The Last Command — Consuelo’s Fate, Chapter 14 — Smoke In The Sky

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By HistBuff A noble-born Lieutenant on a mission that takes him north of Fort Alamo captures two Puritan girls after killing their father. Then shit happens!

Note: This Chapter is in the style of the pre-spaghetti western movies, with the added rape element. It sets the stage for parts of the next and final chapter. Jemima is a treat for all of you who enjoyed the old Daniel Boone TV show.

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March 7th 1836

Lieutenant Luis Ramirez de la Hoya, the same cavalry officer who had raped Rose-Anne in the sacristy, had hoped to finally get a hefty shot of bliss inside Consuelo, but the General had summoned him before daybreak and instructed him to lead an escort for carriages carrying non-combatants about fifteen miles north, far enough to make sure they’d go on to the north and reach the next village wherefrom they’d spread the grim news about the fall of Fort Alamo and the no-quarter flag.

But maybe they could raid a farm or two? There was danger in this, since there were only eight of them and an ambush was a risk not to be trifled with. Those settlers who did not flee had Baker rifles, and they were good at using them! Yet there was the tempting possibility of capturing some fresh roses of Texas.

This strategic mission came with a 10-peso bonus for the Lieutenant and 3 pesos for each man in his escort… enough pesos to buy some brothel-time with Consuelo.

General Santa Anna meant to strike terror. He was the Napoleon of the West. He was unbeatable!

Upon reaching the crest on top of a long, drawn-out hill, Lieutenant Ramirez de la Hoya and his men stopped and looked south at the vast horizon and were taken aback by the grand landscape of Texas. Such an epic countryside could only be the home of the brave. It almost seemed that Davy Crockett and James Bowie were still out there to tell them they were up against something stronger than tyranny.

Some five or six miles south, a large column of brownish grey smoke was rising toward blue heavens. Pyres burning under a naked sky.

They were burning the heroes of Fort Alamo while gang-raping the womenfolk.

Lieutenant Ramirez thought about Consuelo. She was priceless! Especially naked.

He would never forget what he had seen last night under the bright torchlight when the aristocratic tramp got gang-fucked by black slaves. He hated this, yet he had watched it all while granite-hard! And then she had been forced to fuck her own father as he was slowly dying. Priceless. The stuff legends are made of.

Then, his higher faculties chimed in. Wouldn’t it make more sense to get himself a wife, a lovely young one? But… What if he didn’t survive this war? He definitely had to fuck Consuelo! This was something he must do.

At any rate, it was a fine day and the weather was quite warm for early March. The 22-year-old Lieutenant gently stroked the neck of his palomino horse. He loved being in the cavalry. They were often the first ones who struck against settlers. But this came with added risks for ambush, from settlers and also Apaches who fought along with the rebels. It was a dangerous life with unfathomable rewards.

“Sergeant, did you hear the good news? General Houston isn’t coming after all with his brigade! The General told me himself. It looks like the politicians up there in Washington don’t want to openly wage war against Mexico; we’re too strong for them! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!”

“Don’t celebrate victory too soon, Sir. I know those Anglo settlers. Trust me, they are a tough nut to crack! There are still hundreds upon hundreds of men who’ll volunteer to fight against us. They know the terrain like the back of their hand, and they sure can aim a rifle! We saw it yesterday. Their Davy Crockett put a bullet in more than one of us before we finally got the better of him. He even killed the infantry Colonel!”

“Yes, but now that Fort Alamo is under our flag, they’ll be scared witless, and this is precisely why we’re leading these non-combatants toward the next border town up north. They’ll spread the news and the Yankees will be too scared to stay in Texas. Nothing can stand against our red, white and green Republic of Mexico!”

“Hmmm. Well, Sir, no matter what happens next, we ought to keep a sharp eye on those bushes and thickets over there. Just the usual precautions, Sir…”

“Yes, of course, Sergeant! You know I always take your advice to heart…”

“Uho, something just glimmered amid those bushes over there, about a mile ahead, Sir. I’ll be damned if it ain’t the barrel of a rifle. There are a couple of cattle farms near this area…”

“The settlers have all fled. But if you say there’s something, Sergeant, I believe you. Now, let’s see… Those rebels waiting for us aren’t probably a great many. Do you know a trail we could use to go around them and show up behind their back? You spent some time wrestling cattle around here a few years back, haven’t you, Sergeant?”

“I did. And yes, there’s a trail we could use to do just that, and there’s even a ridge where we could take a look at them with that spyglass of yours. But we need to go there quietly and avoid making a cloud of dust. I suggest that we dismount and run over there.”

“Is that trail long?”

“About a mile and a half of a winding trail, mostly going uphill. We’ll sweat a bit under the sun, but the reward will be having them with the sun behind us! Once we get behind their back, they’ll be sitting ducks for target practice. We have rifles too!”

“I like the sound of that, Sergeant. Let’s stop here and pretend we’re giving our carriage horses a break under that sun while drinking from our canteens.”

“Aye-aye, Sir. There’s a stream down our path over there, where we just passed, so they’ll see us leading horses by the bridle and think we’re only watering them. I don’t think those settlers own a spyglass, so they can’t see us all that plainly.”

“We need to leave two or three men here along with our horses to make them think we haven’t spotted them and are moving along as usual.”

“Yes, Sir. Leave Felipe, Alonso and Sanchez “short one”; they’re the slowest runners. Tell them to attach our horses on the left side of the leading roofed wagon, so they’ll think the rest of us are riding on that side they won’t be able to see. We’ll also take off our helmets and cuirasses and strap them on our horses where they’ll glimmer under the sun and fool them some more!”

“All right, Sergeant! We need to leave at once. I’ll give my watch to Felipe and tell him not to move before fifteen minutes. That should give us enough time to get near those bastards and strike them before they have time to shoot our men or to suspect anything other than a horse-watering stop. We’ll fall back and warn Santa Anna if there are too many of them!”

“Yes, Teniente! Let’s get moving! Let’s take off those cuirasses and helmets…”

“Let’s go rebel hunting!”


The plan was swiftly set in motion. Lieutenant Ramirez, Sergeant Gonzales and the three most able men took their horses by the bridle and did water them at that brook the Sergeant had mentioned, but it was only Alonso who took them back a few minutes later and attached them to the leading wagon as instructed.

This was the risky part of the plan—Hopefully, the hidden enemy wouldn’t notice that less than five men came back with the horses. To make things look more convincing, the two fastest runners would walk alongside Alonso, and then simulate they were vomiting and run back into the bushes, and from there they’d catch up with the rest of the five-man squad.

The wind was blowing the dust to the east and away from their target. They did huff and puff and sweat profusely under their wool uniforms, but their efforts would pay off—they ran mostly hidden behind knolls as they kept up their pace with military discipline. This was no mission for a fat Major! The cavalry often made fun of Major Botez.

“There, Sir! The vantage point…”

The Lieutenant, a very active man, swiftly climbed on that ridge while checking and making sure no rattlesnakes were lurking in his way, a simple matter for the lad who had grown up in the province of Chihuahua.

Once there, along with the Sergeant, he followed the latter’s index and trained his spyglass to the most probable spot for the alleged rebels, taking advantage of the fact that the sun was mostly behind them, giving them a nice viewing aid with no risk of alerting them with a sunray glance against the spyglass. As his breathing steadied from the halted running, he saw better.

Lieutenant Ramirez stopped breathing as he spotted one man wearing deerskin and a coonskin hat. The man had his back turned to him and was looking toward the road, which lay some ten to fifteen yards down a cliff and maybe fifty yards away.

