Uncle fun with Nephew

#Abuse #Incest #PreTeen #Virgin 52 seconds ago

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By petperv Uncle has intimate contact with 10 year old nephew

When I was growing up, my mom and dad wanted to have time for themselves, so they would have my aunt, (my mom’s sister) and uncle watch me over weekends. One weekend my aunt and uncle wanted to take me camping and as a 10 year old boy I was excited for it was my first time to go camping.

My aunt and uncle picked me up Friday afternoon and we headed for the local mountains. When we arrived we needed to set up the tent right away as it was getting dark. It took a bit of time but it was ready to be slept in.

Putting the tent up was not real strenuous but it was hot so everyone got real sweaty. My aunt told me to go take a shower that the campground had on site. I was scared to go by myself so my aunt said that Uncle Ed will take you over there. Uncle Ed said, “I might as well take a shower too.”

My aunt Deb said, “Yes, that’s good idea.”

Uncle Ed escorted me to the showers and asked, “Ken, will you be okay going into the stall by yourself?”

I said, “I don’t know, it looks real dark in there.”

Although the showers were lit, it was still very dark and intimidating for a kid. As we walked in I said, “Uncle this is very dark, can you stay with me?”

Uncle Ed said, “Yes, I’ll stay with you, in fact I’ll shower with you so we can finish sooner.”

I said, “That would be a good idea, thank you.”

We both got undressed and put our towels, dirty and clean clothes on a bench just outside the shower stall. The shower didn’t have any doors, but had three walls so you could have some privacy. As we both walked in I saw an adult penis for the first time, my uncle’s. It was long and thick with his scrotum sac hanging below. Even if I had nothing to compare it to, it was so much bigger than mine.

Uncle Ed turned on the water and started to lather the soap he had brought and said, “Come in Ken so I can start washing you.”

I waddled into the stall and stepped under the water to get wet. Uncle Ed started scrubbing my body with the soap. He started with my back, then my arms, then went down my legs. When he ran his hands back up my legs he started washing my ass crack, he slid his fingers up and down my butt crack then said, “Turn around so I can wash the front of you.”

I turned around and he reached for my penis and my small ball sac. He first scrubbed, then he caressed and fondled my now swelling cock. He asked, “Ken, does that feel good?”

I answered, “Yes, I feel a tingly feeling.”

Uncle Ed said, “Okay, I’ll keep cleaning you.”

Uncle stared and smiled at my cock as he kept stroking and fondling my now erect cock. I started moan as this was the first time I had felt anything like that. After a few minutes Uncle Ed slid his finger into my anus. I first jumped but then relaxed. He said, “I need to clean you down there, are you okay?”

I said, “Yes, I’m okay. In fact it sort of feels good.”

Uncle Ed smiled and kept caressing my cock and finger fucking my ass.

After a few minutes of Uncle Ed cleaning my privates I asked him, “Do you want me to clean you?”

He had a shocked look on his face but answered, “Would you really want to clean me too?”

I said, “Yes, you cleaned me, so I’ll clean you.”

Uncle Ed said, “Okay, great,” as he smiled.

Uncle Ed rinsed me off then lathered up more soap and rubbed it on his cock. I knelt in front of him and took both of my hands and lightly grabbed a hold of his huge cock. I couldn’t wrap my hands completely around it, it was so thick, and it wasn’t even hard yet. I stroked his hose with both of my hands and it had a spongy but firm feel to it. Uncle Ed said, “You’re doing a fine job Ken, keep going.”

After a minute or so he started to get hard. It became real firm and started to point upwards towards my face. As his cock started extending upwards and outwards, it exposed his low hanging scrotum. I kept one hand on his enlarging cock (guesstimating it at 10″ long and at least 8″ in circumference) and I fondled his hanging balls with my other. Uncle Ed started moaning and sighing and said, “Ken, you’re doing a fantastic job, keep going.”

After a few minutes I told uncle that my arms were getting tired. I could see some disappointment in his face as he was super aroused and wanted to release. So he said, “I’m sorry Ken, what you were doing to me felt so good, I lost track of time….” But then he thought and said, “You know what Ken, do you want to make uncle feel real good?”

