The killing and rebuilding of mankind part ten

#Group #Incest #PreTeen #Teen 1 min ago

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By olddreamer As the family prepares to continue their journey, they adopt more members into the tribe.

We had been so caught up in our sexual activity and subsequent orgasms that we hadn’t noticed when the yacht got to the floating dock and was securely tied by the naked ship’s crew. However, Cindy’s laughter caught my attention quickly.

“It looks like every girl here had a shower in semen! I hope at least a little of it made into mouths or vaginas!” she chortled as she stood center deck looking around.

“My God! I never knew an orgasm could be that powerful!” Mike panted. Amy and Jan both grinned back at Cindy.

“Oh, don’t worry! We all got a full helping of cum to swallow.” Ashley said while using her finger to wipe cum from her nipple and put it in her mouth.

Cindy came and sat on the lounger beside Hannah even while the girl kept nursing on my cock. “There’s some new people! Are you hosting orgies, David?”

“No, but we are adopting new family members, Cindy. We’re doing it the way the primitive tribes we study do it, so there is an orgy in progress. You should join! We need a doctor in the family.” Dad replied.

Cindy blinked as more naked female crew members walked aboard. They didn’t know what to do yet, so they just stood and listened. Melanie came out too and sat with Dad, Joanne, and Mary.

“Um, well, I had hoped to be invited. I mean, sure! I would love to be part of your family! Oh, yeah, before that though, the gals need to check out your cold storage and such. Then they’ll bring the supplies.” Cindy told us.

“Um, I’m here to help do something about extra boats?” another female crew member said tentatively.

“Oh, yeah! Um, I can help show the women around. Joe, can you help her? What’s your name?” Ashley asked.

“Melissa, Ma’am”. Melissa replied respectfully.

“Stop that Ma’am stuff. OK, follow Joe. He’ll tell you about the problem.” Ashley told her.

I smiled at the pretty woman. She appeared to be about my age and, other than hair color and facial features, was an identical copy of all the other women. Short, small breasts, athletic build, sexy as hell.

“We’ll keep initiating our new family.” Dad declared with a smile, then added, “Cindy, may I be the first male to begin your initiation?”

Cindy giggled. “I guess so. What do I do?”

“Have sex, of course. With all the men, Cindy, not just Dad.” Ashley told her as she led the other, jealous looking, women away.

“She gets to have sex with all the men? Really?” Melissa asked as I helped her down from the aft deck to the swim platform.

My hands being on her bottom, and then sliding up to her breasts, was intentional. Melissa didn’t react at all.

“In our family, which we’re starting to call a tribe, every male has sex with every female as frequently as possible, Melissa. Since we really don’t have any other pressing issues, then that kind of makes our sexual activity constant.

“Now, what Dad was referring to is our process of adopting a new member into the tribe, or family. It’s really a big orgy, but the prospective member does have to have oral and vaginal sex with every opposite sex member of the family. At least once, much more if possible.” I explained as she allowed me to help her onto my trimaran by holding -onto her bottom.

“Sorta feels like you men in this family are pretty horny all the time.” She said with a smirk as my hands slid over the cheeks of her bottom.

“We are and, from your reaction, I don’t think it bothers you.” I told her.

Melissa turned on me. “Joe, I’ve got two men. A husband and a son. Both of them, right now, are spilling buckets of cum into as many women as they can. Now, I’m one of the women who pushed for our men to do these things, so I’m not the least bit jealous! I get my mouth and pussy filled with their cum twice every morning and twice every night. But I sure as hell won’t ever pass up a random third time during the day! So, as long as I can get my job done, there aren’t any restrictions on how you handle me.”

I reached out and gently caressed her bare chest. “Thank you Melissa, but I’m obligated to only giving my cum to family.”

Melissa looked confused. “There’s not that many women! Surely they wouldn’t miss one or two loads.”

“We’ve got fourteen women and just seven men. They wouldn’t miss it. But, they are my family. You’re beautiful, sexy as hell, very soft, and not my sister or daughter.” I told her while still caressing her little breasts.

Melissa snorted, “And greedy! You forgot that one. I get cum from two men twice a day and here I am throwing myself at another one. OK. Let’s see the problem here.”

I showed Melissa the extra boats. My trimaran, Jan’s sailboat, and Mike’s whaler. She sat on the swim platform of my trimaran and I sat beside her. “Well, there’s the simple solution of just doing what you’re doing. I mean, towing isn’t great, but it works. That whaler can come aboard this one. Just set it across the outriggers.”

“We may end up with more boats. We’re trying to grow our family tribe.” I told her.

“I’ll need to take some measurements. Once I have those, I’ll get on our design system and do some simulations. I should be able to come up with a plan to accommodate any more vessels you gain. You’re recruiting, you said?” Melissa looked up into my eyes.

“We’re going to find a place to settle. Dad feels that we need a substantial tribe to make our odds of survival better.” I told her.

“Smart man.” She said as she got to her feet.

I stood too and my hand naturally went to her bottom. Melissa smiled happily as we made our way back to the yacht.

“…more women, really.” I heard a female voice say as Melissa and I arrived on the aft deck.

“Not little girls, either. Women.” Another stated.

“Hey!” I heard Kristen shout.

“Oh! I didn’t mean it that way! You girls are perfect! All of you! It’s just you’re not big enough to do all the work yet!” the woman quickly replied.

“You’re more than good enough to do a lot, girls. Making love, cooking, helping with other things. It’s just, since you already have so many men, you kind of need women! Grown women. Women who are already old enough to have babies, help make shelters, do some farming,” the first woman tried to reason.

