The Last Command – Consuelo’s Fate, Chapter 18 – Remember The Alamo (part 1)

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By HistBuff The ladies of Fort Alamo are set free. Weddings are celebrated in Houston’s camp. Santa Anna is beaten at San Jacinto, and Mexican women get raped.

Note: I decided to break the final chapter in two parts since it is over 10,000 words long, just for ease of reading and more fun. This first part ends with the beginning of the San Jacinto battle aftermath, where Texans vent out their anger and get revenge. It is a theme of Revenge Rape, yes indeed!

I hope you’ll enjoy this new chapter. Next and final part will be quite interesting indeed. Maybe you’ll guess what happens? Just a hint — you’ll see more of Consuelo. Maybe she’ll get abducted by a party of Comanches from her own side, who knows what can happen in the confusion of a battlefield?

Thanks to Big John, Britney and Courtney for their kind comments.

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March 9th 1836—The whole day and throughout the evening, the Guerrero mansion nearly always resonated with the men’s victorious grunting and the higher-pitched cries and whimpers from Consuelo and the Blyth daughters, now also joined by Jemima and Beth in the hacienda. Their mother was now getting thoroughly acquainted with Mrs. Dickinson and more Mexican cocks in the two-peso brothel.

Lieutenant Ramirez slept through most of that day and was tired of it all, tired of the war and eager to return to his home province and put some sense in his young life, enjoying the fact he was still alive after remembering how close from his head that rifle ball had hit the pecan tree when they raided that farm. Texas was a dangerous place for Mexican officers.

The young officer woke up and wrote a letter to the wife of Colonel Alvarez, who had a young cousin available for marriage and he was an eligible bachelor. He didn’t even take a turn inside Consuelo; he no longer felt like it. A close call with a rifle ball sometimes changes a man.

The Mexicans seemed to find new pesos seemingly out of nowhere. With such beautiful lasses to fuck, the money came right out of their pockets. A couple of men ended up arrested and were hanged for selling their musket to the supplies!

General Santa Anna lived like a debauched Roman Emperor in the Guerrero hacienda, his temporary headquarters also used as a high-end brothel. He took full advantage of that last day, knowing he was setting the ladies free the next day as per his plans.

He fucked Beth over his desk in the same way he had used Ann the day before. For some reason, Beth’s fairy-like charms did not elicit as great an explosion as Ann did.

Beth was then honoured by the same bunch of Sergeants and Officers who also took the opportunity to compare between her and Ann. Beth graced the General’s office with her white charms for a prolonged period, where she just took the men’s thrusts as a matter of fact, whimpering now and then. Some men preferred Beth and her cum-harvesting butt. Others longed more for Ann and her little woman’s charms.

Since they were not ladies of Fort Alamo, Jemima and Beth were kept as permanent brothel workers along with the half-dozen other girls who had been captured during the latest farm raids. Three pesos apiece, since they were all in those glorious years where a maiden attracts the eye of handsome bachelors.

Truth be told, those white Yankee butts had lost a great deal of their novelty to Santa Anna’s men.

A Scottish red-haired farm girl about Beth’s age proved to be the exception. She had freckles in her face and this was very exotic to the Mexicans. They loved dumping hot loads on that freckled face of hers.

The General tried out the Scottish young lass on his desk during the evening. He began missing Ann, so he arranged some alone-time with her in his bed. Santa Anna spent the night kissing Ann everywhere and licking his cognac des Capucins off her young tits, for he had no more spunk to give her.

He toyed with the idea of keeping the young maid with him, but separating sisters would severely damage his reputation. The ladies of Fort Alamo had to be sent free in short order, or else everyone would know him for who he really was. Shame would keep the ladies silent about the details of their captivity.

Full of confidence as to the success of his campaign and the impending defeat of General Houston’s small army of volunteers, Santa Anna wrote home and asked his mistress, Carmen Jurado, to ride north, under the escort of a reinforcement company, and give him the honour of joining him for his final victory in Texas.


All good things must come to an end, sooner or later—much later for the war-honoured women, too soon for their male admirers.

On the morning of March 10th 1836, Consuelo de Quesada, Mrs. Dickinson (with her children), Meg Blyth and her young sisters and Isabella and all the other ladies of Fort Alamo, were each given a blanket and two silver pesos.

