What To Do When You Meet Ex?

When you go through a break up in a relationship, you decide that you will move on and never see your ex again. However, things cannot be the way you want. Someday, you can come across your ex partner and that moment can be really tricky to deal with. It is good if you think that after break up, you will not have to see the face of your ex love, but you should also think otherwise.
Sometimes, unplanned or incidence can make you two meet each other. It can be at a friend’s party, in a mall, movie hall or some mutual friend’s wedding. So, are you prepared to face your ex after you have moved on? Here are few things you should do when you come across your ex flames.

5 things to do when you come across your ex:
Just relax: Many a times, people panic after seeing their ex flame accidentally. The first thing that you need to do is, be calm. Relax and take a deep breath. This can help you overcome the instant tension that starts building up on your face.
Think positive: When we come across our ex flames, we only think negative. What he/she must be thinking? Am I looking bad? What if he comes and shows off his new gf? These are few common negative questions that comes to our mind. However, if you think positive, you can have a simple and perfect attitude to face your ex. So, whenever you come across your ex, do think positive.
Do not approach: If your relationship failed because of your ex, then you do not need to take an initiative. If you come across your ex flame after a harsh break up, do not take any step towards him/her. Let your ex take the initiative, if need be.
Don’t fake it: There are many people who try to show off to their ex. In such situations, you should not fake it. This attempt only shows how insecure and desperate you are to get back to your ex. Always be what you are. Minor changes that are positive can be flaunted. However, make sure that you do not end up acting fake in front of your ex.
Be accurate: If you are in no mood to talk to your ex, just give straight-forward and short answers that are accurate and to the point. A yes means ‘yes’ and a no means ‘no’. It will also keep your attitude and self confidence intact.
These are the 5 things that you should do when you come across your ex flame. Be what you are and avoid talking about the past. This will show that you have moved on. Such an attitude also shows that you are happy.