He was waiting and ready to fire his musket with two other ones waiting near him, but no, those were no muskets, but rifles—Baker rifles. A hunter’s weapon, but now the hunter was the hunted one.

Then, the Mexican Lieutenant saw the man wasn’t alone, and his heart rate began to race! Again, the unexpected!

There was a second shooter, wearing a dress—a woman! She had long light-brown hair and a youthful body shape. She was also in a waiting position, hiding from the road behind some long grass, lying on her stomach not far from that man, and ready to fire, also with two rifles at her left.

The Lieutenant felt a growing sense of arousal as he carefully looked around them. He passed a green-coloured spot that didn’t look like bushes, then went back on it and realized it was the sun striking the dark green of a figure wearing a dress—a second woman! This one was in the act of crouching with the hem of her dress risen up; she was peeing.

Looking back at the two shooters, Lieutenant Ramirez noticed three extra rifles to the man’s right and deduced this was the now-vacant post of the girl who was peeing. Three shooters, nine rifles… Enough to decimate an eight-man patrol at only 50 yards of shooting distance from a vantage point! With the sun to their back.

After another careful round of looking around, the Lieutenant handed the spyglass to his squad Sergeant, who let out a low hiss as he spotted the two girls and the man—two Yankee girls with bright skin!

“That’s three shooters and two damsels among them, Sir! I suppose we’ll shoot the man dead and keep the lasses alive?”

The Lieutenant nodded.

“You saved at least four lives today, Sergeant! Be sure it will be mentioned when we get back!” he replied grinning at his Sergeant and mentor.

“All right, Sir. Let’s get moving! We don’t have much time left before they shoot Felipe and the others…”


Mark Bonner and his daughters Jemima and Beth had been waiting, at least an hour, for that squad of cavalrymen they had spotted as they cleared a hill— seven to ten cavalrymen with three wagons with one or two coachmen sitting in each, possibly armed too. The plan was to shoot as many of them, the officer first, then down in rank, then possibly plunder and/or destroy whatever was being transported—to inflict casualties and disrupt supply lines in their own modest way.

Those cavalrymen probably had rifles. It was important not to miss!

The father and his daughters were crack shooters who very seldom missed within 100 yards. They would unhorse two-thirds of that patrol, then reload and fire again within 20-25 seconds during the enemy’s surprise and confusion. Jemima was especially fast in reloading. Baker rifles were more familiar to her than baking, but she had yet to see a man’s cock.

Mark didn’t like that stop they took right upon coming up after that bend a good mile away, but this was a spot where the horses could get watered, so he thought nothing of it. All seemed normal. He trusted his daughters to be just as careful as him in avoiding any sun glare against the barrel of their rifle.

“Jemima! I told you not to wear that silver necklace!”

“But father, I’m wearing it beneath my dress and Sam gave it to me! I hope we soon get news from Fort Alamo. Davy Crockett must have killed at least thirty men all by himself! Sam must be a hero by now! But I don’t like that brown smoke. It looks like the fort’s burning! But there must be another explanation. There has to!”

“Shut up, Jemima. You ought to know better than wearing a necklace on such a dangerous mission! You’ve been hunting with me since you were seven!”

Mark knew all too well what that smoke meant. There was no way that 160-men garrison could have held that fort against so many foes! And it wasn’t even a proper fort. It used to be a mission convent that had been converted into a fort.

That smoke column didn’t bode well at all as to the fate of the rebels in Fort Alamo. He was going to flee north with his family tomorrow, as the enemy would no doubt begin raiding this very area. It was far too dangerous to stay. They would go north and join up with General Houston’s volunteers. He was mentally preparing himself to tell Jemima they had to leave… without Sam her fiancé.

After what seemed like a very long time, the carriages finally resumed their journey. The dust being lifted from those horses and the escort looked about right for three two-horse wagons and eight cavalrymen, but something felt odd in the way those men rode. They seemed overly cautious and kept looking in his direction. And the officer… where was he?

After a few minutes of this, shortly after Beth had returned to her post after relieving her bladder, the cavalrymen were only a hundred yards away from their target point, a large oak, leafless due to winter, some distance away on the other side of the road… Mark took his decision.

“Beth, Jemima… I think they spotted us. It’s no good. We need to fall back.”

“But, father…” Jemima pleaded.

“Did you hear what I said? We need to fall back! We’ll get another chance to kill those jackasses, don’t worry, daughter…”

“But Father, they’re moving along as usual! Of course they’re looking toward our spot—this is the best hiding spot around here, but look at that cloud of dust they’re raising… There must be about five or six men on the other side of those roofed carriages…”

“Jemima, I know that you want to impress Sam, but this is too dangerous. I tell you they’ve spotted us.”

“Ooh, but father,” Beth cut in, “this is my first time hunting Mexican soldiers! And this is my fifteenth birthday! I want the helmet of their leader as a trophy for my birthday!”

Beth was his favourite daughter. She had her mother’s eyes and the same long wavy brown hair, and whenever she looked at him with those sea-mist gems she had for eyes, Mark usually gave in.

This time was no exception.

“I heard that Señorita Consuelo de Quesada is the most beautiful girl in San Antonio,” Jemima suddenly said, with some worries in her voice. She kept picturing that señorita in the act of seducing her beloved Sam.

“Ssht! Not a sound! They’re getting close! Remember, we shoot to kill as soon as they pass the Big Sleepy Oak!”

“Yes, Dad!” Beth said, happy to have made her father cave in once again.

Indeed, Father had risen to a sitting position with crossed legs, wherefrom he fired and reloaded the fastest; it also allowed him to watch Beth’s rump through her dress. Beth was flat on her stomach and her petite figure was delightful to behold as she aimed at the third cavalryman, leaving the two more forward men to her teammates.

A gunshot tore through the air. It was the familiar “k-pAww!” of a flintlock rifle—it lacked the bass “boom” of a musket going off in the open.

“Who fired that shot? It…”

“It’s not me, Beth. It came from behind! Father, I think we… Father?!… Father! Father!!! Say something! Father, no!!!”

Jemima, tears rolling down her apple cheeks, kept shoving her father’s shoulders, but he lay face down in the dust, unconscious. She then saw a clean dot of blood marring his deerskin jacket plump in the middle of his back. His coonskin hat had rolled off his greying bald head.

Beth screamed as she noticed a small puddle of fresh blood gathering under his right side, and it was steadily expanding.

“Help me, Beth! We need to bring father home!”

“Yes, big sister. But… I’m scared!”

“We can’t leave him like this! Leave the rifles here! We’ll come and get them back later.”

Oblivious to everything else, the loyal daughters strained and finally managed to bring their beloved father on his feet, not understanding, or refusing to understand that the rifle ball had gone straight through his heart.

The girls kept straining in their stubborn will to bring their father home, carrying each side of him, their shoulder under his armpits, without having the foggiest idea of how they were going to treat his wound. He was so heavy! All flaccid too.

Beth thought they would need to pull that ball out and he’d hopefully be fine again with some whiskey.

“Come on, Beth! Put your heart into it! We need to gain the cover of those woods! The shooter must be reloading…”

Beth suddenly screamed and let go of her father’s arm. Jemima looked up and also screamed as she let her father drop.

Mark’s body fell down to the ground like a bag of flour as Jemima took her rifle in both hands and was about to aim at the newcomers.