I found Dad sort of holding court. Cindy was strolling into the cabin, her pussy leaking cum. Apparently Dad had filled her well. Standing around Dad were two female crew members. Ashley was sitting beside Dad and idly stroking his cock.

On other loungers, Rodger, Bill, Charlie, and Mike were either fucking or getting sucked. The orgy was still ongoing.

“We could go to a ratio of four females, of any age, to every male, Dad.” Ashley told him.

“Mary and Sandy won’t be able to have babies for a few years yet, but Amber and I could. Hannah can in a year or so,” Jan put in.

“No girl under fourteen should be getting pregnant.” Dad declared.

“Twelve-year-olds have babies, David.” The first woman scoffed.

“Oh, he knows that! Don’t you, Dad?” Ashley grinned.

“Yes, but you had a terrible time of it!” He retorted.

“So terrible that I had another baby the very next year! Dad, we set ten as the minimum age for a girl to start having sex so that she has a couple of years of carefree fucking and you men wouldn’t feel guilty about putting your cocks in such tender holes! If it were up to us women, that minimum age would be MUCH lower!”

I took Melissa to a lounger, and we sat down. Almost immediately, Kristen left Mike, who was being sucked by Jenny, to come and settle onto my cock. She was out to prove that little girls were capable. Melissa held my cock until the head of it was inside my daughter’s tight twelve-year-old pussy.

“I wish I had had a man like you when I was little.” Melissa said happily.

“This is my daughter.” I replied.

“Then she’s a very lucky girl! I tried to get my dad to make love to me and he had a fit!” Melissa stated.

“How old were you?” Kristen asked as she slowly rotated her hips.

“Not quite as old as any of the girls here.” Is all Melissa would say.

“Hey! What’s going on?” I asked loud enough to get attention.

“Oh, Joe! Well, these women were asking what the orgy was all about, and we told them that we were indoctrinating new members for our family tribe. Of course, then we had to explain our situation to them, too.” Dad explained as he kept smiling at the women.

“Hi. I’m Sadie. I understand you need people if you’re going to settle somewhere. That’s not an issue at all! In fact, it makes perfect sense. It’s just, well, it struck me as odd that you would take on a mother with two preteens. They’re just not capable in a survival situation.” The first crew member said.

“I see. Sadie, yes, survival is paramount, but more than that, compatible people are just as vital! Look around! We’ve got a full-blown orgy in progress here. We have to have people who fit into our traditions! Our tribe is a family, even though not all of us are blood relatives. Every male of our tribe will, as frequently as he can, have sex with every female of our tribe. Um, provided they are old enough. Fathers, or adopted fathers, will have sex with their daughters. Mothers, or adopted mothers, will have sex with their sons. Opposite-sex siblings will have sex with each other.

“The new people we’re bringing in are all very supportive of incest. Jan simply happened to have two very young daughters. I’ve done my fatherly duty in making love to them and will keep doing it. Just because they aren’t yet strong enough to do every task means little. The fact that both of them are so eager to make love to their adopted family members means so much more.” I said firmly.

“Hey, I’m Kat, um, Katherine. I think we got way off the rails here. I think me and Sadie got it in our heads that you were specifically looking for younger girls. We didn’t consider that it just kinda happened.

“Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing whatsoever wrong with girls their ages making love! Hell, I love watching the captain have sex with his daughter! It’s just that we got it in our heads that you were focused on the younger ones.” Kat told me.

“Our younger females are precious to us. We love them with all that we have and all of us males will make love to them with the utmost respect. However, we’re not specifically looking for young kids. It’s the view of our sexual and tribal way that makes the difference.” I told her
“OK, OK, I get it. I’m sorry to have been a downer. So, if we tell people about you, what should we say?” Sadie asked.

“That we’re growing our tribe but ONLY with people who approve of incest and are absolutely sure they would be happy making love to every opposite sex member of the tribe almost constantly!” Ashley declared.

Kat giggled. “If I hadn’t promised to stay with the ship, sign me up.”

“We’ll kinda be on the lookout. If we come across any potential prospects, we’ll tell them about you and they can decide whether or not to approach you. How’s that?” Sadie asked.

Melissa leaned in to me. “Is it OK if I talk to my husband and son?”

I caressed Kristen’s little breasts. “Of course, but your marriage would be moot if you joined us. They would be men of the tribe, dedicated to every woman of the tribe, not just you.”

Melissa smiled sadly. “Well, as long as it was a heartfelt dedication, I would like that. Right now, they’re just willing and available cocks for the women on the ship. There’s no feeling. Just raw sex. I’m watching the others here and I see genuine love driving the sex. Even that boy, the young one over there, is making such sweet love to that woman.”

I looked where she indicated and saw that Charlie was very lovingly fucking Heather. They both looked devoted to each other. Charlie’s small cock moved slowly in and out of Heather’s pussy as they kissed passionately.

“Ah. Charlie is Jan’s son. They came to us yesterday and Heather is Mike’s little sister. They just showed up today. That’s their whaler I showed you.” I explained.

“Oh. Part of the initiation?” Melissa asked.

“Yeah, but it never stops, Melissa. That could be your husband or son with Heather, or any of the other women and girls.” I told her.

“If they do it the way the boy is, I would actually love it!” She said.

“Oh shit! Kat, we gotta get it in gear! Here comes the supplies!” Sadie suddenly exclaimed.

