The Care Giver (Part 2)

#Blackmail #Mature #Rape #Teen 31 seconds ago

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By Jolly James This follows on from same title (part1) it can be read separately but reader will follow plot easier if reading pt-1 first. Thank you.

I received my terminal diagnoses only days after I’d raped Lara at the unit. I’d had been getting tests and examinations plus scans for oover 10 months. It was a shock and probably contributed to why im confessing the things I did. I thought for sure I’d be arrested but fuck all happened? I had stopped working in care, obviously due to my illness they wouldnt let me stay on. So I was very surprised to be called on my mobile by a girl named Melissa? She said to meet her in the cafe at the lakeside park at 1pm that Monday. When I asked why i should ? She replied simply. “In your best interests?” I arrived and sat waiting, she said she’d know me so I just waited. Every female was a suspect. Shortly after 1pm, a woman I easily recognised to be Lara Scott’s named nurse appeared? She had another younger female with her. After a short exchange of words we left to stroll and chat. Upshot was. I’d been rumbled!! Melissa showed me the photo’s she’d taken of the bruises and mess I’d left Lara in. She said she didnt report me because she needed Lara too? She then told me a fantastical story about how she pimps out a few of the units female patients?
The ones who cant remember being fucked and used so dont complain. As she nurses them, she gets to either hide or explain their unusual discharges or occasional bruising?? In Lara’s case, I’d gone to far, was too rough, leaving her no use to Melissa for a week as too badly bruised.

She went on to say she’s aware of my own condition and needs to give me a proposition. After hearing her proposals. I agreed to them. After all, I have no wish to live my last days in jail. She handed me an address a name and a mobile phone before saying I have two hours to myself with the girl beside her. She spoke to the girl then me. Saying. “Call me when your finished with her. I’ll meet you back here at 4pm sharp. Do not be late Maxxy and damage llimitation you fucking monster.” With that she walked off. I was dumbfounded for a few seconds, did all that just happen ? Well the young lady next to me was real enough!!. The nurse said she was 22? She looked and acted much younger. I wasted no time in taking her in my car to a secluded spot I had used before. Marion’s protests were swiftly silenced when she was on her knees with my 7″ cock putting a stop to them. Of course she groaned and thrashed around naturaly. Cursed and cried while her pony tail lent me ample leverage for her face fucking. In between gasping for air she’s pleading. “please-cant- breathe?” – “Your being raped you dumb bitch. I couldnt give two shits about you. Got it?” I roughly face fucked her for two or three minutes, pulled her up painfully by her hair, spat in her face before demanding she strip and show me her fuckhole pussy. Maz looked totally confused, poor cow. She didnt have a clue if it was Monday or mother’s day!! I then said more softly. “Marion? its shower time!!” Amazingly, She calmly lets me pull her dress over her head, unclip her bra, and yank down her panties.

She tried covering up but I swiftly pounced on her thick nippled orbs. Suckling on her tit as she’s sobbing. “No fuck off, you bastard! No, no please…” Maz trys to push me off, she knew she was getting abused and probably knew i was about to rape her too? I knew it didnt matter. She wouldnt remember a thing later. So….I took full advantage and spent the next hour and more fucking and sodomising this young ladies pungent and viscous fuckholes. When I’m done I have her re -dress while watching my cum oozing lazily from her expanded arsehole, clogging onto her mousey brown pubes. Her gash was gurgling and farting, thi humiliating scene caused her to cry hysterically at this particular event? Seeming to have more lucidity or just a memory from past abuse? I pondered then how many more rapists had used her grasping sticky orifices. Staring into her reddened eyes i said. “In hospital babes being used as a fucktoy, just for others to gain from? Not right is it.” I taunted her. She had that furrowed brow look again? “Christ, she dont remember what just been done too her? Bet she feels it though!!” I smiled as I helped the unfortunate rapemeat back to my car. I Met with Melissa at 4pm exactly. Told her we had a wonderful afternooon, well I did anyway. We laughed loudly. So did Marion? She hadnt a clue, poor cunt. “I best get her back, she’s due an outing next week again. Only this ones paying. I hope for both our sakes all goes well later.” – “Me too.” I replied. I watched her slowly walk away with the dazed loooking girl. Mel unaware Maz had a trail of spunk snaking down the back of her left leg??