Several Mexicans wearing a bright crimson uniform stood right there with their rifles trained at them. They wore no helmets. One of them wore the small-fringed epaulettes of a junior officer. He presently spoke in passable English…

“Drop that rifle, young lady! Raise your hands like your sister or we’ll shoot her like a dog!”

“Congratulations for that crack shot, Sir! That ball went right through his heart!” the Sergeant said as he briefly examined the dying man while picking up Jemima’s rifle. Beth had already dropped her earlier as she strained under her father’s weight.

“That man is still breathing, but feebly,” the Sergeant added.

“Well well well! Then he’ll watch and here what we’ll do with his daughters!” the officer replied. All the Mexicans grinned from their olive faces. The officer had the fair skin of an aristocrat with much haughtiness painted all about him.

Jemima understood Spanish, and as soon she heard those fateful words, she dropped down on her knees and stooped down over her lifeless father, crying and oblivious of all else.

“Father! Father! I’m so sorry-yyy! I should have, listened, AAA- AAAaaa aaaaaaaahhh!”

“R, r… run, run!” the father said with his dying breath.

The warning came far too late.

Two pairs of scarlet-wearing arms grabbed Jemima and lifted her up and back on her feet, while Beth’s shrill screams tore the air and echoed against the leafless oaks and ashes as another pair of cavalrymen seized her.

“Look at the pretty catch we got here! Look at that lovely angel’s face!” the Sergeant bellowed as he began licking Beth’s cheek. “Oh, very pretty indeed! ¡Buenos días, damisela!”

Beth started to scream as if she were being burned with a branding iron as the other man lifted her dark-green dress and began to grope her slender legs, marvelling at the unbelievable softness of her fair skin.

“Leave my sister alone, you sumbitch—mmMMffhhmm!!!”

Lieutenant Ramirez silenced Jemima with a forced kiss! He knew he ought to send some men as watchmen, but the men were far too horny to think of anything else other than those two pussies—probably virgin pussies since those lasses wore no wedding rings—to be found under their dresses.

Jemima writhed in the arms of the Lieutenant, powerless to stop him as he kept pressing his lips against her face while loosening her hair and destroying their style along with her love life—this girl was to have her wedding right on the spot!

He grew a raging erection while a private was at Jemima’s feet, holding her legs fast as she desperately wriggled. And the Lieutenant took his time, enjoying her scent and the way she felt against him, kissing her on as she kept turning her face away.

“Let me go! Let me, gggho! Sumbitch!”

“I’m just a-fixin’ to give you a nice proper Texas wedding, girl!” the Lieutenant jested in his Chihuahua-tainted English.

That private began exploring her legs by lifting her pale beige dress along with her white underskirt, and Jemima squealed under the officer’s kissing as this second man began kissing the silky-soft skin in the back of her thighs after burying his head underneath her dress and undergarment—his caressing hands and mouth were tasting regions where not even Sam her fiancé had been.

Beth’s screams were shattering the air around her as the Sergeant and two privates were easily restraining her and laughing about her father being “as dead as a dry fish”, but Beth understood no Spanish and just kept begging them to please let her go!

Mark Bonner was mentally swearing at Death. Why did he have to hear and see his beloved daughters getting defiled? And Rebecca was home only two miles away! What if those men decide to go over there?

Yet Mark felt evilly aroused, much against his will as he heard Beth’s mad shrieking. What was Death waiting for?! He nonetheless anticipated the moment when she’d get forcibly undressed. He had seen Beth in the nude, and nubile, only once as she emerged from her bath—her wet bottom was forever etched in his soul.

“No! No! Nooo Please don’t it’s my birthday! It’s my birthday! I want my helmet! My helmet—nnhaaahhaa AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA NNOOOO! NNOO! PLEASE! Don’t! Don’T!! Naaaahhhh not this don’t I’m virgin-not marrieeeee’d pleee—eeeeeeeeezze I’m a good Chrishhtian! AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!”

“Do you hear the music she makes, Sergeant? But we gonna be gentle and nice with her! Hey lass, I love your face! Now let’s see your titties!”

“You two, hold her tight! I want to see what she looks like naked!” the Sergeant ordered, a savage erection already pushing his pants as Beth kept tearing the air with her mad shrieking.

“Can someone silence her, you fools? She can be heard from two miles away!”

One of the privates pressed a tight hand on Beth’s mouth as the Sergeant complimented her on the brooch at the collar of her dress. Her complexion looked positively radiant against her fir-green garments.

“This is a lovely silver brooch you got here! I bet this is what glimmered when I spotted you! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Do you realize you killed your own father by wearing this?” the Sergeant said as he cupped her tits through her clothes and forced-kissed her as she cried rivers.


Jemima got punched by Lieutenant Ramirez, who punched her yet again, and again as she dropped on the grass.

Before she could get up, the officer was already on top of her and he had pulled his knife from Albacete, Spain and pressed its razor-sharp blade against her swan-white neck.

“Now, girl! I know you understand Spanish! You shut up and lie there or we’ll cut off the breasts of your little sister over there! Do we understand each other?”

With terror in her eyes, Jemima nodded.

She started bawling and crying as the other man grabbed her wrists and held them together above her light-brown hair while the Lieutenant quickly cut the laces of her bodice and open it wide. The maiden had grown-up tits under that dress top!

He liked the shapes of her bosom, although he’d rather have that younger girl, who was now in the Sergeant’s arms, but he was already on top of this one and she looked about sixteen or seventeen years of age—and she was bustier. Not bad!

“Not a sound I said! Unless you want your future husband to marry a woman with her nipples missing. This is a sharp blade I got here! Shut up, Yankee bitch!” the Lieutenant said as he put back his high-quality knife at his belt beside his sack of rifle balls.

“Aahh… Sam! Sam… I’m so sorry! Aaaaa aaaaaah aaaaaaahhh…”

“Oh, don’t fret, sweet lass! You’re beautiful and it’s about time for you to get your first cock, and God has seen fit that it would be a cock from Chihuahua! And I’m from an old Spanish noble house. A peasant girl like you should feel honoured to be raped by a Don de La Hoya!”

As he spoke to Jemima, the Lieutenant settled himself on top of her, straddling the girl where she could only kick aimlessly in the air behind him and sob bitterly as she realized those men were going to rape her and rape her beloved sister too. There was nothing she could do about it, nada!

Her sobs grew more frantic with much tears rolling down her eyes and catching sunrays as the officer grabbed the collar of her beige dress and strained against the linen and messed up the fancy butterfly-style arrangements.

“N—nnoooo! Please don’t do this… I wanna be a good wife—aaaah aaaaahh AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH A Chrishhtian wife! AAAAIEE!!!”

“Shut up I said!” barked the officer as he slapped her twice. “And I bet you’re one of those Puritans! Well, now girl! show us your Puritan titties!”

With an evil grin and a loud grunt, Lieutenant Ramirez ripped her dress top apart, right down to her navel as sharp sounds of tearing fabric marked the sudden revelation of Jemima’s bare tits! The girl sobbed with frightening depth in her groans.

And the Lieutenant gasped as he saw she wasn’t wearing anything under it… Many country girls relied on their outer bodices to keep their bosom high and proud.

Her young tits broke the day’s common reality! So simply there!

Her silver necklace chain with a Puritan plain cross offered a bright glimmer that hit the Lieutenant in the eye, but not nearly as much as her sunlit breasts. Her nipples were wonderfully pale with inviting areolas that screamed her maiden status. Babies and milking were still ahead of her.

“Aaahhh aaaaaaaah aaaaahh Sam! Sam! Father… I’m s, sorry—yyyy hhh…”

“Shut up, Puritan bitch!” barked the Catholic officer as he slapped her again.