The ladies of Fort Alamo were then sent on wagons and escorted north for fifteen miles, before being given a white flag of truce and sent on their own almost within sight of the first Texan scouts, which were not Comanches.

Two days later, during the afternoon, they arrived in General Houston’s camp, where a dashing young Lieutenant by the name of Jeb Lacey stood among a group of officers near their General.

The five wagons slowly pulled into sight as they cleared a round hill. Jeb watched the oncoming carriages as they came nearer at what felt like a snail’s pace.

Jeb started to breathe more intensely and his heart started beating faster as he noticed that there were only women in the roof-less carriages.

As they rolled closer and closer on the grass, Jeb recognized the Sergeant-Major and the officer riding at the head of a small escort that had been sent out for them when these wagons had been reported by fast-riding scouts.

Jeb then stopped breathing as he noticed a young woman whose features and dark hair seemed delightfully familiar.

“This… This can only be…” Jeb blurted out.

“Gentlemen!” the stentorian Sergeant-Major proclaimed.

“Gentlemen! The ladies of Fort Alamo!”

Jeb ran to the wagons, losing his hat as he ran faster.

As he got near, his eyes looked for and found Consuelo.

She looked like a shadow of her former self, a spectre of the lively señorita she used to be. Her head was cast down, her eyes half-closed and looking down as the carriage gently bobbed on the dusty road, she was wrapping her shoulders inside her grey blanket, as if to protect herself from something, but her hair was freely out under the wind and kissed by the sunlight.

The other women sitting beside and near her looked no better, only worse if anything. Each and every girl was cast down and looking down with empty eyes as the wagons rolled along at their slow pace.

It greatly mortified Jeb to see Consuelo in this miserable state. She was hugging herself inside her blanket and letting her head gently bob along with the road’s bumps, her hair in disarray and looking even paler like the rest of her.

“Consuelo… Consuelo…”

She looked up and saw him, and for the very first time since her parting kiss with James Bowie, Consuelo’s eyes were alive with true happiness and her features lightened up as she began shedding tears of joy.

“Jeb! Oh, Jeb! Jeb…”

The young officer jumped on the side ledge of the moving wagon, where he kissed Consuelo and held her hands as the wagon rode on and reached the military camp.

Consuelo let all her tears flow out of her as she leant into Jeb.


Not a single word was spoken about what had occurred in Fort Alamo during the days following its capture. Not a single word needed to be said. Jeb Lacey was himself a military man. All he knew was he loved Consuelo, and he’d rather have her like this than any other girl under the sun.

It took Consuelo two full weeks to recover. As soon as she felt ready, Jeb and Consuelo were married by a military chaplain.

Jeb would never forget his wedding night. At twenty-two years of age, this was his very first time with a woman, and he was so happy he had waited for his wife before God!

For Consuelo, it was a night riddled with mixed feelings, but she felt it was important that she moved on and perpetuate her father’s bloodline by marrying. She also felt it was important that she willingly gave herself to a man she loved, that she did not allow the enemy to destroy her chances for a happy and fulfilling life.

She was also very much addicted to sex by that time. Two weeks felt like an eternity. Meg’s kissing and caresses did not fulfill her in the same way a man could. Her body craved for a hard cock inside her!

Consuelo was nonetheless sincerely in love with Jeb. There was strength in his eyes and a ruggedness about him that weren’t there when she first met him two years before. She could hardly wish for a better husband.

When the wedding night came, she wore a simple dress that made her look a bit like a farm girl, a dress that wasn’t unlike the maroon one she wore when the fort was overrun, yet her simple garments only accentuated her natural glamour and made Jeb absolutely mad with desire.

The chaplain, trying not to let his gaze wander on Consuelo’s bosom, pronounced the happiest sentence in Jeb’s life…

“By the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife.”

It was pure magic when he kissed her in front of the chaplain, with General Houston acting as the “father of the bride” and a Major Jarvis as Jeb’s best man.

Consuelo was unable not to think of that angel-faced bugle boy kissing her as their lips met after he slid the ring on her finger. War had left her with wounds and memories that were alas permanent.

