Sex And Murder After The War

#Abuse #Incest #PreTeen #Virgin 39 seconds ago

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By 69themyoung11 Adel having not touched herself in almost a year lay masturbating along the bank of East Fork Creek her 13 Yr old daughter hid away watching.

Chapter 1. Adel Has Needs

It’s 1865 in north eastern Kentucky in the small town of Ashland.A small but now again thriving town sitting along the Ohio river bordering West Virgina and Ohio.The town struggled hard for what seemed it would last forever as more and more men and boys left to fight the bloody American Civil War.In a time of horror and death losing so many loved ones all they own and the people left behind , the battle of trying to forget rages on.One such family lost a husband, 2 older sons,several uncles and their sons, Grandfather’s on both sides leaving the small children and women to try and make sense of life.All there was to do was keep breathing,don’t despair life will one day feel normal again.

Adel lives about an hours walk from the Ohio river in a small 3 room house her husband built.The farm survived the war but it wasn’t easy many loved ones are gone never returned making life seem meaningless and harsh.Adel married young at 13 in an agreement made by her Mom and Dad with a man 3 times her age for one thousand dollars cash.The man Adel was forced to marry was a harsh man that had two sons a couple years older then Adel.Adel and her 3 siblings had lived just outside the town of Ashland Kentucky for about 7 months on their way to the west.Adles father was going west to seek their fortune in gold or working for the railroad.Hard times had them stuck in Kentucky broke near starved to death.Leaving Adel behind her family left leaving Adel with a monster for husband and 2 demon sons that rape Adel anytime they desire.

To not bore the reader with long drawn out details of the deal made for Adels hand in marriage we will get right to where Adel is today and how life is for Adel 26 yrs old now,her oldest child Lena 13 yrs old and Charlie 10 yrs old.As I already said, Adel has a small farm near Ashland about an hours walk south of the Ohio river.Raising pigs for sale Adel lives off her land working hard everyday to keep her and her two children fed and clothed.Having all the other critters that come with having a farm chicken,a few goats,2 milk cows, couple dogs and one almost 20 year old draft horse to work the farm.Adel does good with what they have.

Adles husband , or slave owner as he was not nice at all having raped Adel the day Adles Daddy accepted the 1000 dollars never to see her family again.Adel was glad her many nights a brutal rape was over.The rapest and his 2 heathen sons were killed during the war leaving all the man owned for Adel as this was the law.

Adel is a very pretty woman standing only 5 feet tall 110 pounds nice figure ,not very noticable due to always being hid under her hand made dress covered in dirt from working all day.The farm is Adels pride and joy knowing her 2 children will always have a home when she is long gone.Vowing to never marry again in fear of being treated like a slave and a sex object Adel was satisfied with her life raising her kids.

It’s a good year Adel sold the tobacco she raised and 4 pigs the family has money hid away .The garden was over flowing Adel can rest and enjoy the coming soon days of the fall.Taking a walk down to a small river called The East Fork Adel pulls her dress up dipping her feet into the cool water of the narrow river.Sits on the gentle slope of the river that’s only 30 feet wide enjoying cooling her tired feet in its waters.Laying back looking up at clear blue sky Adel begins to feel a calming in her body.Shes alone but surrounded by life loving how she feels but deep inside desires a touch.Adle hasn’t ever been touched in a loving way by any man.Its been almost a year since she satisfied her self with a self masturbation.Looking around knowing she’s completely alone Adel takes her dress off stripping completely nude.Laying back enjoying the sun on her naked body Adel begins to touch her pussy.Spreading her legs as wide as she can she raises her knees putting her feet in the air and sinks 2 fingers deep inside her tight cunt.Adel is madly fucking herself legs bouncing,breast bouncing moaning out loud enjoying every thrust.Sinking her fingers in deep holding and twitching her fingers like they are running Adel knows she’s going to cum hard.

Lena is 13 years old same hight as her Mom as pretty as her Mom and 100% all girl.One of Lena’s most favorite things to do is picking wild flowers.Lena will search the entire farm picking flowers to later present to her.Every time Lena gives her Mom a hand full of flowers her Mom stops what she is doing and is so pleased with what Lena has given her.Having crossed East Fork Lena is proudly walking back knowing her Momma is going to be so happy Lena has found the most beautiful purple flowers,she sees someone laying across the creek on the bank , and their naked.