“Aaaiii!!! Noooo oooooo ooooohhh…”

The private restraining her wrists grinned at her and announced her he was going to have her from behind like the Puritan bitch she was after his officer would be through with her. All she could do was clenching her little fists with no effect other than hurting her own palms with her too-long nails.

Lieutenant Ramirez was now cupping and kissing the lovely pair of tits between the torn pieces of her beige garments and the ruins of her plaid bodice.

Oh God! Those titties! Only girls under twenty felt like this! Those cushions of flesh were not small nor big—just right under his hands! They yielded like some delicate aspic dish, and always came back in their right shapes. Girly knolls for her outdoors wedding!

Her nipples were of a delicate rosy that tasted absolutely fantastic and caused his erection to grow to a painful swelling. In the background, the younger sister was squealing and whimpering in subdued terror, and this aroused the Lieutenant even more! Raping those little Puritans was going to be some seriously great fucking! The Coronel himself was going to be jealous!

Straddling the older sister since he got on top of her, the officer raised his torso away from Jemima and looked behind him.

The Sergeant had similarly ripped off the sister’s dress top and was now in the act of cutting the laces of her cream-white petticoat between those now-loose curtains of dark green.

Soon enough, the Sergeant gave the borrowed knife back to one of the soldiers restraining Beth and that private rested the blade under her delicate chin as a clear instruction not to stir nor make a sound!

Jemima cried out as she also witnessed this, restrained at her wrists with her waist hopelessly under that tall officer.

Her father was still breathing. His eyes were locked on Beth’s bosom as the Mexican Sergeant seized her unlaced petticoat and with a cry of victory, he opened the ruined undergarment!

The unreal flash of Beth’s tits seemed to suck all the light in that forest clearing! Nipples that were delicate, brownish pale with notes of rosy wine, on top of free-moving knolls that were mind-boggling in their small-size beauty, just enough to give her a little woman’s bosom.

“¡Santa Madre de Dios!” Sanchez “short one” exclaimed as he reached the top of that nearly vertical cliff just in time to witness this.

Sanchez and Felipe were now up that twelve-yard high cliff, which they had climbed after hearing the girls screaming. The three coachmen and Alonso were still on their way, uncaring about leaving the wagons and horses unguarded.

All form of intelligent thinking seemed to cease whenever there were some young pussies to be fucked.

Sanchez and Felipe were just in time when the Sergeant opened that small petticoat while her arms were restrained by Henrique and Sebastián the Lance Corporal.

Beth had small tits that seemed to belong to a porcelain statue that suddenly sprang into life! Between the dark-green curtains of her destroyed dignity, her brownish nipples with tiny areolas freely moved along with the sobbing girl’s wriggling. Her Puritan-white tits seemed shocked and terrified to be left with no protection left for the girl’s modesty.

Grunting like a bear eating honey, the Sergeant pressed his face against those tits and began to ravenously kiss and suck her nipples while the girl sobbed between Henrique and Sebastián, who licked her tears and kissed her while both caressing and restraining her little wrists.

Sanchez and Felipe came over and took their spots in the waiting order, the two last spots for fucking the fairy-looking lass! Beth let out a deep groan as she realized the enormity of her fate. She had never even been kissed!

A few paces away, Lieutenant Ramirez had tucked up Jemima’s dress and after ordering her to “kindly open your legs, or else your sister loses her nipples”, he was presently between those girly thighs and in the act of pushing his proud and noble erection inside the Texan lass!

“Aaa AAAAAAAAAAAAHH!” Jemima yelped as the officer forced his entry inside her virginity, his face terrifyingly distorted with a brand of animalistic joy she had only seen on Sam’s face the first time she allowed him to see and play with her breasts. This was the farthest she allowed him while waiting for their wedding night that was supposed to be in June.

He entered some of the way. Jemima shrieked and got muffled by the other soldier who pressed his hand on her kisser as the officer strained on!

“Aaa—AAAAAAAAARRRRHHH!!!” the Lieutenant roared with a deep sense of victory as something gave way and he was now almost all the way in!

“Now girl! Let’s hear what a Puritan tramp sounds like when she’s fucked under the sun!”

With such winged words of wisdom, Lieutenant Ramirez began pounding her in the age-old position on top of her, the position advocated by Christian priests since the dawn of times as the best one to make babies.

Jemima thought of Sam, then of her dead father as her uncovered breasts were forced to endure the enemy’s bosom on them! She thought of her silver necklace and felt fathomless guilt. Her father was dead because of her! Her young sister was being gang-raped because of her!

She let her body get shaken and deflowered under the furious onslaught, trying to make peace with what she saw as her fit punishment.

“Sam must never learn about this!” Jemima thought as the rape went on, and she sensed the man was getting more frantic. Was he already about to finish? Her body was already adapting to the intrusion and each stroke felt a bit less painful than the previous one. She caught her own body in the act of striking some dangerous form of peace treaty with her defilement. She began to hate herself.

Lieutenant Ramirez loved the way she felt. This was a lot better than that negro slave he had raped earlier that morning. He was now so horny that this made no difference. He had been hard the whole time ever since spotting those sisters in his spyglass. He had been granite-hard as he saw he had aimed true with his rifle and the father was shot dead.

His arousal was through the roof as he raped the daughter of a man he just killed, the man’s blood still warm and the ghost watching. Ramirez believed in ghosts.

“Now! Now, Señorita! Now! Now! Now! Aahh! Yes!” he growled between his teeth as he rose on his arms and let Jemima’s dancing nipples hypnotize him atop those jiggling tits as he blissfully felt the passing of his no-return frontier…

He hastened the pace and kept enjoying the fantastic grip of her pussy as he braced for the final shiver!


The Lieutenant lost control and enjoyed a mighty ejaculation with his entire world filled by Jemima’s moving tits! He filled her up and told her she was going to have a De La Hoya bastard.

“In nine months, young lady! Young lady, I now leave you to the care of my compañero here! Take her, Roberto, you’ll see, she’s an amazing fuck!”

The men traded their spots. Jemima found herself crushed under Roberto’s frame with her wrists now held together by the happy buttons-down Lieutenant.

The skin-on-skin encounter with Roberto’s face and lips sickened her as he kissed her nipples, then it got worse! With her tits fully out and devil-dancing between the wide-open destruction of her dress top and bodice, Jemima endured her second deflowering, very similar, but a bit more savage, and certainly with heavier strokes, with the added pang of hearing her little sister as she was also gang-raped.

As her body took the new beat from the bigger man, Jemima began to whimper and pray the Lord that those men would quickly get done, then leave.

Before long, Roberto was hit by a fit of entranced pounding where he shivered from head to toe and dropped a generous amount of slobber on her face as he growled for several seconds and offered her a huge load of his semen from Chihuahua.

“HNNMM NNNNNNNNNNNGGHHH! Ooohh! You, you’re, ohh, right, S, sir. She’s, a, very, good, tr, tramp, ¡Oohh! ¡Madre de Dios!”

For a brief moment, Jemima saw no new soldier nearby and thought they were finished with her, but then she saw three old men, three impossibly dirty and ugly men who were grinning with very few teeth left and walking straight at her.

The three coachmen had risked climbing the cliff and now, here they were! They wanted their own piece of the Yankee pie! For them, Jemima was a rare opportunity.

Beth was already far too busy with no less than five men around her like wolves on a fresh lamb.


