School holiday fun part 4

#Mature #Teen #Virgin #Voyeur 3 mins ago

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By Kayleen74 Kayleen went straight to her room when she got home to get changed, as she looked out her bedroom window she could see Mr Owens lounge room. When the owners loved there they always had the curtains closed, but he has them open and the way he’s got it set up gives her a great view of his lounge.
She got changed then went to the bathroom then to give her mum the impression that the bikini she’d just changed out of was the conservative one she’d worn in the morning, she ran it under the tap to wet it then hung it over the drying rail.
She went downstairs to the kitchen to make a sandwich, her dad was there drinking coffee. She was telling him about how she piked the name ‘Pixie’ for the puppy and how good she was and that she was loving helping Steve train her.
The phone rang and Becky called out that Hailey was popping over.
“Oh goody, I’ll have to show her the puppy,”

“Just make sure Steve is ok with your friend coming as well,” Martin suggested.

“I will dad.” She said as she finished her lunch then went back to her room.

She was laying on her bed when Hailey burst in.
Hailey was a few months younger than Kayleen and not sporty at all, she had shoulder length brown curly hair brown eyes and very plain looking compared to Kayleen, she was shorter and just started getting boobs but had started developing huge areolas. She had a bit of a belly which with Kayleen’s help, she was working on. Her mum was single and worked two jobs so she was left to get her own meals which weren’t always the healthiest.
Kayleen told her about the new neighbour and the puppy.

“Mum, we’re going next door to see Pixie.”

“Just don’t go bothering Steve too much, OK.”

“We won’t. Bye.”
They ran to the back of Steve’s house and he was out the back with Pixie.
“Is it ok if I show Pixie to my friend,” she called before opening the gate.

“Of course, come on around.” Pixie heard Kayleen’s voice and ran over to her,
Hailey saw pixie and went all cute, “Awww she’s sooo cute, look at her little nose and eyes and her teeny feet, she’s just so cuuute,” she said in a very high pitched voice. Kayleen introduced her to Steve.
Hailey this is our new neighbour Mr Owens,”
“Just call me Steve please, nice to meet you Hailey.” When she finally looked at Steve, she kind of frozen, “umm oh Hi Steve,” she started to blush, she looked at him as if she’d never seen a male before, admittedly he’d changed clothes and his shorts were a bit tight and he was wearing a t shirt with the sleeves cut off, to the two teens he was like some kind of god. Kayleen saw the look in Hailey’s eye, “isn’t Pixie the cutest,” trying to get her to stop staring. She finally snapped out of it and we started playing with pixie, we were throwing a ball for her saying ‘fetch’ and if she brought it back she got a treat. It was so much fun she was being so adorable wth her little barks and yaps, Steve placed a table outside with two seats and he was sitting there watching us run around.
Pixie was running after the ball then stopped suddenly and made a motion like she was about to poo. Steve yelled “no” ran over, scooped her up and put her on the newspaper. It was so swift and in one movement, I don’t think Pixie even realised she’d been picked up as she stayed crunched up in her poo position and when he put her down, she just carried on pooing. We all laughed about it, when she was done he gave her the treat and praise and she wagged her tail, it was all just too cute.
I then heard mum and dad call out saying they’d come to see Pixie. They brought some puppy toys while they were out and gave them to her. One was a funny looking duck looking stuffed animal but it had an irritating squeak noise. We all covered our ears when she not down on it, the first time she dropped it and ran away, but it intrigued her and she went back and started chewing it over and over. Guess which seemed to be her favourite toy now.
Mum asked if Hailey and I wanted to go out to dinner but it was turning into a lovely afternoon and I wanted to have a swim, she asked if I’d asked if it was ok with Steve, “if it’s ok with you guys, I’m fine with it, I’m sure you two would enjoy a night out together for a change anyway,”
“Oh Steve, I couldn’t tell you the last time we had a night out together, if you’re ok with that, we’d love a night out.”

“How about I cook a bbq for the girls and I. You two can relax.”

“That’ll be so good, thanks Steve, but how are you going to handle two teenaged girls,” Martin laughed.