I looked up to see another six naked crew members carrying boxes down the gangway. There was frost on the boxes and I felt sorry for the crew members. That couldn’t feel good on their bare skin!

Ashley, Melissa, Joanne, Rodger, Bill, and I got up and rushed to help the naked females. “Shit, let us take those! Your boobs have to be frozen!” Ashley exclaimed as she pulled a box out of the arms of the first woman.

I went to the first woman and wrapped her in a tight hug. Her little breasts were so cold! The woman wrapped her arms around me and held on tight. “Th…th…thank you!” she breathed.

“We didn’t mean you couldn’t wear protective garments.” Dad said.

“Nnnnnnudity required.” Another stammered as Joanne wrapped her in a hug and Rodger took the box she had been carrying inside.

“Put those damned boxes down right now! Let’s get these women warmed up! I’ll be back!” Dad declared as he stormed off toward the helm.

“I am so ashamed! I should have been much more specific!” Glen told us an hour later.

Only ten minutes after Dad had stormed off to get on the radio, female crew members wearing welding vests had taken the place of the first bunch. They told us the vests insulated them from the frozen boxes but were impossible to wear otherwise. As soon as they had put their boxes away, they stripped off the vests to go back for the next box.

“What the hell happened, Glen?” I asked while watching little Brenda slowly ride up and down her father’s cock. She seemed like a very happy ten-year-old.

“Well, I just passed down the order to get your supplies and said that you don’t allow clothing on your boat! I never imagined they wouldn’t use protective equipment.” Glen kissed his daughter’s lips.

“Looks like you got it straightened out. I was pissed as all hell, though. Those poor girls!” Dad replied.

Glen chuckled. “I was pissed too. But, from what I’m told, you all were very quick to help! Something about very loving hugs?”

“Well, their boobs and nipples were frozen! What else were we to do?” I asked.

“What you did was exactly what they needed. I see that Doc is sort of busy?” Glen asked, looking at where Cindy was riding Mike’s cock.

“She’s becoming part of our tribe, Glen.” Dad told him.

Glen frowned. “We’ll miss her. Can’t say I blame her, though. You’ve got a great thing going here.”

“You and Brenda would be welcome additions if you were OK with Brenda having sex with all of us males.” Ashley told him while Charlie licked her pussy.

“No. I only want Daddy’s penis in me. We’re married!” Brenda shot back quickly.

Glen kissed her. “You tell me to have sex with all the other women, Honey.”

“That’s different, Daddy! You’re their boss! You have to give them your penis! You’re my Daddy so only your penis goes inside me!”

“Ten-year-old logic, I guess.” Glen shrugged and kissed his daughter again.

Jan lifted her lips off of Bill’s cock. “It’s good logic! If she had other male relatives aboard, I bet she would be happy to make love to them.” Jan went back to sucking Bill.

“I would hope so. Until all of this happened, I never dreamed that I would become an advocate for incest, much less a man who would have sex with his ten-year-old daughter. Yet, here I am. I have my penis inside my daughter for the fourth time today. And, in my heart, I know that is exactly what every father of daughters should do.” Glen mused.

“And what do you think of how we live, Glen?” I asked.

Glen looked around at everyone. Every penis on our yacht was inside a female mouth or a vagina. The induction orgy hadn’t stopped. Joanne was currently on her knees, sucking me. Kristen was on Rodger’s chest with his cock moving in and out of her. Ashley was sucking Dad. Bill was between Jan’s thighs, licking her. Charlie was on top of Melanie and close to orgasm as he fucked my sister. Mike had laid down so Cindy could ride his cock. The other females were either helping to finish organizing the new supplies or cleaning up in the shower.

“Personally, I can’t think of a more perfect way to live. From what I can see, everyone here is very much emotionally invested in the happiness of everyone else. Doc looks like she’s completely infatuated with the young man she’s fucking and he looks just as devoted to her. It’s that way with everyone that’s having sex here.” Glen told us while he began humping up into his daughter to match her movements. Brenda’s sole focus now was on orgasms finally. It was quite obvious that she was getting her father’s cock to bump her cervix a lot more often.

When Brenda grunted and Glen threw his head back. I relaxed to just enjoy watching them and feel my sister sucking my cock. Glen pushed up with his hips and held Brenda tight to his chest. It wasn’t long before Glen’s cum began flowing out of his ten-year-old daughter’s pussy.

Just under a minute later, Glen began recovering from the first phase of his orgasm. Brenda was still in the grip of hers. Glen leaned his daughter back so he could kiss her from her lips to her tiny nipples as she kept grinding down onto his cock while he kept pumping cum into her in the second phase.

“I usually turn over with my girl so I can use my cock in really slow fucks to ease her out of her orgasm, Glen.” I suggested.

Panting, Glen said, “Sometimes I do that too, but Brenda asked me to let her orgasm keep going this time.”

“Sometimes a girl just wants her orgasm to never end, Skipper.” Cindy said as she walked up to Glen and Brenda with a big smile. Mike’s cum flowed from her pussy.

To my surprise, Brenda had the presence of mind to reach out and hold her palm between Cindy’s thighs and fill it with the cum. Once Mike’s cum overflowed Brenda’s little palm, the girl pulled it to her mouth and slurped it up. Cindy got closer as Brenda reached for another palm of cum.

Cindy did her best to help Brenda keep filling her palm with the cum. I could tell that Brenda was slowly easing out of her orgasm. Glen looked on in surprise while he kept pumping his daughter’s pussy full of his cum.