Indeed, the Sergeant would never forget the priceless moment when he ripped open her dark-green dress and uncovered her titties, so pure and innocent. She was a rush of youth blinding his eyes with its light! He was known as the Durango Kid, now much less a kid and more of a mentor getting close to forty springs, yet the experience was nonpareil for him as well.

The taste! The kiss of her nipples! Of her freshly matured lips! It was a long time since he had had so young a girl in his arms.

Sergeant Durango directed the operations! He and three other men grinned and smiled a mile wide as they made short work of Beth’s clothes! She was an exceptional booty and as such, she was to be properly raped in the nude.

After laying her down on the grass, they ignored her sobbing pleas and pulled her hunting boots away and removed her long socks, much to the joy of Felipe and Henrique. Beth had a very erotic pair of feet—dainty feet that caused both of her feet admirers to experience a gigantic case of hard and stiff cock! Such a pity they had to wait their turn!

It was clear without explanation that the Sergeant was to go first and then the Lance Corporal would follow, then the privates by descending order of seniority. The angel-faced lassie was to be stripped naked and raped as per military tradition.

If her small breasts were a striking sight, then the rest of Beth was life-altering beyond words!

Her father, as he exhaled his ultimate breath, saw his youngest daughter’s butt revealed in broad daylight—in its fairy-like paleness! The bum crack as delicate as the rest and unforgettable!—as the Sergeant ragingly tore and pulled her dark dress down her backside, then further down where her bright hips appeared along with the sudden softness of her bum, the dark-green bundle of fabric dropping along vestal-pristine curves that seamlessly travelled down along the pure lines of her legs.

Beth’s violators slid her ruined garments and petticoat all the way down her legs, until they passed her ankles and feet and discarded the now-useless bundle of fabric and linen, as they rolled the Puritan maiden into position with the clear intent to deflower her from behind like stallions.

If Mark Bonner was still there as a ghost like the Lieutenant thought he was, then he saw the evil Sergeant in the act of licking Beth’s bum crack and marking his territory with spit as the young maiden squealed and whimpered under the unknown sensations.

She desperately wriggled and tried to escape, looking like a human eel, but it was in vain. There were too many men, and only one such man would have been one too many given her lithe figure and lack of manly strength.

Felipe and Henrique were licking, caressing and worshipping her feet while holding her ankles while Sergeant Durango covered her pristine buttocks with kisses as he felt his erection ready.

Her wrists were imprisoned by other men, and Sergeant Durango barked at Felipe and Henrique, telling them to move out of the way as he knelt behind Beth and hastily unbuttoned his colonial-white trousers.

Standing on his knees near the girl, he tapped his stiff club against the softness of her virgin’s butt, enjoying his complete victory.

Beth jerked and went into a bursting frenzy, and the petite girl had to be restrained by four men! She yelped and shrieked until one man pressed his hand on her mouth. It was as if she was being branded by a red-hot iron! Right on her butt where the Sergeant was tapping his cock.

Then, Sergeant Durango made sure to really enjoy the moment as he coated his swollen cock with much slobber, and then he took it in one hand and fingered her with the index finger of his other hand.

Beth jerked even more as she felt the intrusion. The four other men had to seriously restrain her.

All men kept her on all fours. Jemima was whimpering in the background.

“The little tramp is wet!” declared Sergeant Durango as he moved himself closer to Beth’s bum with his erection ready.

“A Yankee tramp all right! Let’s go Sergeant! Show the lass who’s boss!”

On these words from the Lance Corporal, Sergeant Durango pushed himself inside her and strained as she winced and shook in great pain as the man insistently pushed and pushed, sinking his throbbing victory more and more.

“Let’s go, Sergeant! We’re all going to deflower this little tramp! And a Puritan!”

Beth cried her life out as they pushed her shoulders down and forced her to lie her cheek down against the earth, looking sideway at her father’s body as all her rapists feasted their eyes on the pristine curves that shaped her protruding buttocks, wide and soft beyond words against her fairy-thin waistline.

The Sergeant ran his hands around those divine contours and marvelled at their softness. He couldn’t believe his luck as he felt that girly flesh gently yield under his fingers until he met the firmer base of her muscles, and he pushed himself hard and deep! He screamed with delight as her pussy closed in around him!

She screamed and a man, Sebastián, quickly silenced her again. Sebastián took his knife and kept the blade near her neck, and the terrified girl went silent in her distressed sobbing while Sergeant Durango began pounding her, taking unfathomable delight in striking and buffeting her virgin’s booty!

“¡Aaahh, Santa Maria! ¡Santa Maria! ¡Aaahh!… ¡oohh! ¡Santa Maria! ¡HRR! HRR!—HRRR!— ¡HRR! HRR! HRRR! HRRR! ¡Ooooooh ¡Qué bueno!”

Beth had no other option but to cry and whimper under the barrage of manly joy the Sergeant was dishing out!

Soon enough, Lance Corporal Sebastián had the joy to hear his Sergeant reaching his boiling point. The oaks and ashes and the bald cypresses in the remote clearing were the tall and silent witnesses as Sergeant Durango exploded inside the soft-skin maiden and basically died, sounding like he had been shot as he gave his seed to the Puritan maid, making her unmarriageable if the secret got known.

Sebastián followed suit. The Sergeant replaced him as the one holding the knife near her pretty face as the Lance Corporal gave her his hard wood and furthered her deflowering, making real sure she understood she was now Mexican property.

“Make this quick! We must not stay here too long! Other settlers in arms may hear this and come!” Lieutenant Ramirez bellowed as the orgy was in full swing.

Jemima was now bawling and crumbling in horror as the three leather-faced old coachmen covered her with their slobbering affection.

Those old men were spent from raping the big ugly slave girl earlier, and they all cursed. If only they had known! But their cocks just wouldn’t go up! No, they wouldn’t! Why was life so bloody unfair?

They got angry at Jemima, saying it was her fault. One of the men broke and took her silver necklace from her as she yelped in pain.

“Please! Give it back! Take me all you want, but give it back! It’s a gift from my fiancé. Ohh Sam! Sam! I hope you’ve killed a lot of these bastards in Fort Alamo!”

But the old men laughed and kept violating her with their gross kissing, kneading her maiden splendour everywhere, especially her tits and buttocks and legs.

“Your fiancé was in Alamo fighting?” the Lieutenant replied. “Well then, he’s dead! Did you see that big plume of brownish smoke down south? That’s the bonfires from pyres where your Sam is now burning with all the other rebels. They’re all dead, each and every one of them! To the last man! General Santa Anna gave no quarter!”

Jemima wailed with a soul-shattering cry as she heard him.

“I told you to stay silent, Yankee tramp!” the Lieutenant said as he rushed at her, kneeling near her and taking his knife from Spain. He rested the blade on her right tit near her nipple to make his point clear.

“Yes,” the officer added, “they’re all dead, and their women moaned and cried like the tramps they are when we ravaged them! Again, again and again, while their men’s blood was still warm! And about your Sam… There was a fancy lady who kept crying and calling his name while we were all raping her on a cannon. Consuelo de Quesada! I’m really sorry to say, lass, but I think your departed fiancé had some alone-time with her before!”

“Nooo! Not Sam! He wouldn’t do such a thing! Not Sam! Not Sam! Not my Sa-aa-aaam! Aaahhh aaaaaah aaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! Rrrrrrhhaaaaa—aaaa—aaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaahh aahhhh! Why is life so unfairrhhhh! aaaaaaaaaaaaahh aaaaaaa, nooooo…”

Lieutenant Ramirez smiled with a cruel light. The story was entirely fabricated, but he loved to see her suffering while her blossoming charms were prey to the old coachmen.

