teaching mother

#Group #Incest #Mature 4 hours ago

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By toughnut teaching my mother to be submissive and appreceative to my cock.

when I found out my dad was going an a fishing trip with his buddies to canada for two weeks I started making plans. I was 18 amd like any other 18 year old was full of cum and horny 24/7. I have fucked numerous girls from 13 to my brothers wife 25. but what I really wanted was some older pussy. some one who would appreciate a young hard cock. I had thought about it and what it came down to is I wanted to fuck my mother. mom was 48 and a very good looking woman. nice body and her tits were still firm. beautiful legs and ass, and all in all very classy. so the day before my dad left I went to the adult novelty store and bought some items in preperation of my plan. I also went to the grocery, hardware store and pharmacy. dad left at 8:oo a.m. the next morning. it was summer and I was out of school. I had told my girlfriend and my other friends I was going with dad. when dad left, mom asked me what my plans were. I told her I was into nothing in particular and asked her what she had planned while he was gone. she said nothing really just work around the house. I went to my bedroom in the basement and started work. I put an eye bolt in the cieling and a hoist attached to it. I also put eye bolts in two walls with lenghts of chain. I rolled up my rug and put it out in the basemant so I had a painted concrete floor. I put the items I had bought from the sex shop on my desk. then put a locking hasp on the inside and out side of the door to my room. surveying what I had done I was rather pleased and felt I was ready. I went upstairs to the kitchen. mom said lunch was ready. she’d be back to finish getting it together she had to use the bathroom. she went down the hall as the phone rang. I answered, it was my mothers best friend Bobby Lynn, she asked to speak to mom. I told her mom had gone to tenneesee that my aunt wasn’t feeling well and she was going to stay with her for a few days. mom had asked me to take any messages. Bobby said no, she would call back in a few days tell mom to give her a call when she returned. I said I would and hung up. mom asked who it was coming back from the bath. I told her it was one of my friends. we sat and ate. mom had on slippers and a house dress that buttoned up the front. I sat and tried to imagine what I was about to do to her, and how she would react. my cock was getting hard.
after lunch I asked mom to come down to my room and help me hang a picture. I was a photoprapher and had a dark room built in the corner of the basement. she followed me to my room.” the pictures there in the corner.” I told her as I locked the door from the inside. she bent over to pick it up. I grabbed a pair of handcuffs from my desk, pulled her arms behind her and cuffed her. “what are you doing?” she asked surprised. wrapping my arms around her I grabbed her tits as I held her to me and kissed her neck. “I’m going to rape you mom.” I said squeezing her tits. ” I’m going to rape you over and over.” she was stunned. “no you can’t I’m your mother you can’t have sex with me.” she said. I pulled her to the desk and got two more pairs of cuffs. I cuffed her ankles to the chains.” you better stop this right this minute.” she hissed. I got a ball gag and strapped it to her head. “theres no reason to fight it mom I’m going to fuck you.” I took the cuffs from behind her back and cuffed them over her head attached to the hoist. damn this had gone easier than I thought it would. I took my clothes off she stared at my raging hard on. I grabbed my cock and shook it . this is for you mom. I ripped the house dress from her, she twisted and tried to scream. I tore and ripped her bra and panties loose. I stood back and observed my mothers beautiful body. I went to her and squeezed her tits. kissing her cheek. “I’ve wanted to fuck you ever since I had wet dreams about you. theres no telling how many gallons of cum I’ve spent jacking off thinking of fucking you. I licked her tits and sucked them. I reached down and explored her cunt with my fingers. I pulled my desk chair in front of her and sat to jack off and look at her. she stared at me. Precum was oozing from my cock. I pulled the chair close to her so I could adjust her bonds. I got my beard trimmer and proceeded to shave her pubic region. I shaved mine also then I lathered us both up and finished with a razor.” damn mom your pussy is beautiful.” I told her. she was shaking her head no at me. I put my finger in her, while sucking on her clit. she started thrashing. I stood up and went to the desk. “I thought you might be difficult so I got some things to help contol you.” I said showing her a low voltage taser. I had tried it on myself and it was uncomfortable but not extreme. I touched it to her tit. she squeeled and cringed. I sat in the chair and licked her pussy. digging between her pussy lips. sticking my finger in her I could feel her getting wet. I noticed her nipples were getting hard. “I’d really like to take that gag off of you, if you would agree not to scream.” I said. she nodded yes I put the taser to her labia and pulled the trigger. she moaned. “that was to just remind you.” I told her. I took the gag off. she was crying. “why are you doing this to me?” she asked.”would you have given me your pussy freely. raping you is the only way. you might have let one of my fiends fuck you, but you wouldn’t let your own son.” its fucked up.” I said.”now I’m going to lower your arms and your going to get on your knees and suck my cock.” I told her. I let her arms down and placed my cock in her mouth. she sucked my cock. “damn mom your good at that. take all of me.” I said feeding her my cock.”oh thats so good “I said, fucking her head, hands pulling her on me. I was so excited having my mother, I told her to open her mouth and shot my load down her throat.” swallow it bitch. and clean me off.” I told her she gulped my load and took me in her mouth to lick clean.” isn’t that enough?” she asked. “mom I’m going to rape you over and over till dad comes home.” I said smiling. “I’m going to do nasty things to you.” I put the gag back on her.