Jeb was so impatient and nervous that when they finally found themselves alone in his tent, he kept fumbling with her buttons, and she laughed while helping him. Her agile fingers magically reduced Jeb to a state of half-nakedness with a jutting erection while he miserably failed to undo the front lacing of her white petticoat.

Consuelo laughed with joy as she looked at his erection and felt the thrill of being wet in front of Jeb!

This was her first time, yes, her very first time undressing a man herself. While still wearing her petticoat, she knelt in front of her husband and engulfed his erection in her mouth. She began licking his length with a tongue that seemed magically linked to it.

Consuelo pleasured Jeb with motions that told him she had done this before and confirmed what he dared not speak about. As her sliding and twirling tongue remained one with his spit-polished erection, Jeb began to picture Consuelo being grabbed by the Mexican troops and her tits suddenly appearing under the bright sun as the soldiers promptly stripped her naked while shouting, “¡Viva la república!”

“Aaahhh! Consuelo!” Jeb uttered between his clenched teeth as he lost control! His cock was as hard as a loaded pistol, as hard as wood-framed steel, and it came alive of its own volition.

Consuelo stopped pleasuring him and realized she was too late as Jeb spurted out with a large bolt of steamy semen that landed square on her opera-singing face, followed with two other bolts of the same description that added up to a coat that glistened under the tent’s oil lamp. Jeb’s hard breathing filled the tent along with the rancid smell of his spunk.

Consuelo took the hem of her dress and wiped her face, in a natural gesture that told Jeb she was used to such treatment.

Tears were rolling down his eyes as he couldn’t stop thinking about the obvious fact that she had been gang-raped repeatedly after the fort was overrun. But he caressed her raven hair as she remained kneeling and leant her head on his lap. She was crying too.

He realized that this night was very important for her as well, albeit for different reasons.

Being a good Catholic, Jeb accepted this imperfection in his bride as a test sent by God, a test on his fortitude. And besides, what was he complaining about? He was blessed with a loving wife who was now doing exactly what he had wished on numerous occasions as he sat in her father’s living room and listened to her singing as she moved those same lips to the tune of Rossini.

Jeb held and raised his wife up on her feet. Facing her, he saw she was crying, even sobbing.

“Jeb… I’m… I’m so sorry that I can’t… that I can’t…”

He kissed her and held her.

“Consuelo, you don’t have to be sad tonight. I’m marrying you tonight no matter what… no matter what took place when…”

Jeb was unable to finish his sentence. Consuelo was now kissing him while unlacing her petticoat, and after a short while, she stepped back and opened her unlaced undergarment in front of him.

She let slide her petticoat down her shoulders, down her arms and then let it drop at her feet, and Consuelo stood in the nude in front of Jeb. They looked at each other, happy and sad at the same time, but more on the happy side as Consuelo smiled at Jeb with her starry eyes—she realized that this was her first time as well. The first time she was giving herself to a man under no duress.

As he contemplated those breasts he had desired so intensely, he couldn’t help but imagine the horde of Mexicans that must have cupped and sucked them. This made him horny beyond words.

Jeb lifted her and shoved her on his bunk! She yelped, then laughed.

As she kept laughing, she pointed at her ankle-high shoes.

“You forgot to take my shoes off! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!”

Then, Consuelo was taken by convulsive sobs as she began to think of that angel-face bugler once again. This was that very musician whose small, agile hands had taken off her boots while the Mexicans were already gang-raping her.

Jeb was upon his wife and took her in his arms.

“Oh, Jeb! Jeb! You have no idea… AAAAaaahhh aaaaahh aaaaaa… It was so horrible! I begged them to stop! Called James for help! But he was dead! He was dead! Aaahh aaahh aaaaaaaahhhhh! And those Mexicans, they… They… Aaaaahh! It was so horrible!”

“It’s all right, my love, it’s all right! I’m here now! Just calm down, calm down, my love…”

Consuelo suddenly moved herself, and before her groom knew it, she was on her knees and the two were facing each other, the naked wife in her shoes and the half-naked husband with his half-erect cock jutting out of his unbuttoned trousers.