Brenda stopped taking cum to swallow when the second phase of Glen’s orgasm stopped. She hugged her father tightly and pressed her lips to his. I caressed Joanne’s hair while I watched the father and daughter. Glen’s cock stayed inside of Brenda.

“That’s the first time you ever swallowed another man’s semen, Honey.” Glen said in awe after breaking the kiss.

“I hope I didn’t give you any of it when I kissed you, Daddy,” Brenda replied sweetly.

Glen chuckled. “Well, I could certainly taste it, Honey. But you didn’t actually give me much. What do you think about having another man’s semen, though?”

Brenda looked a little guilty. “It’s actually really good, Daddy. Maybe if a man or boy let’s me, I could swallow theirs, but only yours goes in my pussy.”

Glen laughed, then kissed his daughter’s mouth again. “Honey, you should swallow as much semen from as many men or boys as you want!”

“Let’s go get cleaned up, Brenda. Maybe I’ll get some of your father’s cum from you like you got Mike’s from me. Even though your father doesn’t mind you kissing him, he probably doesn’t want to lick his semen out of you.” Cindy suggested with a big smile.

Joanne managed to bring on my orgasm just as Brenda was carefully getting off of her father’s cock.

The first phase of my orgasm faded slowly. Joanne placidly kept sucking me and swallowing my cum while I kept giving it to her during the second phase. I looked around while caressing my sister’s hair. One of the female crew was sucking Glen while he watched me with Joanne.

“That looked like a good one, Joe.” Glen smiled while he fingered his crew member from behind.

“Every orgasm I have with one of my family members is good, Glen.” I replied.

Glen looked around and asked, “Just how big is your family now? You’ve recruited.”

“Oh, let’s see. Starting with blood relations, I have two daughters and four sisters, two brothers, and my father. We adopted Cindy, two more men and seven more females. So that brings our family total to, um, twenty, including me.” I replied.

“It’s a large family.” Glen smiled.

“Not large enough yet,” Dad gasped as he came out of the first phase of his orgasm for his daughter, Ashley. Ashley kept sucking and swallowing as Dad kept feeding her his cum in the second phase.

“Oh? How many do you think you’ll need, David?” Glen asked.

Dad had caught his breath and lovingly fondled his daughter’s vulva while she suckled and swallowed. “At least ten more. Hopefully, six females over the age of fourteen. Four more younger girls would be nice. Ideally, quite a few more females, though. If we can have four females to every male, that would be a very nice ratio.”

“So, adding another grown man and a boy wouldn’t work for you?” I heard Melissa’s voice.

I looked up to see her leading a man about my age and a young teen through our orgy toward me and Glen.

“Oh, Melissa! Who do you have with you?” Dad asked with an amiable smile.

“David, Joe, this is my husband, George, and my son, Lonny. Lonny just turned thirteen a couple of months ago. I told you a little about them earlier, Joe.” Melissa said as they all settled in on the mats on the deck. George sat on Melissa’s right and her son sat on her left. Melissa immediately put her hands on her son’s and husband’s cocks.

“Is this what you told us about, Honey? Every male here is having sex.” George asked.

Melissa smiled and giggled. “Yep! Other than changes in partners, it’s the same orgy!”

“What did you mean by what you were saying as you walked in, Melissa?” Dad asked.

Melissa suddenly looked shy. “I told my men all about you. You know, the family tribe thing.” She paused to lean over to give her husband’s cock a suckle and then the other way to suckle her son’s cock. “They were interested and so am I. Captain, we may be leaving the ship if we’re acceptable to David and his tribe.”

“You want to join them?” Glen asked, a little crestfallen.

“Who in their right mind wouldn’t, Captain?” George asked.

“Wait. Just what do you know of us, George?” Dad asked.

The second phase of my orgasm faded out and Joanne swallowed one last time before sliding her lips off of my cock. Young Lonny watched with interest.

“You’re a very loving, highly sexual, incest centered tribe. Many of you are related by blood, but some are not. Everyone in your family tribe has sex as often as practical with every opposite gender member of the tribe. You use the tea as birth control and to increase cum for men. It’s apparently very important that all the women and girls get to enjoy as much cum as possible, which I wholeheartedly agree with,” George explained.

“You and Lonny both understand that every male here will have sex with Melissa quite often?” Dad asked.

“We’ll have sex with all the girls, too. As long as I can make Mom pregnant when she’s off birth control, it’s OK with me,” Lonny finally spoke up.

George cleared his throat. “It’s important to us that actual blood relatives procreate. Not necessarily in an exclusive thing, though. I’ll be fine if Melissa gets pregnant by one of the other men as long as my son gets to impregnate her first.”

“Well, that’s easy enough to do! It’s not unusual or unacceptable for a woman to be sexually exclusive just until she becomes pregnant.” Dad opined.

“I can still have oral sex with all the men, right?” Melissa actually looked worried.

“Oh, of course! It’s just if you have one male in particular you want to get pregnant by that you limit intercourse to him. Swallow as much semen as you desire!” Dad chuckled, as Ashley finally pulled her lips off of his cock.

“We won’t be stopping birth control at all until we’re totally sure that it’s safe to start having children.” Ashley put in.

Kristen and Amy, both with wet hair from the shower, came to me and sat on either side. Joanne gave me a cum flavored kiss before wandering off to the cabin. I hugged, kissed, and fondled my daughters.

“You understand that it will be rare for us to know which male fathered which child most of the time, Right?” I asked.

