Tonia become a movie star – 6

#Interracial #PreTeen #Teen #Virgin 3 mins ago

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By Danilo Conti While Thierry and I drove back home to pick up Jimmy, Tonia stayed in the studio. After the meal she said she was very tired and needed some rest, some sleep. I asked her if it still hurt down there and she admitted it felt as if Thierry’s penis was still there.

‘That’s a good sign,’ Thierry said, ‘you just want a refill. Now, that’s okay, Tonia, you will get one. Jimmy’s gonna fuck you this afternoon. And I can’t stop telling you how good you are as an actress. You’re gonna be a big movie star and everyone will love you.’ She blushed a bit, taking the compliments. As soon as we came back in the studio, I lay her on the bed and five minutes later she fell asleep. Thierry shut the door so neither Ed or Gary could come in and take advantage of my little girl while we were picking up Jimmy.

Jimmy was in a good mood while driving into town. We didn’t tell him Thierry had fucked Tonia some hours earlier. Thierry thought Jimmy would earnestly believe he’d deflorated Tonia himself and that would make him proud. As we entered the studio, Ed and Gary impatiently waiting before the closed door and asking why they couldn’t get in to prepare the cameras for the next take, we found Tonia still on the bed, awake and well. Jimmy ran into her arms and they cuddled each other. I could see how they loved each other dearly, just as two youngsters do – no, as only children can do, without any shame, just out of their innocent hearts.

Ed and Gary had gone into a fancy shop and bought some masks for the children. They could chose what they liked and Tonia put on a Cinderella mask and Jimmy took a funny pink mask with a pig’s nose. They could see each other through the holes for their eyes and the made fun of each other. Then Thierry put on their wigs and so both of them were not to be recognized and ready for a rehearsal.

Masks and wigs got off and Thierry said they could lie on the bed and kiss, cuddle, let their hands go wherever they wanted them. ‘Let us show how you love Tonia, Jimmy,’ he said, ‘you’ve got to show the audience how hot you are for her, how you want to touch her everywhere, from her waist just until your fingers touch her little split. Undress her slowly, as if she’s an living doll, or better even, as respectful as if it were your little sisters. Think not only of Tonia, but of the small and tender bodies of Mona and Dina. Touch Tonia everywhere and once you’ve completely undressed her, kiss her all over her body, lick her nipples, she’ll like that, kiss her belly and go down between her legs then, slowly and don’t forget the camera. Always care we can see what you’re doing with your hands and your tongue. You’re not a boy anymore now, Jimmy, you’re a young man now, proud of your big boner and eager to put it in the girl you love. Treat her as a queen.’

Jimmy had no difficulty in doing what was wanted and Tonia happily let him do everything he came up with. I noticed the cameras were turning and I told Thierry I was afraid these takes would be used. ‘These takes are only for my eyes, Angie, and maybe later, in the future, when I need some money, yes, it’s possible I’ll make some copies for some wealthy millionaires. But at that time, these children will be adults and no one will recognize them as Tonia and Jimmy. These takes are my life insurance, so to say. And yours too. If I ever sell them, you’ll get your part. Angie, I beg you to believe me. I would never do something to harm you. In fact I love you, in my own way. And I’m serious, I’m really after you. My only wish is to assfuck you and if I have to promise you I’d never fuck another woman in the ass, I’d gladly do.’

I didn’t answer him. Now the children were taught how to start fucking. Ed suggested the best way to capture it would be if Tonia was on her knees and that Jimmy would take her doggy style. Then he could film Jimmy’s buttocks, scrotum and Tonia’s private parts while Jimmy’s dick moved in and out. We had to explain the youngsters how, they simply had no idea. But as Thierry reminded them they were actors now, they understood and tried to follow the instructions. They rehearsed without Jimmy entering Tonia’s little cunt. Thierry was afraid Jimmy would come. He told Jimmy to control himself and that he me not shoot his load before he had fucked Tonia. He explained the boy that we wanted him to come inside Tonia and then slowly pulling out his dong, then making place in order the camera could zoom in on Tonia’s slit with his sperm dripping out. Jimmy nodded, he promised he could do it.

Then the masks and the wigs were put on again. It was a funny sight to see this slender, slightly brown colored boy with his near to black stiff boner of more than 4 inch yet at his 14 and certainly not yet completely developed, with a pig face mask undressing my Cinderella-faced little girl. I was so sorry not to see their faces. I was convinced behind the masks the two of them were intensely enjoying what they did. I thought of letting them make love sometimes at home and me watching them, not to see them fuck as the camera did now, but to look at their faces and see the joy of two children. I remembered how my own face was in a totally cramp each time my father raped me when I was Tonia’s age, or even younger. I was so happy Tonia didn’t have to get through that horror. Thierry had been good to her and she was happy afterwards, I could see that in her eyes and in how she moved, how she walked hand in hand with him to the restaurant afterwards. And it would be even better now, with her beloved Jimmy. My thoughts were interrupted by Thierry’s spontaneous shouts of admiration when he saw Jimmy entering Tonia’s slit. Sitting next to the bed, I couldn’t see it, but the expression on Thierry’s face told me it was beyond his expectations. He encouraged Jimmy to slam his sack against Tonia’s crotch and get in as deep as he could with that fat cock of him. He ordered Jimmy to go faster or slower, to turn his body a bit to the right to let the camera zoom in, etcetera…

Oh, I would love to see Jimmy’s face when he finally came and shot his precious load in my Tonia’s tummy. And I wondered if Tonia was smiling sweetly now behind her immovable Cinderella mask, feeling how Jimmy’s body stiffened against her little buttocks and how he drove his fat hardon as deep in her womb as he could to empty his balls there.

