School holidays fun (part 1)

#Mature #Teen #Virgin 3 mins ago

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By Kayleen74 Kayleen, a growing 14 year old, sends mixed messages to her recently divorced neighbour. He gives her what she really wants. This is a slow burn so..

This is a fictional story based on true events. The names have been changed to protect the innocent or not so innocent, you decide what is true and what isn’t.

The last day of school finally arrived. Kayleen was glad for the break from the daily routine of getting up early to get herself to school on time since her parents both worked weird hours, sometimes they started early other times they’d finish late and we’re still sleeping when she got up for school.

She had celebrated her birthday the week previous on her own but her dad promised they would have a party in the holidays and invite a few of her friends over for a sleep over. The house next door had been empty for the past 6 months and her dad Kevin made arrangements with the owner and real estate who were trying to rent it out that he maintain the lawn and pool for free so they could use the pool until it was leased or sold.

Kayleen was growing up to be a very attractive young lady, she was into a few different sports that helped tone and shape her teenaged body into a shapely girl, she didn’t have a boyfriend, mainly because she just didn’t have time for one. All of her friends were in relationships and they always had to give up what they wanted to do whatever the boyfriend wanted to do and that was not the way she could see herself doing as she was a very strong willed young lady and enjoyed her freedom.
She got home from school and since it was a hot day, she decided to go next door for a swim.
She put her school bag on the desk in her bedroom and was getting undressed to put on her bikini, she walked past the full length mirror on the back of her door and admired how she was looking, her long Auburn hair reached half way down her back, and her boobs were still growing, she cupped the C cup boobs, pushing them together admiring how nice her cleavage was, her slim waist went down to show off her firm butt, she swung side to side admiring herself and thought it was time for another waxing of her bikini line, just to keep things neat. Her legs were quite muscly from being so active in sports and her calf muscles, while shapley they weren’t too big as some girls she knew were. She was satisfied on how she was looking and continued to get into her bikini.

As Kayleen walked around the back of the neighbours house to get to the pool, she heard voices inside but thought it may have been workers doing repairs as that is what had been happening a few times and she carried on to the pool. She placed her towel on the sun chair and dived in. When she came up she heard a man say “great dive,” she looked over to see a tall man standing next to the real estate agent.
“Thanks.” she replied a little embarrassed. Luckily the real estate agent recognised her.
“Hi Kayleen, this is Mr Owens he is looking at moving in.” she went on to explain that she and her parents live next door and had permission to use the pool while it’s unoccupied and they moved on inspecting the rest of the yard.
“Nice meeting you Kayleen, enjoy your swim,” he said as they moved on but he was giving her a good look as she got out of the pool and wrapped towel around herself.
Kayleen was giving him a good look over as well.
She decided now wasn’t the best time for a swim and headed back home. She went up to her room and could see in the yard where Mr Owen was still looking around the yard and she caught him look right into her room, which was up stairs and she quickly moved away from the window, hoping he didn’t see her.

The next couple of days went by and she was in the pool quite a lot, then on the Monday she was Sun baking when she heard the side gate open but thought it was probably one of her friends come for a swim but then she heard,
“Don’t stay in the sun too long I’d hate for you to get sunburn,” a male voice said. She sat up quickly and saw Mr. Owens standing there.
“Hi,” she said as she stood up and wrapped her towel around herself.
“Hi,” he replied, “looks like we need to reset that agreement because I’m moving in this weekend” he said.
“Oh.” She replied disappointedly.
“But that won’t mean you won’t be able to use the pool we just have to make it convenient for everyone.”
“Well I will tell mum and dad so you can work something out but they never use it, it’s usually just me and sometimes a friend maybe.”

“I can’t see any problems since I will be away and I work late but wait till I moved in and I’m sure we can work it out.”
She felt him staring at her, it wasn’t uncomfortable, but it kind of scared her a little. “Do you have kids?”

“As a matter of fact I do, but I’m not moving here with her or my wife, I’m actually getting divorced and will be living here alone, well besides my dog.”

“Oh, sorry to hear that,” she said but it gave her a strange sensation, kind of butterflies in her tummy.
“Well I’d better get home mum and dad will be home soon and I have to start getting diner on,”

“Ok Kayleen, and tell them it’s still ok for you to use the pool.”
She could feel his eyes watching her as she walked away and for some reason she felt compelled to drop her towel, bending over from her hips to pick it up, giving him a good view of her butt, she cheekily looked at him as she was bent over and smiled as she scooped it up then quickened her step as she left.
To say she was impressed with her little performance was an understatement, she even had a tingling in her pussy and discovered when she got changed that she was a little wet.
When her parents came home she told them that they were about to get a new neighbour. Her dad seemed disappointed as he was planning of having a pool party for Kayleen’s’ birthday.

Saturday morning Kayleen woke up around 9 am to the sound of a removal truck reversing into next door’s driveway. Her mum and dad were already up having coffee in the kitchen when she came down stairs.

“Good morning sweetheart,” said her mum giving her a kiss on the cheek.
“Not so good,” she replied with a snap, “looks like we’ll be losing our pool,” she said with a frown.

“Well he said we can work something out, so when he’s settled in over the next couple of days, I’ll speak to him,” said her dad.

After breakfast, Kayleen went back to her room to get dressed, she wanted dress to impress Mr Owens, but her dad would not be impressed if she looked ‘slutty’, so she wore some denim shorts and a baggy t shirt, not too slutty but not too conservative, she was happy with her choice and went down and sat on the back verandah to watch what was going on. She was watching the removalist lugging the furniture, which all looked new into the house, Mr Owens was still inside instructing what to go in which room. Her dad came out and sat with her and they both sat observing in quiet.
Before long Kayleen saw Mr Owens, “Dad, there he is, come on let’s go say hi.” She insisted dragging him to his feet.
He followed with little hesitation.
” Hi,” she yelled.
“Oh hi Kayleen.”
“This is my dad,” dad held out his hand,
“G’day mate, I’m Martin, nice to meet our new neighbour.”

“Hi Martin, I’m Steve nice to meet you and I’ve already met your daughter obviously,”

“Yes, hope it wasn’t too much of a shock finding someone in your pool.” He laughed.

“To be honest I didn’t think too much of it, my friends used to jump in our neighbours pool when I was her age but we didn’t have their permission.” He chuckled, “then the agent explained you’d worked out a deal, I wasn’t concerned at all, but I appreciate the work you’ve put in, the place looks great and as a matter of fact I’m going to be busy the next month or so and I was wondering if we can come to some agreement that you keep up the work you had been doing until I catch up on what I’ve got happening, that way I’d be happy for you to use the pool as you have been.”
That made Kayleen smile.
“Sure we can do that, can’t we daddy.”

“But I’d be more than happy to pay you for your time as well.” Steve continued.

Martin replied, “well I’d be happy to keep up the work but no need for payment, I’m happy to do it so Kayleen can still use the pool.”

“Oh Kayleen, I may have a job for you too if you’re interested.” She looked confused.
My dog will need walking and feeding if I won’t be home for a day or two, how would you like to look after him while I’m not here?” He asked.

“She’s never looked after any pets before,” said Martin,

“Where is he?” Asked Kayleen,
“She won’t be here until tomorrow, but I will call you over to meet her, she’s still a puppy and full of energy, I’m sure you’ll love her.”
Martin and Steve carried on talking and Kayleen waved goodbye as she went to tell her mum the news.

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By Kayleen74 #Mature #Teen #Virgin