Lena crouch down looking harder,as if crouching improves ones vision and is in shock.Its Momma, her legs are spread feet up in the air and jerking.Her head is bent back like she’s trying to see behind her,her hand is between her legs wiggling so fast.Is Momma hurt,Lena thinks to herself scurrying up to the bank hiding behind a fallen old walnut tree and watchs.Momma is moaning uuuunnnnnnnnn uuuunnnnnnnnn and twitching.Her legs keep jerking and floping like she is having a crazy fit.Her breast are jiggling like she’s riding a fast horse bouncing free for all to see.Lena continues to watch as her Momma lays not 40 feet away finger fucking her pussy having an orgasm so badly needed for many months.Lena can hear the sounds coming from between her Mommas legs and it gives Lena a tingle between her 13 year old legs.Adel feeling her orgasm hit its climax sinks 2 fingers deep inside wiggling her fingers like fast walking her orgasm srarts exploding inside.Adel crunchs up jerking and twitching , squirting from deep inside to the creek only inches from her throbbing pussy making a ripple in the water.Jerking her fingers out like she was just burned by a hot skillet , another squirt spraying out from between her legs splashing into the creek.Desiring it to continue Adel plunges back inside herself giving 20 or 30 fast stabs between her legs and balling up again.Another jerk of her hand followed by an even larger squirt of cum Adel moans out loud uuuunnnnnnnnn uuuunnnnnnnnn as her body continues to jerk.

Lena is terrified, what’s wrong with Momma?Lena cant figure whats hapkening to her Momma all of the sudden she sees her Momma contorting and what looks like shw is pissing in the creek.Lena squeezes her tiny legs together giving herself a stronger tingle in her pussy.She raises her dress looking between her legs at her peach fuzz covered mound feeling a feeling she’s never had.A loud moan Lena drops her dress and sees her Momma balled up and more pee stream from between her legs.

Adel lays by the creek completely satisfied enjoying the cum she feels slowly seeping from inside her swollen cunt.Rubbing with both hands bringing her hands up tasting herself and rubbing her breast Adel lays out flat and laughs.Poor Lena thinks her Momma has gone crazy,why did Momma just rub her lady parts and lick her hand after.Lena took off heading down stream to cross and run home before Adel.

Adel now dressed and walking back , a blade of grass tucked away in the side of her mouth, enjoying the relaxing feeling of just having 2 very extreme orgasms,Not knowing Lena had witnessed Adel fingering her pussy introducing Lena to the art of masturbating.From where Lena was she had a perfect view of Adel’s pussy.Lena could see Adle had 2 fingers going in and out of herself.Adel has made Lena think about her own body and if she has the same hole Momma has.Lena deciding to wait and let her Momma beat her home continues looking for flowers and thinking about what she seen, do i have that hole in me?Hiding in the barn till supper Lena thinks maybe she will check herself later for a hole.

Adel has dinner on the table and yells out loudly, come and eat so loud the next county over maybe hears her.Lena nervously leaves the small barn not knowing how she can face her Momma after seeing her lick her own pee off her fingers.Lena walks slow trying to convince herself to act normal,present Adel with her bouquet of flowers and have a normal supper.As lena walks she feels wetness between her legs, she didn’t have to pee but she for sure is wet.Stopping behind a big tree she raises her dress and rubs between legs, she is wet.Shes wet but its lower then where she normally gets wet when she squats to pee behind the barn.Bending over opening her legs spreading her 13 year old pussy open, Lena feels herself.As she moves her fingers more wetness seeps from her vagina scaring Lena,is she gonna pee like Momma did.Opening her pussy more making her clit look almost white it’s stretched so tight, Lenas finger rubs over the hood of her little hard clit giving her a shiver.Not a bad shiver, a shiver she enjoyed.

Cuping her 13 year old pussy the tip of Lena’s finger finds her cunt.Her little vagina is slippery and moist warm feeling and pulsating.Lena is enjoying the tingle she has its comforting exciting causing her body to crave the feeling.Half squatting her dress held up under her chin Lena rubs her clit again with her finger tip.Almost doubling over her stomach so tight the feeling was the most amazing feeling her body ever felt.Again she gently rubbed across her clit,another jerk the feeling so intense she began flicking her finger back and fourth across the sensitive tip of her pulsating clit.Jerk after jerk Lena can’t stop the feeling has a deep hold on her she wants it to continue forever.Uuunnn she moaned , surprised by the noise she had just made her knees slowly begin to jerk.The feeling is stronger causing Lena to hold her breath and flick her finger faster and faster.