“Oh, of course! Other than what was just talked about. Any girl I have sex with a few years from now may, or may not, be my daughter, but I certainly hope that some of the girls are ones I fathered and I can impregnate them!” George replied excitedly.

“Our very first babies are gonna be Daddy’s babies!” Kristen gushed.

“And when they are old enough, I’ll be the first man our daughters have sex with, I hope.” I smiled.

“Is ten old enough?” Lonny asked.

“Absolutely, young man.” Dad replied happily.

“All of our children will grow up seeing sex happening all around them. When they begin wanting to explore it, the opposite-sex parent will be their teacher, um, if the parent is known, anyway.” Dad explained.

“It’ll be an environment much like we have going on right now.” I said as Amy and Kristen began taking turns sucking my cock.

Melissa let out a breath three hours later. She and her husband and son had eagerly asked to join us. After Glen and his crew had left, we untied from the dock while Melissa, George, and Lonny began the introductory sex. Kristen was thrilled to be Lonny’s fist, and he managed to fill my daughter’s twelve-year-old pussy easily. Of course, I made love to Melissa.

Currently, Melissa, George, Ashley, and Melanie were taking a short break to rearrange our issue with extra boats. We were about a mile off from the oiler and working to secure Jan’s sailboat to the starboard side of the yacht. My trimaran was already secured to the port side.

“Yeah, I think this will do. As long as we keep the lines tight and the fenders in place. Of course, if we get into really rough seas, we’ll need to go back to towing.” Melissa said of our efforts.

“We can sort of spread out more too with these gangplanks.” I observed while looking at the makeshift gangways between the yacht and the sailboats.

Ashley giggled. “We’ll be able to wash those gallons of cum coating the aft deck overboard! It’s getting slippery.”

“And more cum is being added to the deck as we speak.” George grinned as he looked around at the sex still taking place.

“Well, with eight males, it should be!” Melissa exclaimed. She settled in on her belly, uncaring that she was laying in cum, and started lovingly sucking my cock.

George smiled then went to Melanie, who got on her hands and knees so he could push his cock into her from behind. Obviously, a mutual decision to have a sex break had been agreed upon!

I quickly scanned the deck. Now that George and I had begun, every cock was in a mouth or pussy again and it made my heart swell with joy. I couldn’t see my daughters, so they must be cleaning up or something. Dad was lying on his back with ten-year-old Mary riding his cock and her mother, Jan riding his face. I saw Mike fucking his little sister, Heather, and watched until I got closer to orgasm.

Melissa was a pro at sucking my cock and had me feeding her cum quickly. George began filling Melanie’s pussy soon after. Once our orgasms faded, our women kissed us, then wandered to the cabin to shower.

I sat with Ashley while George went to get sucked by Jasmine. “We’ve done really good here.” Ashely commented happily while looking over our makeshift arrangement.

“Yeah. It’s like the yacht got twice as big.” I agreed.

“It’ll make sleeping arrangements easier, that’s for sure. I’m not sure what we’ll do if we get the four females to every male Dad wants, though.” She mused.

I chuckled. “We’ve got eight males now. If we get that many more females, that’ll bring our tribe to forty people in total.”

“And it’ll mean that twenty-four females will be kind of at a loss for what to do while eight work on making men cum for them.” Ashley grinned.

“Damn, there’s no way I can cum thirty-two times a day, even with the tea,” I said in a serious tone before laughing.

Ashley, however, grew serious. “Joe, make damned sure you make love to Amy and Kristen at least once every day! They’re your biological daughters and need your lovemaking and cum!”

I kissed my sister softly. “I’ll never deprive my female relatives, especially not my daughters.”

“It looks like Joanne is able to navigate pretty well the way we have the boats tied. Melissa did pretty well in that regard.” Ashley changed the subject before getting to her feet. She took a breath, then called out. “Hey, everyone. The boats tied to our sides can be used! For sleeping or whatever. We can spread out.”

“Great! Mom, I’m going over to our boat,” Charlie exclaimed to Jan as he eased Jenny’s mouth off of his cock and took her hand to lead her to the gangway.

Lonny and Amy followed him while Rodger decided to take Sandrah to the trimaran. Soon, the aft deck of the yacht only had me, Dad, and Bill for males. I looked over each side to see that both outboard boats had people on the open decks. I saw Charlie with Jenny and the young couple were, well, coupling.

To my mind, it was a perfect scene. The entire tribe engaged in true lovemaking, and sometimes just fucking, out in the open for all to see made me feel very good. I got onto a lounger and laid on my back. Ashley came over and sank onto my cock with her hands caressing my chest. I fondled her small, pert breasts as she began rocking her hips. I looked forward to again filling my sister’s vagina with my cum.

The next day, I was relaxing on the yacht’s main deck with Sandrah laying on my belly. My cock was still lodged in her eleven-year-old pussy after I had my orgasm. I could feel cum running down the inside of my thigh and over my balls. I gently caressed my adopted daughter’s soft bottom while she planted little kisses on my chest.

I had been looking around my trimaran for anything that might need attention when Sandrah had come up to me. She didn’t ask for sex, but simply began caressing, fondling, and kissing me. Of course, I responded in kind and soon I was on my back on the deck with her on top of me.

George and Lonny were still casually working through the initial sex. I could see Lonny behind Ashley at the rail of the yacht, gently humping her from behind. I tried to remember whether or not both of them had managed to make love to each of our women at least once or not, and couldn’t.