The wigs and the masks were taken off and it was obviously that the children were tired, sweating all over, but with a smile on their faces, kissing sweetly. They were told to stay in bed and that we would leave them alone for a while. We would give them time for some privacy. After half an hour we came back in, just in time to see Jimmy was fucking Tonia once more in the same doggy position as they had performed earlier. They were so concentrated on each other, they even didn’t see how Ed silently walked to the camera and filmed them. Thierry, Gary and me left the studio without making a noise. We would see the film later and it was far more exciting as the commercial take for the tapes. Parts of it could be on them, Thierry decided, as the youngsters were filmed from behind and you could never see their faces, not even partly.

‘You did so well, boy,’ Thierry said after Jimmy was dressed, ‘that i find 25 box too litte a fee. Here’s the double. And I’ll see you tomorrow. Take care of yourself, there’s more sperm wanted from you tomorrow, don’t forget.’ Jimmy nodded, smiling, looking at Tonia, kissing her gently on the cheek. My girl sat still on the bedside, dressed now in her new frock and blouse, her frilly panties still lying on the floor. I took them and put them in my bag.

While driving home, the children were on the back seat and when I turned my head, I saw Tonia lay on her back on Jimmy’s lap. His hand was slowly carressing her pubes. Her eyes closed, she breathed heavily, smile on her lips.

‘You keep for yourself what happens in the studio,’ Thierry told Jimmy while driving through our street, ‘not even to your parents. Just tell them everything went allright, no details, not even the big lines. You’ve got to be discrete. They will be anxious to know, but don’t give a shit, just hand them over your 50 box and keep your mouth shut.’

‘You can trust me, sir,’ Jimmy answered, ‘I believe they know what I did this afternoon. They’re not stupid. Pa told me to act like a man, and I tried to.’

‘And well enough, Jimmy, your performed like a real pro. You can be proud of yourself, and so can Tonia. You’re both top quality. Tomorrow I’ll come for you and your sisters at ten o’clock, remember. They shouldn’t care of what to wear. There’s a lot of nice dresses and underwear they can chose from in the studio.’

As Jimmy disappeared through the door of the Nelson’s house, Thierry followed us inside ours. He couldn’t stop praising Tonia and asked her how she felt. He was really interested in her and he managed her to tell us her side of the story. In short, she told us that she was bewildered by what had happened because she couldn’t see Jimmy’s face. And that it had hurt when Jimmy had driven his penis so deep in her, she feared her tummy was cutted in like through a knife. She said it still hurt.

‘I’ll give you a day’s rest tomorrow, Tonia. You’ll be in the studio seeing Jimmy and his sisters. Then you can see how happy Jimmy is being busy.’

I saw Tonia was too tired to understand what Thierry said. I picked her up and carried her upstairs, laying her in her bed. When I returned downstairs, Thierry came up again with the matter of him assfucking me. ‘I’ll keep my promise, Angie,’ he assured me, ‘you won’t have to fuck except for Edgar, who really loves you. Only twice a month. And twice a month i’ill assfuck you, that’s all. And I’ll pay you just as before, with a bonus when you behave well and let me do as I want.’

I was tired too and gave in. All the other girls performed assfuck and they never complained, they said it was as good as any other thing they had to do. So, why not? Fucking twice a month with Edgar who was really good and who comforted me and respected me, and getting my ass filled twice a month by Thierry, who wasn’t a bull either – that would make four fucks a month instead of twelve. It didn’t make me a saint, I would still be a whore, but yes, it would be far more comfortable and I’d earn the same amount of money, be it just enough to keep the household turning.

Thierry kissed me for the first time now, His tongue deep in my mouth. He embraced me softly. I could feel his love for me. Tears came to my eyes. Why couldn’t a man like him not only say he loved me, just to fuck me, and not take care for me and little Tonia? I knew he never would. He was gentle, soft and tender but in the end with just one goal: to have me fucked. In the ass.

I told him I was too tired and I promised him that, whenever he wanted to, I’d be ready for it but he had to give me time to prepare myself, that I would gladly give him my ass, but that I wanted to be in optima forma, so he could fully enjoy it. So he left, a little disappointed, but assured I would give him what he wanted so badly.

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By Danilo Conti #Interracial #PreTeen #Teen #Virgin