I got some bottled water from my mini fridge. I sat next to mom on the floor and took her gag off. I put the bottle to her lips. she gulped eagerly washing my cum down her throat. I kissed her, tenderly. while I fondled her tits and cunt.” I just can’t believe your raping your own mother like this. you’ve got to stop. what is your father going to say.” she was crying, trying to talk to me. I put the ball gag back on her. I hoisted her back up standing, arms over her head. I got behind her and spread her ass cheeks, and got on my knees. I inhaled the aroma of her ass. then dug my tongue into her shit pipe. the copper taste of her ass gave me an instant hard on. I went to the desk and retrieved the body oil I had purchased. I lubed my finger and inserted it in her ass. her muffled no’s were constant. I insert another finger in her. her body was thrashing. I got the taser and put a hand on each side of her head.” I’m going to rape your ass it would be a whole lot less painful if you cooperate. I tased her tit. she moaned.I lowered the hoist and hand cuffed her hands in front of her to her ankles. then got behind her and entered her ass with my cock. “oh mother you took it so well and it feels so good, your so tight.”I said. I thrust deep into her. her muffled” no’s” filling the room I pulled her hips to me, driving deeper with every thrust. I reached to grab her tits, her nipples were erect and rock hard. her hole opened up and she started returning every thrust. she was the best ass fuck I ever had. I drove hard and fast in her. I could feel her contracting her ass as if trying to milk my cock. her body stiffened and I felt her climax. I couldn’t hold back and loosed my load in her ass. pumping trying to empty my balls in her. I heard her muffled moans. sweat was pouring off of both of us. I loosened the hoist. and removed the gag.” clean your ass off my cock mother.” I commanded. she eagerly took me in her mouth.
I put a collar around my mothers neck, and took a leash and led her to the walk in shower in the basement. I got in with her and scrubbed her holes and cleaned her body and hair . I led her upstairs to the kitchen where we both made spagetti for dinner. we had wine and a salad with it. I helped her clean the kitchen and led her back downstairs. “thank you for helping with dinner and the dishes.” she said. I handcuffed her to my bed and lay behind her watching t.v. I played with her tits and pushed my cock against her ass. reaching over ever now and then to rub her cunt. I pulled her on her back and we made out. running our tongues down each others throats. I got hard and mounted my mothers cunt for the first time. I pushed my cock in her as she protested. I then raped her. as I was about to cum. she said “oh no.” I felt her juices release on my cock. I kissed her deeply and passionately. ” I shouldn’t have done that.” she murmured. I filled her full of my cum. we went to sleep, me holding her.
the next morning ,I gave her my morning wood. “please take the cuffs off of me while you fuck me there beginning to hurt.” I released her the door was locked. she accepted my cock easily and bagan fucking me back. ” mother your pussy is so good.” I said pounding her cunt. “your so much bigger than your father, and harder.” she whispered. she had put her legs around me and was pulling me into her. I kept her chained and fucked her 4or 5 times a day for the next three days. I also took pictures of her. having her pose for me. I told her she was better looking and her cunt was prettier than all the porn stars her age. we sat and looked at her pics and watched porn videos. I told her she could be a star.