As agreed. I was outside the large house at 8pm. I watched an attractive blond housewife potter around in the front lawn in denim cut offs and a skimpy vest. “Nice view” I’m thinking. This was the residence of the man Mel had been mistress to for 12 yrs. He recently decided to cut her off. End the relationship. She said she’d lost her flat cos he paid for it. She’d had to spend all her savings renting, until she got a mortgage sorted. She was a woman scorned!! Hell hath etc. Certainly in this case. This chump though was also owner of several care homes and the brain injury unit that Mel ran for him still. Hence she started up her little sex worker sideline with her poor unsuspecting patients. I was to let him see the video’s of his infidelity with a young student nurse and Mel. Plus another where she’s cleverly used Ai to make him appear to be fucking a patient. A very young patient!! If he refuses to play the game. Then the wife and local plod get copies. I glimpsed the expensive car in my mirror watching it enter the driveway. I gave him 10 mins then phoned the number Mel had given me. The news must have been a shocker because he was silent for a while. When it sunk in he agreed to meet me in his study. I walked along the path and up the fancy driveway to the large 2 level modern home.

He answered the door, glaring at me. I was ushered into a room. Just a basic office space really usual things a large tv screen amongst them. I bid him play the stick i had with me. Immediately he’s aware how incriminating this looks. So am I. As it was wrapped up I couldnt use it. The eye opening stuff he was doing with the less than enthusiastic student nurse was bordering on sadistic rape. Her screams were evident even with the sound very low? Her arse was purple and bruised on both cheeks, her back was welted like her bum and his thrusting, cock ringed penis was hammering at her back door like he was trying to break in!! He watched some more of him and Mel, then the killer. His face was getting redder and breathing uncomfortable. He was apoplectic in denial of raping the 14yr old wailing girl on screen. Her agonies very apparent. The small teen has been tied, spreadeagled in one of the units rooms? Her cute spunk covered bald pussy is being very very well fucked by who obviously appears to be. HIM…. He flops back into his chair crying. “This is wrong, its not me. That bitch Mel is trying to ruin me. I wont do it. I am not paying her a penny. I’m going to the police, my wife knows I play around. She wont let that bitch away with ruining our lives.” I said I was just a messenger. “OK, then lets see what your dearest has to say?” I turn to leave when he attacks me. We tumble and wrestle, furniture moves and things fall and break…. Then!! He’s stopped moving?? I see blood pooling from the back of his head. “Fuck, he’s hit the corner of the coffee table” sweating I’m frantic. I cant find a pulse and his wife is shouting while trying to open the door. I cant escape. I’m in a panic, what the fuck??

Suddenly the door opens and the shorts and vest start screaming. I quickly grab the struggling milf and have no choice but to tell her I’ll kill her too if she didn’t fuck up. She falls beside her husband, trembling and weeping heavily. I think fast. I grab her and bind her wrists, gagging her with a roll of sellotape in the offoce. She’s whimpering, sitting with her knees together pulled up to her chest i can see her fanny lips!. I am shaking, adrenaline is pumping. My head is exploding with brilliant bright flashes of light? The pressure of my tumour is getting worse. I have to lay down. So I close the room door then lay beside the milf while she wails into her gag. It lasts only minutes. Then im suddenly aware of the dire predicament this simple task has become. I’m also aware that the seizure has aroused me and my erection is straining in my jeans. The blond milf see’s it also instantly registering my intent to use it on her. She thrashes her long smooth pale skinned legs trying to keep me away. I get to the side of her, punch her head behind her ear a few times then throttle her into semi consciousness. Once subdued i push up her vest and bra and release her creamy pale pink 36c beauties that have large darker coloured pokies protruding, this bitch is either excited or truly shit scared. I know im very aroused and my headache is pounding. I can feel every beat of my heart as blood is pumping through my veins engorging my cock into the hardest fucking boner ive ever experienced.