Lena leaning against the tree her dress under her chin squatting down like she’s about to pee is on her way to having the first orgasm of her life.Unable to stop watching her finger flick up and down her body jerks down with every touch,uuuuunnnnnnn again the sound comes from deep within her body.Faster and faster her finger goes lower and lower her body sinks spreading her legs wide.Her hips pushed forward as if shes showing the world what’s she is doing to her pussy the orgasm hits with an earth shaking bang between her little legs.Lena can’t hold her upper body up its jerks again and again almost bouncing.Feeling of pleasure comes from between her legs deep inside her ,she humps the air as if she has a cock buried deep inside her clinching pussy.Again and again the pleasure hits her causing Lena to lean forward her head resting on the ground holding her up.Her legs spread wide her finger still rubbing as fast as her little hand will go, a title wave of pleasure hits her pussy causing Lena to ball up rolling over in a fetal position tensing and releasing in a pleasure she’s never felt.

Lena is only 50 yards from her house laying having her first orgasm Adel yells out, Lena honey what are doing, come on let’s eat supper!Not knowing Lena can’t hear her due to being totally in a world of sheer pleasure Adel makes up Lina a plate of food and sits in Lena’s place ready for her once she’s done touching her pussy.

Laying on the ground body quivering her pussy now covered in her little girl pussy juices for the first time Lena squeezes her pussy looks up at sky knowing after dinner, she’s doing this again.Getting up brushing the blades of grass and dried leaves from her dress,wiping her flush face, Lena runs to the house.As she runs she is completely over joyed with what she felt.Her pussy as she runs still wet and warm she can’t wait to finish supper.She will go the barn climb into the hay loft and do again what she just did, but this time it will be so intense Lena will stay in barn doing it again again until her Momma calls her in for her bath.

Adle has a place behind the house she uses for her and the kids to take their bath.Its actually not a bath , it’s a wooden trough her dead husband made full of cold water from the well.A dipper to dip water and dump over your body as you wash with soap.In the winter Adel hangs 2 sheets near the back door for privacy by the stove allowing the water used to run out the sagging floor in bad need of repair.Not knowing Lena had watched her finger fucking herself to her first orgasm in a year ,Adle feels horny again wanting to touch herself.As Adel thinks about her orgasm planning to sneak to the barn and finger herself again , Lena is laying in her bed under the blanket on her way to another orgasm.

We haven’t said much about Charlie as of yet.Charlie is a special boy and loved so deeply by both his Momma and Lena.When Charlie was born he was a normal baby boy making all the baby sounds and growing like a weed.Charlies father showing only harsh discipline to his son is why Charlie is now mute and slow in thinking.When Charlie was 4 his father threw Charlie across the room into the wood stove his head split open blood pouring never to be the same again.Charlie never spoke again or acted his actual age, as far as Charlie knows he’s still a little kid not a 10 Yr old boy tall as his Momma.

The next morning everyone gets up as normal.Lena is always the first one outside going to gather the eggs as her Momma gets Charlie dressed.Today Lena almost runs as she gets the eggs from several nets scattered about around the farm.Heading back in only 5 minutes usually taking so long Adel has to holler for her to hurry up.

As Lena goes out the door Adel is taking Charlie’s night clothes off him.Every morning she gives Charlie a quick sponge bath gets him dressed ready for his day.As Adle cleans Charlie she wipes his back tuns Charlie around and for the first time looks at Charlie’s hanging flacid little cock with a desire between her legs.Yesterdays orgasm on the creek bank has given Adel erotic feeling she’s never felt other then the occasional orgasm as her husband raped her.

As Adel wipes Charlie’s legs his penis is dangling right by her face.Charlie is big for 10 years old 4 inch’s hanging soft.Adel can’t stop herself turning her face and taking Charlie’s cock in her mouth.Charlie looks down feeling the warm embrace of his Momma’s mouth take his entire penis in her mouth.He enjoys how it feels standing still watching, as Adel begins to tickle his cock head with her tongue.

Adel is lost in the moment.The only time she had a cock in her mouth was while being raped and forced to suck her husbands to older teen boys until they ejaculated in her mouth.No pleasant memories of sucking a cock at all, Adel is enjoying being in control and sucking Charlie how she wants.Charlie is aroused and getting his first sexual hardon.Adel feels her sons 10 year old cock growing inside her mouth.Now bobbing her head up and down slow feeling his cock now full erect about 5 1/2 inch’s long, Adel takes Charlie’s cock into her hand.Adel lookd out the back door, then turns looking out the open front door looking for Lena.Not once thinking to look out the window near the corner off the right of the front door , Adel takes Charlie’s hand and pulls him between her legs as she sits down on the bench by the table.Spreading her legs wide opening her pussy lips and rubbing her hole to lube the sides of her pussy, Adel guides Charlie’s cock towards her cunt.