While cupping the cheeks of Sandrah’s bottom, I asked, “Have both George and Lonny made love to you?”

Sandrah slid down my body an inch when I humped to push my cock farther into her. “Mmm, I love just laying here like this. Yeah, both ways, Daddy. They’re really very nice.”

“Hey, Joe.” I heard Joanne’s voice.

I managed to crane my head around enough to watch my sister approach us from the forward area. She looked pretty happy. “Melanie says that Mom says that the ship told us that they’re sending out a boat with a family to talk to us.” Joanne grinned and tried to keep from laughing at her own wording.

“Oh, I see. Do we know anything about this family?” I asked.

“Not much, just something about them wanting to talk to us,” Joanne said when she was a few inches from my head.

I looked up at my sister and pushed my cock a little bit farther into Sandrah’s tight pussy. Sandrah sighed in pleasure. Joanne stood over us, watching. Like all our women, Joanne was a small beauty. I ran a hand from her ankle up to her upper thigh in a most brotherly fashion.

“OK, we’ll get up and go to the yacht. Hopefully, Lonny will be over his orgasm and Ash can get cleaned up before this family gets here.” I smiled.

After sharing a very fatherly kiss with Sandrah, gentle tongue probing, more fatherly humping, and such, I pulled out of the eleven-year-old. She reluctantly got off of me so I could stand up. We made our way to the aft deck of the yacht.

On one lounger, Mike was on his back with Kristen on top in a sixty-nine. She looked happy and beautiful. I caressed her bare back and bottom as we passed them. Mike was being very attentive as he licked her bald pussy. Amy, Bill, Jenny, and Mary were together at the rail, just leaning on it and looking at the other boats in the area.

Joanne and I joined the little group. Amy shifted over to stand beside me while her hand softly stroked my cock. I gave my thirteen-year-old a deep, passionate, kiss while caressing her back side with one hand and fondling her small breasts with my other, like a father should.

The oiler was a mile or so away and we soon saw A RHIB launch. As it got closer, we could see that other than one crew member driving and another at the wheel, there were six other people. It looked like two adults and four kids. A family consisting of mom, dad, two sons, and two daughters.

Dad joined us at the rail with Cindy. Cindy put her arms on the rail and bent forward so that Dad could slide his cock into her from behind. “We sort of got interrupted.” Cindy smiled as Dad slowly fucked my new sister from behind.

“They should probably see us doing what we do.” I commented as Amy got on her knees to begin sucking me in a most daughterly fashion.

“They’re wearing clothes.” Jenny said disapprovingly.

As the RHIB got closer, though, the adults stood up and off came the shorts and t-shirts. The man had a full erection, which the woman caressed. The kids all slowly began taking off clothing and were soon also totally nude. One of the boys also sported an erection. The older girl, perhaps thirteen or so, said something to the older boy with a smile. The younger boy didn’t have any pubic hair and the younger girl looked flat chested and also had no pubes.

The RHIB angled to go behind the sailboat to get to our swim platform and slowed almost to an idle. The family it carried all looked up at us. The woman I assumed to be the mother smiled and waved. We waved back.

“Well, at least they got naked. Let’s go meet them and see what’s what.” Dad said as he pulled his cock from Cindy’s pussy.

The two crew members smiled at us as they held the RHIB against the swim platform. Ashley hurried down the ladder to join Dad and me as the greeting party. She was panting. “It took a bit longer to get Lonnie’s cum rinsed out! Wow, that young man had a serious load.” Ashely grinned.

The family stood up. All of them had anxious expressions. “May we come aboard? I’m Sam. This is my wife, Hellen, our kids, Robert, Emilia, Eli, and Lily.”

Dad held out his hand and Sam shook it. “Before you do, you understand that clothing is mostly not allowed on our vessels and, importantly, there will be sexual activity going on?”

Sam gave us a resigned smile. Hellen, however, sort of beamed as she said, “Oh, we’ve been surrounded by naked people having sex on the ship! We’re pretty used to it by now.”

“OK, come aboard.” Dad said, and then turned his attention to the crew members. “This may be a short visit or a long one. We just don’t know.”

“That’s fine, sir! We’ll monitor the marine band, so all you need to do is call if we need to come pick up Sam and Hellen and the kids. Personally, I hope they want to stay! We’ve heard a lot about you all and it’s heavenly!” The female crew member gushed.

We led the family over the aft deck toward the cabin. As we passed Kristen and Mike, I made sure to lovingly caress my twelve-year-old daughter’s body from her feet to her neck. She kept placidly sucking Mike’s cock. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that the family took a good long look at the sexual activity.

“Um, who were the couple having oral sex?” Hellen asked curiously as we all found seats.

“My daughter, Kristen, and my newly adopted brother, Mike.” I answered proudly.

“Oh! Um, you seem pretty relaxed about it.” Sam observed, just as curiously.

After Cindy had again perched herself on Dad’s cock, sitting on his lap with her back to his chest, Dad replied. “In our family tribe, we consider each other to be immediate family. That holds true for those of us related by blood and now related through our, um, adoption process.”

“Does she do that with you?” The youngest of them, a pretty preteen girl with long brown hair, asked.

“Of course. I’m her father! I make love to her every day, both like you just saw and with intercourse.” I replied with a smile.

“Intercourse is when his penis is in her vagina, Lily.” Hellen explained to her daughter.

Lily rolled her eyes. “We know that, Mom! We see it all the time on the ship.”

Hellen actually chuckled. “I keep forgetting just how much you kids see these days!”