She was looking at him with a fierce light in her eyes, which were starrier than ever with those tears under the bright oil lamp hanging at the tent’s ceiling.

“Jeb, please, take off my shoes and honour your wife. I want you inside me, Jeb!”

Consuelo was panting hard! Soaking wet!

“Jeb! Oh, Jeb! Mount me! I want you, Jeb! Take me now and fill me up! Then you’ll kiss me everywhere you want! I’m your wife now. I belong to you.”

Moments later, Jeb was behind and inside Consuelo as she was down on all fours, on their wedding bunk where her hands had their delicate imprints into it. He held her waist and began fucking her, not bothering with her shoes. Jeb was flabbergasted at how easy he penetrated her.

He was even more surprised at how his cock hardened and expanded, pushing her inner walls with added girth as she began to whimper and purr and he found a gentle rhythm, feeling the pressure of bliss soon adding up as he kept going.

Her hair kept moving along with her gently bobbing head. The sight of her wide and luminous buttocks kept her husband’s cock forcefully expanded. Jeb couldn’t believe he was actually fucking Consuelo and beholding her butt crack as he softly tapped her butt against him, again, again and again, unable not to imagine how great doing this must have felt to the horny Mexicans when they celebrated their victory.

Consuelo was whimpering loudly and intensely repeating Jeb’s name while the smat-smat-smat sounds of her buttocks against her husband kept filling the tent.

Jeb fucked his wife while repeating her name and picturing the Mexican soldiers taking their turns and urgently raping her in Fort Alamo.

Consuelo kept having flashes of Aaron inside her mouth while Hector the other slave pounded her vigorously from behind just like Jeb was doing right now. She imagined this being done to her with Jeb watching.

She started feeling weightless and let out a long moan, “AAAAAA—aaaaaaAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA the soldiers! The soldiers, and, their cocks!” and mumbled those words, just as Jeb twitched inside her and realized he was about to ejaculate!

Jeb thought of that long-line up of Mexicans, grinning under their shakos, their evil faces baked under the sun while Consuelo’s adorable tits kept jiggling under that same sun. The unthinkable! Her tits under the sun! Her pretty face! Her swan’s neck! Her starry eyes, and the naked grace of her buttocks, and there was no more social order, just what could—and would—physically happen, and his cock got angry and violently erupted inside her as he yelled, “CON-SUELO!!! YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH, RHHHHRRRNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Aaaa, the Mexicans!!!”

Bolts upon bolts of semen got lost inside his wife as his legs went suddenly weak and his entire body seemed weightless, while he was still picturing some ill-shaven Mexicans filling her up and screaming their blissful victory as other soldados yelled, “¡Viva la república!”

Then, only after, Jeb finally took her shoes off and covered Consuelo’s feet with kisses as he kept shedding tears, feeling sorrow about what had happened to her in Fort Alamo and shame about him thinking of it in the supreme moment when he consummated their marriage.

“You like me feet too?” Consuelo let slip and put her hands on her mouth and yelped in shock as she realized she had said “too”.

But Jeb was learning fast to be the husband of a much-tried woman. He didn’t think ill of her. Was it her fault? What was she supposed to do when all those horny men grabbed her and no man was left alive inside the fort to protect her?

“Yes, Consuelo, I do love my wife’s feet! I love everything about you! From that heavenly hair I was dying to touch when we first met to those wonderful feet I’d happily lick some Texas dust off! I love all of you, honey!”

“Oh, Jeb! Call me honey again! I’ve been called all sorts of things, but honey isn’t one of them.”

Jeb obliged her, calling her honey, time and time again while covering her hot body with legitimate kisses, taking formally possession of her and spending much time on the twin mounds topped by her light-brown nipples, slobbering on them while still thinking of all that Mexican spit that must have covered them for two full days.

Bye and bye, his erectile strength made a comeback as he kept sucking her tits, then he spoke again.

“Uh, Consuelo, is there one position you’d like to, uh, you know, I… I want to take you again, yes, but you know, you’re free to…”

“On top of you! Yes, Jeb, oh Jeb! Let me be your cowgirl, Jeb! And please, call me a señorita bonita! I’d like this very very much! And oooohhh… Your hands! So soft on me! Oooooohh! What a lucky girl I am with such a husband! Jeb… I love you.”

