Sekhar Enjoying With Neighbourhood Girl

Beep Stories

When I was working in a small town, I was searching for a single bath arrached room to stay. When you stay with others there are many kinds of people who are difficult to get along. In a single room I can be on my own without any disturbance. Oh let me introduce you, I am Sekhar, 26, resident representative of a MNC. I am 5’10” well built, fair with sporty atheletic body.

I wear a pant, shirt and tie when on duty otherwise I prefer a jeans, and t shirt. In the night I wear only a lungi and I prefer to sleep without any undergarments. I have very limited friends and I enjoy boozing with them during week ends. I was lucky to get a single room apartment in Santhi Apartments situated in a bye lane, carable of course.

There is no parking space inside the apartment and hence I had to park my bike by the side of the road and enter the apartment which was in the second floor. In the first floor they had small family apartments or rather studio apartments. Only small families stayed there. Because of my busy schedule I did not know anybody staying there.

I used to see some ladies standing and chit chatting and children playing. There two or three grown up girls of about 16 or 17 years of age. At a cursary glance they were all good looking and with good boobs and other physical features. One day as I was climbing the stairs, I saw a girl coming down.

I just smiled at her and she responded and I just asked her her name, she replied Sudha. I gave her one more smile, before I could further my conversation she ran down fast. Next day again as I was going up, she was coming down and asked for my name smilingly, I said Sekhar. In which room you are staying in the second floor, she asked.

I was taken aback at her courage I told her my room is second from the stairs, No.2. Which is your flat I asked, she said it is first. Who are all there staying with you, I asked. She replied only my fathear and mother. I asked do they both work. She said yes. In which class you are studying I asked, she said in XI in St.Mary’s. After this she ran away. Next day again I met Sudha.

Now we have become familiar. I asked her why dont you come to my room, we can watch nice movies in my laptop. She asked, you have laptop. I said yes, they have given me a laptop for sending them daily reports. Can we play CDs and DVDs in your laptop. I said yes, certainly, do you have any CDs I asked. Yes she said some dance songs.

Do you dance, what kind of dance, I asked. She said I am just learning. Tommorow come to my room, as soon as your parents go. I am free for the whole day.I said. No No, if anybody sees it will give them a bad impression. Come if nobody is there, I said. Let me see, she said. Next day I bought some sweets, nuts and buscuits and left them on the table.

In the night I used to watch some porn sites. But as soon as I finish watching I remove their IDs from the history list. In the evening I was going out for taking tea and for a walk. I saw somebody standing at the door of the flat No.1. I just extended my hand and told him my name. He wish me and asked to go inside. I saw Sudha sitting in the chair and watching TV.

Her father, Raghu, introduced me to his wife. I told them I am staying in the next floor and working for an MNC. They were happy to know me and they showed this is our daughter, Sudha studying for her XI th. I did not show that I knew her. Sudha’s mother brought two cups of tea and some snacks. Raghu and I took tea and after some time I bid them farewell and left.

Next day Sudha was there to see me off when I left for office. She said I am not going to the school as there is a student agitation. Oh, I said, let me see whether I can come early. I came back within an hour and went up and opened the door of my flat. I left my things and changed into lungi and banian and came down. Sudha was there in her flat watching TV.

I asked to come up and she came closing and locking her door up to my flat. As I was watching her running up the stairs,