(TRUE) My Secret Incest Relationship with My Little Preteen Slut Sister Growing Up (Parts 1 and 2)

#Abuse #Incest #PreTeen #Virgin 3 hours ago

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By Nsfwinceztlover True Story of how I groomed and molested and blackmailed my slut preteen little sister Mary into fucking me when we were younger. Email me for more 🙂


Hello. I’m Zach and this is a true story of my incest relationship with my little sister Mary growing up. I’ve never told anyone this story, but after I found this website a couple of days ago and seeing and reading all these amazing perverted stories, I knew I have finally found the right place and the right group of people to share my story with.

This all began about 19 years ago, when I was 17. My family and I lived in a small 2 bedroom apartment in Southern USA (not going to give exact state or location for obvious privacy reasons). Our family wasn’t the most financially stable at that time. My father worked as a plumber/repairmen, and my mother picked up whatever part time jobs she could find at that time to help my father out. Both of our parents weren’t home most of the day, as they would be working. Since I was the oldest sibling, my parents left me in charge of taking care of my little sister when they weren’t home. My parents slept in one of the bedrooms, and me and my little sister had to share the other bedroom.

Ever since I began puberty when I became a teenager, I was always very horny. I would jerk off multiple times throughout the day, sometimes using my father’s secret porno magazines when he wasn’t home. And once I got into high school, seeing all the beautiful sexy girls around me, I was even hornier. Sometimes, I would end up jerking off in the bathroom during lunch or P.E. because I was so horny. All I could think about were hot girls in my classes, boobs, ass, and fucking. Sadly, I never got any action in high school as I wasn’t really popular. I was quite shy and nervous around girls, and didn’t have many friends. On top of that, I was also quite chubby, so girls didn’t find me attractive at all. Many of the girls in my classes thought I was weird and a loser, but that didn’t stop me from fantasizing about the things I would do to them and jerking off to them any moment I got.

Also, I would like to clarify that I never had any dirty or sexual thoughts about my little sister Mary up until my junior year of high school, when I was 16. Even though I was home alone with her most of the time and we shared the same bed, I never thought about her in a sexual manner. We had a queen sized bed in our room, so we had lots of space and we would usually sleep on opposite ends of the bed. And even during winter, when it got cold, sometimes we would sleep closer together and she would “cuddle” with me under the blanket, but it was nothing sexual, only brotherly-sisterly love. I mean, she was almost 6 years younger than me, for god’s sake. However, that all changed when Mary began middle school.

My high school and Mary’s middle school wasn’t that far away, in fact, it was only a 10 minute walk. So, my parents would make me pick up Mary from middle school since I didn’t have a class last period and I ended early. I would wait outside Mary’s middle school for her dismissal, and then all the middle school students would come running out and I would look for Mary in the crowd of students to take her home. This was how it went for the first month or so when she began 6th grade. I would wait for Mary, pick her up, and we would walk back home together. Mary would skip along, telling me about her day, what she did in class, what she had for lunch, what she played at recess with her friends, etc. I would pretend to listen along, but to be honest, I didn’t really care much, as I was just really horny and wanted to go back home as fast as we cold so I could grab Dad’s magazines from his secret stash and jerk off and blow my load in the bathroom before Mary took a shower.

However, about a month and a half later, Mary began getting out school late. I would wait outside her school for more than half an hour, and watch as all the other kids left, and still no sight of Mary. She would then come running out a while later, and when I would ask her what took her so long, she would always make up some excuse. Sometimes, she said that one of her teachers wanted to talk to her about her grades or an assignment, other times, she said that she was helping her friends after school with something. I believed her at first, but it became more and more frequent, and I began to get impatient and knew that she had to have been hiding something from me.

I decided to find out once and for all, and one day after my class ended early, I took a different route than I usually took on the way to pick up Mary after school. There was a park really close to the middle school, where lots of the middle school kids (and some of the kids in my high school) would hang out and play after school. I never went there because I didn’t have friends to hang out with. I had a sneaky suspicion that Mary might’ve been hanging out at the park after school with her girl friends and that’s what was taking her so long, so I decided to wait near the park to see if I could see Mary. I was getting really impatient as I hadn’t seen Mary yet, and I was about to give up and head back to the middle school when I finally saw her.

My jaw dropped as I saw Mary holding hands with this taller, older boy as they walked into the park. It looked like maybe he was in 8th or 9th grade, based on his height. I kept on watching in disbelief as they went to an unoccupied bench in the park, and Mary sat on the boy’s lap and they began making out in public! I was absolutely livid at that point, and just beyond shocked as I couldn’t believe Mary, my innocent little 11 year old sister, wasn’t that innocent after all! I kept on watching as that boy ran his hands all over Mary’s body and hair, and started groping her legs and ass, all while in public in front of other students. I guess they didn’t care and no one else seemed to really care, as I would see lots of students came to the park to secretly hang out and fool around. That’s when I noticed strangely, that I was getting aroused as I was seeing them make out. My mind started racing, and that was the first time that I started seeing my little sister Mary in completely different eyes. No longer did I look at her as my innocent little sister. I began to notice how well she was kissing him, and how oddly beautiful and sexy she looked as she sat on his lap. I found myself checking out my little sister’s body, inch for inch, for the first time and her tight body, her beautiful face, her soft lips, her long blonde hair made me so hard for her. My heart kept on pounding and my cock began getting hard as I was still processing all of this. Suddenly, they stop making out, and the boy whispers something in Mary’s ear. I see Mary giggle as she runs and goes inside to one of the porta-potties in the park (the park didn’t have a bathroom). Then, a few seconds later, I watch as the boy stands up, adjusts his pants (he had an obvious boner), looks around and goes inside the same porta-potty Mary is in. I am in utter disbelief now, as I began to think of what they could possibly be doing in there. Was Mary giving him a handjob? Was she sucking his cock? Were they fucking? My mind was thinking of all the dirty things that they could be doing in the porta potty, and I was beyond horny. About 5 minutes later, they both come out of the porta potty, and they give each other one last kiss before they headed their separate ways. With my mind still in shock and racing with jealous and sexual thoughts about Mary, I quickly ran towards the middle school to pick up Mary and confront her when we got home.