“I love you too, honey.”

As he let his wife strip him naked and laid down on his old bachelor’s bunk, Jeb fully learned that Consuelo was even more beautiful in the nude than he could ever imagine! He was already able to go again.

Consuelo moved herself with such grace! She was as glamorous as ever, even and especially in the nude. Her breasts seemed to smile with puffed nipples under that golden lamplight—her entire bosom illuminated the tent and cast alluring shadows on her abdomen, where his gaze met her navel and finally enjoyed the revealed mystery of her lush triangle where her paradise lay under a carpet of black velvet.

She smiled at him from her vantage point as she straddled him and propped herself up a little and took hold if his manhood, feeling fathomless guilt about her not being able to give herself to him as a virgin herself. She felt a debt to him that she knew could never be paid off.

She also thought of her departed father as she guided that cock inside her and lowered herself while realizing that her late father and Jeb were about the same size and girth, something no decent woman should know about her own father.

“Call me a tramp, Jeb, call me a tramp. I don’t deserve you!”

As she began riding him and felt a wild thrill by putting her hands on his bare chest, Consuelo looked deep into her husband, then looked down with the same cast-down air she had upon her arrival at the Texan camp.

“Call me a tramp! I don’t deserve you…” she repeated, gently moving herself on him with the same cast-down expression.

“Consuelo! I love you! I love you and I take you as you are. Please, honey, look at me! Look at me and let’s be one together.”

While greatly enjoying their oneness, Jeb nudged her into stooping down over him and loved how her wonderful hair cascaded down and met his shoulders as she obediently let herself be moved.

They kissed while he was still inside her and he held the fullness of her buttocks as she violently moved her pelvis against him and hit a strong climax and moaned into his renewed kisses, just before he joined her in their shared bliss.

As he ejaculated, Jeb pictured a group of Mexican soldiers who forcefully took their turns in standing between her legs while holding her amid them with her limbs spread out like a starfish, with Fort Alamo’s white walls in the background and warm corpses of Texans and Mexicans littering the dirt. This is what it probably looked like.

Consuelo felt much better. As soon as he had taken his relief, she immediately moved down on his cock and licked off the mixture of his jism and her own juices.

Jeb would enjoy no less than two other sessions of sex.

Consuelo clearly wanted to make sure he was no more a virgin. She kept seeing all those Mexican faces haunting mind, even the disgusting, yet weirdly sensual memory of Big Pietro, but most of all, that angel-faced bugler and Aaron’s herculean touch on her never failed to come back in her thoughts as she now lay under Jeb and he took her like a champion husband.

She wrapped her legs around him until he shook the tent by screaming his relief.

The last time they did it, she was once again on top of him and kept thinking of her father.

Suddenly, Consuelo began fantasizing about herself riding Jeb during a soirée, naked on top of naked Jeb as she arched her back and offered the full display of her tits for all to see, with Jeb’s hands around her waist… Her moving nipples looked almost as natural as a glass of brandy under her father’s chandeliers.

In her fantasy, her father sat in the front row along with General Santa Anna in his best uniform, with his solid golden epaulettes and that three-colour sash of red, white and green, along with elegantly dressed couples that lost no details of their copulation and politely applauded as she climaxed and Jeb joined her concerto of shared groans and moans.

The nearby sentries heard and knew that Lieutenant Jeb Lacey was having a memorable wedding night. General Houston was in his command tent, playing cards, alone, and wishing he were still a dashing young officer like Jeb.

Jeb was more than a little surprised to find such a ravenous appetite for sex in such a noble and respectable wife. Consuelo alone with him and Consuelo in daytime society were two very different women. Whatever had happened to her had more or less torn her soul in two, like two opposite faces of the same silver peso.


As he shaved next morning with his new wife smiling and holding the mirror for him, Jeb was happier than sad because he accepted that his wife was an imperfect sinner who had terrible secrets locked somewhere deep within her. He was riddled with guilt from finding pleasure at the thought of Consuelo being used by other men.

General Houston, a tall man with a strong face who reminded Jeb of the late James Bowie, congratulated him over breakfast and jokingly told him that he and his officers were all a bit jealous.

