School holiday fun part 9

#Mature #Teen #Virgin #Voyeur 16 seconds ago

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By Kayleen74 I must have been walking funny as mum asked if I was ok, “you seem to just have a kind of limp but not a limp,” she said as I walked past her,

“No I don’t feel anything,” rubbing the back of my knee and down to my calf to take the attention of my aching cunt. To be honest, it was so sore but I never thought it would change how I walked. ‘mental note taken for future reference.’

I carried on to my room, laid on my bed and had the biggest smile. I really wanted to shout and scream with happiness and a huge sense of fulfillment. I wanted to tell somebody but who. Not Hailey, she’d be there probably with her mum, so I decided to get my diary, which I used very occasionally, it has a lock and it’s well hidden, so no-one will see it.

I made some notes about my last couple of days. As I was writing, I felt that familiar tingle in my pussy. I hardly ever close my bedroom door, why would I, mum and dad were rarely home and if they were they are usually down stairs. But I needed privacy. My cunt was so wet. As I recounted the time he put the tip of his cock inside my virgin pussy, my fingers were running my clit hard and fast, I must have let out a squeal as mum called out if I was ok.
“Oh yeah, I’m great thanks,” not missing a beat, but I thought I’d cut my session short incase she came up to check on me.

My instinct was correct, as I put my diary in it’s hiding spot, mum knocked on my door, luckily, giving me time to cover up and ‘look normal’.
Trying to take her attention away from my aching, wet pussy, when she asked what happened I told her I bumped my funny bone. She laughed ironically as she checked it out, “well you’ll live.” Then as she turned to walk away she hesitated,
“Are you sure your OK, you seem, I don’t know just a little different.”

I’d love to have the kind of loving relationship where I could confess, ‘its ok mum I just gave my virginity to the guy we just met,’ but we weren’t that close.
“I guess I’m just a bit confused, we don’t have free access to next door as we have for months, but there is a cute puppy that I’m adoring over, and Mr Owens has been so nice,”

“Yes it’s funny I was saying to your dad how it’s sad and good all in one, but he does seem to be a lovely guy, I guess we can be lucky it’s not some young family with a rowdy kid and barking dog all hours of the night.” She chuckled, she kissed my cheek and left, closing the door behind her. If only she knew the truth I thought, looking at the door.

I went to my window, hoping to see Steve pulling his cock, but there was no sign of him.

I went to the bathroom and freshened up, took off my soaked panties and thought I can’t let mum find the wet spot on the front, she would think something was not right. I decided to rinse them and hang them on the tap in the shower since they had a shower in the bedroom so I was the only one to use this shower normally.
Before rinsing them I put them to my nose. I smiled closing my eyes, I was impressed at the aroma, it was kind of intoxicating. I thought of keeping the and sniffing them later, but changed my mind and carried on rinsing them to destroy any evidence.

I went down stairs and mum and dad were looking at paperwork, not paying any attention to me. I got a drink of milk and was making a sandwich when Steve knocked on the door.
Dad got up and let him in. “Hi Steve, welcome to our home, nice to see you.”
I just looked at him, smiled and went to sit at the table, kind of ignoring him.
“I thought I’d come and invite you all our to diner tonite, my shout,”

“That’s very nice of you,”um said walking over and giving him a welcome hug, but we may be called in to work this afternoon, but thanks for the invite.”

“Can I go?” I asked nervously.
“Oh honey, you don’t want Steve to think we don’t look after you, and besides he’s probably sick of the site of an annoying teenage girl pestering him,”

“No far from it, I’m enjoying the company and she’s given me some idea’s about different things and even helped me with a tough decision I’d faced, so that was one reason I’ve decided to invite you out.”

Kayleen’s parents both looked at their daughter with such pride. If only they knew the decision he had to make was to fuck or not fuck their sweet girl. Kayleen was a little embarrassed and her mum gave her a hug and a squeeze. “Awww my baby girl, I’m so proud of you.”

“Yes you should be, she is just incredible,” it took all her might, not to burst out laughing. If only they knew.

“Well we’ll probably have to leave around 6, but how about the two of you go out, if that’s OK with you.” She asked Steve.

“You don’t know how happy I’d be to take care of her.” Kay could hardly contain herself. She couldn’t even look at him incase she started laughing.

“What a wonderful man you are Steve, it’s always bothered me leaving her here alone while we work, it’s such a relief really knowing she’s being cared for.” Steve had trouble not laughing himself, as Becky gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

He had to go. “I’ll come pick you up just after 6 then, oh and just wear a nice dress, something casual.” He said as he turned and walked away smiling.

“What a lovely neighbour, we are so lucky,” said Becky as she cuddled Kayleen, “I know I don’t have to say it as you always do, but remember to do as he asks you and use your best manners.”

“Yes mum. He is so nice, and he’s been teaching me so much, and Pixie is sooo cute.”

“Well yes I think having a pet to care for can teach you so much.”

“I’ve learnt lot’s but Steve said there is still lot’s he wants to teach me.”

“Oh baby, that’s so good of him teaching you, he must have great patience, just make sure you do as he says.”