I waited outside Mary’s middle school, still processing the scene I had just witnessed in the park a few moments ago while trying to adjust my boner in my pants and get it down so people wouldn’t see. I pretended to not see her come out the other direction from her middle school, and Mary smiled and ran to me once she saw me. She gave me a quick hug, and started skipping along as she began yapping and telling me about the things she did in school that day. There was only one thing on my mind though, and I knew I had to ask Mary.

“So, what took you so long again today? School ended almost 40 minutes ago for you. I saw all the other kids leave.” I asked her as we continued walking to our apartment.

“Huh? Oh
 my social studies teacher kept me a bit late today because she said I had some trouble with the last homework, and she wanted to help me understand what I did wrong.” Mary said, not so convincingly. I could hear the uneasiness and the clear blatant lie that she was telling me.

“Hmmm, really? Are you really telling me the truth, Mary? Because you know that if I tell Poppa (that’s what we called our father when we were younger) that you’ve been coming home from school late consistently over the last few weeks, he will get seriously mad at you, right?” I said, with slight anger in my voice.

“Nooo! I promise Zach! I’m telling you the truth! Please don’t tell Poppa.” she implored, making a pouty face at me.

In that moment, I knew that I could’ve busted her right there and then, and told her that I saw her making out with that older boy at the park, and I saw them go into that porta-potty together. But, I knew that I had to play the long game here, and gather more solid evidence to back up my claims, because Mary could just deny everything I had said. So, I stopped myself from revealing the truth, and instead, went along with her lies.

“Ok, fine, I believe you. Just make sure this doesn’t keep happening every day. I’m tired of picking you up late and missing my favorite TV shows at home.” I told her.

She smiled in relief. “Fine. I’ll try not to be too late next time.” she said, and laughed and skipped along as we reached our apartment building.

Once we were home, I was still super horny, so I grabbed one of my dad’s porno magazines from under his bed, and rushed to the bathroom so I could jerk off and blow my load. Inside the bathroom, I found something that blew my mind. Mary had left her used underwear from this morning in the laundry-basket. I guess she was planning to do laundry later before our parents got home. I had never done this before, but after my whole world flipped upside down and I saw my little sister Mary doing not so “innocent” things with an older boy just a few minutes ago, I grabbed her used underwear and started sniffing them and rubbing them on my cock without hesitation. Thoughts started racing in my head as I smelled my little sister’s heavenly underwear for the first time, and my cock was harder than ever. I started stroking myself, while thinking about the things I had just seen in the park. I was angry and frustrated that my little sister Mary, who was only 11, was not innocent at all and getting more action than her older brother, and I was 17 and a loser in high school. Instead of the older boy, I imagined myself in his spot, with my little sister Mary on my lap, her soft small lips kissing me and making out with me, as I fondled her bottom. I imagined us two in the porta potty, with Mary on her knees and my cock in her mouth, as she gave me a blowjob for the first time, and before I knew it, I found myself cumming harder than I had ever before in my life, rope after rope of cum all over the bathroom floor with her used underwear still in my other hand. I quickly put the underwear back in the laundry-basket, and cleaned up my cum all over the floor, and took a shower as I began planning on how I would be able to confront Mary about this and blackmail her into having some fun with me so I could take advantage of my little sister being a slut at 11 years old

Happy Independence Day! Thank you for reading Parts 1 and 2 of my incest story with my little sister Mary. And yes, this is a true story, I just wanted to get this off my chest and share it with you perverts who enjoy incest and little girls just like me. I will be writing Part 3 soon and posting it here as well in a day or two. As for current updates, my little sister Mary is still the same slut she was when she was 11. She has been a middle school teacher for almost 5 years now, and she was married to her husband for about 6 years before they divorced a few years ago. We still fooled around and fucked in secret when she was married to her husband, but after her divorce, she moved in with me to my apartment and we constantly fool around and fuck all the time. Attached below are some pictures of my slut teacher little sister Mary so you know I’m telling the truth. If you’d like to chat more about my incest experiences with her when we were little and see more pics and videos of our incest experiences, feel free to send me an email to [email protected] and I will gladly chat and share more pictures and videos. But if your only intentions are to just see my little sister Mary nude and see videos of her fucking, then I will not reply back. Only wanting to chat and share pics/vids with like minded-perverts like me. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the story, and be ready for Part 3 in a day or two 🙂

Email: [email protected]

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By Nsfwinceztlover #Abuse #Incest #PreTeen #Virgin