“But we’re all sinners in the face of God, aren’t we?” the General said before rising for a toast “to the luckiest husband in Texas and a damned fine officer”.

Meg was jealous. Very jealous.

Mary was lost in her sorrow.

Rose-Anne was sad beyond words.

Mrs. Dickinson made herself busy with raising her children and helping out with cooking and laundering in the camp. She encouraged the Blyth daughters to help out and also became like a mother to them. If she suffered a lot, she wasn’t showing it.

Ann became nauseous and missed her red days. It was clear she was pregnant, and a few other ladies of Fort Alamo showed the same alarming symptoms. Not a word was spoken. Even the teenage bugle boys knew what snake lay under the grass.

Some of the officers were still bachelors, but none of them would take a second-hand wife, especially not pregnant. Jeb was finding he was snubbed by most of his fellow officers for an unspoken reason that all knew.

Suitable husbands were nonetheless found among the rank-and-file volunteers. Only two days after Jeb’s wedding, the busy chaplain celebrated several marriages for girls who looked young and pristine, but weren’t exactly virgins. This didn’t get in the way of the new husbands being heard over the night by sentries.

Little Ann had cried and felt much chagrin upon learning that no officer would take her as a wife.

“But why? Why? I’m a good girl! I’ll make a good wife! I can… I can, uh, do lots of things that greatly please a husband! Why? This is so unfair! Unfair!!!”

“Well, Ann, it’s their loss!” Consuelo told Ann and kissed her, acting as if she were her big sister.

“But, Señorita de Quesada! I’m the daughter of a Captain! I… I can’t marry down in rank! I need a Captain or a Major!”

“Ann, Ann, I see you’re getting back to your old self, and that’s good. Now remember this! It is what a man has in his heart that makes a good husband, not the epaulettes he’s wearing! Think about this, my lovely little swan! Oh, with those blue eyes… We’ll find you a husband! You’ll be able to pick the weight and size!”

Indeed, a stalwart Corporal in his late twenties was found and he married a reluctant Ann later in the same day.

The next morning, Ann was in a very cheerful mood and felt very proud to be holding her husband’s mirror as she watched him shave, while Consuelo was in sight doing the very same thing for Jeb.

“You see, my darling, I’m a real señorita!” she told her husband, who smiled back at his young wife as he kept shaving using his straight blade.

“You sure are, little darling, but please, don’t distract me with those blue eyes! You wouldn’t want your husband to cut himself while shaving!”

“I sure wouldn’t! Ohhh, I love you darling! What we did last night, you can do the same to me anytime you wish, my Lord and Master!”


“Sorry, darling!”

Ann, now Mrs. Fuller, was getting back to her merry little self while making her new husband very happy indeed. She was on her way to become a mother at fourteen years of age, yet one of the bonniest mothers under the Texas sun.

To a mean remark about her young age from a jealous woman, Ann replied, “Do the holy scriptures mention the age of Mary when she was made pregnant of Jesus? Maybe she was only twelve!”


The Battle Of San Jacinto

At first glance, things looked bad for the Texan volunteers, who were faced by a Mexican brigade that still greatly outnumbered them.

Upon his arrival in Gonzales on March 11th, General Houston took command of only 400 volunteers.

At first, he did not believe the non-combatants who had arrived the same day and spread the word about the fall of Fort Alamo and the demise of the entire garrison. He even had them arrested, hoping to halt a panic and thinking they were spies sent to spread false rumours. However, the ladies of fort Alamo arrived the very next day and confirmed the grim news. The news about the pyres and the burning of the bodies were extremely shocking to hear.

Realizing that the Mexican army would soon advance towards the Texian settlements, Houston advised all civilians in the area to evacuate and ordered his new army to retreat. This sparked a mass exodus, known as the Runaway Scrape, and most Texians, including members of the new government, fled east.

Despite their losses at the Alamo, the Mexican army in Texas still greatly outnumbered the Texian army.

Santa Anna assumed that knowledge of the disparity in troop numbers and the fate of the Texian soldiers at the Alamo would quell the resistance, and that Texian soldiers would quickly leave the territory. He had yet much to learn about the Texans and their courage. News of the Alamo’s fall had the opposite effect, and men flocked to join Houston’s army.