on the fifth day, I gave her my morning wood, and took her upstairs with just the collar and leash. we were having coffee when the phone rang. it was Bobby she wanted to know if mom was home. I told her wait a minute. I told mother what I had said to Bobby. mom got on the phone.” yes, yes every thing had worked out fine. no, had to catch up on some things would call her later.” is about what I heard. then mom hung up.” that bitch needs to be raped.” mom said. “take me downstairs honey, and fuck me.” she said. we held hands going down. when we got to my room I took the leash off her and left the door open. after kissing her she got on her knees.” Let mother get you ready for her.” she said and put me in her mouth. she took all of me down her throat I picked up the remote camera trigger and started shooting. when she stood precum and slobber strung from my cock to her mouth.” your mother needs a good fucking baby, take care of momma.” she said. she laid down on her back. fuck my pussy baby, mother wants her cunt full.” I got between her legs and lifted them up so I could get deep in her. I rammed my cock in her hard. “oh yeah use me honey, thats what I’m good for.” she grunted. I pounded the shit out of her. probing her pussy deep. damn she was wet. “I”m going to cum, I’m, going to cum, oh make your mother cum son, oh fuck yeah.” she yelled as she cum on my cock I shot my load in her. “thats it honey fill your momma up.”after I quit pumping in her and took my cock out of her she pulled my cum from her cunt and licked it from her fingers. “damn mom your hot.”
the next two days I took my mother when ever I wanted, any way I wanted. I didn’t need to rape her any more, or restrain her. she gave me her holes freely. we discussed making a porn video of a real son fucking his mother. we stay naked. mom told me about her younger days. she said she was easy and liked to be fucked. she said I brought back those feelings, that dad had never butt fuck her, and she didn’t miss it untill I put my cock in her ass. she said she had climaxed more in the last week than she had in years. I made her feel young and wanted and she missed that. we made out like two young lovers. we were on the couch in the den in the basement. I was eating her pussy, while stroking my cock. the door bell rang. mother put on a robe and went to answer it. I heard the conversation from upstairs and realized it was Bobby Lynn. I put on a pair of gym shorts and went up to join them. Bobby was 48 and worked as the head of a hospital. she was a very attractive woman. mom had known her for years. we fixed drinks and set in the kitchen. Bobby was getting the vibe that something was going on between mother and I. “come on Marge you can tell me.” she finally said. we had drank enough to have a buzz on, when mom told her I had been fucking her. ” oh you lucky girl, getting that young cock.” Bobby said. she asked how it come about. and mom told her everything. about me raping her and the bondage. Bobby asked questions, fascinated by the answers. “he was eating my pussy when you showed up.” mom said. “it’s been so long since I’ve been fucked like that.” Bobby said. It seems Bob her husband, just climbed on her , shot his load and it was over. mom told her she knew what she meant. Bobby said she had fantaized about the young guys at work raping her. “its like being young again and all the boys wanting your pussy.” mom said, she pulled me to her and we kissed. I stood behind mom and took her tits out of her robe and fondled them. Bobby’s eyes got wide.