“But… What are you doing here, you three? Who’s guarding the horses now?”

But the old men didn’t hear him, they were enraptured in the youthful splendour of Jemima’s legs and feet, of her sunlit butt and breasts…


Lieutenant Ramirez suddenly came to his senses and realized that all his men and the three coachmen were up there enjoying the girls, and no one was watching over the horses and the non-combatants in those three wagons!

Upon reaching the crest overlooking the road, the officer saw no more wagons, and the horses had followed since they were roped to a wagon. A bronze dragoon helmet was there on the dirt, glimmering and seemingly mocking him.

He looked to the north and saw the nice plume of dust. They weren’t far, thank God! Colonel Alvarez would break his officer’s commission if he dared come back after losing five horses and as many cuirasses and helmets in one single blundered job.

“Sergeant! Come here quick! Now! On the double!”

He briefly explained the situation to his petty officer and they called Private Roberto, the man who had relieved himself inside Jemima after the Lieutenant himself.

“All right, the horses of Alonso, Felipe and “short one” are still there! Between the three of us, we’ll make a run for it and we’ll catch them! They only have a mile’s jump over us! Let the rest of the men here under Lance Corporal Francès. We must get our horses and equipment back! Take those rifles here and let’s climb down this cliff! Get moving!”

“But, Sir, it’s teeming with rattlesnakes!” Roberto whined.

“We must risk it! I’d rather risk rattlesnakes than the Colonel’s rage when he learns we lost five horses and as many armours! Now get moving!”

After taking and tossing six Baker rifles down the cliff, the three active men climbed down the twelve yards of the cliff, with Roberto nearly falling off in the process, and the Lieutenant spotting a hissing rattlesnake just in time.

Down the cliff, they found Alonso in very bad shape. He was just coming to, with his knee bent the wrong way and he had been bitten by a rattlesnake!

“Roberto, stay with him! Tend to the snakebite! You know how, don’t you?”

“¡Sí, Señor Teniente!”

The Lieutenant and his Sergeant, moving faster thanks to the absence of a helmet and breast plate, swiftly got two horses back, and after strapping two rifles on each one, in addition to the pistol each of them carried, they mounted and rode at break-neck speed. A noble officer fearing for his commission will ride very fast indeed.

Only two of them! The Sergeant couldn’t keep pace with the officer, who now rode alone some couple of hundred yards ahead. And this countryside was not exactly a welcoming region for Mexico’s soldiers.


In the clearing on that cliff, the three coachmen kept enjoying the older one of the young sisters, oblivious of their serious negligence that would cost them dearly later. The old men had completely stripped Jemima naked and were having the time of their life with her.

One of the old buggers was now on his back with his filthy trousers down, he was holding Jemima’s ankles and kept brushing the soft tenderness of her feet against his now-stirring cock! Jemima’s feet were performing the miracle.

The other old men were kneeling over her arms, restraining her completely and uncaring of her pain as they masturbated above her, for they had still enough sense not to shove their sausages inside her yapper. The girl was now hatefully cursing at them as they kept on masturbating their progressively harder things.

Jemima was grossed out, and her mind shut down, unable to process or accept the terrible news—Sam was dead. All the men in Fort Alamo were dead. Her own virtue was dead too. Not to mention her sister’s.

The old bugger using her feet as massage cushions for his now-stiff mast was now grunting as he kept brushing those feet against his meat. He then suddenly realized that if he was stiff, then he was able to…

He got up and went to move himself on top of the girl, but his two fellow old buggers barked at him and told him to wait his turn as they kept massaging their half-flaccid meat. There was jealousy in their eyes as they saw how stiff their friend was.

After a sprint of frantic masturbation, one of the half-erect men let out a growl that had Jemima shuddering and he relieved himself right on her face, coating her nose and most of her cheeks as she shook her head in token refusal of her fate.

Soon enough, the second old bugger added to the horror by splattering a surprisingly big load all over her breasts! Jemima bitterly sobbed. As if this wasn’t enough, she heard her sister’s whimpers and what she saw killed whatever was left of her senses.

Beth was on all fours with four cavalrymen around her, all of them grinning and taking their turns in what looked like a contest to see who could pound her fairy-like buttocks the hardest and who could make the little tramp whimper the loudest!

The wayward wind was blowing its whispering spirit and moving the wild flowers along with the leafless branches under the March sky. It carried the girl’s lamentations to the east, where their mother was home and seriously worried. Her husband should have been back by now!


It was much better for Jemima’s mother not to witness the horror where her husband lay dead, his corpse still warm and his bladder now emptying itself, while her two beloved daughters were being used by Mexicans for some rape practice.

Jemima had been turned around by the third old man, who didn’t exactly wished to be on top of her now that her tits were covered with slimy cum.

The girl didn’t resist, or feebly if anything, and the sixty-something man had strong arms from years of horse handling. He had no trouble in positioning Jemima on all fours. He kissed and licked the heaven of her buttocks, and then, he took his erection and felt like he was twenty again. He pushed himself inside her deflowered paradise!

He strained a little, but by that time, Jemima was full of juices as her young body responded to the violent abuse, not to mention the loads from the officer and the private.

The old coachman consolidated his kneeling stance behind her, he took a firm hold of her waist and began to do what he never thought he’d do again with such a young lass.

As she was being pounded vigorously, Jemima realized that her body liked this angle and she felt those strong hands upon her and looked behind her, supporting her weight on her elbows as the scary-wrinkled man kept buffeting her ass against him with a deformed expression that Jemima found positively scary.

Yet this horrific grossness and the contrasting vigour the man was displaying had an unforeseen effect on Jemima. She started to moan!

“Ha! Ha! Ha! Hear the little tramp! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!” the old man from Durango remarked as he kept up his feast of cock strokes and kept looking down—with utter disbelief—at the bumping play of her ever-flattened buttocks, so soft and youthful against his old frame!

“¡Aaaahhh! ¡Aaahh! ¡Aahh – ahh! ¡Sí, Sí Sí! ¡Aaaahhhr! ¡no es posible! ¡aaahhrr, AAAAHHRRR! AAAAAAHHRRR! AAAHHHHH UUGGHHHH!!!”

Jemima heard his final flourish and knew he was dumping his load inside her.

But her nightmare wasn’t over.

The spent old man pushed her butt to the side and grabbed her hips. He moved her around until she was once again pinned on her back and he told his two companions to hold her arms.

The third old scoundrel then pushed his head between Jemima’s legs, and he had the unthinkable experience of landing his kissing lips on her velvety patch of cunt hair.

After covering her mons Veneris with licking affection, drinking her sweat, the old bugger darted his tongue inside her pussy and began to pleasure her, braving the horrible taste of his own cum as the lass began to moan out loud.

The old bugger had sensed the tramp was enjoying the fuck, so he had decided to follow up his act of pleasure by furthering it with an acquaintance of his mouth and her cum-drenched pussy.

Do what she will, Jemima lost control of her body. What’s more, the two old scoundrels holding her arms took their flasks of aguardiente and poured some on her tits and washed the jism off them.

Soon enough, Jemima had both her tits sucked by sixty-something men while the third bugger kept on insisting with his tongue.

Jemima’s loud moans and her long-winded groan of ecstasy echoed against the tree trunks!



Beth’s luminous butt kept tapping against the hem of those crimson jackets as her four “lovers” kept enjoying her pussy. They were so horny that each of them was able to go twice inside her. Henrique even became a three-time champion.