General Santa Anna kept advancing upon the Texians, trying to corner them to force a battle on his own terms, while Houston waged a war of ambushes and of harassment on the Mexican supply lines, helped by Comanches who made many raids, further disrupting the enemy supplies and organisation.

It was General Houston who eventually fought a battle on his own terms.

On the afternoon of April 21st the Texian army attacked Santa Anna’s camp near San Jacinto. There were only 910 volunteers attacking a force of 1,360 Mexicans led by General Santa Anna himself.

The stronger, overconfident Mexican army was taken by surprise, at the time of the Mexican siesta. The Yankees were spotted when they were only 200 yards away, and legend has it that General Santa Anna was slow in reacting because he was romantically engaged with his mistress in his tent.

The Battle of San Jacinto was essentially over after twenty minutes. During the fighting, many of the Texian soldiers repeatedly cried “Remember the Alamo!” as they slaughtered fleeing Mexican troops.


Santa Anna tried to flee disguised as a private, but he was spotted by Consuelo who had been looking for him using a spyglass. She instantly recognized her rapist and said, “That’s him! Yes, that’s him! Right over there!”

“Are you sure, Mrs. Lacey?” a staff officer asked.

“Never been surer of anything in my life!”

Orders were quickly given and communicated. The famous Mexican General was promptly encircled and captured after a quick slaughtering of several presidential guards, two of whom had been the sentries at his door in the Guerrero hacienda. Those guards died well under bayonets, thinking of their relief inside Ann or Beth, perhaps both.

When he was escorted and brought to General Houston, Santa Anna had the displeasure of seeing his mistress Carmen and many other young ladies in the hands of grinning Texan volunteers.

“¡Ahh! ¡Naoooo! ¡Por favor no! ¡Por favor! ¡Noooo!!!” Carmen Jurado cried out desperately as a bunch of horny Texans groped her and ran their hands through her long raven hair, still loose from her heated siesta with Santa Anna.

“Vien aqui! Vien aqui! Bonita señorita!” A volunteer officer told her in his thick Yankee accent—he was none other than Lieutenant Jeb Lacey.

“Let’s take all her clothes off! The little doxy from Mexico deserves to stand naked amid Texans! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! We’ll take her by order of ranks!” Jeb added.

“Aye aye, Sir!” the platoon Sergeant replied as he forced-kissed the Mexican belle.

Carmen’s eyes became as big as silver dollars, and she raised her eyebrows higher than she ever did as she heard Texans calling her a “dos pesos puta” and “a lovely little tramp who’s fit to take cactus branches in that dainty mouth of hers!” More concerning were their hands on her.

Carmen understood no English, but the Texans and their body English were clear enough.

Left and right, Mexican wives and mistresses, and sometimes the daughter of some smug officer, were quickly pulled out of the now-burning tents and forcibly stripped out of their dresses and petticoats, their tits of pale olive skin suddenly freely moving under the sun as they were spread-eagled and duly honoured as per military tradition, the officers and sergeants going inside first, followed by the corporals and the privates, with many drummer boys joining in as well.

“¡No! ¡Papá! ¡Papá! aaaAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH ¡N-aaAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” shrieked Inès de Miraflores, daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel de Miraflores, whose corpse lay nearby with a pistol ball in his head. He was killed by a Captain who shot him while he was attempting to flee with his fourteen-year-old daughter.

Inès had been promptly seized, and a Sergeant soon terrified her into silence with the Sheffield knife he used to cut the lacings of her fancy petticoat while a Corporal took her silk shawl and told her in good Spanish that she didn’t need this anymore, but she began shrieking anew when her mint-green dress was torn and pulled down her shoulders along with her petticoat and the brave troops learned about the jiggling anatomy of her pale bosom and the precise shade of girly rose her nipples were, and soon the Sergeant was circling the sobbing girl’s nipples.

All this while her little wrists and ankles were held fast by Texans who kept shouting, “Remember the Alamo! Remember the Alamo!”

“You’ll see, little Miss, you’ll see how we’re a-fixin’ to make you a woman!”

“Look at her tits! Oh, Good Lord, she’s gorgeous!”