Lena squatting down peeping in just slightly so she can see what her Momma is doing is again in shock.Seeing her Mother sit down pull her dress up opening her legs then pull Charlie close is wondering what is about to happen.Watching this is giving Lena that tingle she likes.Lenas breast having only been forming for a a few months looking like a hersey kiss have a weird feel like they getting tight.She puts her hand down in the top of her dress and discovers her nipples are hard.As she touches her breast the tingle gets better Lena pulls her dress up slides her nickers down and begins rubbing her new found pleasure spot.

Adle not seeing Lena masturbating watching her and pulls Charlie in close, “Come her Charlie boy Momma needs you OK, this is gonna feel good just do what Momma says OK Baby”.Charlie smiles shaking his head yes let’s his Momma do as she wants.Momma has always told Charlie about everything and she’s always so loving.Her mouth felt good on his cock he didn’t care what happened long as it feels good.

Adel spreads her pussy open with her fingers ,pulls Charlie in close just touching her clit .She raises her hips scoots towards Charlie sinking his 5 1/2 inch’s inside his Momma pussy.Adel throws her head back with extasy and desire as she begins to thrust her pussy up and down fucking Charlie’s boy.The bench is rocking sounding like someone with a cane walking really fast across the wooden floor.Harder and faster Adel fucks Charlie’s cock,looking at Charlie he’s smiling mouth open breathing fast.His chest rises and falls in rhythm with with Adels mound mashed hard onto this little boy member.Charlie begins to bend at his waist jerking his hips ,he thrust some in and out , Adel feels it, the warmth of cum being shot into her pussy,Charlie is cuming.

Adel feels her 10 year sons cock injecting her with cum and uuuuuuunnnn nnnuuunnnnn yyeeesssss ffuuuccckkkkn Momma Charlie uuunnnnn.No care In the world Adels pussy contracts and clinchs she cums harder then she ever has squirting fluids from her cunt soaking the floor,her and Charlie.Wave after wave of clinching and cuming uuunnnnnnnnn uuuunnnnnnnn. Yyyyeeeessssss Charlie Fffuuucccckkkkkn Momma ppuuussssyyyyyy.Adel lenas back pulls Charlie’s cock out sucking him like she was a starving baby sucking a bottle.Charlie is quivering and shaking enjoying what is happening holding his arms on top of head thrusting in and out of his Mommas mouth cuming again filling Adels mouth full of her sons cum.

The smell of sex fills the room ,sounds of pleasure from Adel moaning as she sucks her sons cock dry and her orgasm begins to fade away.Rubbing her pussy feeling how her pussy is Adel knows she will fuck Charlie today when Lena goes picking flowers.Her orgasm complete, she for the first time was the one in control while getting fucked.A sense of pride came over Adel as she looked at her sons last drops of cum seep out dripping to the floor.Charlie is happy beyond belief having enjoyed what just happened and how he feels after.Adel now quickly begins a quickly cleanup the cum and pussy juices knowing Lena will return with the eggs soon.

Lena outside the window watching her Momma fuck Charlie not knowing they are fucking , had the best tingle she’s had yet.Breating hard her 13 year old pussy throbbing and wet , she too begins to gather herself.Watching to ensure her Momma is done cleaning up the pee off the floor Lena thinks why she didn’t pee like her Momma does when she touches her pussy.No matter it feels good so she went in pretending it’s a normal morning.

Adel has been alone with her kids the last visitor was the man that purchased 4 pigs 6 weeks back.As far as having a friend,Adel has none.The kids have no friends.During winter they never have visitors at all it’s just them.Adel not knowing Lena has watched her fuck Charlie and finger herself is excited she has discovered she can have sex with her son.The long cold winter nights won’t be so lonely now having Charlie inside her as much as she pleases.Lena also thinking how she will every night touch herself making her tingle give her the pleasure and warm feelings all threw her body.Charlie didn’t think anything he’s completely oblivious to having fucked his Momma he’s a at the moment thinker.Meaning what ever is happening now,that’s what Charlie thinks about.


Chapter 2. Adel Needs More

It’s been 3 months since Adel fucked Charlie for the first time.About 2 weeks after having her first sex with her son Adel moved Charlie into her room telling Lena Charlie has nightmares he needs me at night.Lena knows all to well who needs who she hers her Momma saying the most disgusting things late at night as she messes with Charlie.