Bobby asked if she could go down and see my room. we all proceeded to the basement. mom showed Bobby the hoist and explained what I had done to her. they looked at the photos I had taken. Bobby commented on the size of my cock in the pictures. “oh yes.” mom said. rubbing my bare chest and reaching down to rub my cock through my shorts. ” show her what you’ve been fucking your mother with honey.” she cooed.and took my shorts off me. my cock was hard and she slowly stroked me.” Its as hard as steel.” she told Bobby. “nice, very nice.”Bobby said. mother eased to the door and put the hasp on and locked it. she went and got the taser from the desk.” this is what he used to make me obey.” she said and touched it to Bobby’s bare arm. “damn Marge.” Bobby squeeled. “take your clothes off Bobby. I want to watch my son rape you.” both Bobby and I were stunned. “do it Bobby or I’ll tase you again.” mother said. moving towards her. “Marge, Wayne doesn’t want to fuck me.” Bobby said looking to me for help. “yes, I do, I thought about it upstairs. I was thinking of raping you when I was playing with mothers tits. now that she has you under control, I’m going to take you.” I told her.” now I’m telling you as a friend for the last time , take your clothes off or we’ll tear them off.” mom said. Bobby slowly undressed. mom told me to take pictures of Bobby. after Bobby was naked mom cuffed her to the hoist and chains. mother picked up Bobbys underwear and handed them to me. “smell the holes your going to rape son.” I inhaled the aroma of Bobbys sex. “shes yours son, do what you want to her.” my cock was dripping by this point. Bobby had said nothing. I went to her and squeezed her tits, they were bigger than mothers and hung from her, I sucked on them hard I heard Bobby moan a little, I bit at her nipples playfully, while I rubbed her cunt inserting my fingers in her.”rape me Wayne, I need to be fucked.” Bobby whispered. I bent her over and cuffed her hands to her ankles so I could enter her from the back.” I want access to both your holes.” I told her. her tits were hanging as I got behind her I saw mother on the bed mastrabating watching us. i got on my knees and ate Bobbys cunt. damn she tasted good her juices were flowing so heavy they were dripping from her cunt. my spit was making strings to the floor. I tried to swallow as much as I could. I moved my tongue to her shit hole and dug in her. ” oh god yes, that feels so good. get in me deep.” Bobby begged. “rape me Wayne, I want that big cock in me.” she pleaded. it was like she sucked my cock in her pussy. mom had got the camera and was taking pictures of me raping her friend. I aternated between Bobbys pussy and ass. shoving deep into each one. I felt something splash on my feet and looked down. “oh my god, shes a squirter.” mother said smiling and taking photos. I grabbed Bobbys sagging tits and pulled myself deeper in her all kinds of juice was dripping from her. I pounded her cunt hard. I felt her cum on me.as she moaned. and buried my cum in her. I waded from the puddle and left her hanging there, collapsing on the bed. mother began licking me clean. I got up and let Bobby loose and helped her to the bed. “i’ve never been fucked like that, that was amazing.” she told me. mom ate my cum from her while I took pictures.
I fell asleep laying among them. when I awoke I was alone I went upstairs to the kitchen. mom was busy fixing dinner. she had on a robe. I went up behind her and kissed her neck, while I removed the robe. feeling her tits and cunt while I pushed my cock against her ass, I told her not to put anything on unless I told her to. “I want to see that beautiful body of yours mom. I could smell that she had showered. I went and showered thinking that I was doing pretty good with her. I didn’t have to keep her restrained, but she was making decissions with out consulting me. she needed to be more submissive. I only had about a week before dad got back. I made plans while I showered. when I got back to the kitchen mom had made tacos rice and beans. we sat and ate. I asked her about Bobby Lynn and she said she had dressed and left while I slept. she had asked mom if she could come back and fuck me some more. mom said she told her yes. there you go making decissions again.I thought to myself. I told mom to tell her if she came back tell her to shave her cunt. I left mom cleaning the kitchen while I went to my desk and made some phone calls. mom came down after a while. I led her to the hoist and confined her. “what have I done.” she asked as I took the taser and ball gag from the desk. I had decided to teach her, I needed to be rougher with her. I put the gag on her. “first of all you fucking whore, you’ve got to understand that your mine.to do with what ever I want.” I put the taser to her tit and zapped her. she cringed. “your not my mother your my slut, a hole to put my cum.” I put the taser to her other tit, and pulled the trigger. she was trying to scream. ” you don’t make decissions, you don’t put anything on unless I tell you. you don’t tell your friends I ‘ll fuck them. you don’t do anything unless I say. understand?” I asked putting the taser in her cunt. her eyes got wide and she shook her head she understood. “when dad gets back you can carry on like normal. let him fuck you, after all you are his wife. but from now on you’ll be subservant to me, otherwise. I zapped her ass. I took the gag from her and released her. standing behind her I lifted her chin. “now you want me to fuck you?” I whispered in her ear. she nodded her head yes. “then get on the bed and lift your feet up, I want access to both your fuck holes you piece of shit.” I said. I fucked mother long and hard that night I cum in both her holes, we went to sleep in my bed her cuffed to the rail.