As he passed his edge for the third time inside the fairy-looking lass, Lucky Henrique—such was his new nickname—kept driving that divinely young ass against him, enjoying her tight glove that was so implacably massaging him.

He burst inside her, basking in the heat as his spurting jism left him breathless.

Something like a gunshot went off in his mind as he enjoyed the bliss and got near the province of the ever-happy gods.


Lieutenant Ramirez and Sergeant Durango were met with unpredictable resistance as they chased the escaped wagons in absolute stampede. The old slave driving the one with the horses tied to it had clearly been serving as a coachman, for he was driving fast.

The two dragoons soon overtook the two other carriages, but they were after the one with their precious horses and equipment.

The eventually caught up with the slave, but it took a lot longer than Lieutenant Ramirez had reconned.

Angry, the officer came near the slave, none other than Old Sam, who smiled at him as if proud to have given him a chase for his money’s worth.

But Lieutenant Ramirez was in no mood for laughing. He had his pistol in hand, and Uncle Sam lost his smile as he saw the wrong end of the barrel, just as the flintlock sparked and he fell, his ultimate thoughts taking him to a paradise where he was blissfully ejaculating inside Consuelo de Quesada. Ooh, sweet lovely Milady!

Finally, at last, Lieutenant Ramirez and Sergeant Durango tapped each other’s back as they detached the spare horses under the horrified gazes of the unarmed passengers, none of whom wished to die. Fear was making them like sheep even though there were eight of them and they could have swarmed the two cavalrymen, but this would have come with a butcher’s bill they didn’t want to pay.

“Let those brave folks bury this nigger,” Lieutenant Ramirez said.

The Lieutenant breathed a lot easier now that he had recovered the horses and equipment. All he had to do now was to take his men back to Fort Alamo. He had avoided the career-ending ignominy of having to show up horseless before his Coronel.

On top of this, he was bringing back two lovely prisoners to add to Santa Anna’s stable of tramps. And those ones were Puritans!

Then he heard gunshots. It came as a somewhat faded “k-paw”. Rifles!

It came from where they had left the men!

The Lieutenant and his Sergeant rode faster than the dead, or at least as fast as their frothing horses would allow them to. Their horses were tired after the costly chase.

As they got nearer, the Sergeant got close beside his officer and told him to stop. With the horses halted and neighing as they longed for water to drink, both men listened closely.

No more gunshots. Only the Texas wayward wind was whispering to the wildflowers and the majestic oaks and ashes.

The fighting was over.

“Sir, I’ll dismount and go to that knoll you see over there.”

Lieutenant Ramirez nodded. He anxiously waited for his Sergeant, who was soon a scarlet spot 200 yards away to the front and a bit to the right, wherefrom he saw that gigantic oak opposite the road and the cliff where the fighting had taken place.

There was a lone gunshot. Sudden. Final. Another rifle.

The Sergeant came back running!

“Our boys are all dead or prisoners, Sir, and if they aren’t dead, then it’s bad luck for them. I saw one of them standing above the cliff and shooting Alonso where he lay, and I saw Roberto lying near that tall oak where he was running for cover.”

“But, we must… We must do something!”

“Yes, we will ride on and take those trails that circle around that place. We can’t go through there. They’ll shoot us like target practice from the cliff. And our horses need water. Come, Sir. We’ll be back tomorrow with two full squadrons and we’ll raid those farms! Our boys will be avenged! And don’t worry about the Coronel, Sir. I’ll tell you what to say!”


Boys from neighbouring ranches had been alerted by Jemima’s mother. Those were boys who would work as hands on the cattle farms for a wage, when there was work to do. Some of them were honest, others not so honest.

Most of the families had fled from the Mexican advance, but some had remained in the vain hope that Santa Anna’s brigade would be stopped at Fort Alamo. Those were cowboys who each had their rifle and knew the countryside like the back of their hands.

Luckily for Jemima’s mother, Timothy and his bunch of good-for-nothing jacks were passing nearby. She had hailed them and told her about her worries and told them where her husband and daughters had gone—the cliff opposite the Big Sleepy Oak. They should have been back by now!

Timothy and his five jacks, two of whom were dark-skinned natives, all had their rifles. Indeed, they had heard one gunshot out in the distance and thought nothing of it. But now, they were going to take a closer look.

They knew the place.

As they got close, they heard unsettling sounds. Squeals? Wails? Those sounds came from girls! Jemima! Beth! It was them all right.

Some of the boys were still a bit young to understand, but the older ones understood as plain as day.

Timothy took the lead and the six boys divided up between three shooting teams that would approach the enemy from three directions at once, which would result in those bastards being encircled.

As they closed the distance and got their first peek at the enemy, they saw a scene that unsettled them far beyond what they had expected to find.

Mr. Bonner was dead and both his daughters were Eve-naked and each the prey of three or four men. Seven men in all.

The boys were young, but they were already accomplished hunters. They all knew what to do and they had a strong surprise element going for them. The enemy was blind and deaf to anything happening beyond the naked charms of their victims.

Timothy was at the centre, leading his two-man team. He saw glimpses of Beth’s luminous body as she was kneeling on all fours and taking the pounding from a Mexican cavalryman while supporting herself on her elbows, face down against the dust. He cleared his mind.

“All right,” he whispered, “we fire as soon as I make the cry of the chickadee. Tim, take one of the men near Beth’s head. I’ll take the other one…”


Just as he blissfully emptied his load inside Beth, Henrique heard some bird cry, a chickadee, and then he heard the sound of a gunshot in his mind as he screamed his loud bliss… “AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh…”

Ohh! This was so… Painful?! Why was his chest burning in pain like someone just thrust a knife into his heart?

His legs went wobbly under him, then he collapsed to the ground. He was unable to get up. Too weak?! But he tried to. Footsteps were coming nearby, and he sensed that those footsteps didn’t belong to friends.

The very last thing he felt was a cold blade to his neck… and another blade at his… at his cock!


His sex became ablaze with searing pain that soon became unbearable. He realized that his worst fear was happening! That knife was cutting his manhood! He heard several other shrieks and understood that his mates were all sharing his fate.

He heard words spoken in English. Whatever was said, the result was that the second blade left his throat, refusing to finish him and leaving him crying from the unbearable pain and the realization he was now an eunuch!


“Let him bleed!” Timothy told his young cousin Tim. Let’s reload our rifles and see if there’s anyone of those pigs down the cliff!”

Jim was the other older boy. He had aimed true and shot one of the old men dead. The seventh man, the old coachman who had raped Jemima properly, was now surrounded by four knife-wielding boys and down on his knees, begging for his life.

His pitiful cries intensified tenfold as he got grabbed and not long after, he was screaming his life out as they severed his cock. They only slit his throat a couple of minutes later.

Timothy and Tim spotted a cavalryman down the cliff who was in the act of running toward the giant oak, running for cover.

Timothy swiftly finished reloading his rifle, then he aimed at the fleeing Mexican, whose scarlet jacket formed a clear target.

He shot and the man fell.

“Watch that man and shoot him if he tries to get up! Then shoot that other man you see at the foot of this cliff, yes, the one who broke his leg. We sure as hell won’t risk coming down this snake-infested cliff!”

As Timothy got back near the girls, something strange was happening. Those boys were in ages ranging from thirteen to seventeen; all of them were virgins, except Timothy who had been fucking Jemima’s beautiful mother in secret since their affair began last Christmas.

Timothy had always wanted to fuck Beth, or perhaps Jemima, but none of the girls would let him approach her.