Adel left early going to Ashland to buy some sugar and flour they had ran out.So not to drag the kids in the cold she rode their old draft horse she will be gone till supper time.Very seldom had they ran out of stock of sugar or flour so this was a opportunity Lena thought she can lay completely naked in her bed pleasuring herself.The months have passed but Lena didn’t stop masturbating oh no, she even found putting the handle of the shovel in her hole feels even better then just touching herself.Several times Lena has laid on the hay loft floor , laying the shovel on the floor pressed against the barn wall so the shovel won’t move and she fucks herself to a mind numbingly good orgasm.Over the months Lena has peeked into her Mommas room and seen her little brother between Mommas legs his penis going in and out of Mommas hole.Momma seemed to love it so much.Lena was cleaning the barn with the shovel, looked at thr tip of thr handle wondering , it’s round and hard so she laid down slid up close pushing the tip of the handle inside.Months later now she has sense popped her own cherry and rides the handle like it’s a man’s cock.

Not one time has Lena lay completely nude like Momma does when Charlie is poking her hole and had a tingle.Today is the day and Lena is ready.Momma has been gone for an hour so Lena strips lays on her bed and begins fingering her pussy.Yes she fingers now it don’t take long for a horny teen girl to figure out a finger in her cunt feels amazing reader lol.

As Lena lay finger fucking her pussy she is free to moan as loud as she pleases. Charlie is by the wood stove playing with a bowl knowone can hear so uuuuuunnnnnnnn uuuuuinnnnnnaaaaahahhhhh
Lena moans in erotic tones.Charlie hears the moans of his sister.The moans are what makes him feel good.Sitting and listening as they get louder Charlie stands up and takes off all his clothes.Thats what you do when a moan happens you get naked.Remeber Charlie is a in the now thinker, Lena is moaning it must be time to feel good.His cock hard Charlie looks into Lenas room and sees her naked moaning thrusting her pussy how Momma does.Walking over getting on the bed Charlie lays between Lena’s legs knowing he needs to put his penis inside her hole.

Lena screams out,”Charlie , what, whaaaattttt are you doing as she feels Charlie’s cock enter her cunt.Like a machine on auto Charlie plunges into his sisters cunt as far as his cock will go.Not waisting time wraps his arms under her holding her tight and begins slamming in and out of Lena’s cunt.Hard fast thrust , the sound of skin on skin smacking sounds fill the room.Charlie is giving Lena her first hard fuck in her life her first fuck ever with a cock instead of the old shovel handle.

As Charlie leaned in between Lena’s legs penetrating her cunt like a pro, Lena pushed him but Charlie is big for 10 heavier then Lena sinking his hard cock completely out of site inside her cunt.As it sunk Lena threw her head back uuuuuunnnnnnnnnn ooohhhhhh mmmyyyyyyyy not able to do anything but enjoy how Charlie just violated her in such a great way.It felt better in the first entering of his cock into her body then anything she felt in her life.Instincts kicked in, Lena wrapped her arms around Charlie’s neck and started matching his thrust with humps meeting as he slammed into her causing her to cum so hard,like her Momma she squirted soaking her bed.

After about 15 minutes of Charlie slamming in and out of Lena’s pussy , Charlie went stiff aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh uuuuuunnnnn he screamed .He was still humping but not pulling back.Lena feels his cock inside her begin pulsating very fast and something is squirting deep inside her it feels so good.Charlie is cuming so hard moaning and ejaculates stream after stream deep inside his sisters cunt.

Lena fucked Charlie all morning and afternoon letting him cum in her pussy 3 times she had 8 orgasms and is completely wore out.Unable to fuck anymore Lena gets up does all her chores in record time and begins to cook the pork roast Momma left out for supper.Charlie after fucking him for so long took a long nap and was now in the barn playing riding the goats and chasing chickens.

I’ve said it’s now winter so the house is buttoned up tight , old sheets stuck in cracks in the wood to keep the cold air out it’s a toasty warm little house.As Adel gets home and walks in the unmistakable scent of sex hits her nose.She is shocked not believing she smells this.Her and Charlie had fucked but that was during the previous night.How is the smell of her fucking her son still lingering?Puzzled, Adel leaves the door open a few minutes to air it out not knowing Lena also has begun fucking Charlie.Fucking Charlie is the greatest mistake Adel & Lena will ever make causing someone to lose their life being murdered and the murder hanged at the court house in Ashland.

Chapter 3 & 4 will conclude this series it should be out in the next couple of days.The twist in the saga will shock the reader as a main character is murdered and hung by the neck.Dont miss it it gets really twisted and very sexual with more people being introduced including 10 Yr old Crissy who gets brutally raped.

Remember. 69themyoung11. Little girls pussy pissing is so erotic to watch.

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By 69themyoung11 #Abuse #Incest #PreTeen #Virgin