“I’m sure Pixie will be busy entertaining them more than me,”

“Well if you’re sure it’s ok, we’ll check with Hailey’s mum first though,”

“Already on it.” Said Becky was on her way home to ring her.

Martin was calling pixie and distracting her with a less noisy to buy she was laying down chewing the weird looking duck. Every now and then she’d bite down on it harder and the noise seemed to scare her and they all laughed when she got scared. After a few minutes Becky came back.

“All good for Hailey. Her mum’s going to pick you up around 7.30 sweety,” she said to Hailey.

“Wow, thats awesome, can we go for a swim please Steve,”

“Did you bring your bathers Hails.” Asked Kayleen,

“No but I’ll just borrow one of yours as usual,” she giggled. Kayleen looked at Steve, hoping he wasn’t about to mention the one I’d left at his house.

“Come on then, let’s go get changed, thanks Steve,”
I said, giving him an appreciative smile. He simply replied with a knowing smile. I think that was the moment I figured I needed to find a way to show my true appreciation.

Hailey and I quickly ran upstairs to my room.

“Damn you Kayleen, you didn’t tell me you had a gorgeous guy living next door, you could have warned me at least, maybe then I wouldn’t have seemed like a goofy girl, staring at him, I need to change my panties.” She giggled.

“I didn’t think to, yeah he’s kinda cute and so nice,”

“We can’t let my mum meet him, he’d end up just being another one to end up in bed with her.”
Her mum has a reputation of being an easy lay. I know that Hailey lost her virginity at a young age to a guy who slept with her mum a few times, he’d stayed over one time when her mum had to work and he took advantage of her but she didn’t try to stop him either. Now she is following in her mum’s footsteps and is well known to guys she can be easy to sleep with, she is trying to change thanks to my parents and another friends parents as well, but I have to keep her away from Steve.

We quickly got changed, I put on a one piece that is now probably too tight, but looks great, I gave Hailey a baggy bikini, the top covers her big areolas and the bottoms are a bit baggy but there is no way they’d just fall off. I know, I’m a bitch. Reow 😺

We raced next door and jumped strait into the pool. Mum and dad came over and said they were going to get ready and would just leave and not comeback to say good bye, and after we’d eaten to just go watch tv, and not annoy Steve too much.

“Thanks Steve, I promise not to make this a habit, but I do really appreciate it,” she gave him a kiss on the cheek, smiled and left with dad.

“You girls ok there?” He asked.

“We’re great, how about you,” I replied cheekily.

“Ok I’m going to get some things ready for the bbq, be safe in there.” and he went inside.

“Maybe if I pretend to drown he’ll give me mouth to mouth,” joked Hailey. I looked at her with ‘the look’s
“Oh,” she said, “I get it, I’ll back off.” She could tell I didn’t find it not funny. I didn’t want to say anything to her, but I actually felt as if I wanted him to be the one to take my virginity. It possibly won’t happen, but if it does I’d hate her to take my chance away.

Steve surprised us and came out in board shorts and no shirt, for the first time I saw just how well toned he is. He must work out, a lot.
He opened the pool gate and dived in the deep end, swam the length of the pool, underwater, and came up and just looked so cool. He was about to dive under again, but heard Pixie on the verandah,
“Typical kids,” he chuckled. “I guess my pool time is over,” he laughed.

Hailey was closer to pixie, “it’s ok Steve, let me deal with her.” And in a flash she was out of the pool heading to Pixie. “Do you need to wee,” she said in her cute talking to a puppy voice.

I swam over to Steve and wrapped my legs around his waist. He looked at me, not knowing how to handle the situation. Because of the way my legs were around him, the top part of my body started going under water backwards, I was fine really, but a splashed my arms making out I was having difficulties, he reached for me and a took his hand and put it on my boob, then stopped splashing, he gave my form teen boob a nice hard squeeze, I held his hand there and closed my eyes. He didn’t try to pull his hand away, but wasn’t sure just what to do, same as me really, I was way over my head. But I didn’t want to take things too far while Hailey was here.


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By Kayleen74 #Mature #Teen #Virgin #Voyeur