“Is seeing sexual activity something new for you?” Ashley asked, while looking at Sam.

He nodded. “Until we got aboard the ship, our kids hadn’t ever even seen people naked, much less having sex.”

“Oh, how long have you been aboard the ship?” Dad asked while Cindy leisurely rocked her hips to get some fucking started.

“Just a few days, actually. The ship’s helicopter found us after I blew up our engines running from those pirates.” Sam answered.

“And until then, your kids hadn’t ever seen oral or vaginal sex?” Ashley asked worriedly.

“Or even naked people!” the older girl blurted out.

“Emilia, try to be a little more respectful in the way you join the conversation, Honey.” Hellen mildly admonished her daughter.

Emilia looked to be in about the same development stage as Kristen. She had slightly more defined, but still budding, little breasts but no pubic hair.

The older boy halfway raised his hand. “Um, some of my friends had pictures on his phone that I got to see. But it sure is different, seeing it for real.”

Ashley gave the boy a smile. “And obviously very pleasing, huh?”

The boy looked confused. “Well, yeah, I guess, maybe.”

Hellen actually laughed. “Oh, Robert! It’s very obvious that you like seeing it all! That cute penis of yours is nice and hard.”

“Oh, Mom! Don’t call my penis cute! It’s not! Girls can be cute, but men aren’t cute!” Robert glared at his mother.

Sam sighed. “Robert, get over it. That’s just how females talk, son. Your mother tells me how cute, or beautiful, my cock is all the time.”

“You do have a very nice cock, Sam,” Ashley said with an appreciative expression.

“He does, doesn’t he? I just want to gobble it up.” Hellen gushed.

Dad moaned a little at the pleasure of fucking Cindy before he said. “You should do that.”

“Um, it wouldn’t be polite, while we’re talking, um, would it?” Hellen asked, looking a bit confused.

“Aboard our vessels, sex is constant and we hold conversations while having sex all the time.” I told them as Amy walked in. My older daughter came right over and laid down on the couch so her head was on my thigh. She immediately began nursing on my cock.

“It would appear so. We’re still trying to adjust to a, um, more open environment,” Sam said as his attention went from Dad and Cindy to me and Amy.

“So, what actually brings you all out here to talk to us?” Ashley asked.

“OK. Well, actually, the captain of the ship suggested we inquire about possibly joining you. Apparently, you’re looking for a safe island to settle or something?” Sam asked.

“You don’t just join us, Sam. We’re a very exclusive family tribe. People we induct to our tribe must demonstrate their eagerness, not just acceptance, but actual eagerness, to live by our standards,” Dad said while fondling Cindy’s breasts.

Cindy increased the amount of motion she put into her hips to get more of Dad’s cock to move in and out of her. We could all easily hear the wet sounds of their coupling.

Hellen looked very attentive when she asked, “What are your standards?”

“We’re all family, whether biological or adopted. To our minds, we are all immediate family members. Here, we have men who are thought of as fathers, sons, or brothers to every female, depending on age mostly. The females then, of course, are thought of as mothers, daughters, or sisters. That’s how we see each other.

“One of the basic tenets of our way of life is that every family member makes love to every opposite sex family member. In fact, for anyone to become a part of our family, that person must have both oral and vaginal sex with every opposite sex member. Only after that, and their expressed desire to continue doing so, they become members.

“Another requirement, for families like yourselves, is that the family must already be sexually involved.” Dad started laying out the rules.

“So, Sam has to start having sex with Emilia and Lily and I get to begin having sex with Robert and Eli?” Hellen asked.

“Yes, both orally and vaginally. Your sons must have oral and vaginal sex with their sisters as well. It’s something we would need to witness.” Ashley explained.

Sam looked very uncomfortable. “I…I’m…Lily is so small. I would hurt her!”

Hellen reached to her husband’s crotch and stroked his rather small cock. “No, you won’t, Honey! Just go super slow! Now, if Joe over there were to be her first, well, they would have to go much slower even. His nice penis is quite a bit bigger than yours.”

“Daddy went so slow our first time!” Kristen said as she walked from the bathroom area sink to lie on my other side. She was soon taking turns sucking my cock with her sister, Amy.

“Did it hurt?” Lilly asked with wide eyes.

When Kristen slid her lips from my cock so that Amy could suck me, Kristen smiled. “No! Not at all! I could feel my pussy stretching a lot, but Daddy went so slow that it never hurt, not even a little. Now, it’s so easy! I still get that stretching feel, but all the guys feel really good inside me.” She said just before taking her turn to suck me.

“And we get to do it all with every boy here?” Emilia asked with a hopeful expression.

“It’s how we live. Every female has sex with every male. They’re our brothers, sons, or fathers in our minds, and all of us females want to make love to them as often as we can.” Ashley affirmed.

“How many females and males are there?” Hellen asked.

“Currently, we have fifteen females and eight males, Hellen.” Dad told her.

Hellen looked lovingly at Sam. “Will it be terrible seeing me and our girls sucking and fucking eight other men?”

Sam leaned in and kissed her. “Maybe, Honey. We need to discuss this. Will it bother you to see me and Robert and Eli make love to fifteen other girls?”

“As long as you still make love to us, Daddy, I think watching you make love to other girls is nice.” Emilia opined.

Sam chuckled, “I haven’t even made love to you or you little sister the first time yet.”

Hellen leaned over to slurp her husband’s cock for a few seconds. Sam let out a sigh of pleasure before she straightened back up. “We have to fix that!”

