Sexy Sounds Men Love During Sex | Sex Tips

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It is often believed that women fake orgasms through manipulative sounds. These sounds excite men and this is why, women make such sounds to excite them more. But, there are few sexy sounds that are natural and not faked. These sensual sounds can turn the fire on inside the bedroom. Following are few sexy sounds that men love to hear during sex. These sounds are not faked and they come out when women enjoy pleasure with their men.

Sexy sounds men love to hear:
Oh baby: This is one of the sexiest sounds that men love to hear from their women during sex. It can be used in different ways to mean various things. For example, saying this when he enters you shows that you missed him and now you are happy to get him back. Instead of shouting this, say it slowly and passionately. This would definitely excite him.

Yeahhhh…: It is another sexy sound that men love to hear during sex. Use your sensual tone to take out this sexy sound. Men love this sexy sound and it excites them to continue the action for a longer time. Just keep making this sound as long as you want more.
Ouch: This sexy sound comes out mostly when you get hurt while enjoying pleasure. The pain is temporary; it lasts for a few seconds or minutes. Men love to hear this sensual sound during sex especially when they bite you. You cannot fake this sound as you only shout “Ouch” when you are hurt. For example, you make this sound when someone pinches or bites you.
Aaahh: It is a feminine sound that men love to hear during sex. This sound is very symbolic to sex. You might have heard this sound even in movies were couples get intimate. The sound comes out during intercourse when pain and pleasure flow together. In adult videos, you would see the woman moaning. If you want to excite your man in bed, take out this sexy sound. But, make sure you do not fake it just to make him happy. Faking can be a big turn off!
Yesssss: This sexy sound comes out when you are about to reach climax. A man gets excited to hear this sound and he immediately increases his pace of action. If you keep taking out this sensual sound, you would also enjoy the pleasure of intimate moments with your partner. This sound only comes out when the woman is at the peak of her excitement.
These are few sexy sounds that men love to hear while having sex. Which is your favourite?