Other boys were getting clearly horny, seeing both girls in the nude; girls they knew and often fantasized on.

Jemima became aware of Jim just as he started kissing her. She then began to realize she had been rescued.

“Thanks, Jim. Thanks… But… But Jim, Jim! Stop this! Please, Jim, no! Stop this!”

But Jim didn’t stop. Nor did any of the older boys, who were now all over Beth and Jemima, their hands discovering what had been hiding under their dresses!

“Hey, boys! Stay sane! Tim and Henry! Keep a watch at that cliff and make sure no enemy are coming! Tim, shoot that man who lies down that cl…”


“Thanks, Tim!”

Then began the most improbable orgy where neighbours and farm hands suddenly began brigands and rapists as their innermost fantasy came out in broad daylight. All it took was the right opportunity and bloodshed.

With fresh blood in the air and men dying as eunuchs, Timothy and his bunch of scoundrels took their liberties with Jemima and especially Beth.

“You gotta thank us, Beth!” Timothy said. “All right boys, hold her for me! I’ll show you how it’s done!”

Upon those words, Timothy leant his empty rifle against some rock and undid his rope belt, loosening his trousers for the upcoming session of baby making.

Beth’s delicate muff of dark hair was quite a sight to see as she was spread-eagled by two boys—one restraining her arms atop her head and the other one holding her ankles together in such a way as to offer her legs propped up with her cunt offered and waiting for Timothy, who took the time to kiss it before slithering himself in position and taking the prize! Beth endured it all while silent from sheer exhaustion.

During this time, Jim was on top of and deep inside Jemima, telling her he had always dreamed of her.

“G, get off me, Jim! Get off me! You’re only fifteen and I’m seventeen! Get off me, I’ll never be yours! You’re too young!”

Jim didn’t hear nor listen. He was grunting like a frantic orang-utan! It was a primal rape where Jim furiously pounded her, showing Jemima that nature had given him what was required for a husband. The short, intense rape was concluded with Jim burying his face in Jemima’s hair and screaming against the nape of her neck as she cried, her soul hit by the complete horror—boys she had known for years suddenly showing her their true selves.

“Sumbitch! Are you happy now?” she angrily asked Jim, who was now coming to his senses and realizing the horrible deed he had just done.

By then, Beth was shaken under the urgent gang-rape from farm hands who were her neighbours! One by one, those boys lost their virginity.

Timothy would never forget the way he raped Beth with her magic legs folded and kept together, offering a grand view on her lovely little feet while he lay on his side and punched his hard wood inside her as he also enjoyed a side view on her jiggling tits—a position he liked to use when he fucked her mother.

When he came, it was ten times more intense!

“Aaahhh! Good Lord! AAA—AAAAAaaaaaaaaaaahhh Beth! I wanna marry yyee!!”

Tim and Henry, the youngest boys, were no longer watching the countryside. They partook!

Tim was shorter than Jemima, but it didn’t matter. Under the threat of a red-hot knife as the older boys were now having a fire and preparing some coffee, Timothy forced Jemima to ride the thirteen-year-old boy!

What followed was unreal!

Jemima found herself straddling the shorter boy—yes, little Tim stood several inches shorter than herself!—and offering the full display of her breasts for all cowboys to see.

Timothy loved to see the triangle of her cunt carpet pressed against the surprised erection of Tim.

“Now, get to work, Jemima! Take him inside you and ride him! Show us all you’re a good cowgirl!”

Jemima was at least a little aroused by all those boy’s gazes centering on her. Except two boys who were her own age, they were all younger than her, especially the one boy she was now mounting. It was so preposterous! And arousing because of this.

“Take him in your hand and put his thing inside you! Do it, or we’ll redden a knife in that fire you see here!”

Jemima obeyed Timothy while boys were indeed making some coffee and heating some beans, while Beth was now prostrated in her naked beauty and crying over her lost honour. The emasculated corpses didn’t bother the boys one bit.

With a novice hand, Jemima rose herself a bit and took Tim’s cock in her hand and guided it inside her.

As she touched the younger boy and realized how soft his sex really was, Jemima felt very much aroused, and as she impaled herself on him and came down on his lap, she moaned, and then moaned louder upon realizing she was moaning over a thirteen-year-old boy and she felt him inside her! Tim was having an unsuspected effect on her.

Jemima now arched her back and began to gently bounce herself on Tim; her breasts were thus pushed out of her torso, much to the enjoyment of the boys. She couldn’t believe she was being such a tramp right beside her father’s corpse!

As she moved herself up and down, Jemima’s pushed out breasts offered a majestic sight of high-moving nipples.

Tim was learning that her nipples were very pale. He didn’t know what to do, his hands hesitatingly ran up and down her thighs, but he was as stiff as a breeding stallion inside her moving lap.

Jemima took his hands and put them on her tits! She moaned all the louder. Why was she acting like this? Those boys were never going to respect her after, this!

Tim’s small hands started to try some caressing motions as the girl kept bouncing on him. He suddenly lost control and erupted hard! Rope upon rope upon rope of jism! “Hhhhnnn UUUUUUUUGGGHHH!!!” Tim was a man.

Jemima, filled up, was also ordered to do the same riding session for Henry.

“Aren’t you proud to be his queen? He’s becoming a man inside you! And listen to the music your little sister is making under us!”

Indeed, Beth was pinned spread-eagled on the dirt as all the other boys took a second go inside her.

Tears bathing her face, Jemima took Henry on top of her the very same way as Tim, except this time she put the boy’s hands around her waist and she liked this better. What a tramp she was! Her body was forcing her to enjoy this… Younger boys!

On top of short Henry, she felt his surprisingly thick girth that kept stroking her just the way she secretly loved… Jemima exploded in a wild Texas climax with her moving tits under the bright sun, just as Henry screamed the loss of his cherry and forcefully ejaculated.

Timothy was screaming as well. He presently came to the glorious conclusion of a session where he raped Beth doggystyle and he furiously kept pounding her ass as he gleefully filled her up.

“Thanks, Beth! We’re just being neighbourly!”

“How could you do this, Timothy? How could you! I swear it, I’ll kill you one of these days! I know it was your idea! Rotten apple!”

“Oh, calm down, Jemima, don’t say you didn’t like this! We all heard you! Now, calm down, we’ll bury your father under those three ashes there… We’ll make a fine cross for him. He was a damned fine cowboy!”

“Hey, Timothy!” said Jim. “Did you hear what one of those men said while he was dying? The man mumbled a whole story about Fort Alamo being overrun and they grabbed a noble señorita… What was her name, Consuella? He was saying that this Consuella was gang-raped on a cannon, by a whole platoon!”

“Consuelo de Quesada,” Timothy rectified.

And there was a heavy silence as the older boys thought of Consuelo. They had all seen her once or twice, an unreachable apparition that teased their senses from afar. So beautiful, and just as off-limits to them as the moon in the midnight sky.

Then, the four older boys fell like a pack of wolves on Beth and Jemima and the orgy was renewed while the coffee over-boiled on the fire.

Both naked girls received their renewed loads of spunk as Timothy and Jim and two others urgently raped them—for a third time! And they imagined… Consuelo de Quesada! Stripped naked and taking all those Mexican troops inside her, with her bare tits jiggling under the sun! No man left alive to protect her, their absence allowing the unthinkable! No quarter given!

Timothy had this vivid image in his mind as he died out of sheer delight inside Jemima, whose farm-daughter breasts filled his field of vision just as Consuelo’s titties filled his dreamland as he fertilized the lass under him.

He wished so much it was Consuelo!


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