“OK mum I promise I will, but I’d better go have a shower and find something to wear, oh and can I borrow your eye makeup, I feel I want to look nice if he takes me somewhere nice.”

“Yes baby but don’t over it.”

“Thanks mum, I won’t.”

Kayleen went upstairs and looked for her red dress she wore last time she went to dinner with her grandparents, even dad commented how nice it was even though it had a ‘plunging neckline’ and it showed of her shapely legs.
She was busy looking for a necklace to wear with it when her dad knocked on her door, even though it was still open.

“Hey dad,”

“Sweety I just want to have a word with you.” He looked serious.
“Sure dad come sit on my bed,”

“I know you better than you think,” he said still looking serious.


“Spending all that time with Steve, I’m a little worried.” Now she was worried, had he figured out he was fucking his little girl.

“I’ve kind of being preparing myself for this to happen.” She really thought she was busted. But sat waiting for it panicking.

“It’s great fun for a little while but the conveniences can be disastrous.” She just gave him a confused look

“Sweet the reason we haven’t had a dog before is that when I was a bit younger than you, my friend was attacked by a dog and I promised my self I’d never own one. It was a really vicious attack and hurt him very badly.” The look of relief on her face must have been obvious.

“I’d love you to have a dog, but they are honestly hard work and while Pixie is just a little dog, they can still be hard work. So if you were hoping to get your own puppy, I’m sorry sweety but the answer would be no. I hope you understand.” She was going to use his fear of dogs to her advantage.

“Oh daddy, that must have been terrible, but I can understand. But if I can spend lots of time with Pixie that would be better than having my own puppy, wouldn’t it.”

“Yes it’s great, you’re learning responsibility with all the responsibilities, but please don’t out stay your welcome, we don’t want you to become the annoying kid next door.”

“I won’t, and thanks for explaining dad, I really appreciate it.” She gave him a big hug and he kissed her cheek. ” Thanks dad,” she said as he got up and left her room, closing the door behind him.

She was so happy after their ‘chat’. She thought he’d figured out she’d Benn fucking Steve, but it was nothing like that, he’d giving her the opportunity to spend more time there.

She was getting ready to go to dinner when her mum knocked on her door. “Come in.”

“Hey baby girl. We are about to go, and it’s going to be a long night, like we probably won’t be home till around 10, please don’t annoy Steve too much and come home when he asks you to. Ok. Sweety,”

“I promise I’ll be good mum and do as he asks. Love you.” She kissed her mum as she left.

Steve came over as he saw Becky and Martin leaving. He didn’t knock he went straight up stairs. He didn’t know which room was Kay’s but there was only the one door closed.
He slowly opened the door and there was his baby girl, standing with her back to him in just her pink satin panties. She looked amazing and his cock became rubbery in seconds.

“Am I in heaven,” he said. Kay turned to face him her arms naturally covering her breasts. Then she realised it was him, she put her arms out to hug him. He met her with open arms and they kissed like they hadn’t seen each other in weeks.
Her hand searched between them for his cock. She was fumbling around, then she found it. “Mmmmm, someone’s happy to see someone.”
“I’ve been watching to see their car leave.” He said
“I gave them a few minutes and couldn’t wait any longer.”

“I’ve been so anxious, dad came up and started talking to me and I thought he knew what I’d been doing but he went on to explain why we’d never owned a dog and anyway I said I was happy as long as I could spend time at your house with Pixie.” “Now daddy, I need your cock iny cunt, but I think we need to get condoms as we have taken risks already and….” Steve put a finger on her lips.
“No need.”

“I can see you telling my parents I’m pregnant.” She said slightly annoyed

“No need baby girl, I can’t reproduce, I’ve had a vasectomy. I decided years ago that I never wanted kids and had the snip, so no little Steve’s even if you wanted one.” Her eyes lit up. “oh daddy, I’ve been so worried I may have been carrying out baby, but I’m really happy I can’t, so I suggest you fuck me on my own bed right now, you fucking stud. I want your hard cock in my cunt.”

“Oh you dirty girl. You need a spanking.”
“If it’s like the spanks I got off you before, then yes I do.”
Steve walked over to where he chair was by the window, he looked out and noticed he could see right onto his lounge room. He stopped, looked at his house, and smiling he looked at Kay. “Ohhhh,” he said. “Now I know why you asked if I’d jerked off thinking of you. It’s because you saw me, and you must have seen me sniffing your panties too.” He laughed.
“Ummm.” She said blushing bright ted.”

“Well now you do deserve a spanking.” He said running to grab her, but she got away laughing.
“Too slow, old man.”
“Ohhhh old man am I,” he dived across the bed catching her by the hand and dragging him to him and began tickling her ribs. “So I’m an old man am I, well young lady, your in big trouble, watching me sniff your panties and cumming harder than I had I’m a long time and then pretending you didn’t know, that deserves a good had spanking,” he said laughing.

“Oh no daddy please don’t spank my cute bum and make it all red.” She said in a cute coy voice.


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By Kayleen74 #Mature #Teen #Virgin #Voyeur