mum always insisted she wore one. The dress was a low cut and her boobs were on clear display when she bent over, she buttoned up the cardigan to cover up, and figured that problem was solved.

She went down stairs and put on movie, her mum got busy doing the washing and Martin was in the study, working or keeping to himself.
There was a knock at the door, Kayleen raced to open it,
“Have you brought the puppy over,”
“No it’s at home, I didn’t want it chewing up anything here so I just came to see if you wanted to meet her,” Becky came to the door and introduced herself, she was not expecting someone so young and attractive. He is 35, around 180cm well groomed blonde hair and brilliant blue eyes, he looked very fit and it was obvious buy his tight fitting shirt, that he spends a lot of time at the gym. She felt herself staring and even blushing a little,
“Oh I’m sorry, please come in.”
By this time Martin had made his way to the family room, “Hi, Steve, I see you’ve met my lovely wife,” he said puting his arm around her, as if claiming ownership.
“Yes, she introduced herself.”
“Can I get you a coffee?”
“No actually, I’ve left the puppy at home alone so I was wondering if you all wanted to come meet her,”

“I will.” Shouted Kayleen, half jumping up and down excitedly.
“No I’ve got so much housework to do, but are you sure it’s ok for Kayleen to come over, she’s so disappointed it’s raining and they can’t run around outside,”

“Well she’s going to have the entire laundry to herself for the first few weeks until I get her house trained.”
“Can I go see her mum, please?” She was almost begging.
“It’s up to Steve really, if he is ok with it,”

“Sure, as I said if we can work something out, I’d like her to babysit her while I’m away, so it’d be good for her to meet her.”

“Oh I don’t know Steve,” said Becky, “she’s never looked after any pets, and I’d hate for something to happen,”

“I’m happy to teach her, and it would really help me out.”

“Well she can go meet her and we will see how she gets on with a puppy, it’s all very new to her,” said Becky nervously.

With that, Kaleen ran out the door to Steve’s house, she waited for him at the front door, her hands clasped to her chest as she bounced up and down excitedly.
Steve got there and opened the door. Kayleen crept inside, expecting to see the puppy.
Steve saw the disappoint on her face.
“She’s in the laundry.” He informed her. “Just a moment, I’ll open the door slowly incase she’s behind it.
He opened the door and there was a tiny ball of black, brown and white fur, fast asleep on her comfy bed.
The look of disappointment on Kayleen’s face returned.
“It’s OK. We can just wait for her to wake up,”
“Can I wait here?”

“Of course, can I get you a drink or something to eat, remembering, I’ve just moved in and haven’t bought much yet.”

“No, I’m fine, but thank you.”

“Well have a seat, I’ll leave the door open, we need to put her outside as soon as she wakes up,”

“Why?” Asked Kayleen.

“They usually want to wee, right after food or waking up, so if we put her outside, she will get used to going outside to go to the toilet.”

“Just like potty training kids,” she laughed.

“Exactly the same, but how do you know that.”

My best friend has a little brother and we look after him when his mum goes shopping, I’ve put him on the potty way too many times.” She said rolling her eyes. “OH, what’s her name?” She asked.

“She doesn’t have one yet, I thought it would be nice if you helped me pick a name,”

“Awww you so sweet, thank you.” She almost got up to kiss him, but thought about it and thought not the right thing to do since she hardly knew him.

“We’ll have to wait and see her character,” she suggested.

“Exactly what I thought,” just then, there was a tiny whimper from the laundry. Kayleen screwed up her face and brought her hands up to her face. “Awww sooo cute.” She whispered.
A few seconds later, out trotted the tiny King Charles Spaniel cross puppy.
“OMG look at her tiny legs and feet, and such a cute nose and, awww she’s gorgeous,” said Kayleen going into cuteness overload.

“OK now pick her up gently but she’ll wiggle so hold her tight and we’ll get her outside, I’ve got some newspaper already down for her to use.”

Kayleen was so excited to pick her up, Steve opened the backdoor and Kayleen saw the newspaper and put the puppy down on it and almost immediately she did the biggest wee. Steve gave Kayleen some treats to give her when she’d finished to tell her she’s a good girl and to make a fuss over her and give her another treat. He explained how puppies like kids respond well to praise and treats. Since it was windy, they went back inside. Kayleen got on the floor with some toys for the puppy and was having a great time. Since she’d never had pets, she was a little unsure what to do, but before long she was just tossing the toys and wiggling them Infront of her and just fussing over her. She was getting warm so she took off her cardigan and put it on the back of a chair. She got back on the floor bending over playing with the puppy. Steve moved directly in front of her, she didn’t realise he was watching her boobs bouncing around as she moved, it never occurred to her to sit up so he couldn’t look right at her free boobs, she was so wrapped up in the puppy. She looked up at him, just to see his reaction to her playing with the puppy, he was looking right at her boobs, but she was too excited to notice, so she just kept going, giving him an awesome view.

“OK Kay, do you mind if I call you Kay?”
“Only if my parents don’t hear it, I’d like it actually, they say they gave me a name for a reason,” she said rolling her eyes.

“Ok deal, so Kay, we need to feed her,” the breeder had bought a container of chicken mince and rice with some extra calcium. He showed her how much to give her and when she finished that he gave her a drink of puppy milk.

“When she’s finished we put her back outside incase she needs to wee or poo.”

They went outside, this time they got the puppy to follow them, not carry her so she knows where her toilet is. She did another little wee and Kay gave her treats and fussed over her for being a good dog.
After that she went exploring the back yard. The rain and wind had stopped and the sun was trying to come out. So they let the pup have a good sniff around. Kay got back down to play with her, and again Steve kept moving so he could see her boobies, she was unaware, or was she.

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By Kayleen74 #Mature #Teen #Virgin #Voyeur