“The young lady’s got little feet I wanna touch! Take them shoes off! Yepeeee!!!”

“Yep! She needs a good thrashing from Texan cocks!”

“Wou-hou-hou-houhooo! Remember the Alamo! Hurray!!!”

“Aaahrrrr! Let’s rape the little Mexican tramp!”

The Sergeant then moved out of the way for the trousers-down Captain, and, as Texans passed lewd remarks on her legs and the dark velvet of her delicate muff, Inès shrieked her life out as the thirty-something officer took his traditional position on top of her and soon enough, Inès de Miraflores shrieked even louder and shriller as she was deflowered, and the Captain pounded her in pure punishment, uttering “remember the Alamo!” between his teeth, to this well-read girl who knew Latin, but no English and kept shrieking…


And the señorita from an old aristocratic family suffered, yes, suffered beyond belief, under the ramming strokes of the Texan settler, an officer raised from the ranks, as she remembered the tales her own father had told her about the glorious capture of Fort Alamo.

Inès was a cruel young lady who had asked her father many questions about what his regiment did to the women of Fort Alamo. She was especially interested about what happened to girls of her own age, and the now-dead teniente coronel de Miraflores had told her about the Blyth daughters and the greatly detailed tale of their defilement at the military hands of the Mexican Republic. Now the cruel maiden was having a first-hand demonstration of what it really felt like.

She kept shrieking, unable to wrap her head around how painful it really was, physically and worse, morally. Her sense of pride and self were wiped out as the Texan Captain kissed her virgin neck and buried his face in her long brown hair, taking in her lovely scent as he screamed in the nape of her neck and blissfully erupted like a geyser, learning with a shock that his body was clearly designed by God to fill up such a little lady with a savage torrent of semen. He himself had a daughter about that age, but it made no difference in his post-battle frenzy.

The flag-carrying Ensign followed the glorious footsteps of his Company Captain, and very soon, the soft-cheeks officer cadet lost his virginity inside the shrieking daughter, whose angry soul didn’t even grasp that such was the risk she had taken by following her beloved father in the theatre of a war. The noble señorita thought she was inviolate, that nothing really bad could happen to her. She had felt proud and smug upon learning she was now a Coronel’s daughter. Instead, she got… THIS.

When the sixth or seventh man cried with shock at his bliss and relieved himself inside her, Inès wondered whether this was her tenth man and her eyes opened wide to the grim realities of war in the form of her dear daddy, who lay in a pool of blood, and the very concerning line-up of men who grinned and jeered at her with their cocks already out.

Inès eventually began moving her pelvis in a way that increased her diffuse sense of carnal pleasure, out of natural curiosity and as a way to fight the unbearable pain. It was perhaps just a way for her body to act on its own and adapt as the poor girl learned and understood how ugly war really is. Nothing like the lead soldiers of her little brother back home in Mexico City. In her mind, those lead soldiers each had an erection jutting out of their elegant uniform.

The little señorita cried out and wailed until her voice broke as more and more men took their turns inside her, extremely eager to fill her up, making her a broken scapegoat of their anger.

The Texans vented out their sense of revenge by filling her up with hot life, and used this as a legitimate excuse to satisfy their natural lust for the young maid, and they would soon try her out from behind, on all fours, and Inès would be screaming like a pig getting slaughtered, with her rectum distended and tortured when some vicious private would take her anal virginity.


Consuelo heard it all from a safe distance. Those shrill screams of Mexican girls deeply moved her. She ran to General Houston, who stood nearby and watched the field with his spyglass while his staff officers stood by, and soldiers hastily pitched the General’s command tent not far away.

Consuelo wanted to tell the General to order the men to stop this! To tell him that it was so wrong and evil a thing to do, but she was stopped in her tracks by what she saw in Houston’s face, then she noticed that the staff officers—Captains mostly—were looking at her with predatory lights in their eyes.

She said nothing and walked away. At a distance she felt was safe, Consuelo resumed her observation of the field using her spyglass. She observed the surreal scene as many small-scale tragedies unfolded in this grand-scale orgy where the Texans took their revenge for the loss of Fort Alamo. Consuelo was unable to stop looking!


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