We called the RHIB to return to pick up Sam, Hellen and their kids. Dad and I both had our orgasms before we led the family back to the swim platform to get back into the boat.

“We’ll let you know,” Sam told us as we said our goodbyes.

“Do that. If you decide to continue, remember, we’ll need to see your family making love.” Ashely told them.

“You will!” Hellen smiled happily.

We watched them head out, going back toward the oiler. When they were about half way, we saw clothing being tossed out of the RHIB.

While we turned to get back to our activities, Ashley asked, “Do you think they want to join us?”

“I think they do, actually. It’s new to them, though. Sam is not against our way of life, but he’s really afraid of hurting Lily.” I remarked.

“He’ll be fine. Hellen seemed pretty eager to join us. The kids seemed hopeful, too. I’m quite sure that they’ll have a long discussion and then, by morning, they’ll be returning!”

Ashley laughed. She was looking over the rail toward the oiler. “It seems like that return trip is gonna happen much sooner, Dad.”

We all looked. The RHIB was finishing a 180-degree turn and gaining speed. “Huh! Well, let’s go see.” I shrugged in surprise.

We gathered back at the swim platform and the ship’s crew members expertly brought the RHIB to the swim platform. The two crew members were grinning. Sam, Hellen, and the kids had slightly apprehensive smiles as all six of them came aboard the ship. The crew members held the RHIB in place.

“Um, this is strange but, we started talking about it the second we left. Um, well, we decided that since it’s going to be our kids’ very first time having sex, could we do it here? I mean, all of you seem very well versed on that sort of thing. I wasn’t Hellen’s first, and she wasn’t my first and, damn it, I’m really nervous about being the first man for my girls! Especially Lily, she’s only ten,” Sam explained.

“Oh, does that mean you desire to become part of our family?” Dad asked.

“Well, we haven’t really decided that yet. But, we really would appreciate you folks sort of coaching us through our first time with our kids. They’re still so young! Rodger is still thirteen, Emilia is twelve, Eli is eleven, and like Sam said, Lily just turned ten,” Hellen explained.

I chuckled. “You want us to be sex coaches?”

“Yeah! Mom and Dad want to do it, but Dad’s really scared.” Emilia piped up.

“How about you, Honey, are you scared?” I asked the twelve-year-old.

“No! Girls my age and even Lily’s age do it all the time!” Emilia answered enthusiastically.

“So, let me get this straight. You want us to watch your first sexual acts as a family and provide guidance. Then, you’ll decide whether or not you want to join us?” Dad asked.

“Pretty much, David. We want our first time actually having sex as a family to be good! Then, yeah, we’ll decide if we want to join you or stay on the ship.” Sam affirmed.

“Is this a get it done and over with thing?” I asked.

“Oh, no! Nothing so crass! It’s the beginning of a new way of life for us! We’re not just gonna do a wham-bam thank you, ma’am! We’re sure that we won’t ever stop making love to each other. We just want some guidance getting it started.” Hellen exclaimed.

“Just to be clear, as a family, you’ve all embraced having sex with each other? I asked.

Sam smiled a little and sort of hung his head. “Well, yeah. We never even thought of anything like it before we got to the ship, but it’s so common in the living quarters! Then, folks were talking about needing to preserve and strengthen the genetics that make people immune to the disease and all.

“So…well… the girls, Emilia and Lily, brought it up with Hellen and, of course, Robert was very quick to agree. Eli was a bit confused. He’s only eleven, after all. But, they came to me, we discussed it. Then today, when we learned of your bunch, we made the decision that we would become an incestuous family. Not totally exclusive to the six of us, though! Our kids need to be encouraged to explore!” Sam explained.

“But, as long as our kids remain willing, me and Sam will always make love to them.” Hellen nodded.

Dad was frowning. “Sam, Hellen, we are exclusive. We only make love among ourselves, our family tribe.”

Hellen scoffed. “Oh, please! You’re recruiting! In the end, sure, you’ll have a community that limits sex to other community members, but that still offers a lot of variety! Especially for men and boys! Besides, what will you do when other people like us beg to join you? Just turn them away?”

Dad cleared his throat. “You bring up good points, Hellen.”

“The most vital, for the success of our family tribe, is the insistence that all of our members eagerly have sex with every other opposite sex member. To do that, we need to maintain our tradition of prospective new members purposely having sex with every opposite sex current member.” Ashley put in.

“Yes, Ash, you’re correct.” Dad began, then smiled. “So, the six of you want to begin your incestuous journey! Then, after that, you’ll decide, as a family, whether or not you really wish to become part of our family. Good! We’ll all observe and offer suggestions when we see fit.”

Sam, Hellen, and their kids let out relieved breaths. “OK! Um, should we sort of just start?” Sam asked.

“However you wish to do so, yes,” Dad told them.

Cindy chuckled. “You may want to spread out a little. There’s an enormous bed over there. It’ll fit all six of you and then some.”

“Actually, it’s large enough for a dozen or so people.” I smiled.

“Good! Can some of you join us on the bed as advisors? Our girls haven’t ever done anything, but I’m pretty sure I can teach my sons.” Hellen looked quite eager to get the sexual ball rolling.
From here on out, the adventure will slightly change focus! Yes, there’s plenty of sex, but there is going to be more focus on daily survival.

As always, you can get to the other nine parts of this saga by clicking on my author name in blue text.

There is another story rattling around in my empty head too. Look for it to make an appearance.

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By olddreamer #Group #Incest #PreTeen #Teen