we woke up the next morning. mother was surprised I didn’t fuck her. we up stairs and had breakfest. I told mom I wanted her to shower and put on makeup. which she did. around 10:00 I took her downstairs and chained her in the den. she asked what was going on. “you’re getting a lesson in being submissive and humiliation.” I told her as I took lipstick and wrote slut on her forehead and fuck me on her tits. I wrote use me above her cunt. I brought a 3’ mirror down so she could see herself. she was asking what I was going to do to her when the doorbell rang. I went to the door and let three of my buddies in. they followed me down stairs. I was getting a hard on just thinking of what I was going to do to my mother. “this is my whore mother.” I told them as I put my cock in her mouth. shes here for you to use today. my mother tried to say something but i shoved my cock down her throat. my friends started getting undressed I had gone over with them what I wanted to do to her. there was Paul, Chad and Dave. they all gathered around mom. I had set her on the couch. your first couple of loads I want on her face or down her throat after that you can cum in her holes I told them. Dave got down and ate mothers cunt Paul stuck his cock in her mouth along with me while chad sucked her tits. we each took turns fucking her in her ass and pussy. she had precum and slobber dripping from her chin. Dave was the first to cum in her mouth and on her face. Damn it was hot watching my mother getting used. I fucked her in the ass and had her eat it off of me. she had hard cocks in evey hole. we D.P.ed her. I asked her how she liked being used. ” if thats what you want honey, use me.” she said. “good girl now your learning.” I told her. ” I need a cock in my ass.” she said as she took Dave in her mouth. we rode mom for 3 hours. I felt her cum numerous times. she was covered in cum, in her hair on her face dripping from her chin, tits and holes. the guys got dressed and left. mom was laying worn out on the cum covered couch. I got between her legs and put my cock in her, cum came gushing out. I talked to her as I fucked her. “you were very submissive today mother. I like that. and you acted like the slut you are. all in all a very productive day. now cum on my cock.” I fucked her hard and deep. squeezing her cum drenched tits. till I felt her cum , then I released my load in her. “did you have enough cock today?” I asked. “yes, unless of course you want me to take more.” she responded. “your learning.” I said, kissing her cum covered lips. I though about beating her some, but told her to go shower. her tits, mouth, cunt and ass were red from being used I noticed, as she got up, and figured that was enough for today. I gathered the film from my camera.
I took a shower and went upatairs I heard mom talking to someone . I saw it was Bobby. she was setting in a chair in the den and mom was standing behind her naked. Bobbys blouse was off and mom was fondling her tits. ” it was incredable I had 2 cocks in my mouth a cock in my pussy and one in my ass. they were all using me.” mom was saying. “let me eat your pussy.” Bobby said to mom. I sat on a stool and jacked off watching them. they took turns pleasing each other.” I’m ready to shoot my load.” I got up and went to them. they both opened their mouths. I cum in both of them. “thank you honey.” I heard mother say. I went to the kitchen to get a beer. after a few mimutes they both came in. “I noticed you shaved Bobby.” I said. she came over and hugged me. “I’ll do anything you if you just fuck me. I spent the remainder of the time my father was gone. fucking my mother and Bobby.
dad got home saturday that night I heard plenty going on in their bedroom upstairs. the same sunday night. monday dad come down to my bedroom and asked me what mom had been doing while he was gone. i told him she never left the house, Bobby Lynn had come over a couple of times. he said mom wanted him to do things to her she had never wanted before. he said it was great. I told him I had been fucking mom and Bobby and had made her subservant to me. he yelled upstairs for mom. I took him to my room to show him the bonds and pictures of what had gone on. “suck dads cock mother.” I told her. she got on her knees and unzipped dads pants and put him in her mouth. I undressed her as she sucked him. I had stood her up and was about to enter her when the doorbell rang. fuck her while i’m gone dad I’ll get the door. he was shoving his cock in her when I went upstairs. it was Bobby we both took our clothes off and joined my parents downstairs. dad and I took turns on mom and Bobby. and D.P.ed them both. “I hope you don’t mind sharing mother with me dad.” I said. “son you get her fucking me like that you can have all of her pussy and ass you want.” he said.

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By toughnut #Group #Incest #Mature