I drag the milf through the office into the hall on into what i take to be their front lounge. There I fling her onto her sofa, she tries curling into a ball but a swift kick in the arse and ribs soon gets her attention. “Listen fuckmeat. You nor I needed this shit tonight. It’s his fault, as you’ll see soon enough.” Milfs mumping and swearing, howling in humiliation and pain into her loose gag. “Shut your fucking face and do as I say and we both get to gain from this mess. Ok? Nod yes if you understand me.” Milf nods a defeated yes. “I’m going to fuck you honey, but you knew this didnt you. So lets see if your going to play nice. I reach over to unsnap her shorts and she lashes out at me with her legs. Bad move. Im dragging her across the lounge. I throw her size 10 body across the arm of an easy chair, ripping down her shorts and white thong to reveal her pale skinned smooth arse cheeks, her arse cleft is moist to my touch as im rubbing into it. My fingers, probing her damp, bald snatch. I delve into her squirming pussy, hot wet juices slick my digits. Holding her painfully by the back of her neck, I use my body weight and knees to hold her in position until my raging cock gets released. My jeans drape at my feet as I open her cunt lips before guiding myself into her warm haven. The cursing sweating fuckhole doesnt give up easy, making me slip out of her slick fanny a few times. I drill my thumb a little way up her sweaty bung hole and thrust into her arsehole, twisting my thumb agonisingly left to right. She screeches then screams a loud “NOʻOOOOO!!” when I return to pushing balls deep into her now very wet cunt. I fuck like the sweaty rapist i am, before depositing a good dollop of cum driven humiliation deep inside her sloppy dripping fucktube.

After I recuperate from my intense activities inside mrs Milf. I have her sit on the chair she was raped over as I ponder my next move. I notice a lot of pictures in fancy frames, her and him, wedding, holidays, family groups. I see two school photos and a graduation one with a couple of young girls in it. When I ask who they are? Im met with tear stained, stoney faced hatred and silence. I throw the photo at milf bouncing it of her chair. “Who the fuck are they? Do they live here shithead. Yes or no honey. Or else.” I raise another picture frame. She nods a yes. I take off her gag and demand she tell me who they are. “My niece’s. They’re both at college. Theyll be home after 11pm theyre at a concert. Please dont hurt us anymore. Not them? I’ll do whatever you want? Just please dont touch them?” She pled their case so well. I almost felt sorry about even thinking what I was thinking!!. “OK, honey. Well you do as I want and they and you will be fine. Got it. Now, im going to take your word that you wont try anything. Coz, if you do.? They and you will suffer. A lot more than a good fucking. Mark my words.” My heads suddenly hit by blinding flashes, that agonising pressure again. That heavy feeling and another raging hard on. “Whats your name?” – “Jill.”-“Ok Jill, im going to let you go get sorted while I make a few calls. You be a good girl and no tricks. Now lets get to your bedroom.”

The large bed was centred in the room with mirrored wardrobes around the side and bottom. To the other wall was an en suite bathroom. “You go shower while im busy here.” I ripped out the phone line and made sure she hadnt got any way to communicate while I was contacting Mel. This needed fixing so I could walk away free. I told Mel she needed to come here tomorrow and bring the girl she’d used in the video, to blackmail her ex lover. Her ex was denying everthing, saying the video and photo’s are false. Its a scam!! I pretended I would meet them tomorrow at the house. Only I was already ensconced in it. The freshly showered Jill reappeared. Her long blond hair wet and sticking to her lovely shiny bouncing tits. Her long legs and well shaped thighs were making me throb with lust. Jill knew this and hurried to throw on a pair of yoga pants and a T shirt. Quickly covering her cute trimmed cunt and pouting arse cheeks, along with her perfect globes. It was almost 10-39. She kept looking at the clock in the lounge when we returned. I asked her their names, why did they stay with them and not their parents? She explained they were orphans and she took them on when their mum and dad were killed in an aircrash ten years ago. They were twins, only 6 then. “Sweet 16 then. Nice age for a girl, dont you think aunty Jill” I couldnt fathom why I had turned so cruel and unfeeling so quickly. Then a blinding headache hit me. I groaned in agony then fell into a chair. Jill made to get up but I grabbed her. As i did this I pulled her onto the floor, pinning her face down with her tight yoga pants straining up her arse crack. This set me off. I told her to get on her knees and suck my hard aching knob end. It was bobbing against my stomach achingly erected. She attempted to refuse, stating. “The girls will be home soon?” – “I know. So best you hurry and empty my balls before I have them do it, hmm.” She quickly got to her knees. I stood looking down at her cute blue eyed teary face while pointing at my throbbing tool. “No teeth slut. Or you’ll have no teeth. Get it, now blow me silly, Jilly…”

This story can be added to in another part if wanted. If not, then thank you for reading my story.

Jolly James.

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By Jolly James #Blackmail #Mature #Rape #Teen