I said, “Sure, but my arms are bit tired.”

Uncle Ed said, “I’ll let you know what actually feels better than your hands.”

I asked, “Okay, what is it?”

Uncle Ed said, “You can’t tell anyone okay, absolutely no one, promise?”

I said, being totally naive, “Okay, I won’t tell anyone, promise.”

Uncle Ed said, “Okay, let’s rinse off the soap and then I want you to clean my penis with your mouth.”

I had a puzzled look on my face, but said, “Okay, if it makes you feel good.”

Uncle Ed rinsed off his giant cock and put it in front of my mouth. He said, “Go ahead Ken and clean uncle’s penis.”

I took his huge cock in my hands and lowered my mouth to it. I first licked the giant head then licked the sides of it taking full length passes up down it. Uncle Ed said, “That feels real good Ken, but would be even better is if you suck on it.”

I looked up at him and nodded. So I put the head of his cock in my mouth and it was a bit of a task because it was so big, but I surrounded the head with my mouth and sucked on it. Uncle Ed let out a big groan as he felt my mouth around his cock. He then said, “Ken, put as much of my penis in your mouth as you can, I’d like to feel your mouth and tongue around most of my penis.

I thought to myself that it would be very difficult to get his big cock into my mouth. Uncle Ed knew that this was the first that I had given oral to man and on top of that, a large cock to deal with. Uncle Ed said, “I want you to try and swallow my penis down your throat, okay?”

With his big cock stuffed in my mouth I nodded. So he held the back of my head and slowly pushed his cock deeper into my mouth. I could feel it hit the back of my throat, then as it went deeper I gagged and pushed on his legs to get him to stop. He stopped and asked, “Are you okay, I’m going to push in again.”

I waited a few seconds but then nodded again, so he pushed in further. I felt like I wanted to gag again, but I was able to control myself and kept swallowing more of his cock. He had gotten about 6″ of his cock down my throat and stopped. I was relieved when he stopped, but then he asked, “Do you think you can swallow more?”

I sat there for second, but then nodded again. For whatever reason, it felt good to have a cock in my mouth and shoved down my throat. Uncle Ed said, “I’m going to push deeper and then I’m going to push in and pull out, push in and pull out, okay?”

After the initial push he slowly started to fuck my mouth. His cock was going so deep I could feel it sliding down my throat. He picked up the pace and really started fucking my throat. Every once in while I would gag a bit, but he kept pounding my throat.

After a few minutes of the face fucking Uncle Ed said, “Oh god Ken, I’m going to cum!”

Of course I didn’t know what that meant, but Uncle Ed’s body started quiver and shake and I felt his cock tighten up and get bigger inside me. All of a sudden he let out a deep guttural moan and said, “Here I cum Ken, get ready!”

I didn’t know what he meant either, but he quickly pulled his cock out of my throat and mouth and yelled, “Oh shit, oh god, I’m cummmming!”

He grabbed his cock and stroked it and shot his huge load of semen all over my face. There must have been five ropes jizz that shot across my face. I was so startled cause I didn’t know what happened.

Uncle Ed had his eyes closed as he moaned and sighed after ejaculating all over me. He was still stroking his cock as semen dribbled out of it. I wiped the cum that was all over my face and smelled it then licked it. His semen actually had a sweet flavor with a bit of bitter after taste.

When Uncle Ed came down from his explosive climax, he looked at me and said, “That is what happens when men aroused enough to have an orgasm.”

I asked, “Is the orgasm when you shoot that white stuff from your penis?”

He said, “Yes, that’s a part of it, but it’s the feeling that your entire body feels when you orgasm.”

I said, “Do you think I can have an orgasm?”

Uncle Ed said, “You probably can.”

I said, “Can we do that right now?”

Uncle Ed said, “You know what, let’s do this later, maybe when we’re ready to go to sleep, we need to get back to the tent before Aunt Deb gets worried.”

I said, “Okay.”

To be continued…

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By petperv #Abuse #Incest #PreTeen #Virgin